Why are people against evolution? I as a Christian think it explains quite well how the world works and what happens through time?
2016-02-04 04:42:08 UTC
At my church group we had this discussion a few weeks ago. I am a God fearing Christian but I can not deny certain evidence. I think some points that Christians make are a bit silly. To believe that Noahs ark is literally true is just too far out there for me.
I believe that evolution is Gods tool. I personally believe that when God made the heavens and the Earth(metaphorically) he rested and he didn't interfere much more than that. I just don't like this idea of God picking sides. You go to football games and you have both sides praying to God for a win. I don't believe in that. I believe in giving thanks, in appreciating this beautiful place we call home. Not praying for every little thing.

But I might be a minority. I felt like that in my church group. Everyone was against evolution. Didn't matter what they had learned in school. I can't say that I am an expert on evolution but I know some basic things. I know it's change in allele frequency over generations, which equals time. The most beneficial mutations live on and that's what we see today. The reason why you don't see a crocoduck get born is because a generation is a long time for higher animals. And it takes thousands of generations to go from one animal to another. I don't understand why this can't be incorporated with God? I felt like I wasn't welcomed anymore. I just tried to mend some bridges and to show that there is a middle way. Not one or the other. Why is that so wrong?
28 answers:
2016-02-04 05:22:07 UTC
My take on it is thus.

God created the physical laws of the universe. Did he not? he is God after all

As for the creation story how many hours are in a day? Remember the sun was not created until the 4th day, the plants on the 3rd. How long can planets survive with out sunlight or did God suspend that law of physics?

Where days the same amount of hours?

Did God create the trees with one ring or with the appropriate number age?

Did he create the earth as brain spanking new or did he create it at as if it was a specific age?

So why couldn't God do both Have the creation and evolution?

I am a creationist, but there is a lot to fill in in the story as well a lot of question not answered. I can make a huge list of these. The interpretation of those questions can make it even more believable or less and can work with evolution

The more important questions is. Whether this effects your personal salvation or not?

In the end is that not all that matters.
Kal Alvar
2016-02-04 05:35:14 UTC
You are the kind of Christian I love. The kind I make good friends with. You have a belief and even though I very much disagree with it, it's not making you an idiot. No harm no foul.

I would say people are against evolution because to them it means that God doesn't exist. I don't see how God can't exist simply because evolution exists. I do believe, however, that the laws of the world and the universe itself was not made by God and evolution is still a natural process.

Good for you for not closing your mind to everything.
2016-02-04 04:50:12 UTC
I truly applaud you for your open mindedness and I think you have taken a great approach to evolution and life in general. You have a great understanding of evolution. It's not just basic. What you have summarized is perfectly good and that is in essence how it works. Couldn't have put it better myself.

The reason though that many Christians are against evolution are there 5 things:

1: Evolution contradicts the Bible ('we can't say the earth is 6000 years old')

2: Evolution insults human dignity ('we can't say we're different from animals')

3: Evolution defeats arguments to design (we can't say 'God made that!')

4: Evolution leaves no room for the doctrine of the Fall (we can't explain where right and wrong come from)

5: Religion and Science are naturally conflicting ('whose side are you on?')

That's to put it crudely. Over the centuries more and more science has come to light and pushing religion away. More and more informations has come forth that proves the stories in the Bible to be just stories instead of literally true. Many people can't accept the fact that the Bible is a big story designed to teach you a lesson about life. Stories have a way of touching us more than someone just saying don't do this.

But today what has happened is that people have moved away from stories and gone into thinking it's fact. Mostly because of science I think. Science comes with facts, with evidence, with observable testing. Sometimes that doesn't compete with a story. So therefor they shifted from metaphores to saying it's all true.

And now comes the burden of proof.

No scientist today accepts what the creationist movement has come forth with. There is just no way that you can prove Noahs Ark to be literally true. No matter how much we dispute them, how much we show them it can't they just close their eyes and ears and continue on their merry way. They continue to preach these lies.

Your appraoch I think is great. You're not hurting anyone, you incorporate science in your beliefs which you have every right to do and you don't ignore what people have spent decades researching. I commend you for that.
2016-02-04 05:00:14 UTC
There is no evidence for any god, the Bible's account of the creation, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Exodus, 40 years of wandering, the Tower of Babel, the flood story and Noah's Ark, Jesus, the virgin birth, Jesus walking on water, Jesus feeding 5000 people, the resurrection, angels and demons, the seven-headed dragon, etc. People who have not been brainwashed and indoctrinated by religious people should realize very quickly that the Bible is just a series of false stories and lies with some history mixed in.
2016-02-05 04:01:48 UTC
What you do (if you aren't a troll) is to eliminate the need for Christ's coming, being born human, to be a ransom in general for all because of original sin that came into the world by Adam.

If the Genesis account isn't accepted Christ is no longer needed.

You should look at the genesis conflict:
2016-02-04 05:03:12 UTC
You are in the majority of the educated, employable, successful populace in all STEM fields.

Evolution contradicts and completely disproves the creationist myth of Adam and Eve. Without the Adam and Eve myth, there s no basis for believing in Jesus.

"The central lesson of Christianity is that sin was brought into the world by the transgression of Adam and Eve, the primal couple, and expiated by the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, whose acceptance as savior removes the taint of sin. You can hardly call yourself a Christian without accepting these claims."

"The observations that different parts of our genomes have different ages, some going back millions of years, and that they come from different ancestors, completely dispel the biblical date of human origins and the idea that all of our DNA was bequeathed by a Primal Couple."

"If there were no Adam and Eve, then whence the original sin? And if there was no original sin transmitted to Adam s descendants, then Jesus s Crucifixion and Resurrection expiated nothing: it was a solution without a problem. In other words, Jesus died for a metaphor."

EDIT: @DANI NEVER feel bad about being able to reason.

EDIT2: @DANI A SECULAR Christian believes in the teachings of Christ WITHOUT the superstitious nonsense. You participate in the church community but are too smart to give anyone a pass just because they claim to be Christian -- you raise them to a higher standard.
2016-02-04 09:25:25 UTC
Please allow me to explain to you what a Christian is. It is a person who studies the bible to learn God's standards, so he can adjust his life to live by them.

In studying, he comes across many different scriptures such as "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16.

A Christian allows God to guide his thinking and does not rely on his own judgement which cannot compare to God's. Jesus believed in Noah and the ark. i am pretty sure he knows what he is talking about since he was there when it happened.
2016-02-04 04:51:13 UTC
It is not wrong. Most Christians do think evolution is correct. Most American Christians think evolution is correct. Creationism is unique to the western world in that it is an anomaly existing in the United States.

I'm glad to here you know what evolution is. The reason many Christians do deny evolution (we call these Christians "fundamentalists" - believing the Bible is being literal) is because they have no idea what it is. My sister and father are this way. My sister said the other day "If evolution was true, than why can't dolphins talk? If the universe is as old as zillions of years, everything would be able to talk." Fundamentalists usually have absolutely no idea what evolution is or how it works. She also says "If the universe is zillions of years old and if their could be aliens, they would have visited us by now - so evolution is false."

As you may have noticed, she makes claims to knowledge she couldn't possibly have. I think it is because she knows there is some truth to it, so she is dishonest and close minded.

Many Christians believe that if evolution is correct, god can't exist. That is silly. Evolution has nothing to do with religion other than stating the creation stories shouldn't be taken literally.

Most people who are Christians think evolution is correct. Most people who think evolution is correct are religious.
2016-02-04 04:43:09 UTC
"I believe that evolution is Gods tool"

Then you don't accept evolution, nor the bible (genesis) which claims that living beings were created/made (not evolved) by god.

Evolution requires no divine intervention. There is over 150 years (still counting) worth of evidence. Evolution works entirely through natural forces, not through god or any other supernatural entity.

Religion has been defeated by science when it comes to inquiry into the natural world and we are smarter because of it. To attribute scientific findings to god is to be intellectually and theologically dishonest and a bad way to justify continued relevance and belief in god.
brother trucker
2016-02-04 11:55:42 UTC
Its not wrong. There are thousands of Christian religions. They cant all be right. There are many theories of evolution they cant all be right.

Christians scoff at ridiculous theories of evolution that have been shown incorrect. Science scoffs at all the religions some of which are ridiculous.

Keep your mind open to the evidence in everything and you will eventually find the truth.
George Patton
2016-02-04 04:49:56 UTC
"I can not deny certain evidence". That is what sets you apart from those who pretend evolution is not real. Ultimately it boils down to fear. They're afraid that their very narrow little view of how the world works, which was explained to them by some little old lady in Sunday school when they were children, will be shattered if they accept reality. And that scares them. So, they pretend it's just nonsense and willfully ignore all that evidence that sensible people "cannot deny". In every single case of those who pretend it's not real, they do not understand it. In some cases simply because they're too dumb to be able to. But usually that's not it. Usually it is because people like that little old lady in Sunday school fed them such nonsensical lies about evolution that they made it seem absurd. So they never bothered to learn what we actually know about evolution.
2016-02-04 19:17:42 UTC
-- To believe that Noahs ark is literally true is just too far out there for me. --

obviously, you are a christian who believes what you want and discard what YOU don't understand eg. literal noahs ark.

evolution says that a human -- evolved --- from an ANIMAL.

does the book of genesis tell me this ? no

God created adam and eve ... 100% humans.

did they evolve from animals ? no, satan's doctrine

choose ... God or satan.

if you are gong to choose the doctrines of satan, he will abide IN you . Fact.
2016-02-04 05:08:16 UTC
You can't have it both ways. Either God created all things or they just evolved from nothing.

Also God inspired the writing the bible. If you are a Christian then you should base your beliefs on Gods word the bible. The bible said God created all things. The bible also said the flood of Noah's day happen. So you need to examine what you really believe.
2016-02-04 10:54:46 UTC
How did the founder of true Christianity think and feel about this? Mat. 19:4 tells us. Regards, Gunter
2016-02-05 05:14:44 UTC
When a person who claims they believe in God and reject his ability to bring about the flood on the earth that he created, truly does not believe in God nor the bible which states at John 17:17," Sanctify them by means of the truth,your word is truth." When you reject any part of it you are rejecting it all as well as its author God.
2016-02-05 08:16:15 UTC
Alleles? That is not the evolution that Darwin described. You misrepresent truth..

It's not "change" but a certain kind of change. Natural selection is not random as any 12 year old knows. You learned nothing in high school. You know nothing about biology.

The observations and experimental evidence demonstrates with reproducible results (empirical evidence) that invariably produces a net loss in information over time and so is not only incapable of supporting Common Descent, it operates exactly opposite of what is needed for Common Descent to work.

You think God plays football odds? Or decides a war? You don't read your Bible much, nor do you understand the will of God. But I see your point, the story of the Walls of Jericho have been verified by multiple digs, but God commissioned these people to take Jericho as their own and cleanse evil. The Word of God and the will of God is very clear. Stupid people think God is a wish machine and pray for all kinds of stupid things, like the result of war, but they are not praying within the will of God and their prayers go unanswered. There are hundreds of promises of God; football is not one of them.

You're inserting millions/billions of years into the Bible. That's a no-no, but the Pope does it too (placator). Which are you? Gap Theorist, Theistic Evolution, Day-Age Theory, Progressive Creation, or the Framework Hypothesis? All examples of truth terrorism, attempts to destroy the authenticity and accuracy and reliability of the Bible, which silly men have tried to do for millennia w/o success.

The Bible presents literal narrative stories of the Creation event and Noah's Flood; Moses and Noah were real people according to eyewitness and historical accounts. Please tell us again how these literal people are not writing literal scripture? Has anyone else had a course in Logic? All Hebrew experts agree what the Bible says, literal six day Creation; Young Earth. Refute verifiable historical evidence from multiple sources given here and try to tell me Noah wasn't a real person.

Our faith does not stand on a metaphor or allegory or poem. Wake up and stand together on the truth in evidence; there are way too many parallel accounts to discard it as just a metaphor or allegory.

By including evolution in the Bible, you destroy it's foundations. Truth + Fable = Lies. If the Creation event or Noah's Flood is a myth, then the entire Bible is a myth and God is a myth (as the atheist has done with evolution). So instead of standing firm on the Word of God, you jump in the camp with the evolutionist/atheist and divide us, make a mockery of us, show everyone how we can't even decide what the Bible says. You really haven't figured out what the Bible "says"? You don't see any harm in teaching our children the Bible is false and that evolution is "fact?" I see now why your group shunned you. You're dangerous and reckless with truth and integrity; you dismiss yourself.

You unwittingly accept old age and millions/billions of years, and it effects your worldview and starting presuppositions--"thousands of generations". How can you possibly "know" this? What have you proven? Can you show us a fact, or know what one looks like? Follow the evidence, not the propaganda and unfounded opinion of the evolution myth.

Evolution is really meaningless to most fields of science including most biological disciplines. What does evolution really say? What survives, survives... apart from the obvious tautology do you really need to take a class to figure that out?

What use does evolution really have? It provides atheists with the ability to pretend to be scientific. Beyond that it is really useless noise and has no real place in any science curriculum.

Blue Cheese

What is enough evidence for evolution, according to theists?

Radiometric Dating

Where's the proof that this is thousands of years old?

Any Creationists got proof that Evolution ISN'T true?

What scientific theories would not hold true (according to logic, not religion) if Genesis is proven to be an accurate history of the world?

Why do christians say we've never seen macro evolution?

Does bible say atheism & evolution is religion of fools?

Seven Evidences for a Young Earth

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)

Did The Biblical Flood Happen?
2016-02-04 04:46:26 UTC
Any intelligent Christian realizes that the fact of evolution proves the Bible is completely wrong, and thus they stop being Christian.
2016-02-04 05:27:25 UTC
I'm sure you will be understand after see an ape species my friends with our owns eye, eye to eye and think about it. :)
2016-02-04 05:49:20 UTC
Because it can't be found in nature. Pretty simple, really.
2016-02-04 04:44:39 UTC
Some people are too dumb to believe in it.
2016-02-04 04:54:21 UTC
because denying it is easier than rubbing a few brain cells together.
Brigalow Bloke
2016-02-04 05:45:23 UTC
They have been deluded by frauds, for their nickels and dimes.
2016-02-04 04:53:45 UTC
Evolution of man began millions of years before Adam and Eve (NEPHILIMS - Angels

designed for earth).

1. Man was "MADE(evolved), not in God's image, millions of years ago.

2. Adam and Eve were "CREATED(not made) in God's image over eleven thousand years ago.

Adam and Eve were suppose to teach, not mate(forbidden fruit) with mankind . If you mate with mankind you die(lose supernatural powers).
2016-02-04 04:43:03 UTC
some people are too smart to believe in it.
2016-02-04 04:56:27 UTC
Christians are generally against evolution because it is presented in a way that eliminates God from every equation ~ rendering the Creation account to be false.

But it doesn't need to be viewed that way. There is a way to honor both God's Word, AND scientific evidence. In fact the Creation account is EXACTLY what we find in the fossil record ~ eon long gaps between creation days, with suddenly leaps forward in the evolutionary process, with the introduction of higher and higher life forms.
2016-02-04 04:53:42 UTC
your arnt a Christian if you dont believe Gods word .. simple as that .. you cant be lukewarm and ride the fence in this world because deception is everywhere ...
2016-02-04 04:53:15 UTC
evolution is only theory

creation are facts
2016-02-04 04:44:34 UTC
evolution is Satan's tool

no transition fossils

none between invertebrates and fish

none between fish and amphibians

none between amphibians and reptiles

none between reptiles and mammals or birds

none between mammals and man

about 4 in 10,000 of known mutations are presumed to be beneficial..However, these are only beneficial in a very narrow sense since they involve a loss of function. Not one of these mutations unambiguously created new information.

the reality is the gnome is degenerating, meaning the bible is right about special creation, sin, and death

evolution takes faith and Atheists believe in it by faith

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.