Alleles? That is not the evolution that Darwin described. You misrepresent truth..
It's not "change" but a certain kind of change. Natural selection is not random as any 12 year old knows. You learned nothing in high school. You know nothing about biology.
The observations and experimental evidence demonstrates with reproducible results (empirical evidence) that invariably produces a net loss in information over time and so is not only incapable of supporting Common Descent, it operates exactly opposite of what is needed for Common Descent to work.
You think God plays football odds? Or decides a war? You don't read your Bible much, nor do you understand the will of God. But I see your point, the story of the Walls of Jericho have been verified by multiple digs, but God commissioned these people to take Jericho as their own and cleanse evil. The Word of God and the will of God is very clear. Stupid people think God is a wish machine and pray for all kinds of stupid things, like the result of war, but they are not praying within the will of God and their prayers go unanswered. There are hundreds of promises of God; football is not one of them.
You're inserting millions/billions of years into the Bible. That's a no-no, but the Pope does it too (placator). Which are you? Gap Theorist, Theistic Evolution, Day-Age Theory, Progressive Creation, or the Framework Hypothesis? All examples of truth terrorism, attempts to destroy the authenticity and accuracy and reliability of the Bible, which silly men have tried to do for millennia w/o success.
The Bible presents literal narrative stories of the Creation event and Noah's Flood; Moses and Noah were real people according to eyewitness and historical accounts. Please tell us again how these literal people are not writing literal scripture? Has anyone else had a course in Logic? All Hebrew experts agree what the Bible says, literal six day Creation; Young Earth. Refute verifiable historical evidence from multiple sources given here and try to tell me Noah wasn't a real person.
Our faith does not stand on a metaphor or allegory or poem. Wake up and stand together on the truth in evidence; there are way too many parallel accounts to discard it as just a metaphor or allegory.
By including evolution in the Bible, you destroy it's foundations. Truth + Fable = Lies. If the Creation event or Noah's Flood is a myth, then the entire Bible is a myth and God is a myth (as the atheist has done with evolution). So instead of standing firm on the Word of God, you jump in the camp with the evolutionist/atheist and divide us, make a mockery of us, show everyone how we can't even decide what the Bible says. You really haven't figured out what the Bible "says"? You don't see any harm in teaching our children the Bible is false and that evolution is "fact?" I see now why your group shunned you. You're dangerous and reckless with truth and integrity; you dismiss yourself.
You unwittingly accept old age and millions/billions of years, and it effects your worldview and starting presuppositions--"thousands of generations". How can you possibly "know" this? What have you proven? Can you show us a fact, or know what one looks like? Follow the evidence, not the propaganda and unfounded opinion of the evolution myth.
Evolution is really meaningless to most fields of science including most biological disciplines. What does evolution really say? What survives, survives... apart from the obvious tautology do you really need to take a class to figure that out?
What use does evolution really have? It provides atheists with the ability to pretend to be scientific. Beyond that it is really useless noise and has no real place in any science curriculum.
Blue Cheese
What is enough evidence for evolution, according to theists?
Radiometric Dating
Where's the proof that this is thousands of years old?
Any Creationists got proof that Evolution ISN'T true?
What scientific theories would not hold true (according to logic, not religion) if Genesis is proven to be an accurate history of the world?
Why do christians say we've never seen macro evolution?
Does bible say atheism & evolution is religion of fools?
Seven Evidences for a Young Earth
Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?
Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)
Did The Biblical Flood Happen?