Help! Spiritually confused...?
2009-12-14 14:18:24 UTC
If I do decide to convert to Judaism, It'll have to wait, because My mom will not drive me 20 miles to the nearest Synagogue.
(I don't have a car or license yet.)
Seventeen answers:
2009-12-14 14:36:10 UTC
Um, you do realize that Jews worship the same God, don't you?

Judaism is simply a different approach to that Deity. If you want to convert, start by reading the old testament. Unlike many religions that will simply have you on the church register to consider you a convert, conversion to Judaism is a lengthy process, and requires at the very least circumcision as an act of dedication.

Yhvy is pretty patient, he'll wait till you get your own license and can get to temple on your own.
2009-12-17 04:57:51 UTC

And when you do have a license and a car, are you going to be willing to drive 20 miles to the nearest Synagogue?


Catholicism has it's roots in Judaism. In fact, Catholicism and the New Covenant could not have come into existence if not for Judaism and the Old Covenant.

For that reason, it's not wrong for a Catholic to take an interest in Judaism. But don't confuse the desire to learn more about Judaism with the desire to convert.

<<(While typing this, My cat knocked my Madonna and Child Icon off of My nightstand, and onto the floor, Should I take that as a Sign?)>>

No. That's just the cat doing what cats do. That's all. Nothing more.


Why? There's nothing wrong with saying God's Name - so long as it's not in vain.
2009-12-16 21:18:14 UTC
You can’t draw such a hasty conclusion based on a strong feeling for a few days and a coincidental “sign.” Heck, if everyone did that, I’d have converted to Hinduism, Islam, and Eastern Orthodoxy by now! I respect your feeling called, though, because I know what it‘s like – I developed an interest in converting to Catholicism from Evangelical Protestantism as a fourteen-year-old. However, I took four more years to carefully study Church teaching and culture and compare it to what I had been taught as a child. I also took into account what my family’s reaction would be (it was initially extremely negative). If I were you, I’d take a long time to study Judaism, compare it with your current faith and make a list of things you agree with and disagree with in both religions. Spend a lot of time in prayer.

Side note: It‘s also possible that you are not being called to convert but you may have a strong interest in studying Judaism. This is perfectly plausible and very cool. You may have a strong attraction for the culture, people, and beliefs. This does not mean you can’t enjoy this diversity and incorporate elements of the culture into your current faith. (Judaism and Catholicism have a lot in common, you know…Christianity’s roots lie in the Jewish faith.) This is kind of what I do – I absolutely love studying religion in general, so I study other religions’ theologies a lot, I enjoy the culture and rejoice in diversity, but I don’t necessarily just convert to every religion I find interesting. My primary reason for converting was that I found Catholicism to be more TRUE, but that’s just me. God bless.
2009-12-16 20:08:15 UTC
Instead of reading some prayer books of Judaism or catholicism READ THE BIBLE.

Bible Keeps the "Dylan" away from Devil and Devil Keeps the "Dylan" away from Bible.

“ All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16).One of the greatest miracles of the Bible is its unity. Even though the 66 books of the Bible were written …On three continents,

In three languages,Over a period of about 1,500 years,By about 40 different people with different educations,backgrounds, and professions (kings, shepherds, scientists,attorneys, a general, fishermen, priests, and a physician) …… their teachings as a whole remain amazingly in harmony

with one another. Talk about astounding! Even three witnesses of an accident often offer wildly contradicting versions of events.Yet the Bible reads as if written by one great mind.

The Bible says:

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”(2 Corinthians 5:17). Millions have experienced changed lives

when they chose to follow Jesus and obey Scripture.The alcoholic becomes sober; the immoral, pure; the addicted,free; the profane, reverent; the fearful, courageous; and the rude,

kind. These wonderful transformations constitute the most heartwarming evidence of the Bible’s power and inspiration. The Bible really does change people!

The failure and collapse of atheistic communism has spotlighted the Bible. Built on a foundation of Marxism, the former U.S.S.R. failed miserably.Closely related, evolution, Marxism’s first tenet, is also losing its credibility. The more science advances, the more this theory crumbles under the weight of truth. Just one example among thousands: Molecular biologists have shown that even a single cell of life is busier and more complex than New York City’s vast transportation network at rush hour—the accidental origin of life is a mathematical absurdity.

The Bible, in part or whole, has been translated into nearly 2,000 languages. The first complete English versions of the Bible were made by John Wycliffe in 1379. Later in 1526, William Tyndale was arrested and executed for creating his own English translation.

The first book printed on movable type was the German Bible by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455. Between 1815 and 1975, 2.5 billion Bibles were printed, and it remainsthe most widely distributed and influential book in the world.

Other reasons are that there are so many biblical prophecies which have apparently been fulfilled; and archaeological confirmations of biblical accounts have been recorded outside the Bible. Take, for instance, a number of Babylonian documents* which describe the same worldwide flood as written about in Genesis 6–9.

Hope Dylan can understand all this. so give a thought of reading. is it?


Squashed Orange
2009-12-17 10:56:23 UTC
Your cat did show you a sign. Better stick to the Bible. You've read the whole thing, right?

Luke 11:24-26 (Amplified Bible)

24When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it roams through waterless places in search [of a place] of rest (release, refreshment, ease); and finding none it says, I will go back to my house from which I came.

25And when it arrives, it finds [the place] swept and put in order and furnished and decorated.

26And it goes and brings other spirits, seven [of them], more evil than itself, and they enter in, settle down, and dwell there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first.

When Jesus casts out demons, the demoniac falls and He lifts him up after the demon leaves. Does that make the person more vulnerable to demonic attack? Is it better to not have demons cast out in the first place? That cannot be because then casting out demons would be a sin and Jesus didn't sin. Why, then, do demons come back into that man five fold?

This is personal because God cast out my demons when I became born again. If those demons have now returned, then haven't I been done a great disservice? No, God doesn't do disservice. God is good, right? Why are demons let back into the demoniac? I can't figure it out -- unless the demoniac stepped back onto Satan's territory. The demoniac was healed and then voluntarily went back to his old ways and attracted even more demons into his life then. That must be what Jesus means. What's your take on this parable?
2009-12-14 14:33:55 UTC
It is imperative that you make your spiritual decisions for the right reason. Catholicism being your "mother religion" shouldn't play a part. Your decision should be based much more on spiritual fulfillment and your personal experience with G-d than on any other aspect.

Furthermore, I personally believe superstition and spirituality have no place together. Your cat knocking your icon down I believe is not a sign of anything other than the fact that cats occasionally knock things down (mine does too!). Your personal spiritual decisions are too important to allow them to be affected by the random happenings of life.

If you feel you have good reasons to convert to Judaism (personal beliefs, spiritual conviction, etc) then by all means you should and more power to you! I'd say the same for anyone, for any faith as well.
people is grass
2009-12-14 16:39:23 UTC
Your religion is not determined by the books you read and/or church/synagogue you go to. Religion/belief is something you live. It's not in words but in actions.

God said, (1) embrace good and (2) reject evil. He said, (3) Don't call good bad and (4) allow others and yourself peace and rest. (5) Respect others, particularly the elderly and your parents. (6) Practice sexual boundaries and morality. (7) Don't kill, (8) Don't steal, (9) Don't lie, (10) Don't covet.

God said the above to 'all' his followers. Do you live like that? Do you think that it is a good idea to live like that? It is those kinda choices that determine your religion and where your heart is at.

Religion is man made. God's people live according to God's directions.
One Man's Opinion
2009-12-14 14:35:55 UTC
Dylan, Dylan, Dylan ...

I am often ASTOUNDED that the Jews missed the memo that Jesus Christ IS their Lord and Savior. As a Christian, are you tellling me that you're prepared to go into denial about Christ, as the Jews have done? Seriously?

Look at the evidence FOR Jesus being the Christ!

1. We KNOW that a man named Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. This is verified by a multitude of eyewitnesses within and outside of any religious contexts. The historian, Josephus, is the most credible and famous independent verifier of Jesus' existence.

Josephus tells us that Jesus claimed to be the son of God, that He is said to perform great miracles, and had a great following.

This "man" sparked an entire religion that EXTENDS Judaism! In other words, by being a Christian, you are already honoring the history of the Jews. The Old Testament is ALL Jews! Jesus was a Jew! Virtually all of His disciples were Jews! Acts discusses whether we, the gentiles, had to convert to Judaism in order to worship Christ!

2. There were more than 400 Old Testament prophecies to the coming of Christ. They were fulfilled in the New Testament. God took GREAT PAINS to prove that Jesus is in fact the Lord.

You aren't convinced?

3. Did you know that most Jews are now atheists? That's right! Israel is largely secular! Why? Christians call it "the yoke of the law." The law cannot save you! The law can only cause you guilt! Jesus FULFILLED the law so that we don't have to! You're going to give that up, go into denial, deny your Lord and Savior, and go under the law? SERIOUSLY?!

4. Jesus said: "I am the truth, the life, and the way. No one comes before the Father except by me." So, HOW are you going to at once deny Christ and still talk to God?

Dude, you had better think this through! The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life. The opposite of that is this: Those who don't believe in Jesus shall perish! You are going to choose Judaism, which is spiritual death, over Jesus (and spiritual life)?

I say it again: You have better figure this out. Right now, you are coming off as an immature, ill informed child who is playing with his spiritual life. Deny Christ is blasphemy. You might not be forgiven for that one!!!

Lord bless.
2009-12-14 14:27:24 UTC
First off I think you have a clumsy cat..nothing more.It all comes down to one person.That being Jesus.Do you believe that He was the son of God and savior or do you believe he was just a teacher (and to some in Judaism) and heretic? I would encourage you to come to some well thought out conclusions about your faith rather than watching for some warm and fuzzy sign as your cat knocks something else over.
2009-12-18 09:13:34 UTC
I could have written "One Man's Opinion"myself. So,make that TWO men's opinions, and put an exclamation point on it.

When Jesus walked the earth, He re-iterated over and over: "I and the Father are ONE. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father also". You CANNOT believe in God the Father without also believing Jesus was not GOD, in the second person of the Holy Trinity, because Christ says it right there!!!!

Keep your faith in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior. The evil one is trying to draw you away. St.Paul said we are not battling against human forces, but against powers and principalities ( satan and his cohorts).

P.S. Cats have been known to knock things over, but Satan is the one telling you its a sign!
2009-12-14 14:22:53 UTC
Get a basketball and see if you can make it in the hoop 20 times in a row and you can take that as a sign
2009-12-14 16:50:56 UTC
Madonna and Child Idol, not icon. This proves you worship mary.

How can you become a Jew when you do not believe in God? You refuse to use the Scriptures God wrote. The Jews study the Scriptures day and night. You can never be a jew until you admit to yourself the Scriptures only!
2016-10-31 01:05:35 UTC
And a robust bright moon that replaced into! yet i think of he's not telling the reality approximately being omnipresent - his butt replaced into enormously mild for him being good next to the solar. (Yep, the solar is shining out of his butt... including the Moon and his *cough* Uranus he has an entire photograph voltaic equipment in there, dang it!)
2009-12-14 18:40:12 UTC
If you convert, then your handle here will have to be changed from

"Dylan the CATholic Teen" to

"Dyln th CThlc Tn"

because, in our loving Father God and Eternal Son of God Jesus Christ, One in Spirit here,

you are a Divinely Beloved Son of God because of Their infinite love and grace in the Paradise Infinite Triune Godhead. You are, even now, an "I am a son of I AM" because of the continuing Ministry of Jesus Christ ! Of course, you may freely later choose to Be eternal or to be not. There is no "hell". God is just as loving as Jesus is !

If you are really serious about knowing more of the supernal (from above) Life and Teachings of our Master Jesus, and thus more about God, please email me. This new and greater public domain Revelation of over 2000 pages is also in the Vatican Library. Most Catholics (I am not one; I am a Jesusonian Christian Theologian) are open to deeper Theological and philosophical studies from both old and modern sources. My favorite Catholic genius is Blaise Pascal; he saw God and Jesus appear to him as two Lights into One; and He was Transformed in this Living Light of Life ! Read "Pensees" later. Most Protestant Christian ministers also have to read that in Seminary school. It is deep and profound. Also read several times the Gospel of John and pray for understanding.

Be patient with yourself; you are still young. When you are about age 35 on average; you as a higher soul will also guide your lower mind to personally grasp deep eternal Truths ! That is, if you remain always a sincere Truth seeker and continue to pray in living faith to God for more spiritual illumination both above and within you.
2009-12-14 14:23:07 UTC
Whoa D
2009-12-14 14:23:57 UTC
You'd just go from bad to worse.
2009-12-14 14:27:54 UTC
STAY Catholic and Never be afraid to type the word GOD.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.