Can you answer my question about the definition of "marriage"?
2008-12-09 21:39:54 UTC
Okay so let's take "sex". Like doing it sex, not gender. The original definition of "sex" was when a man and a woman make whoopee.

But, no one will deny that the definition has changed to include gay sex (in the bum bum).

So how is marriage, originally defined as between a man and a woman, not able to also apply to a man and man (or a couple of ladies)?

We can change the definition of one word, but not the other, I do not get it.
21 answers:
2008-12-09 21:44:00 UTC
In Genesis, it is defined as when a man and WOMAN leave their parents and cleave to each other.

God created Adam and Eve and not John and Jack to multiple the earth. When will you stop making excuses for homosexuality. It is not only a sin but also an abomination.
2008-12-09 22:18:50 UTC
Assyria, Medea, Persia, Rome, Philistines, Egypt, the first Lebanon, The first Syria, the Ottoman Empire, Galatia, Thrace, Gaul, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, the Huns, Lycia, Pamphylia, Pergamum, Illyricum, Bithynia, Capadoccia, Phoenicia, Tyre, Arabia, Samaria, and Petra(Edom), what do these countries all have in common? They are all countries that accepted "gay marriage" legally, they are also all extinct, as History always repeats itself when society doesn't learn from the prior generations, "Gay Marriage" always surfaces at the end of any empire as the death throws before the fall, is this clear enough for you? or do you still endorse this? Anyone who believes they don't need God or His ways, and choose their own "freedoms" no matter how immoral, always end up extinct, as you see the prior list is extensive, and "being gay" is nothing new, it has been awhile since God's wrath has been kindled in this way is all. You have the Holy Spirit (conscience) to thank for that, but Satan's influence is pushing decency out, and immorality is taking a front seat again. Name one country that has lasted with "Gay Marriage" more than 200 years, you can't there is no precedence, they are always destroyed after the transition. So I resist this transition, as anyone with half a brain should, because I love America and don't want it to fall for lack of morality, or become God forsaken, however when it does I will be at your side receiving the same punishment you do, just like the Bible recorded before, saints beside the sinners receiving the same fate, as one people, which is why you get so much resistance from Christians, we don't wish to upset God to the point of His wrath, but have at it and when you can find no place to hide from Him, and you wish a mountain would fall on you rather than to look at His fury, don't say you were not warned. Your Bro, Harley's Dad
Eliot K
2008-12-09 21:48:07 UTC
You have brought up a good point: definitions, like tools, change as needed, or resist change.

When the sun and the moon were the only source of light, the term "light" did not refer to a light bulb or a fluorescent tube.

The word "woman" has many meanings, depending on the context. That is, the basic meaning hasn't changed, but the cultural meanings have changed.

The word "female" has changed as we have discovered that there is a continuum of primary sexual characteristics between male and female in many species.

So, while I agree that marriage can be between two people of the same sex, I can't see a logical reason for appealing to rules allowing or not allowing definitions to change.

The word marriage has different meanings in different contexts. In the civil context, the definition and implications of marriage change over time and location. Compare arranged marriage, betrothal at birth, plural marriage, inter-racial marriage, etc. The definition of marriage has never been fixed in reality, only in the minds of people with limited intellectual skills.

While calling a cat a dog does not make it a dog, calling a cat an animal doesn't stop it from being a cat. If you have a Siamese and I have a Tabby, don't we both have cats?
Martin S
2008-12-09 21:50:52 UTC
Marriage is when a man and a woman become "husband and wife" not when they have sex with each other. People have been having sexual intercourse with other people of the same sex for a long time now. It is only recently from a historical perspective that homsexual sex has been propagandized into being an issue where non-homosexual people have to either agree that it is just an "alternative lifestyle" as opposed to a "perversion of nature" or a "mental illness" or get labeled as being hateful bigots.

The definitions have not changed. Only the militancy of a group of people who claim to want tolerance but who won't tolerate the truth about their sinful desires and actions.

Perhaps adulterers and fornicators should take their cue from the homosexual activists and start parading through the streets and demanding "equal rights" and start calling anyone who disagrees with them a "hateful bigot".

1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such WERE some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
2008-12-09 21:46:17 UTC
Definitions change all the time.

The point of the argument is that anti gay marriage people want to preserve the concept of marriage that exists in our society and has always been the traditional concept of marriage in our society.

Every society determines what will be acceptable behavior and what will be promoted as best for that particular society. In US society the marriage unit has played a very vital role including the roles of the mother and the father and that traditional family unit. Traditionalists want to preserve that concept and hold it up as ideal.

People act like shifting the nature of the family in a society is really not that big of a deal. It actually is a huge deal. Whether you think its for the better or not is up to the individual in the society to determine and then try to influence their society in that direction.

(whats up with the normal question? It seems so out of character)
2008-12-09 21:58:24 UTC
Marriage means...

"Coming together" to be one.

It is supposed to be something that a man and a woman enter into as it says in the word of God.

There are alot of "supposed to's" in life, and when it goes against what God's perfect plan for us is, then yeah... it isn't going to work so well, cirtainly not as well as God would have it for us. The bible is there so it can spell out for us what God would have happen in a perfect world. How can we aim for that, if we do not know what it is?? That's why it's there.

I'm not anyone's judge. That would be God's job and not mine or any other human being's. Eating swine or shellfish is also called "an abomination" in the bible. It was/is quite disgusting to God and His people.... (of course, no one can perfectly follow, but that does not mean that we should not try). So, that is one big reason why I do not judge and I will not try to take control of someone elses free will, nomatter how much I disagree with what they are doing. God disagrees with a ton of things that Christians and others are doing, but He still allows them their free will.
2008-12-09 21:52:35 UTC
Marriage is the union of two people to create family and preserve the human race by multiplying. Not by killing it. Sex in the bum bum is anomaly- abnormal and it is dangerous for catching diseases. Also the bum bum is made to extract waste and not to insert potential babies. I don't judge them but they can not insult my logic by trying to pass me illogical things for logical and natural and normal.

Man+Man= 0 no children no continuation and that goes for woman+woman=0

When you gay people grow older you will be looking at the pictures of your "grandchildren and children" and waiting for them to come and so you can have a family Thanksgiving? Or will you be gathering with other gay trying to prove who else except you was wrong or didn't dress right? Or maybe two old men or women holding hands for the full life they had?

Who are you kidding? Perhaps yourselves?
2008-12-09 21:53:08 UTC
sex = sexual activity, specifically sexual intercourse.

marriage =

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage

2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3 : an intimate or close union
2008-12-09 21:43:50 UTC
The original definition of marriage was NOT between one man and one woman. In 342AD (I think it was 342) Christians changed it (CHANGED IT I SAY) to one man and one woman. Before then, gay marriage was quite the common thing.

So, since it has already been redefined by the VERY group who don't like words being redefined, we can surely redefine it back.

Lol 'bum bum'.
2008-12-09 21:44:31 UTC
Marriage is not owned by christianity nor is it or should it be defined by it.

Persons use their religion to oppose gay marriage because it suits them, not because it is right or wrong. It certainly should not impact on the legal position if any or indeed all religions opposed gay marriage. That decision is secular and should be made without regard of religious teachings.
2008-12-09 23:27:45 UTC
I don't think the definition has changed really. Sounds like more of a grammar question.(i'm serious, I'm interested in your results from there)
2008-12-09 21:48:02 UTC
marriage is two people coming together to share a life together. it should be left at that. not between a man n woman, man n man, woman n woman. just 2 people of any gender.
Robert D
2008-12-09 21:52:02 UTC
God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, Nor MAdam and Eve

God performed the first marriage with a command, "be fruitful and multiply." Can Homosexual self reproduce? No
2008-12-09 21:44:57 UTC
sodomy is SEX!!

no disagreament there.

Marriage is ordained by God, between a man and a woman, to raise families and keep the health of the world strictly confined.

sex is ordained by God ! there is no disagreement there either.

but when people undermine the commandments of God they undermine the perfection of his own plans.

Gay sex is still NOT righteousness and never will be. that is the difference.
2008-12-09 21:50:14 UTC
cause marriage is conduct with religious ceremony

religion is against gay mariage

so there for the definition of marriage can not be altered because the religious reason
2008-12-09 21:57:33 UTC
marriage is not bout sex.

it does bring good kama sutra sex (hopefully)

but it's more than that

by the way, what is kama sutra? i've always been curious
2008-12-09 21:44:16 UTC
Gay sex is not real sex. People actually do add the word "anal" to denote a difference, so yeah, it actually is not the same thing.

Besides, gay sex is biologically pointless. You can't procreate, you just die off.....
2008-12-09 21:47:51 UTC
"bum bum sex" Is as old as mankind. Please do not think that this is a new thing.
2008-12-09 21:43:59 UTC
because sadly their is a majority of stupid people in the world.
2008-12-09 21:43:00 UTC
2008-12-09 21:42:27 UTC

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