Why do some people not believe in evolution?
2016-11-10 12:46:15 UTC
This questions is not in any way sarcastic and making a mockery of those people I genuinely would like to here some of the reasons people would choose to not believe in that.
105 answers:
2016-11-11 03:22:42 UTC
Simple as possible they love God and after life...more happiness on it than evolution.

some will tell you story the other way around that look like real, like this:

Why do some people not believe in evolution? Because I have actually researched it & dug in to hear both sides of the story. Most people, I find, just accept it without reservation without looking at the problems with it. Personally I never take anybody at their word whether it's in regards to evolution, the Bible or whatever the case may be. I have to see it for myself investigate it and understand it. I was that way with the Bible when I was learning it and I am that way with Evolution and creationism. I'm not just going to accept something because people say it's fact.

And from what I have found there are more problems with Evolution then there are solutions. Also from what I have found evolution is an ideology. There are people who present it to us as fact because they want to replace the ideology of creation and God. Even then you still have to look at it on the basis of fact and if they are presenting fact or Theory. From all I have found it is just a theory. Nothing more
2016-11-10 14:13:07 UTC
Why do some people not believe in evolution? Because I have actually researched it & dug in to hear both sides of the story. Most people, I find, just accept it without reservation without looking at the problems with it. Personally I never take anybody at their word whether it's in regards to evolution, the Bible or whatever the case may be. I have to see it for myself investigate it and understand it. I was that way with the Bible when I was learning it and I am that way with Evolution and creationism. I'm not just going to accept something because people say it's fact.

And from what I have found there are more problems with Evolution then there are solutions. Also from what I have found evolution is an ideology. There are people who present it to us as fact because they want to replace the ideology of creation and God. Even then you still have to look at it on the basis of fact and if they are presenting fact or Theory. From all I have found it is just a theory. Nothing more
2016-11-12 18:16:09 UTC
Evolution is a theory, not fact. There is still much to learn about it. BBC's Planet Earth II is airing in a few days and illustrates this point very nicely. It is, however, the best available scientific explanation about how life has arisen and to deny the most current evidence without an adequate defense is to deny reason. Those people are simply confused. The evidence is incredibly strong by academic standards, and runs deep throughout various academic disciplines such as geology and so on. I recommend 'Evolution - A Very Short Introduction' by Brian and Deborah Charlesworth (130 pages) for a comprehensive introductory understanding of what is known to be true about evolution by modern science.
2016-11-12 07:37:35 UTC
Why do most people not believe in the consequences of evolution being true? Racism is valid IF evolution is valid. Survival of the most fit has consequences. Racial traits are passed down through inheritance. Racial traits are more than just skin color. Racial traits include body shape, height, weight, bone density, fat percentage, immune system, preferences, and who knows what else including but not limited to skin color/pigmentation. The traits that were most beneficial for survival in a specific environment at a specific point in time, the past, were passed onto the next generation until such time as specific and different races came into existence. Such changes were not great enough YET to cause a change/diversification of species. But these changes are real and just as meaningful as different breeds of dogs/cats/tigers...etc. That means that a race truly is superior to a given environment/circumstances as compared with other races. The belief that one race is better than another race is the very definition of racism.

Now...are you an evolutionist/racist? You cannot have your cake and eat it as well. And yes the races have been "brought together" genetically by travel. But barring that, evolution would have caused continued change until such time that different but very similar species existed...IF evolution is real.

There are always consequences to ideas. Grow up and accept the consequences of you chosen beliefs and ideas.
2016-11-12 05:56:31 UTC
Because realize that people have different views, opinions and beliefs on evolution, have you seen a wolf turn into a dog? No you haven't, so how can you expect me to believe in evolution? I don't have to believe in what you believe in, evolution goes against my religious beliefs, and all I see is CREATION, not evolution, if we came from evolution, then what created evolution? Have fun answering this question.
2016-11-12 08:37:25 UTC
Why do some people not believe in evolution?

It is simply that there is absolutely no continuity in the evidences provided by those that claim the ‘theory’ is fact.

We simply look at the natural world of nature around us.

We see a planet that has life forms on that are interdependent one on another and are completely reliant on each other for their existence.

Why would such complex relationships develop by chance and natural selection?

Species would not be able to reproduce themselves if any particular stage in the cycle was removed.

It all points to there being a master plan and master planner.

Species only die out because mankind interferes with the well balanced relationships between species that is naturally maintained.

If you remove any development in the supposed progression of the evolutionary theory the whole ecological system of this planet fails.

Removing any of the links or parts that form the chain of survival that exist in nature. Species fail to reproduce themselves.

When plants, insects and animals are so dependant one on the other, they could not have existed before this chain was created.

Creation is only rejected because acknowledging it means that mankind would have to discover why life exists and why creation took place. The conclusion that there is a creator would lead to them having to find out what is expected of them as subjects of such a creation.

Looking at life on this planet without blinkers.
2016-11-12 00:21:52 UTC
It's interesting that you use the word "believe." Because that's all that evolution actually is: A belief. Not a science. Evolution cannot be observed; it's an idea that continues to float around, yet no one has ever proven that one kind of animal has turned into another kind of animal. True science is observable and repeatable. An evolutionist once stated the following: "We know evolution is true, even though we don't know how it works, and have never seen it happen" (Theodosius Dobzhansky). That statement is nonsense and non-science. And Charles Darwin himself said this: "Not one change of species into another is on record. We cannot prove that a single species has been changed." Dr.Etheridge of the British Museum of Science said, "Nine-tenths of the talk of evolution is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation and wholly unsupported by fact." The idea of evolution is based on nothing more - as I already stated - than belief. That's it. Dr.George Wald, professor emeritus of biology at Harvard University and Nobel Prize winner in 1971 said the following: "I do not want to believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible: Spontaneous generation arising to evolution." So as you see, there is NOTHING to support the idea of evolution. It's an idea that many want to be true ~ yet no one has ever proven it. It's a belief held in common by many unscientific-minded scientists. Does this answer your question? ...
2016-11-10 22:57:34 UTC
1. Idk, but i'm sure a fish did not turn into a lizard which turned into a bird.

2. While evolution states that man evolved around East Africa some 500,000 years ago, East Africans (and all Africans) trace their origins in the middle east as if proving creation right (and it's pretty recent history passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation)

3. There is no evidence for evolution apart from the words " the fact of evolution or evolution has a load of evidence."
2016-11-14 02:35:07 UTC
Its not a belief, requires no beliefs, its true regardless whether or not people accept it or believe it.

Many people don't accept it because they think they have to give up their god, which isn't true, but evolution does show and creation story to be just that a story a tale that isn't true and that goes against what many believe, even though, evolution amongst other scientific subjects show beyond any doubt that any creation stories can't possibly be true.
2016-11-11 03:05:06 UTC
Simple answer:

1) All scientific theories and facts are open to question, as has always been accepted in scientific method.

2) Belief has NOTHING to do with science.

3) Therefore, believing in evolution is a belief system, not scientific.

No one owes anyone to believe evolution.

It is unquestionably the best scientific theory for explaining the diversity on Earth; that's all, let's not make it into dogma, shall we?

Good luck in your search; I see that it is genuine.
Some dude
2016-11-10 19:35:20 UTC
The same answer why to every other question. If some people believe in evolution, there must be some that don't believe. There cannot be darkness without light, ignorance without wisdom, love w/o hate, etc etc. The spiral never ending.
2016-11-11 01:45:25 UTC
Because they don't want it to be true, otherwise there whole belief system is false.

That's why they need to lie about having researched evolution, when what they mean is they have merely accepted creationist lies from creationist web sites.

Having read several creationist science papers, they tend to break down into four types.

The first is rare, they are valid science papers with an irrelevant aside referencing creationism in some way. One example was on how an artificial intelligence system designed to do one job is not so good as doing another, with an aside about the beliefs of the author. I believe that was by WLC himself.

The second is also not common, but are valid papers that appear to have been written for the deliberate purpose of being dishonestly used by creationists. For example on the slow production rate of a certain protein that was later used to demonstrate this protein could not develop naturally. There are other, quicker processes that produce the same protein, which the paper never mentioned.

The third, and most common are just bad science. The one where the probability of several thousand atoms randomly forming a specific molecule by random chance is the classic example, not only is evolution not pure random chance, but the mathematics ignored the science of Chemistry completely.

The fourth are not even science, but are also rare. One I saw was a paper with over 80 references to names such as Einstein and Bohr, all irrelevant to the idea of the multiverse. The actual part of the paper were the science normally goes was devoid of any science, it was just the opinion of the author. But eh, 80 references from the likes of Einstein.

Laughably there is a fifth category that is technically not creationist in origin. These are valid science papers supporting evolution that are put forward as evidence against evolution, but this tends to be done by the dishonest, or the stupid who don't actually read science papers.

If you are science literate it is worth looking at the papers, and even if you are not, it is sometimes worth looking at the conclusions.

For the dishonest just dismissing this without any evidence. I have looked at both sides of the argument by reading creation papers (something YOU have not even done), so you don't get to dismiss the time I have spent by lies and insults, just because I have demonstrated your beliefs are based on lies.

If you want to prove the above false, you need to take the Plottingeoe test by PEER REVIEWING FIVE creationist paper, listing which ones they are (with a link so I can verify your conclusions) and then telling me which, if any, of categories they falls in. Failure to do so will mean you have nothing but unfounded opinion, and means you admit to be a liar. Any avoidance of the above means you admit to being a liar.

David, of Plottineoe infamy is blocked because he absolutely refuses to peer review the arguments of his own side, instead relying on lies, assertions, and logical fallacies.
2016-11-10 12:51:01 UTC
Some have been taught not to, as odd as that seems. Some have been wrongly taught a doctrine that goes past the text and then effectively even replaces the text in a key way, preventing the powerful effect of the text itself, which you can only get by reading with real openness, just like you can only get a good poem only by reading it through, with openness.

Why did that happen? Doctrines can sometimes be created by ego.

But the only way to truly get what the Bible is really saying is to read without being egoistic. This means one allows the text to do all of the talking, and we are really listening, without imposing a pre-conception, a doctrine, or a prejudice that blocks the word from us. It speaks to us on a subtle level if we allow it. Additionally, some meanings in the text are hidden until you have the special quality called faith.
2016-11-10 13:52:54 UTC
Explain the origin of life and/or matter according to some known law, method or process. Show us the evidence or which ASSUMPTIONS you've confirmed that abiogenesis or species to species change or evolution in general is fact. Show us how the material can produce itself or the non-material.

Show us by any known method how life can produce itself naturally. It's in these small matters that evolution is a lie from it's core, every time you peel back another layer reveals another lie. Even if you can EXPLAIN it from unfounded OPINION, you have zero evidence.

Without evidence, the atheists are stumped, as usual. You don't see the pattern? They don't have a screaming clue what you're talking about.

Any claim that is based on an absence of evidence, by definition is a personal opinion. If your belief is "merely the absence of belief in God", atheism "ceases to be a view" and even infants count as atheists." For atheism to be a view, you would still require justification in order to know either that God exists or that He does not exist.

Atheism is not predicated on any positive claims, it is predicated on the assertion of 'no evidence' which is non-probative (i.e. no evidence does not prove either a negative or a positive, it is a de facto argument from ignorance). Of course the assertion of no evidence is predicated not on an absence of evidence but faith in the unproven philosophy of materialism. With the claim of no evidence based an unproven assumption atheism is rendered into a world view based on doubt, uncertainty and intellectual dishonesty. Does not sound to me to be a very compelling offer.
2016-11-13 01:34:46 UTC
Human beings are both spiritual and factual knowledge based organisms. Each individual places stock in different areas of belief in the same way each of us has personal tastes and preferences. It's extremely private to hold beliefs, something we do inside ourselves and use as self-talk. What makes more sense to each of us therefore MUST hold the majority of our stock (belief) otherwise we feel we're lying to ourselves or threatening our own survival by deliberately ignoring known ways of survival for us. Those that don't believe in evolution have a much stronger need to believe in the spiritual side of the meaning of life. Many to most non-evolution types are overwhelmed trying to grasp what life is and require a romantic adult fantasy that never has a transparency because that's it's point, to never be tangible and always remain just off in the distance of their grasp, "a hope", "a magic", "a dream" that saves us. Religious types are not wrong, in the sense that we need religion to survive, we need the belief and structure and positive outlook, which is all fundamental humanity. To many creation types evolution is a perceived threat to the meaning of life, essentially taking away and undermining reasons for our being here. Historically humans believed the heavens created the planets and "chose" us to be here, the big bang science sort of throws all that out the door and one can see where that creates a bad day for a creationist. Once I was driving with my Muslim friend and I was explaining to him that actually we are all made as females but that nature evolved a deviation on the female gene to create males but we still all begin in the beginning all females as the beginning map of human life. He got straight faced and raised his voice and said "I don't like to hear stuff like that!!" :D :D :D
2016-11-10 14:07:55 UTC
Believe in evolution? Do you think people "believe in" gravitation.

I accept evolution because it makes a heck of a lot more sense than any alternative "theory" out there and there is a ridiculous amount of evidence to support it. Creationism is a load of crap with no evidence to support it whatsoever.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
2016-11-10 15:09:51 UTC
Well, first of all let's not kid ourselves here. evolution, or the theory of evolution, was created by Darwin to destroy the concept of God. Then let's look at the fact that the theory came before the evidence. The entire motivation behind it is to destroy Christianity, I really don't care what anyone says. I don't believe it because it's fiction. There you go. Is far more evidence that God created the world than not
Keith J
2016-11-10 13:07:28 UTC
They can't see simple proofs like this.

Even with all this some will not believe......

Luke 16:31

But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’”

A Simple Proof

Look at the issue of population. In 1804 there were 1 billion people,

in 2012 there were 7b, and in 2024 it will be 8b, and in 2048 it will be 9b.

That means it only took 208 years for the population to go from 1 to 7 billion.

Working forward from the accepted date for Adam & Eve (about 6000 years

ago) there should be 2.2 Trillion people. We all know that did not happen.

OK, add in Noah's Ark with about 7+billion lost in flood. From 6 people (Noah's 3 son's and

wives) over 4000 years it works out to 7 billion+ today.

These SIMPLE facts (dates and numbers that have already happened) are ignored by evolutionist,

they want us to believe that our ancestors have been around about 1 million years (do the math).

Google the facts.
2016-11-12 02:52:01 UTC
There are many scientists that do not believe evolution can work. Darwin said, "In order for evolution to work, missing links must be found commonplace." They are not. Animals reproduce after their own kind. No doctor in the maternity ward has delivered a missing link. No farmer has gone out to the pig pen and found a missing link.
2016-11-11 02:29:50 UTC
The answer is already there. Just go through the discoveries of the scientists on each living thing of this earth. You will understand there were thoughts. If you think and search whose thoughts were they you will get an answer. This answer will not be favorable to the people who believe in evolution.
2016-11-10 13:08:43 UTC
No-one "believes" in evolution. Evolution is science and is either accepted or rejected, not believed or disbelieved. As there is more and better evidence for evolution than there is for gravity or the germ theory of disease, it is silly to reject evolution if you accept the others (both of which, by the way, go against the writings of the Bible).

Most Christians accept that evolution is the best explanation for speciation and extinction. It isn't the Christians but the ill-educated Old Testament Fundamentalists who reject science.
2016-11-10 13:14:12 UTC
Because it requires more faith then any other religion. The only type of evolution that is true is a kind can produce its kind . Bigger dog smaller dog. it will never turn into a lizard with scales or grow wings one day, or lose its hind legs and that stuff is silly. Humans out of apes really ?it's like reading frog Prince but the excuse is a million years ago. Give me a break. look up Kent hovind on YouTube .
2016-11-15 07:58:38 UTC
There are certain things like the Cambrian explosion, abrupt appearance and stasis in the fossil record, living fossils, extreme convergent evolution, the limits to artificial selection, nanotechnology in the cell, the amazing requirements of changing from single-celled life to true multicellular life, the difficulty of evolution producing features that require multiple mutations before gaining a benefit, etc. that cause us to find Darwinian evolution unlikely.
2016-11-12 02:23:47 UTC
They believe that God created men and governed what happened between men, created animals, etc. It all begins in the first chapter. Religious people believe in creationism, and do not want to hear about evolution. They simply deny evidence.
2016-11-10 16:16:29 UTC
Explain each individual step in the process in macro-evolution.

Learn DNA replication and know that evolution just doesn't happen.

Also, "evolutionists" don't get understand, details matter.

Scientists need to see mechanisms and macro-evolution doesn't have any steps.
2016-11-15 22:54:34 UTC
simple answer:

1) all scientific theories and facts are open to question, as has always been accepted in scientific method...

2) belief has nothing to do with science...

3) therefore, believing in evolution is a belief system, not scientific...

no one owes anyone to believe evolution...

it is unquestionably the proper scientific theory for explaining the diversity on earth; that's all, let's not make it into dogma, shall we?

good luck in your search; i see that it is genuine...
2016-11-10 13:39:52 UTC
Maybe because there is something called the Bible. This book says that God created the heavens and the earth. So that is one reason why not all people believe in evolution.

PS: Hail Hitler
2016-11-11 06:21:40 UTC
I, for the life of me, cannot understand how anyone can accept this teaching that totally leaves cause and effect logic behind, and think that extremely complex machinery and programming can have made itself.

So, there you have it, the teaching that nothing produces all this beauty and wonder we see - is in my eyes insanity at its highest level. How can something that even has self repair built into it, in various degrees depending on the organism, make itself when we with our machines cannot do this yet. On top of that, all living machinery has built in self replication with error correction and with adjustments to natural changes in environments - and this is just random chance. No way!

You asked nicely, and I tried to answer nicely, my use of language is as I see it, and I know that some of you on the other side see it differently. That is how things are.
2016-11-10 13:12:44 UTC
If I have a OCD that works for me why would I give it up to believe in a system that offers no fear/anxiety relief for me , as an Evolutional Goodhist I have a safe alternative to religion increasing goodness reducing fear/anxiety and sin .
2016-11-11 04:12:54 UTC
Because first of all it's a theory, a THEORY, so not set and stone fact like how many people believe, and Charles Darwin was influenced by Satan and the Freemasons when producing this theor
2016-11-23 14:37:51 UTC
believe in evolution? do you think people "believe in" gravitation...

i accept evolution 'cause it makes a heck of a lot more sense than any alternative "theory" out there and there's a ridiculous amount of evidence to support it... creationism is a load of crap with no evidence to support it whatsoever...

"two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and i'm not sure about the universe..." — albert einstein
2016-11-12 03:03:23 UTC
Micro-evolution does exist. Macro-evolution, no. Because no intermediate species has ever been discovered -- all the ones they claim are such wind up being disproven later on. And geneticists confirm that our species are devolving, not evolving. Each generation has more and more faults in their genetic code.
2016-11-10 16:50:54 UTC
One kind of creature never changes into another kind . Finches stay finches, dogs remain dogs, etc. Also the fossil record never shows evolution but rather the sudden appearance of swarms of creatures of vastly differing groups. Scientists have been trying for decades to force changes into flies by their radiation and quick breeding experiments but it only produces damaged flies, nothing else. DNA is the most ingenious code ever written by the greatest mind of all.
2016-11-11 14:52:18 UTC
Macroevolution has never, never been proven.

Microevolution is like a one germ changing into another.

Now, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is the way it has always been before evolution was even thought of so kind still produces kind. This is not billions of years of chance.

Where is that ever changing specie? That Monkey to Man chart was the biggest hoax ever printed.
2016-11-10 13:18:36 UTC
Evolution is God's method of creation.
2016-11-10 13:11:03 UTC
Evolution is (incorrectly) thought to contradict religious truth. Because religion is true, evolution must be false.

False dilemma.
2016-11-13 18:14:51 UTC
For me, no evidence. Creation makes more since than evolution.
2016-11-10 15:44:03 UTC
Simply put, because they believe god mad Adam and Eve. They weren't made as apes etc were they? No the books depict them as...humans.

Overall I just think it's hilarious everyone hates Muslims/Islam but Jesus etc was from the middle east. So he was a Muslim man. Yet the majority of Americans etc are christian who are also racist to Muslims.

(I'm not a Muslim or religious btw)
2016-11-11 12:15:33 UTC
It's called 'freedom of choice' - something in the Constitution about it somewhere, so I believe.

I personally believe in Evolution - so too does the Pope, but that does not mean everyone has to.

It's a choice. In any event, it called "The Theory of Evolution." Focus on the word 'theory' and you'll be okay.

For a while anyway.
2016-11-10 15:32:07 UTC
Cause God says man will one day delibratly forget about creation and Noah flood. I not one of them I have faith in his word Jesus Christ is Lord

2 Peter 3

3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
2016-11-12 16:18:20 UTC
1)Because there is not proof for evolution. 2)The concept of evolution is against love, you see evol and love,evol and love.Read the love from end to begging you got evol.3)So whoever created the concept of evolution knew it was going to make us really like animals. 4)Evolution cannot be true since there is not half monkey and half human creatures.
Freethinking Liberal
2016-11-10 12:48:44 UTC
Religious Correctness
2016-11-13 12:28:31 UTC
I have met so many who have not even been able to decide. Do you deny this ? Why else you use the word 'believe' it just makes no sense to think as you do. Like everyone should have a clear answer.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-11-12 09:51:14 UTC
My guess is, they think if you believe in evolution - you have to disbelieve in God. Not looking at the fact, most Christians believe in both and the big bang.
great knight
2016-11-11 01:43:55 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king james bible and believe. Read John ch. 1,3,6,20. Read Romans ch. 5,8,10,12. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Read Ephesians ch. 2. Read Acts chapter 4. Read 1 John ch. 4. Read Matthew. Read Genesis. Evolution is admitted lie to decieve children. See,

Evolutionists lied for hundreds of years that one race would be more ape like than others. Genetics showed bible correct again and evolution destroyed again. Why isn't that FACT in textbooks! See, vid. It was foretold thousands of years ago that they would deny worldwide flood. Read 2 Peter 3. The "geologic column" admittedly does not exist and made up by lawyer who admitted wanted to attack Moses! Jesus loves you.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- the Word of God.
2016-11-13 18:12:58 UTC
The sole basis for denying evolution is the denier's terror that it is true. Creationism is not a failure to understand; it is a refusal to understand. Evolution is for grownups.
2016-11-10 14:13:26 UTC
Because evolution is a theory dear, simple as that.
2016-11-11 19:04:50 UTC
Simply because they believe it to be a threat to their religious beliefs. If they understood evolution better, it is actually very compatible with religious beliefs.
2016-11-11 00:05:10 UTC
because it's against the Bible for them, the evolution disagree with God and the story of genesis so they prefer to attack the evolution in the way that is a satanic thing
2016-11-11 02:23:48 UTC
Because they have been indoctrinated by the extremist sects and cults to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools!
2016-11-10 13:09:30 UTC
I use to believe in evolution, until one night in Oct. 1988 the angel Gabriel told me that there was no such thing as evolution.
2016-11-10 13:00:04 UTC
They want to be the special creation of a loving God, not just like every other creature on earth. Not an animal. Their egos can't take it. They want some holy purpose for their existence, and a magical soul to send to an afterlife so they never really die. I understand the desire for this honestly...but it's so childish.
2016-11-11 07:25:56 UTC
They do not grasp scientific knowledge.

They interpret biblical myth as absolute.

We should see evolution as the method of creation.

Life constantly adapts to the environment.
2016-11-10 12:58:15 UTC
They don't understand evolution well enough to see it as a better theory than creation, which they have already been taught.
2016-11-10 13:28:23 UTC
Evolution is not a matter of belief. You either accept the fact that it occurs or deny reality in favor of myths.
2016-11-11 12:40:30 UTC
Because precious human life did not just evolve, carelessly, and without love. Because You are able to think more complexly, so as to type meaningful sentences-whereas other animals species don't. This is because the Human (beginning with Adam in the Bible) was created "in the image of God"..
2016-11-10 21:09:22 UTC
It's routine, its doctrine. You have to look at it carefully, hash hash Hersh Hersh, on the low low and you must study it vigorously to determine the question of life, some people with in the family and I will say the select few will indulge in flogging and they choose to live their lives in solitude. I hope my comment will enable each and every one of you to see the light of the humming glass per say!
2016-11-10 16:05:41 UTC
Religious indoctrination. That's why.
2016-11-11 10:41:05 UTC
Why? Because it isn't true. Simple enough right? Why is it so important for you guys to shove it down our throats? Doesn't sound like science to me it sounds like an ideology and a belief. Do yourself a favor because many of us Christians just don't buy it
2016-11-11 23:03:09 UTC
One does not "believe" or "disbelieve" evolution.

You either accept the mountain of evidence in support or you ignore it and play ostrich and make yourself look like an ***.
2016-11-11 04:54:14 UTC
Because we believe the Scriptures when it said that God created all things is God. Hebrews 3:4
2016-11-10 21:32:45 UTC
Why do I want to believe something that rejects God and epitomizes man's rebellious state in trying to come against HIM? The fool reject God and I am NOT your fool
2016-11-10 13:47:37 UTC
Because it conflicts with their denomination's misinterpretations of the Bible. If I had to deny objective truth in order to accept what my church was teaching, I'd find another church fast!
2016-11-10 14:14:46 UTC
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."(Robert Jastrow)
2016-11-11 07:18:44 UTC
Either they are misled, willfully ignorant, think it's wrong due to science or the Scriptures, or have an alternative.
2016-11-12 07:42:33 UTC
Who create firstly everything...before the evolution come to truth...
2017-03-05 11:47:12 UTC
well, first of all let's not kid ourselves here... evolution, or the theory of evolution, was created by darwin to destroy the concept of god... then let's look at the fact that the theory came before the evidence... the entire motivation behind it is to destroy christianity, i really don't care what anyone says... i don't believe it 'cause it's fiction... there you go... is far more evidence that god created the world than not
2016-11-11 11:57:37 UTC
There is no observable evidence that we came from apes. Since it is not observable, it is unscientific. The missing links have not been found. The transitional fossils which are supposed to look half ape/half human have not been found. There have been many occasions where people have desperately tried to show evidence for evolution but they have turned out to be hoaxes such as Piltdown man.

There are two types of evolution - that which occurs on a smaller scale which includes changes within species which is observable and no one can deny that (for example birds adapting different beak shapes in order to reduce competition). Then there is e other is large scale and is unseen and unproven. It can apparently turn fish into amphibians, amphibians into reptiles, birds into dinosaurs and apes into humans!!

All of the evidence points to intelligent design. We have for example around 37.2 trillion cells in our bodies! We have 100,000,000,000 neurons in our brains and in order for each organ to work properly all the other parts of the body must work too. The eye is an extremely complex part of the body which is composed of over 2 million working parts!! Did all these parts just come from nothing out of no where? The eye is also able to process 36,000 bits of information every hour. It is far more reasonable in my opinion to say that God with His intelligent mind who is eternal and all powerful and all knowing created the eye, not only in humans but all thousands of animals out there, some of which have even more impressive vision than us!

The chances that every single animal evolved by chance/accident through unguided processes is extremely and ridiculously low. I actually find the evolution theory laughable but also very sad. I only need to look at a hummingbird, a peacock or a giraffe and I see that it reflects the glory of God our Creator. Everything even looks like it has been designed and everything which has been designed must have a designer. Many would argue saying "what about al the viruses and bad things in the world?" but this is consistent with what the Bible tells us since we live in a fallen world.
2016-11-11 19:51:56 UTC
It's like asking...Why do people not believe in God?
2016-11-11 19:35:17 UTC
Because it's NOT promoted in the Bible which is God's Truth
jon pike
2016-11-11 08:52:15 UTC
Micorevolution like dog breeds is fine. But, macroevolution? Elephants and humans from tree shrews? I just can't make that leap of faith.
2016-11-11 11:04:45 UTC
If God wanted us to believe in Evilution, He would have told us to believe in in the Holly Book.
2016-11-10 16:38:56 UTC
Knowledge will make people question and question is a taboo for religion. When people gain more and more knowledge then they will learn that religion tells loads of lies.
2016-11-10 13:49:07 UTC
Give it up ! its a satanic /origins LIE, ! there is no truth in evolution. there is truth in God.

26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the dearth,
2016-11-13 16:13:45 UTC
Never has any organism been proven to have evolved from one stage to another it is all speculation tell me of just one you can not.
2016-11-10 17:38:31 UTC
Mostly because they don't really have much of an understanding of it.
2016-11-12 04:40:50 UTC
The idea of evolution answering all the questions of how life developed on this planet is a long way from a slam dunk. Although we can see examples of evolution (observable) and it can pass several tests for truth, it never seems to pass all tests.

We can observe that animals and plants are able to adapt to their changing environments. So variation is a given but does that mean we chalk it all up to evolution?

There are six mechanisms that produce variation in the gene system:

1. Built-in variation in the gene pool

2. Reproductive exchange

3. Independent assortment during meiosis

4. Crossing over during meiosis

5. Transposable elements

6. Recombination of chromosomes

These are all incredibly complex systems, and with them, animals have an incredible capacity for change. The question is no longer whether change can take place or not, but rather how much change and where the limits are.


Allele - A DNA coding that occupies a specific place on a chromosome. Alleles hold genetic information such as the colour of flower petals.

For most character traits present in organisms, more than one allele exists. Alleles can be active (patent) or inactive (latent). Active alleles will be expressed in the phenotype, or what the organism becomes. So basically think of the genetic code as being a string of lights. each light can individually be turned on and off and each represents a different biological characteristic. You may carry the allele for big feet, but you don't have big feet because that allele is switched off. Now your children will inherit your genes, it's possible for them that the allele for big feet is turned on. If it is your kid will have big feet. This is a simplification but you get the idea. The amount of variation that already exists in the gene pool is phenomenal. Often evolution is used to explain most changes as resulting from chance mutations, not variation due to pre-existing genetic data and this is not tenable. Why is there such a vast amount of pre-existing genes that are often not used? Where did they come from? Natural selection operates at the level of the phenotype and not the level of the genotype, this is a rule of evolution. If mutations occur in genes natural selection cannot act on them until they are expressed in an organism, in other words, natural selection cannot act on the big feet gene until someone is born with big feet.

Let us consider this by means of a simple analogy. If I have a book with detailed instructions on how to build several airplanes, how do I know which one flies best? I have to build the airplanes and test fly them, then I can select the one that flies best. In our example, the instruction book is like the genotype and the physically built airplane is the phenotype. Natural selection can only take place once at least two airplanes have been built and tested. There have to be at least two variants or else there is nothing to choose from. If you don't have two then one cannot be selected as "more fit" and one cannot be chosen "less fit". Selection cannot take place at the level of the book, as the words in the book only become meaningful once they have been translated into a physical airplane. So here are some questions this raises:

* Where did the book of plans come from (genotype)?

* If the book remained on the shelf and I never opened it, would I have any idea which plane flew better?

* How are the instructions translated into the physical airplane?

For myself, there are other questions that evolution has not answered either at all or inadequately.

How did sexual reproduction evolve? It provides no benefit in terms of survivability over mitosis, in fact, mitosis is much more efficient. Incredibly efficient. Evolution favours better systems and by its very definition reduces or eliminates inefficient ones. This could not have developed by the slow process of small changes at a time that is the heart of evolutionary change.

How did the life cycle of the order lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) develop? Consider what they do when they go through metamorphosis. The larva builds a cocoon or chrysalis and undergoes holometabolism or a "complete metamorphosis". The larva essentially liquefies in the pupal stage. There are a lot of theories but nobody really knows.

How did biochemical or cellular systems develop? Basically, the systems within cells that support the life of the cell. There are many components and processes within cells that are outright required to exist for there to be a possibility of life. Science is struggling to answer how any one of them came about not to mention the thousands that are required. At one time science called single-celled organisms simple. Now it is understood that single-cell organisms are anything but simple. The structures and processes that occur inside a cell are as complex as a modern city.

Even prokaryotic cells which are thought to be simpler, are amazingly complex.

The palaeontological record reveals a far greater diversity of life in the past than in the present. The natural selection process operates by elimination, not addition. In order for the fitter to survive, there must have been a less fit that did not survive. Natural selection does not create features, adaptations, or even life, it merely selects for the feature that provides greater survival value. The features themselves must still come into existence by random chance processes. How can a process (natural selection) that eliminates species actually make more and a wide variety? It is NOT possible. All this requires a large amount of faith in the god of "chance," and in an occurrence whose improbability is enormous.

I have a lot more questions but not all are easily expressed in this forum.

Another one of my big problems that I will tell mention is not so much a problem with evolutionary theory itself but more with the community. When proponents of evolution respond to critics of the theory they tend to do several things that to me are off-putting. One, they mock and berate anybody that has the audacity to question the revered theory. Two, they have a tendency to pick the low-hanging fruit. In other words, they will usually respond to the easy questions, the questions that are not stated properly or are based on incomplete understanding. Especially popular are questions that are easy to mock. Science is based on asking questions. Often, it seems that for evolutionary theory questions are not acceptable. It's a great way to get ostracised in the scientific community in fact.
2016-11-10 12:47:15 UTC
Idiocy. Brainwashing. Hate.

The REAL triune nature of mainstream American christianity.

And, the same reasons why, when it comes to education and information, they're idiots.
2016-11-11 00:12:55 UTC
it's all fake same with all religions it's created to control us and make us feel worthless
2016-11-11 04:57:37 UTC
Indoctrination since childhood to deny reality because their lives suck.
2016-11-13 00:14:38 UTC
If anything challenges their current belief, it is not acceptable in their world, or perception of reality.
The Football God
2016-11-11 23:28:15 UTC
Their hearts and brains are with you. However, their tail keeps telling them something completely different.
2016-11-11 14:51:49 UTC
Because they're scared of dying. There is no other explanation.
2016-11-11 07:00:19 UTC
Because they are ignorant and uneducated on basic science.
2016-11-12 06:15:09 UTC
Because some people are too stupid to see the evidence, perhaps?
2016-11-10 12:55:25 UTC
Because they're stupid religious fanatics. There's no other reason.
2016-11-10 13:20:41 UTC
I believe in God
2016-11-10 17:45:14 UTC
I am the thunder number from my father based on the masterpiece from my mother.
2016-11-11 11:11:39 UTC
The fool say in there heart God do not exist

We will not follow the atheist
2016-11-12 06:44:27 UTC
religious cults often demand the ignorance of it's members....
2016-11-11 16:53:38 UTC
because no proof has ever been proven .. its a theory , theory with out fact.
2016-11-12 04:17:54 UTC
Because they didnt evolve.
2016-11-11 02:10:32 UTC
shouldn't gossip
2016-11-10 21:02:32 UTC
Because we are too educated to believe that crap!!!
2016-11-11 18:36:38 UTC
Because we were in the made from monkeys. You were made in the image of God.
2016-11-10 14:40:38 UTC
Because it is not a Bible teaching.
2016-11-11 00:57:54 UTC
It is their nature. They are intellectually arrogant.
2016-11-11 09:21:34 UTC
Ahhh..., because they've been brainwashed by people who have been brainwashed by people who have been brainwashed by people who want their money, obedience or both.
2016-11-11 20:52:19 UTC
2016-11-10 12:49:28 UTC
its fake..
2016-11-11 12:19:13 UTC
2016-11-10 22:12:48 UTC
2016-11-11 21:18:36 UTC
2016-11-11 09:24:32 UTC
2016-11-10 13:30:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.