In the true story of Noah, why was Noah's boat called an arc?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
In the true story of Noah, why was Noah's boat called an arc?
23 answers:
Andrew H
2009-12-23 04:43:46 UTC
You do realise that the story of Noah was actually a re-telling of the story of Utnapishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh don't you? If the bible couldn't even get the guy's name right why would we believe anything else it had to say on the subject?


1 - The bible said the mountain tops would be covered by 20 feet of water. Everest is 29,000 feet tall so the flood would have to be 5.5 miles deep. There isn't even close to enough water in the entire world.

2 - If everything was covered over by so much water there would be evidence of it everywhere in the world. There isn't.

3 - How big would the ark have to have been to house *millions* of species and enough food and fresh water to sustain them?

4 - If there were only 8 humans on the ark why do we have such a diversity of races in the world?

5 - How could the 8 humans on the ark prepare and put out food for *millions* of creatures every day?

6 - According to that story god killed very nearly every living thing on earth including almost the entire human population. Does that sound like a loving, forgiving god to you or someone who is worthy or worship?

7 - The story is based on earlier Babylonian and Sumerian flood stories so it isn't even Jewish / Christian in origin.

8 - All the vegetation in the world would have been submerged under miles of water, cut of from light, oxygen and carbon dioxide, so it would all have died and the carbon cycle would have been disrupted and the production of oxygen ceased, suffocating those left on the ark.

9 - Rainbows are not a sign from god that he won't flood the earth again, they are simply light being refracted through moisture in

But I have a sneaking suspicion you knew all that ;)
2009-12-23 04:45:18 UTC
You lost me to laughter after the word "true"
Kawan 1
2009-12-23 05:02:52 UTC
Whatever floats your boat, but I think this one belongs in Jokes & Riddles. If there was some one on it named Joan, then we've all missed the boat.
Pirate AM™
2009-12-23 04:46:24 UTC
As Noah and the Flood never existed/happened, you can not call it a true story. If it did happen, there would be unmistakable, undeniable evidence that would point to such an event. This evidence does not exist, and it is painfully obvious that the "evidence" that some offer (like the fossil record, or shells on mountain tops) are not even close to being related to a world wide flood.
Pedestal 42
2009-12-23 04:43:08 UTC
Who says it is true?

And that's "ark": an Old English word for a chest or container, also floating vessel, derived from the latin "arca"
Take Dead Aim
2009-12-23 04:46:41 UTC
the word ark is a translation from torah (jewish word for old testament), has been used somewhat as a metaphor for other religious principles (ie: ark of the covenant, vessel encompasing salvation), but the direct translation of the word used in ancient scripture is box, or vessel, or chest.
Eva Luten >3
2009-12-23 04:43:18 UTC
Book of mythology no fact needed or implied much less wanted ;)
2009-12-23 04:42:17 UTC
noah is not true. how can you fit 2 of each animal on a boat it would be the size of britain its physicaly impossible to build it
Obey me or go to hell. Love, god
2009-12-23 04:41:12 UTC
True story? Seriously?

"Joe Rogan has posted on his youtube channel a comedy sketch in which he proposes explaining the story of Noahs Ark to a child with down syndrome. After telling the story to the young boy Joe does schtick explaining the boys reaction: "An 8 year old retard is gonna say there's a lot of holes in that story, wait a minute, holy ****, let me sit down for this one... first of all how big is this boat we're talking about here? There's millions of animals all in that one boat? One guy built this boat? How long is dat thing? 600 years seems a little old for a fellow to be taking on a project of this magnitude. What did the animals eat while they were on this thing? Because animals like to eat other animals!"
2009-12-23 04:40:11 UTC
The true story? I don't know of one.
2009-12-23 05:23:53 UTC
Answer to question: It appears that GOD Called it an "Ark" Genesis 6 (Amplified Bible) 8But Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord.

9This is the history of the generations of Noah. Noah was a just and righteous man, blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked [in habitual fellowship] with God.

10And Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

11The earth was depraved and putrid in God's sight, and the land was filled with violence (desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power).

12And God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their true direction.

13God said to Noah, I intend to make an end of all flesh, for through men the land is filled with violence; and behold, I will [a]destroy them and the land.

14Make yourself an ark of gopher or cypress wood; make in it rooms (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages, and compartments) and cover it inside and out with pitch (bitumen).

15And this is the way you are to make it: the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits [that is, 450 ft. x 75 ft. x 45 ft.].

16You shall make a roof or [b]window [a place for light] for the ark and finish it to a cubit [at least 18 inches] above--and the [c]door of the ark you shall put in the side of it; and you shall make it with lower, second, and third stories.

17For behold, I, even I, will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy and make putrid all flesh under the heavens in which are the breath and spirit of life; everything that is on the land shall die.

18But I will establish My covenant (promise, pledge) with you, and you shall come into the ark--you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.

19And of every living thing of all flesh [found on land], you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.

20Of fowls and birds according to their kinds, of beasts according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind--two of every sort shall come in with you, that they may be kept alive.

21Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and you shall collect and store it up, and it shall serve as food for you and for them.

22Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.

+++"Bible Dictionary


Noah's ark, a building of gopher-wood, and covered with pitch, 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad, and 30 cubits high (Gen. 6:14-16); an oblong floating house of three stories, with a door in the side and a window in the roof. It was 100 years in building (Gen. 5:32; 7:6). It was intended to preserve certain persons and animals from the deluge which God was about to bring over the earth. It contained eight persons (Gen. 7:13; 2 Pet. 2:5), and of all "clean" animals seven pairs, and of "unclean" one pair, and of birds seven pairs of each sort (Gen. 7:2, 3). It was in the form of an oblong square, with flat bottom and sloping roof. Traditions of the Deluge, by which the race of man was swept from the earth, and of the ark of Noah have been found existing among all nations.".....
Preston L
2009-12-23 04:50:08 UTC
They didn't speak English when Noah sailed in his ark or when the story of Noah was written down. an Ark in English means a boat that afford protection and safety. Since the Ark provided protection and safety for Noah and the people/animals on the boat, the English word ark was used when the Bible was translated from the various languages (Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, etc.) into English.
2009-12-23 05:00:28 UTC
ARK. Because it was not a boat. It was more like a box since it was not meant to navigate. It was just meant to float. It was called that because of the Hebrew word used to render what it was. Below is a part of the article ARK from the book Insight on the Scriptures.

Design and Size. The ark (Heb., te·vah′; Gr., ki·bo·tos′) was a rectangular chestlike vessel presumably having square corners and a flat bottom. It needed no rounded bottom or sharp bow to cut rapidly through the water; it required no steering; its only functions were to be watertight and to stay afloat. A vessel so shaped is very stable, cannot be easily capsized, and contains about one third more storage space than ships of conventional design. There was a door provided in the side of the ark for loading and unloading the cargo.
2009-12-23 04:48:00 UTC
The ark (Hebrew., te·vah′; Greek, ki·bo·tos′).

'Ark' is the translation of the Hebrew & Greek words for it.

"O.E. earc, mainly meaning Noah's, from L. arca "large box, chest" (see arcane).

Also borrowed in O.H.G. (arahha, Mod.Ger. Arche)."

(Online Etymology Dictionary)

The following articles share the proofs the the Flood of Noah's day did occur as Biblically reported.

"Was the Flood of Noah’s Day Really Global?"

"Why Was an Ancient World Destroyed?" :

- A Whole World Destroyed!

- - Flood Legends Worldwide

- Why Did That Ancient World Perish?

"Spirit Creatures—How They Affect Us"

- Angelic Support & Protection

> Spirit Creatures Who Are Our Enemies

- How Demons Mislead

- How to Resist Wicked Spirits
The Canadian Atheist
2009-12-23 04:40:40 UTC
It's a fairy tale, not a true story.

First, there is ZERO evidence suggesting there was ever a global flood.

Second the "ark" as described in the bible, would have destroyed itself under it's own weight. It is impossible to build a wooden ship to those dimensions.

Lastly, the whole thing is just so utterly ridiculous. How did Kangaroos and Polar bears end up in the middle east?

Come on, think please.

Hmm, 4 thumbs-down for applying logic and reason to a fairy tale? You guys really are that brainwashed aren't you?
2016-04-03 01:57:18 UTC
518 Boat Plans :
2009-12-23 04:48:45 UTC
pst: it's all "allegory" in both "covenants": Galatians 4.

Re-READ it, and notice God (said 2) is not LORD (said 7).

POINT: Grace is not LAW. Mercy is not SACRIFICE. Hell-o.
2009-12-23 04:40:05 UTC
The "true" story? As opposed to the fictional one in the Bible?
2009-12-23 04:40:45 UTC
No way is that story true
2009-12-23 04:40:04 UTC
Because it was an arc.
2009-12-23 04:39:47 UTC
True story? I think not.
2009-12-23 04:42:03 UTC
It is Noah's Ark

God sent Noah to his people and asked him to tell them to worship none but the One, who was the Creator of all. He was also told to warn them that 'stern retribution will overtake them' if they did not heed his call.

The nobles among them refused to believe him. They said: You are just a human being like us; why should we follow you? Except the vulgar who may thoughtlessly hasten to listen to you, you have no superiority over us; in fact, you are nothing but an impostor [11:27]

Noah beseeched them not to misunderstand him: I have a clear message from the Lord Who in His mercy has granted me this task. I ask you not to be deaf to what I have to say. I am not coercing you nor am I asking you for wealth. My reward is with my Lord. I will not turn away believers. Only pause and think of your future. I do not claim to possess God's treasures nor have I the knowledge of the Unseen; I am also no angel. But do not be scornful of those who believe in God or talk ill of them. [11: 28-31]

These people, however, remained adamant in their opposition and told Noah bluntly: You have raised a dispute between us; we have heard your contentions and also the warnings of dire consequences. Bring upon us the calamity that you threaten; let us see what your God can do to us. [11:32]

Noah warned them that if God so willed, He would do what He wanted and nothing could frustrate it. He pleaded with them again to come out of their 'persistent delusion'. But they refused to listen to him.

In desperation, Noah told the Lord: O my Lord, night and day I have pleaded with my people, but instead of listening to me they have fled away from me. Each time I have asked them to seek Your forgiveness, they have put their fingers in their ears and wrapped their heads with rich garments; they have persisted in their arrogance. Even so I pleaded with them, privately as well as publicly, in all earnestness, entreating them to seek Your forgiveness and to remember Your bounties and Your Awesome Majesty. But they have said 'no' to me. On the contrary, they have asked people not to abandon the worship of their gods. [71:5-23]

God then asked Noah not to be distressed and to construct an ark 'under Our eyes and by Our inspiration'. As he began the work, the chiefs of his people mocked him. He told them that soon they would realize who was in for 'lasting doom'.

And so it happened; under a decree from the Lord, the waters gushed forth and flooded the earth. Noah was commanded by the Lord to take into the ark two creatures of each species, a male and a female, members of his family, except the wrongdoers among them, and all the believers who numbered just a handful. Noah's son refused to board. The father pleaded with him, but he said, 'No, I will climb the mountain and take shelter there and protect myself.'

Noah cried out: This day there shall be no protection from the wrath of God, save for those who will receive His mercy. The waves came gushing forth in torrents and swept off Noah's son and all unbelievers; when Noah saw his son drowning, in a moment of weakness he asked God to forgive his son and to save him.

The Lord said: 'He was not a true son of yours; what he did was wrong. Do not ask for something which is wrong and of which you have no comprehension. Otherwise, you may be counted among the ignorant and the willful.' Noah realized his folly and was repentant.

He asked for God's forgiveness, and the blessings came: Noah! Take to the way of peace; Our blessings are upon you and upon people descending from you. We will give satisfaction to believers and retribution to unbelievers. the future is only known to Us; neither you nor your people have an inkling, hence be patient and fear your Lord. [11:48]

As the floods overwhelmed the unbelievers and took them to their doom, Noah prayed to the Lord: O my Lord! Forgive me and all believers who have taken shelter under my roof, but do not leave on earth a single unbeliever. For if You spare any one of them, He will lead Your servants astray and also their offspring and make them faithless wrongdoers. [71:26-28]

Noah and his companions in the ark were safely conveyed to the shore. God kept them steadily under His grace and granted them His bounties.
2009-12-23 04:42:21 UTC
Because the Bible says so!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.