*Hell is the punch-line to the bad news of the law
Jesus typically preached on hell in the context of the law (Mt 5:22, 29, 30 18:9) and when rebuking the Pharisees and law-experts (Mt 23:15, 33). It’s like he was saying:
If you’re going to preach law, make sure you go the whole way and preach hell. If you’re going to preach carrots and sticks, make sure you’ve got the right Stick.
Hell is the cure for a watered-down law. Hell makes the law scary. The condemning ministry of the law reaches its ultimate expression in the eternal condemnation of hell.
*Hell is completely unnecessary
Nobody need go there and it is God’s will that nobody does! How do I know? I’ve seen the cross. I’ve seen the great lengths he has gone to make hell unnecessary. Hell is not for people but the devil and his angels (Mt 25:41). Those who choose to follow the devil are breaking their Father’s heart.
Like death in the Garden, hell is not what God wants. It’s something we choose against his most strenuous desires.
*Hell should not be used as a tool in evangelism
As I mentioned, Jesus preached hell in connection with the law. And those who prefer the bad news of the law to the good news of grace certainly need to hear about hell for it is the baddest news of all.
But to place hell at the center of the gospel is to mischaracterize God as a vengeful punisher who sends people to hell when in truth he is a loving Father who saves his kids from the hell of their own choices.
God didn’t create us to save us from hell. He made us so that we could share his life and enjoy him and each other. The purpose of life is not “escape hell.” Eternal life is knowing and experiencing God’s love both now and for all eternity.
Threatening people with hell is no way to invite them into a relationship with their Father who loves them and yearns for them. When we make hell part of our message, we appeal to people’s worst fears and insecurities. Instead of returning to God like the Prodigal Son they will draw back in fear like the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. Jesus wants no shot-gun weddings.
*The condemnation of hell has no place in the gospel of grace
Jesus’ gospel was not, “Come to God or you’ll burn in hell,” but “God’s kingdom is at hand and you can participate in it.” He was not interested in scaring the hell out of people but inviting all to enter the kingdom of heaven. His invitation still stands.
We haven’t been commissioned to preach the bad news of hell but the good news of the kingdom. As Darrin Hufford has said, “God never delights in people getting what they deserve. He is about saving us from what we deserve.” That’s grace. That’s the good news. And that’s the message the world most needs to hear.