Please! don`t make a church services/activities like some kind of a just watching, observing, or being not concentrated to the lesson learned from God`s every word ...probably because you are with friends, lovers, family, communities, childhood group, etc. or even attending in the church alone... but so busy planning your activities for today, tomorrow, the whole week/month/year, or worst is...recalling the unsavory past, quarrel experience, or just the sweet yesteryears. What is more dangerous is...when you`re attending church is just to show your sunday duties/obligations, show to friends/neighbors that you are normally in church because you are a Christian.
Christian is never in a person label kind of meaning. It is private... coming from the heart. God label you "His" if your heart longs for Him, if you befriend Him (He wants to be your best friend), He feels elated if you constantly call Him every seconds of your life, talk to Him, tell Him everything (whether you are happy, sad, help someone or you have help somebody, or if you can/can`t successfuily resist temptations & sinning, or if you do/don`t have the capacity of witholding (anger, gossip, treacherousness, vengeful, easily get angry, hatred, tell lies, etc). He wants to know what you think of Him (God), your friends, parents, neighbors, country...and what are your plans in the future, dreams, ambitions...and why?
If you have heard God`s word for today, reflect on it, imprint it in your mind...and do it everyday (so that God will be happy to see that you have learned from His word, practice living on it everyday...then, when you are very good in this can help others by best advicing them the real meaning of Gods word and God will be happy for you in saving other sinners of this world.)...then another Sunday, another learned lesson from His on and so forth. Then it won`t be a boring Sunday already with boring "WORD" because you make an impact by living it yourself, and helping guide others to God`s way.
If you have memorized PRAYERS, it is not good...because you are talking prayers without even knowing what you are talking actually, or you do not mean what you talk & pray.
Please mean what you say in prayers. Eg. "The Our Father". Pray as slow as you can be that you understand every word you say. Then, in your daily life, please remember...mean what you say in prayers. (you are talking to a God and He is real, and heard what you say...but did you mean/do something real out of your prayers?) Giving meaning to the Our Father prayer itself will cost you whole life to mean and do it actually. Very hard to do and mean what you say, especially if you prove to Him/God what you mean to say...while it is very easy for a God to mean what He say because He has everything, all poweful, all forgiving, real good.
When you pray, better be in your room, quite places where you can focus on God and just talk to your mind (don`t let voices comes out your mouth), or let your hearts talk to God (meaning...what you genuinely felt, the truth whether good or bad, what you really are thinking without censors, because God reads your, you can`t lie.)
Every church, has its own set of important topic, or bible passages to talk with the people. Their gospels may be the same all over in every 3-5 years program. So, if you think you understand well the Word and its explanation or learned lesson from the church...then you are ready to explore other bible passages (outside their prepared set passages to be discussed) on your own by reading it yourself.
If you get hold of The Holy Bible, I assure you, this is one of the most interesting book ever published in our world. It deals with real life, real God, the story of our world creations, the life of our anscestor in this world from beginning to end, climaxed by "revelations" (foretold end of times.) Then, here, you will know well who God is, His intentions of making our universe, His hearfelt feelings for His people, and the people`s doubt, denial & treacherousness towards their God, and then God`s reactions to disloyalty, punishments and forgiveness...then, His plans for all us in the future.
Still, so many knowledge left to be learned & absorbed, so many mysteries to be uncovered. If you just look into each matter one by one, you would see...each second is very important as the whole story of our life, so thrilling to see, watch & anticipate... what comes next ??? (when you can feel the pulse of near ending world time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Don`t waste any time, getting bored without knowing our God...because the world is about "God" and "us" and near ending. Please be prepared for end times.
Good luck.....and.....Be Blessed !