if the tree of knowledge was evil?
2008-11-22 19:52:49 UTC
Arent we all just creating our own self destruction? I think we're chaising the wind. We wanted to make food last longer so we fill our bodies with poisons that cause cancer and take medicines for cancer that cause our organs to fail. What if we just stopped searching for answers and felt the wind and gazed at the stars looking forward to death. Its like retirement right? Doesnt the search for knowledge seem pointless? No one is ever really correct. a molecule is only a molecule b/c we call it one and we can only see it under a microscope b/c we wanted to make something that could explain mass. Share knowledge and thoughts please? (isnt it ironic that human drive is based upon success which is always seemed to be based upon knowlege?
22 answers:
2008-11-22 20:02:55 UTC
So by your reasoning you would prefer the food to rot causing famine and starvation, you would prefer those with cancer just died, you would prefer to live in a cave wearing skins of animals you found, ( you cannot catch or hunt them because that takes intelligence and knowledge), it is easy to sit at your computer dreaming up Utopia, but in REAL life it just does not happen.
2016-10-21 09:47:15 UTC
a great number of astute and perfect observations! high quality question.... magnolia flora introduced this up the different day besides... so i visit function in my own shadings - the tree, it is symbolic of the microcosm it is us. The snake, it is the kundalini - the sacred Divine sub atomic means it is residing interior us all, dormant till the guy awakens her with "top" action and theory ~*~ She climbs the trunk of our tree, the spinal column, in direction of the tree tip, the crown. We exist as does the tree, roots grounded interior the earth, head interior the heavens... reliable and evil, they are an older concepts-set - to look for to develop (Eve, or the huge-unfold suspects) is as Jon pronounced - only an expression of the ongoingness of God/One/ the All This divine important, call it what you will, exists as One, and had the desire to have contemplated adventure as many - the numerous misplaced sight of the single, and function been residing interior the sea of Samsara ever considering. till they are no longer. The reports garnered as individual feed into the single, fueling growth, growth, refinement. it is the ongoingness of introduction. How ever this enhance into construed as evil is interior the previous - it is an old and constrained concepts-set. so some distance, the thought that has been held in place is that the sole thank you to realize, enlighten, have finished information, is to furnish over the phantasm of the guy to as quickly as back be the single. I propose, as do others, that it is a concept that would additionally be long previous previous. question all dogma, recommends the Buddha....
2008-11-22 20:25:43 UTC
Hi, very interesting question and if I wasn't soooo tired right now I might try give my 2 cents worth.

Remember the old saying - All the worlds a stage, and we are are merely players... etc (hope I am phrasing it correctly!)

Well perhaps 'reality' is only a dream, a make believe after all, I was reading somewhere on the net that scientists have discovered that our 'reality' is actually just some kind of blip in the nothingness of space/time and is caused by quarks spontaneously appearing and disappearing.

I cannot remember the site I read it on, but it was related to the LHC (collider).

I just did a quick search for it but only found the following site, seems interesting, you may like it...

Good Luck.
2008-11-22 19:58:53 UTC
The human race is based on intellect, or so it seems. Every single human, with the exception of those few, like you and me, who see past that. I enjoy searching for knowledge, but I too have seen this point. Why are things called what they are. A molecule is what it is because we said so. Not God. And back to your question about the tree of knowledge. The tree of knowledge was evil because humans disobeyed God, bringing sin into the world. Thus, lives were complicated and shortened.
2008-11-22 20:18:59 UTC
Well, if you look at it that way, it sonds pretty depressing.

I agree, the world is broken.

BUT there is good news.

That's the whole point of Jesus...

He came to bring us life (not just "eternal life"), real life.

He brought us the news that God is making all things new and is reconciling all things to Himself.

There's hope.

That's probably the best thing I've ever heard in my life.

I struggled with clinical depression during a period of my life, where it seemed like life was pointless and empty.

But I'm finding that's wrong.

There is something amazing about human life. A dignity.

I was created because something in God's wanted a Lindsay Hope...I have a special part of God that no one else does.

So do you.
2008-11-22 20:08:29 UTC
A) The tree was not evil.

B) The knowledge was ABOUT good vs evil.

C) Knowledge is creation; not destruction.

D) Searching is growing; growing is life.

E) Retirement is not like death; it is like joining the garage band you always wanted as a teenager.

F) A molecule is a molecule because it possess the pre-defined characteristics of a molecule; had to call them something.

G) Finally:
2008-11-22 19:59:18 UTC
The Tree of Knowledge was not evil.

Adam and Eve were told, "Eat anything you want, except for fruit of this tree and that tree." Simplistically, it was simply an obedience test. Eve was disobedient, she led Adam into disobedience, and they were kicked out of the garden.

However, it seems like more than that to me. God said that if they eat of the tree, they will die, but they did not. He told them they could have anything except "Knowledge of Good and Evil" and "Eternal Life". In other words, be happy and blissful in ignorance...and, when they surrendered their ignorance and became self aware (hiding because they were naked), they were punished for becoming self aware.
Muse - Viktor's Mommy
2008-11-22 19:57:40 UTC
Well, first of all, I didn't see the Tree of Knowledge as being evil. I saw the tree as metaphor for the kind of knowledge only God has (and only God should have), and when Adam/Eve ate from it, it was as though they were trying to gain intelligence/knowing equal to that of God. So, the tree wasn't evil.

And I often get thoughts of how futile the human constant search for knowledge and "truth" is. However, life would be so dull without it.
2008-11-22 19:59:05 UTC
Some things are better not knowing. That's why God didn't want the fruit eaten. Not b/c he was trying to keep us in the dark, but b/c with some knowledge man created things like nuclear weapons. I don't get why some people feel like they have to know everything. Just have faith.
2008-11-22 19:58:41 UTC
I always felt part of the tree of knowledge was GODS way of testing his children's obedience we are not in a position any more not to advance, personally though I believe that GOD has created in a natural form a cure for all things, what he created was in perfect balance
2008-11-22 20:17:18 UTC
My answer is a follow-up question.

What the planet looked like if Eve resisted temptation, in other words she never blow the fruit from that tree of knowledge, meaning she followed God's order, what do you think it relate to your original question?
2008-11-22 20:00:26 UTC
We were supposed to stay nieve

hence the name Eve.

The innocence of a child.

Ignorance is Bliss

To know of Evil means we could do/be Evil.
2008-11-22 19:56:30 UTC
It wasn't the "Tree of Knowledge."

It was the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." There is a difference. The problem wasn't knowledge - it was knowledge of evil.
2008-11-22 19:58:40 UTC
humans always have to assign "good" or "evil" to events, people, etc.

the tok was not "evil" - it simply changed things. all the choices we make are fruit of that same tok.

so, not evil...just a choice. if it had been "evil", God would have simply eliminated adam and eve...and started over...
2008-11-22 19:56:09 UTC
The tree of knowledge wasn't evil, God just told them not to eat of it. What God wanted was for them to come to Him for all wisdom and knowledge, and He would've freely given it to them. Furthurmore, God kicked them out of Eden out of mercy, cause if they had then eaten of the tree of life, then they wouldn't lived in their fallen sinful state forever, without redemption.
2008-11-22 19:59:05 UTC
the knowledge is pure , its jus that sum people twist the information to suit them financially speaking, thats when bad seeds are produced LOL {no pun intended] LOL
2008-11-22 19:58:01 UTC
Humans are flawed. It's best not to think about it, because you can't change it, and you'll get depressed!
The Invisible Ninja
2008-11-22 19:56:45 UTC
thats like questioning the point of all life. life wouldnt be fun if all you did was fulfill your needs
2008-11-22 19:57:05 UTC
i kind of agree with you on that one but you won't persuade all people about it, especially the ones who really support it.
2008-11-22 20:00:01 UTC
wow, where did all of that come from. I do agree with this, it is amazing
2008-11-22 19:55:46 UTC
this is the christian's way of saying they're ignorant
2008-11-22 19:57:13 UTC
lol omg that's to long ,im not reading all of that

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