The notion of an athropomorphic god that's a father/mother substitute is pretty silly on its face. The notion that an eternal and uncreated superbeing would create a universe 20-40 billion light years across simply to listen to our complaints is a little egocentric on our parts.
Here's my question. What answer do you want? Is it that the answer is unavailable from another source, or not available with such authority? I think mostly people talk to God because they have no one else to listen, or they're afraid to say to other people what they say to God, or they are asking for magic that only a God could work.
I would suggest that except for wanting magic, most other inquiries and requests can be answered by someone other than the Creator. I think between us here on the planet darn near all solutions are within our reach if not within our agreement, and that if we are really wanting a magic genie to grant our wishes, that's not really a God thing except in the most distored sense.
Let's say for the sake of argument that God is a faery tale and joke. What's your next move? If silence is all you get from God, do you just keep waiting or take action? Why wouldn't you just take action anyway? If what you're wanting is something only a magic genie could do, then you need to adjust your expectations because that's not happening, even if there is a God. But if it's something a friend or other person can help with, ask for help. You'll at least get an answer from a person.