A simple question to all God believers?
Grandpa Homer : 74 Not out !
2008-07-07 03:10:14 UTC
All believers agree that GOD is eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. If only one religion is right, and the others are wrong,God could have simply willed that only adherents of the true religion be blessed with children so that there would be only the true religion left in the world. But God has not done that. God allows children to be born into different religions. Hence if one changes his religion chosen for him by God, he sins against God. And, those who convert him to another religion are commiting a graver sin. Will believers understand this and stop all efforts at converting people from one religion to another ?
21 answers:
Allan C
2008-07-07 03:21:19 UTC
God gave everyone the right to make their own choice. It's what's in your heart that God is looking for and not necessarily what is in the human mind. He knows what is in your heart, and for that you will be rewarded, not what this world puts in your mind.
2008-07-07 03:39:20 UTC
Here is a story. Comes from a Buddhist origin but does not matter, it is Universal.There are 10 blind people and they want to know what an elephant looks like. So the good people bring an elephant. One blind person touches the tooth and says ' Oh, I know now, an elephant looks like a sword' An other touches a leg and says 'Oh, I know now, it looks like a tree' ,another touches the body and says it resembles a wall, the other to an ear that is like a fan, another to the tail which is like a rope and so on. We are all the blind people trying to find what the Elephant looks like. We, people of different faiths are all blind. Well, some may have a little vision. So, whether you convert or not, you are moving from one body part to another. So what can the blind person do? I believe ( This is not part of the story) he can move around the elephant. Touch this part and that part. He can learn about other religions. Not to convert, just to take the basic idea and to see what is common and what is not. If you don't want to convert, don't. The others are not sinners. A person that believes that an elephant is like a rope is telling you so. Gently tell him that it may be so but that you are not interested or that you will consider it and move on. The basic idea in all religions is to be a good person and I think that counts. Sin, sinners etc these are all reflections depending on the point of view.
2008-07-07 03:28:27 UTC
Let me shed some light on this..If i can :)

Okay, now I am Christian and I beleive that yes GOD is eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. I also believe that only Christianity is the right and true religion!

You have to come to understand that God made everyone for a purpose, each person has a purpose that they have to fullfill on this Earth. He gave everyone a free will an dthis has been the reason that we allow ourselves to fall short of God's glory (sin). We hereby choose hell over heaven. Heaven is what God choose for us...

Now with the gifts and talents that God has placed in a person they can bring other people closer and come to know God and find salvation through Jesus Christ. So if people live out thier purpose according to God's will they have the power to bring people to God and be saved. People from other religions have the hope of being saved if someone stands up and lives out thier purpose and through that bringing a soul/person into the kingdom of God...and so on..

Anything immpossible is possible through God!
2008-07-07 03:34:25 UTC
Your question seems to propose that all religions are "true" because God hasn't "willed" the destruction of the others. If I have understood your assumption correctly then I must protest. Firstly, for God to destroy all other religions and keep the one “true” religion's followers alive then this would be against our free will to follow Him, it would stop us loving Him (as we would be forced to follow Him) it would remove faith in Him (as He would have proven Himself and thus we would assume His capabilities). Secondly, we are in the age of Grace, as such God has restricted His impacts in our world to reflect this. From the ages that appear through the Bible (as I said, we are currently in the age of Grace), there has both been a time when God showed Himself and walked with man, a time when there was no question about God's abilities (this was at the fall of man (Adam and Eve and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil)) and a time when God destroyed everyone who was not part of the one “true” religion (this was the flood that Noah survived with his wife, sons and their wives). From both these times (when what you proposed was done) mankind has again turned away from God and from what we had already known, to seek our own truths. God will not go over the same ground again and again, man failed not once but 6 separate times in 6 separate ages (including the fall of man, Noah's flood, Judges, ect) and now we face a time where all we have to do is say sorry for the sins that we have committed and we are saved and it looks like mankind will mostly lose this opportunity as well.
2008-07-07 03:23:25 UTC
Your question makes no sense. You do understand that not all monotheistic religions believe in the same God, right? When I am "trying to convert" someone, I am trying to make them aware of the truth as revealed in God's Word - the Bible. I am doing what Jesus commanded. Just because a person is born into a particular religion, does not mean that God wants them to stay that way.
2008-07-07 05:25:38 UTC
i think it is strange how christians say they are monotheists" and in fact they are not.. they took a prophet and called him god... Monotheism is believing in one god.. but if you beleiev jesus was a savior, and a god, and then theres the whole holy spirit thing well that is nonsense.. i am so happy i converted to islam.. it makes sense.. to worship 1 God only.. and not try to say that 3=1 that is an insult to God. master of the universe.. and you are saying that God actually wants you to believe that 3=1??? Read the Quran... educate yourselves.. before it is too late.. satan wants you to go on believing that christianity is the answer i find it funny.. jesus talked about "the one after him", ( Mohammad SAW) and people say this is the hoy spirit well the holy spirit has been in men since Adam.. because when God made Adam he blew breath into him hence the holy spirit.. just read.. also in Corinthians it says that if a women prophesies or prays with her head uncovered she dishonors her head and that it would be better to shave her head.. Islam is the only true religion.. we accept ALL prophets.. with Mohammed (SAWS) being the last prophet from God.. there is 1 God and its NOT Jesus. LA ILAHA ILL ALAH There is no god but 1 God, Mohhamdun rasoolulah and Mohammed was the messenger of God.
2008-07-07 03:24:04 UTC
Christians are known to score big in Heaven if they manage to recruit other believers... So it is a matter of coveting a big prize in Heaven even if it doesn't exist like some Bible writers are telling us...!

I echo the same opinion held by some of the most honest writers of the Bible who couldn’t resist telling everybody the ultimate truth of life on this Earth…!!! In fact, one of them is the Bible God’s certified WISEST MAN ever to set foot on this Earth King Solomon, but Christian preachers hate him because he doesn’t go along with the prosperity and get well message that is so popular today!!!

Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 (NIV) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward* (*The grave is their final reward!), and even the memory of them is forgotten. [10] WHATEVER your hand finds to do, DO IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT* (*without any restriction!), for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Ecclesiastes 3:19 (NIV) Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is vanity.

Job 7:9 (NIV) As a cloud vanishes and is gone, so he who goes down to the grave does not return.

Jeremiah 6:13 (NIV) "From the least to the greatest, ALL are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, ALL practice deceit."
2008-07-07 03:35:35 UTC
religion is not genetic it is your beliefs and generally those we are taught

you could be born of parents that are christian and when you get to be an adult change your beliefs for whatever reason,

every step we take in our life has been chosen by God ,not just our religion

if we are called on by God than every step leads down an educational spiritual maturing that the final destination could not be reached with any bypass of trials and lessons in the school of hard knocks
2008-07-07 04:30:14 UTC
God could easily make us all love him. But it would not be true love because we did not make the decision ourselves (free will).

No one religion is right, since religion is man's attempt to reach God and man, by nature, is flawed, so any effort to reach God solely on man's own effort is flawed.

God wants a relationship with us through Jesus, not religion. If you have a relationship with someone, you love them, care about them, think about them, want to please them and want to be with them. God does not choose religions for us.

God wants us to come to Him for our every need. If a child asks his parents for a piece of bread to eat, what parent would give that child a stone? Thus if we ask God for a piece of bread, He is willing to give us that and so much more than we can ever imagine, if we would just love Him.
2008-07-07 03:18:47 UTC
You have a good question but a lack of direction. You have it wrong my friend, Through Christ Jesus My Lord and friend all people are saved, the gentiles who believe in different religions are saved, but only if they trust in Christ who trusted in them.

It becomes a matter of understanding, it's not about what religion you fallow, it's about what you believe. If Jesus becomes the person who you love for his sacrifice, like how an American can love ghondi, then that person is saved. You don't have to be a catholic to believe in Christ.
2008-07-07 03:15:42 UTC
Well, it depends how you view it, many modern 'spiritual people' now believe that all religions are right and that the religions are just different paths to the same goal, God. I am off that opinion also, i don't belong to a 'group' as most religions have become now, i consider myself a believer in God first and foremost.
Ivan G
2008-07-07 03:15:45 UTC
I don't think God intended there to be "religions." He started us out with 2 people.. As the world became populated, people started changing their views on what God wanted in us... Soon, that became full blown religions.
2008-07-07 03:17:39 UTC
God makes the choice of who He wants in my opinion.

You are on to something, because as men, we really are useless when it comes to convincing God that we are worthly.

Sorry for the lack of clarity here, but the bottom line is that it is better to stop asking questions that will never get answered (I think that is what I am trying to say).

Bottom line, in my opinion, is that God will choose who He wants.
2008-07-07 05:45:04 UTC
For me, I'm not convincing anyone that they should be baptized with my religion.

But one thing I do is tell them about the Saviour not the religion, because religion can confuse anybody about the truth.
2008-07-07 03:13:40 UTC
i dont know what to say. here might help u

mickey robinson

After surviving severe burns ... resulting from an airplane crash while skydiving, Mickey Robinson had a "Death's Door" experience and spiritual rebirth that radically changed his life. During the long period of time required to recover, he not only received several miraculous healings, but also struggled with finding his purpose in life.
2016-10-22 15:03:33 UTC
God is an entity you moron, a spirit without actual essence, consequently why you cant see him. And as for heaven, i dont think of you need to challenge, by way of fact your by no potential gonna get to work out it besides, solid luck!!!
2008-07-07 03:31:23 UTC
first of all God is not omni present God is on top He is not in

world but His knowledge is everywhere in this universe and

God makes only one religion is Islam Adam and Iva was on Islam prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that every child is

born on nature Shahaba asked what is nature He replied

Islam but parents of child make him jews chirstian majushi

atheist mushriq and Qafir and who people accept Islam is

revort not convert
Padmini Gopalan
2008-07-07 06:02:33 UTC
Christians believe that all non believers will burn in hell fire for eternity and so they go about converting in good faith.It is their faith .You can not rationalise in matters of faith.
2008-07-07 03:14:03 UTC
God commanded us to preach the Gospel and make "disciples of all nations..." I'm not sure I understand your question.
2008-07-07 03:23:33 UTC
ok . I sent your question to God

we are all a little crazy
2008-07-07 03:15:58 UTC
you are insane and uneducated

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