Because Evolution is a religion which denies the existence of God.
Although Evolutionists do not like to be reminded of this Evolution is just a theory and because it cannot be proven using the Scientific Method, it will always remain ONLY a theory. Therefore, evolutionary thinking is a belief system just like any other religion.
Evolution is part of Origins Science, just like Intelligent Design and Creationism. Origins Science is limited by the very nature of what it attempts to understand. You see, the Scientific Method is a process with specific steps which is used to logically answer questions or solve problems. The Scientific Method requires the scientist(s) to:
1. directly observe an event or process
2. develop questions which will help him/her focus his/her further observations
3. arrive at a hypothesis or theory based on these observations
4. conduct verifyable, independently (that is by others on their own) repeatable experiments
5. evaluate the results of the experiments
6. determine whether the results of the experiments prove or disprove the theory.
Since the events which led to the creation of the universe and life happened in the distant past (whether one believes it was billions of years ago or thousands of years ago), and we have no way of traveling to the past, there is no way for scientists to conduct direct observations. Additionally, there have been no independently repeatable experiments which have led to the creation of life.
So, where Origins are concerned, scientists can only have theories. They can then search for evidence which supports their theory. But the theory can NEVER be proven, so it can only be a theory.
Yes, by those same standards, Creationism is also only a theory. It takes as much faith for me to believe in Creation as it takes an evolutionist to believe in Evolution.
Why do I say evolution requires as much faith as Christianity? Because, evolution is based on the idea that organisms improve through chance mutations and the accumulation of favorable traits that improve the organism's chances of survival. However, before you can even have an organism, which is defined as "a living complex adaptive system of organs that influence each other in such a way that they function as a more or less stable whole," you must have organs, which are "An organ is a structure that contains at least two different types of tissue functioning together for a common purpose", before you have organs you have to have tissues which are "a collection of similar cells that group together to perform a specialized function," cells are "The cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is capable of integrating the essential life processes". "All cells share a number of common properties; they store information in genes made of DNA (see nucleic acid); they use proteins as their main structural material; they synthesize proteins in the cell's ribosomes using the information encoded in the DNA and mobilized by means of RNA; they use adenosine triphosphate as the means of transferring energy for the cell's internal processes; and they are enclosed by a cell membrane, composed of proteins and a double layer of lipid molecules, that controls the flow of materials into and out of the cell." So a cell is the smallest structure which can b considered to be alive. But in order to have cells you need proteins. But proteins are made by organisms. So, you come to a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" situation. And since proteins are not living they would not have a reason to accumulate favorable traits, or mutate, therefore, no evolution to cells.
True, I also cannot prove the theory of Creationism and I cannot scientifically prove the existence of God.
However, if in the end it turns out I was wrong and the evolutionists were right. then I will simply cease to exist happily expecting to wake up in Heaven eternally worshipping and fellowshipping with God and will never know I was wrong. While if the evolutionist turns out to be wrong he will die happily expecting to simply cease to be, only to find himself facing a Creator he has denied for all of his brief life and will then be denied by the Creator for eternity. All in all, I think my options are better whether I am living a deluded life or not.