2012-11-30 11:30:55 UTC
I will raise up for them a PROPHET like you (Moses) from among their brothers; I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. (Deuteronomy 18:18)
Compare and contrast;
Jews and Arabs are related - look back at Ismael and Isaac, the sons of Abraham.
From Isaac came the tribes of Judaism and from Ishmael came the Arabs
Moses - Mother and Father
Jesus - only mother
Mohammed - Mother and Father
Moses: became a prophet at 40 years old
Jesus: Prophet from Birth
Mohammed: became a prophet at 40 years old
Moses: Prophet of God (Jews)
Jesus: God/ Son of God (Christians)
Mohammed: Prophet of God (Muslims)
Moses: Was accepted by his people
Jesus: was rejected
Mohammed: Was accepted by his people
Moses: Married
Jesus: Never married
Mohammed: Married
Moses: revealed the complete Torah during his lifetime
Jesus: the present day revelation came hundreds of years after him
Mohammed: revealed the complete Quran during his lifetime
Moses: another Messenger shall come
Jesus: I will ask the father to send the Paraclete
Mohammed: I am the last Messenger
Moses: Natural death
Jesus: was 'supposedly' killed
Mohammed: Natural death
Moses: Buried
Jesus: Unknown
Mohammed: Buried
Judaism: Only Moses
Christianity: Moses and Jesus
Islam: Moses, Jesus and Mohammed