Where can I get Catholic donations without converting our tribal village to Catholic?
2007-02-06 10:54:10 UTC
Where can I get Catholic donations without converting our tribal village to Catholic?
Seven answers:
Sierra Leone
2007-02-06 11:04:34 UTC

The InterAction members listed here are accepting contributions for assistance they or their affiliates are providing to those affected by the crisis. The following list was produced by InterAction, a coalition of more than 160 US-based private relief, development and refugee assistance agencies. InterAction members have agreed to abide by a set of standards to ensure accountability to donors, professional competence and quality of service.

Action Against Hunger

247 West 37th Street

Suite 1201

New York, NY 10018


Details of Assistance Provided

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International

Iraq Regional Crisis Fund

12501 Old Columbia Pike

Silver Spring, MD 20904

800-424-ADRA (2372)

Details of Assistance Provided

Air Serv International

6583 Merchant Place, Suite 100

Warrenton, VA 20187


Details of Assistance Provided

American Friends Service Committee

AFSC Crisis Fund

1501 Cherry Street

Philadelphia, PA


Details of Assistance Provided

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Box 321

847A Second Avenue

New York, New York 10017


Details of Assistance Provided

American Jewish World Service

45 West 36th Street

New York, New York 10018


Details of Assistance Provided

American Near East Refugee Aid

1522 K Street NW, Suite 202

Washington DC, 20005


Details of Assistance Provided

American Red Cross

2025 E Street NW

Washington, DC 20006

(202) 303-5279

Details of Assistance Provided

American Refugee Committee

430 Oak Grove St., Suite 204

Minneapolis, MN 55403


Details of Assistance Provided

AmeriCares Foundation

Iraq Refugee Fund

161 Cherry Street

New Canaan, CT 06840


Details of Assistance Provided

America's Development Foundation

101 N. Union Street, Suite 200

Alexandria, VA 22314


Details of Assistance Provided

Baptist World Aid

Please designate for Iraq and Middle East Appeal

405 N. Washington Street

Falls Church, VA 22046


Details of Assistance Provided

Brother's Brother Foundation

1200 Galveston Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15233


Details of Assistance Provided


151 Ellis Street, NE

Atlanta, GA 30303


Details of Assistance Provided

Catholic Relief Services

Iraq Humanitarian Response

PO Box 17090

Baltimore, MD 21203-7090


Details of Assistance Provided

Christian Children's Fund

Child Alert

PO Box 26484

2821 Emerywood Parkway

Richmond, VA 23261-6484


Details of Assistance Provided

The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee

Iraq Relief

2850 Kalamazoo Ave SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49560


Details of Assistance Provided

Church World Service

Iraq Conflict Response #6801

PO Box 968

Elkhart, IN 46515


Details of Assistance Provided

Concern Worldwide US


104 East 40th Street, Room 903

New York, NY 10016


Details of Assistance Provided

Counterpart International

1200 18th Street, NW

Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20036


Details of Assistance Provided

Direct Relief International

Iraq Relief

27 South La Patera Lane

Santa Barbara, CA 93117


Details of Assistance Provided

Episcopal Relief and Development

Iraqi Conflict

815 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10017

800-334-7626 x5129

Details of Assistance Provided

Food for the Hungry

Food for the Hungry

1224 E. Washington St.

Phoenix, AZ 85034


Details of Assistance Provided

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

333 Seventh Avenue

New York, NY 10001


Details of Assistance Provided

International Aid

17011 W. Hickory

Spring Lake, MI 49456-9712


Details of Assistance Provided

International Catholic Migration Commission

Iraq Refugee Response

1319 F. St. NW, Suite 600

Washington, DC 20004


Details of Assistance Provided

International Medical Corps

1919 Santa Monica Blvd.

Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA 90404


Details of Assistance Provided

INMED Partnerships for Children

Medical Supply & Donations Program

45449 Severn Way

Suite 161

Sterling, VA 20166


Details of Assistance Provided

International Orthodox Christian Charities

Middle East Crisis Response

PO Box 630225

Baltimore, MD 21263-0225


Details of Assistance Provided

International Relief and Development

1621 N. Kent St., 4th Floor

Arlington, VA 22209


Details of Assistance Provided

International Relief Teams

Iraq Relief

3547 Camino del Rio S

Suite C

San Diego, CA 92123


Details of Assistance Provided

International Rescue Committee

PO Box 5058

Hagerstown, MD 21741-9874


Details of Assistance Provided

Latter-day Saint Charities

50 East North Temple

Salt Lake City, UT 84150



Details of Assistance Provided

Life For Relief & Development

Iraq Emergency

17300 W. 10 Mile Road

PO Box 236

Southfield, MI 48075


Details of Assistance Provided

Lutheran World Relief

PO Box 17061

Baltimore, MD 21298-9832


Details of Assistance Provided

MAP International

Disaster Relief

2200 Glynco Parkway

PO 215000

Brunswick, GA 31521-5000


Details of Assistance Provided

Mercy Corps

Iraq Emergency Fund

PO Box 2669

Portland, OR 97208


Details of Assistance Provided

Northwest Medical Teams

Iraq Relief

PO Box 10

Portland, OR 97207-0010


Details of Assistance Provided

Operation USA

Iraq Aid

8320 Melrose Ave. #200

Los Angeles, CA 90069


Details of Assistance Provided

Oxfam America

Iraq Relief

PO Box 1745

Boston, MA 02215-1745


Details of Assistance Provided

Project HOPE

Iraq Relief

255 Carter Hall Lane

Millwood, VA 22646


Details of Assistance Provided

Refugees International

Iraq Crisis

1705 N Street, NW

Washington, DC 20036


Details of Assistance Provided

Relief International

Iraq Emergency Relief Fund

1575 Weswood Blvd. #201

Los Angeles, CA 90024


Details of Assistance Provided

The Salvation Army World Service Office

Iraq Crisis Fund

615 Slaters Lane

PO Box 269

Alexandria, VA 22313

703-684-5500 or 5528

Details of Assistance Provided

Save the Children

Iraq Children in Crisis Fund

54 Wilton Road

Westport, CT 06880


Details of Assistance Provided

Stop Hunger Now

Iraq Crisis Appeal

2501 Clark Avenue

Suite 301

Raleigh, NC 27607


Details of Assistance Provided


Iraqi Refugee Emergency Fund

1775 K Street, NW

Suite 290

Washington, DC 20006


Details of Assistance Provided

U.S. Committee for Refugees

Donations Accepted Online

1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Suite 200

Washington, DC 20010


Details of Assistance Provided

US Fund for UNICEF

333 East 38th Street

New York, NY 10016


Details of Assistance Provided

United Methodist Committee on Relief

Iraq Emergency Advance #623225-4

Room 330

475 Riverside Dr.

New York, NY 10115


Details of Assistance Provided

United Way International

701 North Fairfax Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2045, USA

Tel: 1 703 519 0092

Fax: 1 703 519 0097


Details of Assistance Provided

Women for Women International

1850 M Street, NW

Suite 1090

Washington, DC 20036


Details of Assistance Provided

World Concern

Iraq Relief

19303 Fremont Ave. N.

Seattle, WA 98133


Details of Assistance Provided

World Vision

Relief in the Middle East (Acct. #2505)

PO Box 70288

Tacoma, WA 98481-1288


Details of Assistance Provided

Details of InterAction Member Assistance

Action Against Hunger (AAH)

(March 18, 03)

AAH is prepared for humanitarian interventions in Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Jordan. If needed, AAH will implement water and sanitation programs and nutritional assessment and treatment programs, including establishing therapeutic and supplemental feeding centers.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International

(July 24, 03)

ADRA began its humanitarian response in northern Iraq, in partnership with a local NGO, by meeting the basic needs of 12,500 refugees and IDP's with urgently needed assistance like food rations, water, medicines, medical care and non-food items. Pharmaceutical and medical supplies are being provided to Tel Afar Hospital and a second shipment will be distributed to other hospitals in the district. In June, ADRA established an office in Baghdad.

Air Serv International

(September 13, 04)

Air Serv International provides safe, reliable and cost-effective air transport and communications support to humanitarian agencies involved in Iraq. An Air Serv aircraft began the civilian humanitarian airlift into Iraq on May 1, 2003 with the flight of a King Air from Kuwait City to Baghdad International Airport. Air Serv currently flies into Iraq from Amman, Jordan on a regular basis using two Beechcraft 1900D’s and one Embraer EMB120. Air Serv is currently accepting donations for this program.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

(March 18, 03)

In preparation for war with Iraq, the American Friends Service Committee Emergency and Material Assistance Program (EMAP) is gearing up for the substantial health and sanitation needs of Iraqi refugees expected on the border areas of Syria and Jordan. Staff on the ground are purchasing portable water storage tanks and mobile water purification plants with anticipated delivery in Iraq; health kits that include common household items, such as soap, shampoo and toothpaste, are being sought and monetary contributions to purchase supplies in the field are also needed. For details visit

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

(March 18, 03)

JDC is planning to assist those who have been displaced due to the Iraqi conflict. JDC anticipates implementation of programs for both immediate humanitarian needs and longer-term rehabiltation.

American Jewish World Service (AJWS)

(March 19, 03)

American Jewish World Service is planning to assist in humanitarian relief efforts for civilians affected by the armed conflict in Iraq. AJWS will be partnering with other international relief organizations in a non-proft effort to provide this emergency relief.

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

(April 8, 03)

ANERA is working with AmeriCares to deliver $2.5 million in medicines, medical and relief supplies to help the Jordanian Red Crescent Society (JRCS) prepare for the possible influx of displaced people from Iraq. The donation is intended for humanitarian assistance or emergency relief programs carried out by the Jordan Red Crescent Society in Jordan.

American Red Cross

(March 1, 2004)

Beginning in March 2003, the American Red Cross worked in close cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and other National Red Cross / Red Crescent Societies in the region. The activities focused on the provision of technical expertise and logistical support in the countries around Iraq, and the procurement of non-food items for distribution in Iraq, purchased with American Red Cross donations - such as blankets, kitchen sets, tents, hygiene items, and water containers - in support of ongoing Red Cross and Red Crescent relief operations.

American Refugee Committee

(March 18, 03)

ARC International is preparing contingency plans to address the emergency humanitarian needs of civilians in south and central Iraq. ARC's services will initially include water and sanitation, primary health care, humanitarian commodities distribution, and temporary shelter construction. ARC is also prepared to provide primary and curative health care operations in Iran, where as many as 900,000 refugees may require assistance.

AmeriCares Foundation

(March 1, 04)

AmeriCares has continued to support Iraq with shipments of essential medicines, medical supplies and dental hygiene. AmeriCares was the first U.S. non-governmental organization to airlift medical relief supplies directly into Baghdad. AmeriCares is accepting gifts-in-kind for this emergency. More detailed information can be found at:

America's Development Foundation (ADF)

(May 8, 03)

ADF is collaborating with the Iraq Foundation and other organizations to provide humanitarian and reconstruction assistance to communities in Iraq. ADF's activities include providing technical assistance to facilitate democratic participatory processes through citizens meetings in these communities to identify their priorities, to support grass roots democratic action and to bring immediate improvement of living conditions. ADF seeks resources needed for assistance needed in these communities including: renovation and equipment of schools, hospitals/health clinics, community centers, repair of water and power supply systems.

Baptist World Aid (BWAid)

(March 18, 03)

Working through small Baptist and other Christian communities in the region, BWAid will be providing the resources needed for programs of immediate shelter, hunger relief and medical care.

Brother's Brother Foundation (BBF)

(August 27, 03)

BBF is sending 13,300 new medical and nursing textbooks for use by hospitals and medical schools throughout Iraq. This donation will be sent with the help of Life for Relief and Development. The value of the donation exceeds $1,000,000. BBF is accepting in-kind donations of new books and medical equipment for this emergency.


(March 17, 04)

CARE has been operating in Iraq without interruption for the last decade and is continuing to respond to the needs of the Iraqi people in Iraq when it is safe for staff to do so. Project activities are focused in the areas of water and sanitation, health and deaf education. Since April of 2003, CARE’s emergency and development programs have reached approximately 12 million people.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

(May 6, 03)

CRS, working with the Caritas Internationalis network, has supported the delivery of two truckloads of medicines and medical equipment to Baghdad. The $336,000 convoy, carrying a load of more than 20 metric tons, with medicines to treat the needs of more than 25,000 people, will be distributed to Caritas centers throughout Iraq. With food needs expected to grow more acute, a CRS-sponsored supply of supplemental food for 10,000 malnourished children will be delivered as well. More detailed information can be found at:

Christian Children's Fund

(April 1, 03)

Christian Children's Fund (CCF) is working in Amman, Jordan and Washington, D.C. to initiate child protection programs into relief work of governmental and non-governmental orgiaziations. CCF is developing training materials that incorporate child protection into relief activities of non-governmental agencies in the region, and providing trianing for government and intergovernmental agencies in the area of child protection. CCF will conduct well-being assessments in Iraq as soon as the situation allows, and will use the findings to inform and influence humanitarian responses directed to children. More detailed information can be found at:

The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)

(January 14, 04)

CRWRC is part of a group of organizations that is working together to distribute food baskets containing protein-rich foods including milk, rice, pasta, processed cheese, and meat, and other food items like lentils, beans, canned food, and oil in Baghdad and Musul to the most vulnerable people, including both Christian and Muslim families alike. Each basket will sustain a family for an entire month, making up for protein shortages in their diet. The distribution started in May of 2003 and CRWRC has so far committed $200,000 (USD) direct cash support to its partners for this project; to date, 8 distributions have taken place and distributions will continue until March, 2004.

Church World Service (CWS)

(May 7, 03)

CWS has provided nearly $4 million in assistance for Iraq since 1991 and is currently involved with partners in a multi-agency "All Our Children" campaign concentrating on the needs of the young and most vulnerable. The AOC campaign has provided medicines and medical supplies, soap and cleaning materials and other supplies to primary care clinics and hospitals in greater Baghdad. CWS has also provided $308,000 worth of school kits, and 4,500 blankets for distribution in Iraq and has sent a $110,000 grant to the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), its on-the-ground partner.

Concern Worldwide US

(April 1, 03)

Concern Worldwide has conducted assessments in Baghdad and northern Iraq, where it worked with Iraqi Kurdish refugees in 1991, and has set up a presence in Jordan and Kuwait. Possible areas of future intervention include offering technical assistance in the area of water supply and sanitation as well as supporting feeding interventions and providing basic supplies to displaced populations.

Counterpart International

(March 18, 03)

Counterpart International's Community and Humanitarian Assistance Program in Iraq (CHAP/Iraq) seeks to improve basic living conditions of the Iraqi poor, orphans, disabled, elderly, refugees, and internally displaced persons. It is doing this by: (1) expanding access to essential humanitarian assistance of target vulnerable populations; (2) improving the capacity of social service organizations to serve their constituents; and (3) establishing sustainable relationships for future development with people and organizations in the United States. Target areas are two Iraqi Governorates in Northern Iraq: Dohuk and Erbil. Counterpart is accepting commodity donations ranging from food and clothing to medical supplies. Please contact the organization for more details.

Direct Relief International (DRI)

(July 17, 03)

DRI has provided 2000 Dental Kits for elementary and intermediate school age children in Babil as well as psychotherapeutic and anti-convulsant drugs for distribution to mental health professionals in Nazarieh, Basra and Baghdad. In addition, DRI has provided St. Raphael Hospital in Baghdad with specifically requested drugs and medical supplies, particularly antibiotics and general surgical instruments. Previously, DRI provided the Erbil Pediatric Hospital with childrens vitamins, essential analgesics and basic medical and surgical supplies.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)

(March 26, 03)

Episcopal Relief and Development is responding to the needs of those most affected by the crisis in Iraq and its neighboring countries. ERD is working with local Anglican authorities and ecumenical organizations active in the region to provide assistance to people seeking shelter, food, and other essentials. More detailed information can be found at:

Food for the Hungry

(March 19, 03)

Food for the Hungry and its partners will provide emergency relief to those fleeing the war in Iraq. Currently, Food for the Hungry and its partners are working inside the Jordanian border and will provide food and other aid to those trying to make their way to other countries.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)

(March 27, 03)

HIAS has staff in the region working to monitor and assess the developing situation in an effort to ensure appropriate immediate and long-term responses to this crisis.

International Aid

(April 2, 03)

International Aid has sent a shipment of food and plans to ship essential medicines, a medical clinic, medical supplies and other relief supplies (hygiene products and children's supplies). International Aid has assessed the situation and established logistics and support functions for emgergency airlift of supplies and a long-term program for sustaining healthcare in the region. International Aid is accepting gifts-in-kind for this emergency.

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)

(March 18, 03)

ICMC is planning to provide protection and support for extremely vulnerable individuals (including the infirm elderly, the physically and mentally disabled, the ill, and unaccompanied minors) within refugee populations affected by the current emergency in Iraq.

International Medical Corps (IMC)

(May 253, 04)

IMC's projects in Iraq include disaster and emergency health support, primary health care training, community health education, water and sanitation supply and rehabilitation, IDP support, primary health care structural support, and nutrition monitoring support. IMC operates in 16 of the 18 Iraqi Governorates with funding from USAID, OFDA, DFID, and the Stars Foundation. More detailed information can be found at

INMED Partnerships for Children

(August 23, 04)

INMED Partnerships for Children and Spirit of America with collaboration from Orchard International and Rotary International have established a program to supply a constant stream of medical supplies to Iraq. They shipped $1.8 million worth of medical supplies to Iraq on July 23. INMED is accepting gifts-in-kind including pharmaceuticals and hospital supplies/equipment. For more detailed information visit:

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)

(July 23, 03)

IOCC, in cooperation with a network of churches and mosques, is delivering emergency food, medicines and potable water to children, women, the elderly, families in camps and internally-displaced persons in and around Baghdad. In addition, IOCC is providing technical support to church-based organizations in Iraq so that they can assist the needy communities around them. More detailed information can be found at:

International Relief and Development (IRD)

(August 27, 04)

IRD has been implementing the USAID-funded Iraq Community Action Program (ICAP) since May of 2003. IRD works in Baghdad to promote citizen involvement in community development efforts at the grass-roots level to promote economic development, improve basic infrastructure and provide social service by empowering individuals across gender, ethnic and religious lines. For details on in-kind donations please call 703-248-0161.

International Relief Teams

(March 26, 03)

IRT will support the relief efforts in Iraq with shipments of medicines and medical supplies.

International Rescue Committee

(August 9, 04)

The IRC’s work in Iraq is focusing on water and sanitation, primary health care and child protection programs around the cities of Najaf and Karbala in the upper south region of the country. The IRC has also implemented a program to assist internally displaced persons in northern Iraq to improve environmental health and primary health care conditions. To date, the IRC has rehabilitated some 60 water treatment plants providing 120,000 people with clean water, rehabilitated water and sanitation facilities for 230 Schools and replaced over 70 kilometers of rural water networks. More detailed information can be found at: The IRC accepts in-kind gifts from institutional and corporate donors.

Latter-day Saint Charities

(May 6, 03)

Latter-day Saint Charities is provided over 150 tons of essential medical supplies for clinics and hospitals in Iraq. These medical modules include 15-20 of the most critically needed items. The agency is accepting the following types of in-kind donations for this emergency: medical supplies - guaze, syringes, bandage material, etc.

Life For Relief & Development

(June 30, 03)

Our programs in Iraq include Emergency Response, Education, Health, Human Development, Orphan Sponsorship and Water Treatment. LIFE has over ten years of experience working in Iraq. LIFE is accepting bulk in-kind donations of medicines, medical equipment and higher education textbooks for this emergency.

Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

(July 30, 03)

LWR is supporting the provision of critical healthcare needs and training as well as the rehabilitation of water and sanitation infrastructure in areas outside of Baghdad. Through material aid and cash contributions, LWR is also supporting the ecumenical "All our Children" campaign, which is funding critical medical services for Iraqi children. More detailed information can be found at:

MAP International

(March 18, 03)

MAP International has been working with other InterAction members, active within the region, as operational partners for the distribution of MAP provided medicines and medical supplies. Delivery of two large shipments is already underway with tons of essential medicines and supplies scheduled to arrive in the next two weeks for support of the many refugees already gathered in Jordan. Potential for assistance with future distribution to the general civilian populations within Iraq is also being coordinated by MAP's implementing partners, and additional medical relief shipments are being planned now and will also be dispensed through national healthcare systems and charitable health organizations. Appropriate medical gifts-in-kind are being accepted.

Mercy Corps

(March 19, 03)

Mercy Corps and its global partner Peace Winds Japan are operating programs that are providing critical medical, shelter and social care assistance to more than 300,000 in northern Iraq. Mercy Corps staff in Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, the West Bank have also drawn up an Iraq response plan to deliver food, water, shelter and medicine to nearly 700,000 refugees over the next six months. For more information please visit:

Northwest Medical Teams (NWMT)

(October 21, 03)

Northwest Medical Teams is implementing health care education programs in the three major hospitals of northern Iraq. Medical specialty training in such fields as radiology, endoscopy, and cardiology have been conducted, as well as pre-hospital care and nurses training. In addition, Northwest Medical Teams has distributed medicines and medical supplies valued at over $1.8 million to the hospitals and clinics with the greatest need as identified by the local Ministry of Health. The organization is accepting material donations of medicines and medical supplies.

Operation USA

(May 6, 03)

Operation USA is air and sea shipping medical relief supplies to the Iraq region to supply partner agencies and to restock Iraqi health facilities once there is access to them. Air shipments of medical supplies were sent April 22 via DHL (28.5 tons) and May 6 via Virgin Atlantic (5 tons) to Amman for transshipment by truck to Baghdad hospitals. 3 OpUSA staff are in Baghdad from April 26 to May 8 on a monitoring/assessment mission. Operation USA is accepting bulk in-kind donations of medical supplies, water purification chemicals and transport for this emergency.

Oxfam America

(September 8, 03)

Working closely with the All Our Children consortium, Oxfam has been providing aid to some of Iraq's most vulnerable populations: street children, orphans, and other young people living apart from their parents.

Project HOPE

(May 9, 03)

Project HOPE is planning to assemble and dispatch a team to assess the health situation in post-war Iraq. Benefiting from the knowledge of other nonprofits already working in-country, the HOPE team will travel to Iraq when the situation stabilizes, seeking to identify needs and opportunities to provide long-term assistance to one or more hospitals, clinics or medical centers, with a special consideration given to those caring for children. The provision of humanitarian assistance such as medicines, medical supplies, etc. in support of such long-term programs will also be assessed by the team.

Refugees International

(May 7, 03)

Refugees International is focusing attention on the major humanitarian issues in Iraq by maintaining a staff team in the region to provide the required critical review and assessments. While the humanitarian situation in Iraq after the war does not constitute an emergency, lack of security is hampering humanitarian work and the provision of basic services. RI is paying special attention to the needs of women and internally displaced people and will continue to be the on-the-ground presence that assures responsible, accurate, and unbiased reporting on the humanitarian needs and required actions.

Relief International

(June 15, 04)

Beginning in May 2003 Relief International (RI) initiated a series of reconstruction activities in the Southern Governorate of Missan. RI construction began with water sanitation specialists rehabilitating the water supply system at the Al Amarah Girls Secondary School and has since expanded its efforts to become a significant provider of project management services for reconstruction with more than 150 projects either completed, under way, or in planning. Program activities include school rehabilitation, enhancing food security through irrigation system renovation, and rebuilding the private sector by initiating business and community development projects. Relief International is accepting in-kind donations of computers.

Save the Children

(April 7, 03)

Save the Children is operating one of the largest private relief efforts in Iraq. Based in Basrah in southern Iraq, Save the Children employs more than 150 aid workers who help to protect and educate thousands of Iraqi children while also providing their families with basic necessities such as health care, nutrition, water, cooking fuel and shelter. Most recently, Save the Children has helped in the completion of over 200 projects to help rebuild communities, including clean water and sanitation and rehabilitating schools and health clinics.

The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO)

(May 25, 04)

The Salvation Army International Emergency Relief Team (TSA-IERT) has been working in Iraq since the end of the 2003 war. TSA-IERT has embarked upon a US$1.2 M support program for families returning to Iraq.

Stop Hunger Now (SHN)

(March 19, 03)

SHN is providing aid for the purchase of emergency food boxes that will each feed a family of four in Iraq for four weeks. SHN is partnering with the Middle East Council of Churches and the Islamic Relief Agency.

United States Association for UNHCR

(April 25, 03)

USA for UNHCR continues to accept donations that will assist the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in its mission to protect and provide relief to potential Iraqi refugees. In addition to safeguarding the rights of refugees and returnees, UNHCR and its partners will provide shelter, water, and emergency medical and food assistance, with special emphasis to the most vulnerable, including children and older people.

U.S. Committee for Refugees (USCR)

(March 18, 03)

USCR policy analysts are traveling regularly to the Middle East to assess and report to policy makers and the public on the protection and assistance needs of Iraqi refugees and displaced persons. USCR is advocating in the United States and abroad for policies, programs, and funding aimed at ensuring that Iraqi refugees and displaced persons receive human treatment and adequate protection. More detailed information can be found at:

US Fund for UNICEF

(June 30, 04)

In cooperation with Iraqi authorities and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF facilitates five zones of support in Iraq: 1) emergency response, 2) health and nutrition fortification, 3) education strengthening, 4) water and sanitation delivery, and 5) child protection. The nutrition programs supported by UNICEF intend to reduce anemia by mid-2005, and UNICEF has also pursued adequate Iodine nutrition by providing Iraq with Salt Iodization Plants so that total capacity has increased to cover 100% of the population. UNICEF has distributed nearly five million auto-disposable syringes to enable the immunization of over five million children against measles, mumps, and rubella. UNICEF supports management efficiency programs that empower local authorities to more resourcefully serve Iraqi people and to optimally receive aid.

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

(May 01, 03)

UMCOR is responding to the crisis in Iraq through its ecumenical parters, including Action by Churches Together (ACT), Church World Service (CWS), the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Norwegian Church Aid, and the Mennonite Central Committee. Through these partners, UMCOR is providing direct food aid, tents, blankets, medicine and relief kit and responding especially to the needs of children. With the MECC UMCOR is present in eight major relief centers in the four largest cities. More detailed information is available at:

United Way International (UWI)

(May 20, 03)

On May 19, working with GUVS (UWI's organization in Jordan) a large United Way flat bed truck of 28,000 units of various medicines and medical supplies was shipped to Baghdad with supplies sent by Jordan's Ministry of Social Development.

Women for Women International

(April 30, 03)

Women for Women International plans to provide direct aid, education, rights awareness and leadership training, skills training, and income generating support to the most vulnerable and needy women of Iraq.

World Concern

(May 14, 03)

World Concern is working with other international relief agencies through an experienced Jordanian partner to distribute food kits within Iraq; the program will assist up to 20,000 families in need within the areas of Baghdad, Mozul, Kirkuk and Basra for up to six months. Food kits will include locally and regionally purchased products. World Concern had also been working with partners to manage the food sector of a refugee camp in Jordan. More detailed information can be found at:

World Vision

(May 9, 03)

World Vision distributed relief supplies to the only hospital in Al Rutbah, Iraq, and will continue to rehabilitate the hospital, which was bombed early in the conflict. World Vision also will provide water and sanitation improvements to all 12 schools in Al Rutbah, and will conduct a public awareness program on landmines and unexploded ordinance. In Mosul, relief teams are assessing the needs of internally displaced people in the midst of continued local insecurity. More detailed information can be found at:

By the way Catholic are Christians.

Is this list enough?!
2007-02-06 11:01:33 UTC
What is the name of your tribe - Quest

I wouldnt mess with the catholics they will unleash some smallpox or some other **** on you or they will simply kill those of you that wont convert you are in a vulnerable situation here your best defense is to build your own germproof popemobile and make a getaway

P.S. Dont go to Iran or Iraq

Death To Infidels !!!!

Infinite and Eternal Reality
2007-02-06 10:58:17 UTC
Contact the Pope$$$
2007-02-07 10:44:11 UTC
looks like your on a wild goose chase. the catholics don't give out money, unless it's to a cadillac dealership. the catholics only collect money.
Royal Racer Hell=Grave ©
2007-02-06 10:58:44 UTC
Whats wrong with Protestant donations...not good enough?
2007-02-06 10:56:54 UTC
Hmmm, interesting question.
john j
2007-02-06 10:57:44 UTC
tie a young boy to a post... when a priest shows up to molest him, blackmail the bastard!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.