Marriage questions (scriptures please/biblical answers) please?
Justin Kalkimer
2009-06-30 12:50:39 UTC
here's 7 questions:

1. i don't know what website it was but i was reading some answers. someone said. you have to marry your own kind. as in white with white, black with black..etc. it was dealing with African Americans. He/she said that God said in the bible you have you marry your own kind. That you can't marry other ethnic groups like if a white woman/man marries a black man/woman you'd go to hell..

A) What if your parents and grandparents don't want you to marry that particular person cause they want you to marry someone else? (example: you can't marry her cause she's ugly so be a man and grow some balls and find a prettier/beautiful woman, or she's to tall for you, or she's black or you have to marry her cause she's a beautiful Latina or you can't marry her cause she's ugly and black so be a man and grow some balls and find a beautiful Woman [white, Hispanic]???

B) what if some women has a crush on you, but you don't' have a crush on her, and your parents, grandparents think she's very beautiful and wants you to like her and marry her someone day, and you disagree and you have your heart on someone else that they don't agree with just cause they think she's ugly?

3. What if the Church doesn't approve of your Finance cause they feel she's ugly???

A) is it a sin to marry a woman taller than you? (example: Your 5'5 and she's 5'8-6'0)
B) is it a sin to marry a women older than you? (example: your 21 and she's 26-30)

A) is it a sin for a woman who is not attractive to makeup, shavers and purses, (especially if she's your wife/fiancee), cause i want a wife who does not adore makeup, purses and shavers, i don't care if she wears makeup and has purses, but i don't mind if she doesn't.

B) How bout if my wife/fiancee goes to church with me, and she doesn't carry a purse, not wearing makeup, not wearing high heels of any kind but shoes, and did not shave her legs and armpits (she wants to look natural for Jesus [as the bible says dress for Jesus instead of dressing up for the world which leads to vanity/low self esteem)

6. How bout when i get married, my wife doesn't want to wear a Worldly Traditional Big Dress, and i agree with her, and i don't want to wear a worldly traditional tuxedo, and she agrees, and we both agree on wearing someone unique for a wedding and to keep our wedding more focused on Jesus to Glorify Him instead of focusing on Money and Glorifying ourselves on that day. and we don't want that Traditional Wedding music but Songs that Glorify God like worship/praise songs like O' Praise Him By David Crowder Band)

7. (refers to question 6) how about if my grandmother wants to be in control of the wedding my trying to make my wife wear a dress, makeup, shave and have her hair really fancy

(I'm asking these cause I've been made fun of and called bad names cause apparently the woman i think are gorgeous/pretty my friends and family say their not and they call me gay/weird/weirdo cause of it and the fact that i prefer a woman that is not committing vanity, like adoring makeup, shavers, purses, high heels and jewelry)
Nine answers:
2009-06-30 13:01:47 UTC
Most of your questions can be answered by...

For there is no partiality with God. ~ Romans 2:11

We all came from Adam and Eve and there is only one race, the human race. God died for everyone I'm sure you know that already. (John 3:16, Colossians 3:11) God does not want us to marry those who do not believe in Him there is scripture in regards to that. Skin color and nationality do not matter at all.

Below is a great biblical resource that will have many answers to your questions regarding marriage....

In video form...

Also check out one of the answers...

Could you suggest a rule for a meddlesome mother-in-law?

Yes! Be quiet and mind your own business! (See 1 Thessalonians 4:11.) In fact, this rule applies to all in-laws. Many a marriage that might have been a little heaven on earth has been changed into hell by in-laws. The duty of all in-laws is to leave the newly established home strictly alone.
2009-06-30 13:34:03 UTC
Q.3 - why would the church disapprove of your fiancee because of perceived prettiness? If she were a satanist, or someone with very different beliefs to yours, I might understand their reticence.

Q.1,4,5, 6 - I don't know of any Bible statements on these matters. Certainly height is not a sin, nor age either.

Sounds like you are in a cult that decides who you will marry, or live in an ethnic group where parents choose the spouse.

Q.2, 7 Mostly parents and grandparents want their child/grandchild to be happy. If they have done a good job rearing the person, he will be sensible enough to be trusted with his own choices. And live with the consequences.

Re the person with the crush on you - you can always explain to your parents you have been praying about the matter and don't think God wants you to marry this person.

For most of us, our wedding day is a special day, so naturally we make an effort to look good. But as for your grandmother or anyone else wanting to run the show - it's the couple's day. You could even arrange to go elsewhere on vacation and come home married.

Every woman is beautiful in her own way. And her own special man sees that clearly. Besides, God created us all in His own image. That includes this girl. And to parents or others who do not agree, "Judge not lest you be judged" - Matthew 7:1-5

You sound young. When the time is right and you have made up your mind, go for it. Waiting a few years might help.
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2009-06-30 13:12:51 UTC
1. Your own kind means another human. You can't for example marry your pet goldfish. The phrase in the Bible about a "kind" means that you are the same "kind" as someone else, if the two of you could produced live fertile off spring. President Obama's parents are examples of two parents from two different races, yet they are the same kind and the proof of this is that President Obama is the Dad of two children.


A. In America you decide who to marry, not your parents, not your grandparents. Life however works more smoothly when you and your parents and grandparents all agree.

B. You should only marry someone when you want to marry her and she wants to marry you.

3. I've never seen this happen.

4. A. No B. No

5. A. and B. none of that matters

6. You can wear whatever you want on your wedding day.

So can your bride.

7. Nearly everyone has a grandmother like that, humor her and ask if she would like to come to your wedding or not. Remind she had her turn and now its yours.
Old Timer Too
2009-06-30 12:57:13 UTC
First, you listen too much to your "friends" and family. Your choice of a future mate is yours and yours alone to make. They aren't going to marry her, you are!

In short, either elope and get married that way (the traditional answer to many of your problems) or tell your family to "bug off" and let them know that while they may want to be part of your wedding and assure you of future happiness, it is not their decision to make (regardless of whether their wedding was put together by tradition or not).

Edit Add: I just noticed that you wanted some Bible citations. The command is that a man leave his father and mother and become one with his wife (not his family). Also that the man cannot be in the Lord without his wife and vice versa. It says nothing about parents, friends, or anything else. I don't have either Bible citation, but they are both in the New Testament.

Second Edit Add: I found the citations:

Become one with his wife (Genesis 2:24) -- I was wrong on this one; it is in the Old Testament.

Man without the woman in the Lord: 1 Corinthians 11:11
2009-06-30 13:21:55 UTC
No, it is not wrong to marry someone of a different race than you are. We are all different in appearance because God wanted it this way. God is not prejudiced and doesn't approve of humans thinking that way either. This is how God views his creation: " For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him" Acts 10: 34,35. The meaning of righteousness does not mean "self righteousness" which is a form of hypocrisy, but it means someone who knows what God's standard of love and justice mean, and treat others with fairness and respect. Enclosed are two main articles here for you to refer to when you have time to read the information and use your Bible to look up the cited scriptures if you would like to. additional topics about building a happy marriage at the left of the page in blue print. These articles will explain this further and will go onto more scriptures. There is allot of information about relationships and marriage in the Bible. A woman is attractive if she is not haughty or self centered, but is kind, considerate and truly loves you. It is the person themselves that matters, who they are in their heart that determines if they are really beautiful or not. However, there is nothing in the Bible that forbids a moderate use of make up. Dressing neatly and being modest in accessories allows plenty of room for individual preferences in clothing, makeup, and some jewelery.
2009-06-30 12:56:37 UTC
That is messed up. That's technically a slight in-breeding. Haven't anyone learned from dogs? How the pure breeds tend to die a lot quicker and get sick?

btw, your woman sounds like a natural beauty as i like to call it.
2009-06-30 12:56:01 UTC
Short and sweet, marry who you want and don't let anyone tell you different Amen (that's the biblical part)
2009-06-30 12:55:25 UTC
this isnt the wedding section....consult minister for marriage counseling.
2009-06-30 12:54:56 UTC
well....if you were going to give me 14 points...i would have answered.

i'm not going to write a thesis today

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.