How can the bible be proof of where life comes from when the bible has many inconsistencies? READ ON?
2006-05-08 17:13:38 UTC
Here are some inconsistencies in the bible with regards to where life began:
GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.

GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.

GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.

GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.

GE 1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time.
GE 2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later.

SO how can the bible be accurate if it contains these inconsistencies?
And why is it hard to accept that evolution is true??
21 answers:
2006-05-08 18:30:13 UTC
Here's my list of some more "inconsistencies":
2006-05-08 20:04:49 UTC
LIGHT: The sun, moon, and stars are not necessarily the only source of light. There are other examples of such light in the Bible- the various glories, for example.

TREES: Gen 1 is talking globally, Gen 2 is referring to the Garden of Eden.

BIRDS and ANIMALS: First is creation, second is naming them. Gen 2:19 says "now the Lord God HAD formed all..."

EVE: Could have been the same day, or one of several other common explainations.

Sorry dude. This is all old news and really quite poorly researched on your part. There are easy 'contridictions' and harder ones. These are some of the really easy ones.

And I don't even think Genesis should be taken literally or believe in creationism!
2006-05-08 17:33:04 UTC
Here are your answers

Doesn't Genesis One Contradict Genesis Two?

You said

SO how can the bible be accurate if it contains these inconsistencies?

And why is it hard to accept that evolution is true??


The Theory Of Evolution: The Great Myth

"I think in fifty years, Darwinian evolution will be gone from the science curriculum...I think people will look back on it and ask how anyone could, in their right mind, have believed this, because it's so implausible when you look at the evidence."

(Dr. Johnathan Wells, author of the book, "Icons of Evolution")

"The evolutionary establishment fears creation science, because evolution itself crumbles when challenged by evidence. In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of public debates were arranged between evolutionary scientists and creation scientists. The latter scored resounding victories, with the result that, today, few evolutionists will debate. Isaac Asimov, Stephen Jay Gould, and the late Carl Sagan, while highly critical of creationism, all declined to debate."

(Dr. James Perloff, Tornado in a Junkyard (1999), p. 241)

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever! In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact."

(Dr. Newton Tahmisian, Atomic Energy Commission.)

"Complex molecules that are essential to particular organisms often have such a vast information content make the theory of evolution impossible."

(Bird, Origin of Species Revisited, Vol. 1, pg. 71)

"Evolutionary biologists have been able to pretend to know how complex biological systems originated only because they treated them as black boxes. Now that biochemists have opened the black boxes and seen what is inside, they know the Darwinian theory is just a story, not a scientific explanation."

(Professor Phillip E. Johnson)

Chance Renders Evolution Impossible

"The probability of a single protein molecule being arranged by chance is, 1 in 10-161 power, using all the atoms on earth and allowing all the time since the world began...for a minimum set of required 239 protein molecules for the smallest theoretical life, the probability is, 1 in 10-119,879 power. It would take, 10-119,879 power, years on average to get a set of such proteins. That is 10-119,831 times the assumed age of the earth and is a figure with 119,831 zeros."

(Dr. James Coppege from, "The Farce of Evolution" page 71)
2006-05-08 17:25:26 UTC
You have just answered your own question. Before I start, I do not believe in a God or Religion. But you, like Christians, are also blindly putting your own faith in a text and believing it to be true.

Yes, evolution may be more logical, and probably proof-read before its print unlike the bible. But there are a thousand other theories none of which have been proven.

By the way, I asked a similar will ALWAYS get someone who can interpret any bible reading against your statement. Watch and see (Unfortunately for you Christians have had a bit more time to study the bible than anyone has had with the Darwin papers)

Anton Mathew
2006-05-08 17:20:03 UTC
Personally, I really don't believe in the Bible's stories of Creation.

There is no way possible, knowing what we know today, that the Universe could have been created in 6 days. Also, we don't know how long a day is for God. For us, it's 24 hours.

As far as creation of man. We did not just appear on the earth, we evolved. We are Children of Stardust.
2006-05-08 17:33:07 UTC
The problem you have with contradictions in the bible is that you are using a term called "Critical Thinking,"

something that did not exist in biblical times.

The ancients would have readyly understood in the first chapter that trees and vegetation were created before man.

But for you,the first chapter is the steps of creation and the second chapter is how he created.
2006-05-08 17:26:29 UTC
It is true that the bible contain many inconsistencies but you also have to consider other facts. The fact is that the Bible does not contain every book that it had in its originally state. Many books and parts of books have been lost in history. I think it is hard to accept that evolution is true because religion has taught us that we came from nothing through the image of God. Science has taught us that we are all made from matter that had evolve into life forms that keeps evolving. It is part of the circle of life some would say.
2006-05-08 17:19:32 UTC
Taking the Bible literally will always confound you. The thing with mystical texts, is that in many cases, you have to supply your own meaning, or just skip over the parts that don't make sense. The Bible isn't a textbook. It is a record of gospel from 2000 years or more in the past, and should be treated as such.
2006-05-08 17:18:12 UTC
Evolution is hard for people because of thier faith but as we all know now the earth is round and it does in fact go around the sun. Sometimes it just takes shoving abosolute proof right in thier faces and science doesn't have it yet. They are very very close though. I view the bible as a collection of stories that come from certian cultures not a scientific documentation of history and the evolution of man.
2006-05-08 17:19:05 UTC
Not only does it contain inconsistancy such as you pointed out, but it also doesn't explain dinosaurs, and other scientifically proven cultures dated older than genesis. I take the stand that the creator started evolution as a science experiment gone wrong. Think about it only a scientist can make chemical compounds. Plus which who created the land of Nod, where Cain "knew" his wife.? It is all just a mess of misinterpretations handed down by men rewriting it to suit thier needs. It is not even acurate. Most of the books are missing.
2006-05-08 20:43:31 UTC
Well I will say read Quran it the only Holy book left on Earth uncorrupted. Bible and including other Holy book before Allah send Quran as last Message from him and he challenged all Mankind to create another Quran compatible to His. Since than one even come close to his created book. My say all about this is that once you read Quran with open hart, you will understand the world life and how it all started in timely manner with out misled believe.
2006-05-08 17:22:19 UTC
I don't want to read on, everyone knows there are inconsistencies. I believe because I have faith. Nobody is forcing you to believe, so why these dumb questions?

Everyone knows that the Bible has lost accuracy through inaccurate translations. People who have faith still believe. Not everything in church is about the Bible, not in my church at least.

I believe that evolution is part of life, but that our Creator did the big-time work.
2016-09-27 20:54:30 UTC
-a million Cor 14:33-no contradiction -Ex 20:15 and 12:35- first they stole, then a rule became made against it. observe the order. -Col 3:22 and Is fifty 8:6- God says he will unfastened them interior the OT verse and interior the NT He tells them to obey their masters. there is no contradiction, He did no longer say to interrupt unfastened themselves. -Ex 34:6-8&different: God did no longer say He might punish the youngsters, He reported they may well be stricken via the punishment. Like burning down your place will shop your toddlers from inheriting it. -EX15:3&different: Moses spoke of as God a warrior because of the fact He freed them. they do no longer contradict because of the fact it takes a warrior to safeguard peace; ask any US soldier. Jn a million:18&others- they do no longer contradict, they communicate with no one seeing Jesus till He got here to earth. the 1st John verse refers to God in His absolute, eternal nature. activity 40 two:5 additionally does not contradict because of the fact activity only observed God from interior of a twister. See? No contradictions. you would understand that in case you studied the bible and did no longer take it out of context
brandy t
2006-05-09 02:24:55 UTC
so many people stand by the bible because they are all scared it to believing and it is like you said all false, and if you don't live the bible you are damned to hell but just because some one said( a king with total control) this is what is true and what is said every one has to live by it...I call bulls_h_i_t!!!!! I will live day by day with what is important like my kids and my job what is happening right now not what happened in the past if in fact it relay happened!!
2006-05-08 17:30:35 UTC
i wait for these stupid people to WAKE UP when you die you go six feet under ground and thats it.

there is no right or wrong in any of these books writen buy cave men there just a load of crap.

i had this **** cramed into my head when i was young .

but unlike the rest of these morons i used the brain and questioned it insted of just beliving what you are told.

faith what a stupid word for stupid people.

brainwashing is all faith is.

laws should stop this brainwashing of children .

you should be 18 befor your allowed to walk into a church.

how dare anyone force this crap into a young mind and screwing them up for life with this bullshit.
2006-05-08 18:21:00 UTC
The Bible is full of the nonsensical rantings of lunatics. Sometimes it is hard for people hearing these rants to know if they are true or false, but who is the greater fool, the fool, or the fool that follows him?
2006-05-08 17:18:50 UTC
Keep on reading maybe you'll find an answer or just ask God himself, He is the perfect one to answer that for ACCURATELY
2006-05-08 17:18:11 UTC
Your inconsistencies are sooooooooo inconsistant!

To keep this short (oh! it could be so long!) you need Bible study and lots of it!
Donald Shaw
2006-05-08 17:17:32 UTC
If you had the capacity to understand the answer, you wouldn't have asked the question.
2006-05-08 17:37:26 UTC

g wad.
2006-05-08 17:19:11 UTC
that's why i say to my children..."put those porno magazines and the bible in the trash can".....he he

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.