If Satan is infinitely evil, is it possible that he is using the persona of a God to decieve every people?
2012-01-21 06:27:49 UTC
If Satan is infinitely evil, is it possible that he is using the persona of a God to decieve people. The bible says that he is the prince of deceit. he can be everything also. he is intelligent. so is it really possible?
if we'll say Satan is not infinitely evil. why then would not christians pray for him. perhaps that God will change what is inside his heart?

(i can't ask this at our pastor because i don't wanna suffer at the feeling of other Christians staring at me like i'm the most evil person. your answer would really mean a lot to me. thanks)
43 answers:
2012-01-21 09:33:30 UTC
Biblically speaking, Satan is God's "arch-enemy". Anything God can do, so can Satan. Otherwise, why would we have all these issues between God and Satan to the point of innocent mankind getting sucked into the mess?
2012-01-21 09:12:00 UTC
"If Satan is infinitely evil, is it possible that he is using the persona of a God to decieve people. The bible says that he is the prince of deceit."

Indeed, you've brought up what is actually a huge problem for religious people that believe in Satan - religious people that also have a bible that warns against antiChrists.

Basically, they can never be sure. They claim Satan is allowed to do evil things here, because God lets him - so if Satan is spreading sin left right and centre, and actually visiting (like when he visited Jesus to tempt him), then we have NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, that could prove whether a visit by 'god or Jesus', is actually secretly a vist by Satan.

All we know about Satan is he does bad things, and he can alter physics in this universe, and he makes EVERYONE do bad things - so yeah, it's not beyond possibilities to imagine that IF he existed, then no one could EVER be sure that god or Jesus is talking to them, and not Satan.
A is for Atheist
2012-01-21 08:43:09 UTC
Firstly, if Satan is ruling over the earth, this would make the Christian god exceptionally impotent--as he does nothing to stop Satan. Why would he create heaven without evil, but not earth? It makes no sense.

Secondly, and more important, remember when Jesus went into the wilderness with Satan, and came out and said he was not tempted by Satan. But Jesus was a man, and men lie. Therefore, Jesus could have lied about not being tempted by Satan, and really was--meaning he is in league with Satan, and those that worship Jesus are in essence worshiping Satan. What an inside joke that is!!
2012-01-21 08:30:10 UTC
the Bible does not give us any direct statements concerning the genesis of the Devil. it gives us no indication of his birth and no description of his creation. the Bible is concerned with the Devil only as he has part in the great crises on man's history. There are only occasional glimpses of him in his work of ruin and death.These glimpses put his acts in striking contrast and opposition to the works and aims of Jesus. These inferences indicate an original purity, a high relationship to God, and a heavenly character and conduct. He was and is the head of the angels who left their 1st estate.

As God is revealed by work, and not argument, so is Satan. We learn what he is from what he does. Satan is presented without introduction or ceremony as the Evil One, a graduate of the school of deception and evil. The curtain is drawn, and the chief actor is in full dress. The world is at stake; man is to be seduced; Eden is to be corrupted. No light is shed upon his past history. No knowledge is given of the school where he learned his evil trade. he was before earthly life. Eden does not date his birth. The temptation in the garden is not the 1st chapter of his history or the 1st test of his hellish art. We have no access to the archives of the past. Eden bounds our horizon, and the Devil is there. since that time, his history has run parallel with the human's race. Man is the object of his scheme's, his destructive devices and his ambition. Earth is the favorite scene of his exploits. He is at the cradle of every baby, and has much to do in shaping each person's character and determining his destiny.

The Bible reveals the Devil as a person, and not a mere figure, not simply an influence. He is not only a personification, but also a real person.
kirk w
2014-03-26 15:33:34 UTC
Satan's a pretty chill dude, he punishes evil and gives out forbidden knowledge. But in all honesty how evil can the god of knowledge be. Further more if you go look at other mythos you can draw many parallels to satan in their culture, not as the god of the under world but instead the keeper of secrets and the like.
2012-01-21 08:57:39 UTC
If one accepts the premise that the hypothetical character called Satan is infinitely evil, than it logically follows that it is possible that it might use the hypothetical persona of a hypothetical God, to deceive people. But, of course, that possibility would depend on your definition of the word 'evil'.



John Popelish
2012-01-21 10:21:04 UTC
No God would never allow Satan to fake the Bible and mislead his people. Satan is on a leash, and anything he is allow to do, is under God's control at all times. If Satan wrote the Bible, there would be only wickedness and hatred in it. The Bible does not endorse those things at all. Go into the world and preach the gospel and loving thy enemies would never be words from Satan.
2012-01-21 07:16:50 UTC
Your argument shoots yourself in the foot . . .

If Satan was doing that he would be turning people

TOWARDS God and defeating his own purpose...

That really is an infantile idea, and plainly coming

from someone who has no reverence towards God,

which means you don't have the Holy Spirit guiding

you ... therefore no understanding of the subject.

There are fake groups calling themselves "Christian"

which is more Satan's style. The real Christian church

of Jesus has been going for over 2,000 years, and has

a good percentage of the world's 2 billion + professing


It's not just stories, where the Spirit of God is involved.

People are still healed by prayer & laying on of hands,

The Spirit still gives prophecy through His people and

confirms it by giving the same message to others who

are present at the time. (In have experienced this) He

still gives personal answers to prayers and questions

that His people ask, and many more spiritual gifts.

You can keep criticizing and blocking Him out of your

life ~ or you can give Him honour and respect, so you

may invite Him into your life. Your call.
2012-01-21 06:47:14 UTC
Anywhere in bibles someone kills on behalf of God is not talking to God. If a police force like in UK will restrain a wrong do-er then how could God be any lesser than us? Does God not have the power to end someones life if that is the only way? eg: the flood of Noahs time separating the souls connection to the body of the many that outnumbered the good. Then why get someone else to do it, there is no point in setting up a law if a certain few are exempt from it.
2012-01-21 08:48:14 UTC
Satan uses different religions to deceive people

and those religions have different beliefs and different God

According to

1 John 4

1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit[a] of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
2012-01-21 07:20:15 UTC
I don't believe in god or anything like that but your question is at the very least thought provoking. If Satan was evil and you assume that he "made god up" then wouldn't he be "made up" too? Since the story of satan was only possible because of the story of a god.
the re - chosen one
2012-01-21 07:49:48 UTC
Here is my two cents on this subject. The Bible was written by someone who loves the human race and wants us to establish the most perfected human societies possible while we inhabit planet Earth for many generations to come. Satan hates all humans and wants all humans dead as soon as possible. So why would Satan write a book for humans to follow to remain a successful specie living on planet Earth for many generations to come? He wouldn't in my opinion do such a thing opposite to what his goal is. So The Bible was written by a God named Yahweh and not a devil named Satan.
2012-01-21 09:16:20 UTC
Isaiah 5:20-24

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!

Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,

Who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away justice from the righteous man!

Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom will ascend like dust; because they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.


Definition of INFINITE

1: extending indefinitely : endless

2: immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible

3: subject to no limitation or external determination

4a : extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large b : extending to infinity c : characterized by an infinite number of elements or terms

If the dude were infinite, why would you still exist?
T Leeves
2012-01-21 08:18:43 UTC
Since we're doing the "If" thing...

IF supernatural beings were real, it would make perfect sense that this Satan character would use deceit to gain followers by posing as a "man of god".

But since we do not live in a world of "IF", it is very evident that human beings use this sort of trickery every day. It doesn't prove that there are supernatural beings, it only proves that some humans are ruled by their own greed and selfishness.
Benita I
2012-01-21 08:51:18 UTC
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.

The reason why there are lot of churches founded by man they are being decieved by satan. and they call their preacher a pastor or reverend which in fact against the teaching of Christ.
2012-01-21 07:58:39 UTC
the best way to answer you is this way, Satan in heaven was a good and perfect angel. So when he wanted to challenge God, due to Satan being made perfect he made a perfect decision to rebel. So as the bible does identifies Satan as a god. he is the god of this world. again, the bible id's him as taking the lead to mislead everyone.

So because satan, adam and eve, other angels were perfect in all things, when they choose with knowledge to sin or become "evil" there is no hope or mercy for these ones. This is unlike people like us who were born with imperfection, imperfect knowledge and conscious, that we when we become believers in Jesus sacrifice, God approves of us and we can be in good standing with God.
2012-01-21 07:07:08 UTC
Satan has no reason to use the persona of God. Scripture says we sin after we are tempted so Satan uses our own sin nature against us. That's why we're told to resist the devil and he will flee.

In the 1st and 2nd Chapter of  Hebrews, the writer distinguished between men and angels for the purpose of salvation.  In effect, he made the point that Jesus, who was superior to the angels, was temporarily made lower than them by becoming a man.  He did this in order to save mankind. In Hebrews 2:16 he wrote, “For surely it is not angels He helps but Abraham’s descendants.” (In Gal.3:29 Paul wrote that in Christ we are all Abraham’s descendants).  Ephesians 2:6 says when God raised Christ back to His former position of supremacy, He brought us with Him.  Now angels are referred to as ministering spirits sent to help those who will inherit salvation (Hebr. 1:14).

The Bible doesn’t reveal any plan of redemption for angels, nor does it describe such a thing ever happening. It does ay that Satan's final destination is the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10) from which there is no escape.
2012-01-21 06:43:38 UTC
Hypothetical answer:

If the devil existed and as christians are saying that satan is the god of this world which is why we have so much suffering, disease etc then it would be perfectly possible. Christians could be worshipping satan when they get on their knees and pray, with their financial offerings in the churches begging bowls. They can easily be deceived and how would they know? If satan is as clever as they say it is then why not?
2012-01-21 09:21:11 UTC
He's not infinitely evil. Satan is finite and there are bounds to his evil.
2012-01-21 08:18:40 UTC
(Assuming God is real for a second)

I've thought that myself, and it seems possible considering all of the atrocities committed in the name Christianity (using the Bible). I've actually seen fundies on here that say that evidence for evolution was left by God to test their faith :D but it's more likely that the Bible is a test of faith, in which case they are failing.

It's futile using the Bible in this case, but Christians love circular logic and will try it anyway, so here we go ;)

"It's true because it's in the Bible. The Bible is true because it's the word of God. It's the word of God because the Bible says the Bible is the word of God."
2012-01-21 07:12:34 UTC
Satan copies God to deceive people. The Bible God's Word will help you be alert to this sort of thing. Never listen to people always check them with the Bible to see if what they are saying is correct. The Bible is infallible. Use the Bible as your anchor. Occults start as a result of someone improperly interpreting the Bible and passing that on to other people. Then the people don't check them and just believe what there told, this is Satan's big goal. Take what God says and twist it. In the end days Satan will deceive people. Making them think he is God. There are many false God's in the world or antiChrist. They deceive people this is Satan's big trick
2012-01-21 06:33:52 UTC
There is no such thing as "infinitely evil" any more than you can have "infinitely cold".

Just as cold is not the opposite of heat, but the absence of heat, and once all heat is removed, you cannot add more cold, likewise, evil is not the opposite of good, but the absence of good, and once all good is removed, you cannot add more evil.

That out of the way, satan disguises himself all the time. If people saw him as he truly is, they certainly wouldn't follow him, as so many do. "Satan can appear as an angel of light, and his ministers as ministers of light". That's why when it comes to all things moral, the Bible MUST be the ultimate guide, because it exposes satan for who he really is.

Praying for satan will have no effect because satan has rejected God's pardon, he has rejected everything relating to God, so while he is not "infinitely" evil, he truly is pure and total evil, with no redeeming qualities at all, having been in the very Presence of God, and rejected God and all that He stands for, he cannot repent, nor would he, since he didn't.
2012-01-21 08:42:03 UTC
if you read your bible then you will know that in the end, satan is defeated and thrown for eternity into the lake of fire with all of his demons and those people who follow him by the triune God. so there is possible way that he would have written such things about himself.

he wants to be worshipped and followed. that is the entire reason why he was thrown out of heaven to start with...because he tried to take over the throne of God. if he had written the bible or was trying to deceive people into thinking there is a God when there is not one, he certainly would have devised a way for him to be saved or to come out on top rather than to end up destroyed in the lake of fire.

besides, the bible is a book of truth. it has the power to save men from their lives of sin. satan is the father of lies and does not desire to save anyone from sin but wants them to die in their sin so they can join him in his final destination, the lake of fire. he hates mankind and would never author a book which speaks of love and shows God as loving fallen sinful mankind enough to send his son to die for us.

in order to help you to understand and believe, you should ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit who is our teacher and who illuminates the word of God so that we can read it and truly understand what it means and how to use it.
2016-10-19 04:56:42 UTC
"everytime you finally end up on the realm of the general public, it's time to pause and mirror." -Mark Twain easy and Darkness, understanding and lack of understanding. It grew to become into Lucifer, the "easy Bringer" who made guy fall. yet what grew to become into guy, and how did he fall? Did he fall in any respect? did not Adam and Eve have their eyes opened-did not they see the easy upon ingesting from the Tree of understanding? Why grew to become into the Church dominant in a time general because of the fact the darkish a protracted time? Why grew to become into the Church toppled from means in the process the Enlightenment? it is been the purpose of the "adult men of God" to maintain us in superstitious lack of understanding. and that they have got executed splendidly at that. "yet do not think of with your head-think of with your coronary heart. you do not choose info that God exists (considering that good judgment won't be able to understand him)" Is an emotional person rational? Is he clever? they say to love the sinner yet hate the sin. How nicely has that been practiced? we would desire to continually exchange into autonomous from from the darkness and include the easy. That easy is in us all, it won't be able to be taken and it can not take transport of. Darkness is absence, not evil. A candle, no count how small, heavily isn't extinguished with the aid of darkness because of the fact darkness would not actual have any means. And, with the aid of conserving us on the hours of darkness, the church, interior the call of "God" gave us none the two. that's the message character of Lucifer gave us. there is merely concern, hatred and love, and with the aid of information ourselves as autonomous beings to blame for our own will, will we
2012-01-21 07:47:32 UTC
There is always two sides of the spectrum in everything including good and evil. It isn't possible that one should dominate the other..they live in balance
2012-01-21 06:35:14 UTC
He sealed his own fate of doom long ago and there is no redemption for him or those who follow or are deceived by him. What better way to fool people by saying he's not a real, evil spirit being. The Bible says he can make himself look like an angel of light and will deceive many. That's why we have to always be in prayer, so that the Real God through Jesus will have our backs!
2012-01-21 06:45:43 UTC
1John 5:19 "... We know we originate with god, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." that wicked one being Satan the devil.

2Corinthians 11:14 "...for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light."

There is no need to guess at the matter, for the Bible clearly shows that an intelligent, unseen person has been controlling both men and nations. It says: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." And the Bible identifies him, saying: "The one called Devil and Satan . . . is misleading the entire inhabited earth."—1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9.
2012-01-21 06:37:31 UTC
Satan does use a persona of "a" god, that is false idol.

Make no mistake Satan will not repent.
quartering25 go jets
2012-01-21 08:54:00 UTC
You say it, I watch as men do this every day. Men are evil, at best and death is our reward.
2012-01-21 06:33:29 UTC
He can decieve you and make you think he and god and all that stuff are real!


No, god can't change Satan to a good guy cuz it will drop all christian mythology. Which is based in dichotology: evil vs good. So as you can see, your religion without Satan can't exist. So pray for Satan to keep evil you can still have a religion to decieve yourself.
2012-01-21 06:42:22 UTC
Yes, the true God would reveal the Bible fully written. He would not rely on people to write it.
2012-01-21 06:42:03 UTC
If one child is far better at math than another child, dose that make that child above all others? Nope! It takes a lot more. Dose being good at math mean all is perfect? Nope. One can be great at math and be a terrible speller. One can be "Mentally Retarded" and become a concert pianist! When photographed memories and music talents they have had!

We have to be willing to keep our eyes open and NOT Selfish to Love and obey God! Willing with Truth! Too many today want it "their way"; not obeying all of the Bible.
2012-01-21 08:19:44 UTC
Satan is no more real than god.
2012-01-21 06:59:26 UTC
The Bible is fiction written by humans. There is no god, no Satan, no heaven, no hell. You have been lied to by the people of your church and your parents.
Rose Medeiros
2012-01-21 06:37:06 UTC
Satan has lost his salvation to many centuries.
2012-01-21 06:32:50 UTC
YHVH Himself pleaded with the covering cherub to forsake his evil ways before he became Satan (the adversary). His doom is sealed now that he has worked for the destruction of the Savior YAHUSHUA. thus it would be a waste of time to 'pray for his salvation'. Scripture tells us he can appear as an 'angel of light', (That is, a messenger of YHVH.) to deceive people.
2012-01-21 08:02:06 UTC
King James Version Bible

Romans Chapter 1

28. And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30. Backbiters, HATERS OF GOD, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32. Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

2 Timothy Chapter 3

1. THIS KNOW ALSO, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, FALSE ACCUSERS, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

7. EVER LEARNING, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Galatians Chapter 5

19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21. Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Malachi Chapter 3

5. And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in [his] wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger [from his right], and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.

Isaiah Chapter 5

20. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah Chapter 1

15. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 8

11. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

Acts Chapter 3

19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Isaiah Chapter 1

16. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;

17. Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

18. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

20. BUT IF YE REFUSE AND REBEL, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].

John Chapter 8

45. And because I tell [you] the truth, ye believe me not.

John Chapter 16

1. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

1 Corinthians Chapter 4

14. I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn [you].

James Chapter 1

16. Do not err, my beloved brethren.
2012-01-21 06:30:06 UTC
Satan doesn't exist. Study the bible for details.
2012-01-21 07:38:47 UTC
Descartes, is that you?
2012-01-21 06:31:09 UTC
That is a really interesting idea. It is a possibility if you think about.
2012-01-21 06:30:56 UTC
Yes, the Christian God is Satan.
2012-01-21 06:30:42 UTC
you know once you enter the hypothetical world, all is possible
2012-01-21 06:30:53 UTC
sounds like logic that makes sense.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.