God is really nothing more than a conceptual label. God is a word that every human being can individually fill with personal meaning. For some, God is the "big guy in the sky." For others, God is nothing more than a fairytale. As for myself, I resonate with the words of Cynthia Bourgeault, in that God entails a more mystical quality of life. She states that “God is all over the place. . . . God is the web, the energy, the space, the light ... revealed in that singular, vast net of relationships that animates everything that is.”(1) We know that which is God, not in logical conceptual reasoning, but in feeling and experiencing God in ourselves, in others, and in all creation.
As the very first verse of the Tao Te Ching states: "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The NAMELESS is the origin of Heaven and Earth.”(2) The original conception of Tao was simply the observation that reality has a certain way about it. This "way" encompasses all of existence: life, the universe — everything! Both concepts of God and Tao point to this "nameless" way that can be called by many names.
The word God is like a finger pointing to the moon. It is a tool of the conceptual mind to help us actualize that which is beyond our conceptual understanding. Father Thomas Keating writes about this fact as well, saying that "whatever we say about God is more unlike God than saying nothing. If we do say something, it can only be a pointer toward the Mystery that can never be articulated in words.”(3) God points to the ultimate truth of reality, to the divine nature of all created phenomena that is far beyond what our limited conceptual minds can possibly know.
I know the Bible is not physical proof of God, but it can be a tool that guides us to explore who or what God truly is. According to the Scriptures, God is . . .
Psalm 46:1 — “God is our refuge & strength”
Psalm 73:26 NRSV — “God is the strength of my heart"
** The two Hebrew words translated as "strength" are tsuwr and 'oz. Tsuwr literally means rock, as in a rock cliff, but metaphorically is means the rock of God. 'Oz implies that which is our personal strength. Thus God can be found wherever we personally find our strength in life.
Psalm 115:3 — “God is in the heavens”
** The Hebrew word translated as heavens is shamayim, defined as the visible heavens — sky, atmosphere, stars, visible universe, etc.; the abode of God.
John 4:24 — "God is Spirit"
** Spirit is the translation of the Greek word pneuma, which is defined as "the vital principal by which the body is animated", in other words the breath. God is the life giving air that we breath each and every moment.
Romans 14:17 — “God is . . . goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Sprit”
1 Corinthians 14:33 — “God is . . . peace”
** Peace is the translation of the Greek word eirēnē, "an internal sense of well-being". In the words of St. Paul, “God’s peace . . . exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds” (Phil 4:7). Even Paul recognized God’s ineffable nature that transcends all words and logical understanding. Yet, he still felt and knew the God that is profound peace and well-being.
1 John 1:5 — “God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all.”
** Phōs is the Greek word for light. It is a metaphor for the "Light of Christ" that dwells in all of us (Col 3:11). "God is light" reflects an OT background where "light" symbolizes both knowledge and purity; in other words, the light of wisdom. It points to perfect purity, the naturally luminous quality of our hearts and minds.
1 John 4:16 NRSV — "God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them."
** Greek noun, agapē: affection, good will, love, benevolence. When feelings and sensations of love are present, then God is present. The more love that is present in the world, the more God will also be present with all of us.
IF WE KNOW STRENGTH IS REAL, BREATH IS REAL, PEACE IS REAL, WISDOM IS REAL, AND LOVE IS REAL -- then we know God is real. If anything, let us contemplate the following verse from Romans 1:20: "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."
I hope this is a valid answer to make you consider why some believe God is real. It is just a matter of how we decide to define God. Then to know God as God truly is, we must possess the ability to let go of those definitions and tune into the true "way" of existence. If we can do that, then we will feel and know that which can be called "God."
Thanks for the question. May God's strength, spirit, peace, light, and love be forever and always with you :)