Do you think that the term "pro-choice" is deceptive?
Heart of the Matter
2008-10-30 17:45:26 UTC
Now who was it again that was for the abortions?
the pro-lifers or the pro-choicers? it is the "pro-choicers"
it would be a lot easier if they would call themselves the "pro-abortion" people...are they ashamed of it? or are they trying to trick people by their wording?
because "pro-choice" could actually be applied to ANYTHING
For example I am pro-choice in that people should be free to choose which religion to join (or to join none at all) in that way I am "pro-choice"....their wording seems deceptive is what I'm saying...
do you agree?
48 answers:
2008-10-30 18:01:31 UTC
Well, technically, "pro-choice" could be about anything if one takes it literally. E.g., I'm pro-choice re. flavors of ice cream. :)

Words and phrases mean what a culture understands them to mean, however, and "pro-choice" means that one accords to a woman the right to choose whether or not she will terminate her pregnancy. This is different from "pro-abortion" but means the same as "pro-abortion-rights."

I find pro-choice misleading in that it accords only to the woman the right of choice, ignoring the status of the unborn human and his/her right to life. Pro-choicers give greater priority to the woman's right to choose to keep/terminate her pregnancy than they do the unborn's right to life, and I think that's faulty, unethical reasoning on their part.
Wilma Duckie Deene
2008-10-30 19:47:25 UTC
They can't handle the truth - even if they call themselves pro-choice and pro-child - their pro-choice stand still means that babies will die.

Last I checked was that the choice is about what a woman can do with her body - but that choice is to take preventative precautions - not every abortion is from rape, incest or threatens the mother's life - that is absurd to fool ourselves into thinking - and that choice destroys a human being. I have a choice to not buy a gun and go to my neighbor's house and commit murder - if I do choose this - I will be punished. But I have that choice.

Life = life. Pro-life is to fight for that life - call things the way they are and not hide behind a smoke screen. Anyone ever think that Social Security would be better able to provide if those millions of lives weren't destroyed in the name of choice and became workers contributing to the Social Security funds? Or that one of those might have been the President that could have been learning to lead us in these perilous times?

Perhaps - but the mothers had their choice, and we will never know, will we?
2008-10-30 18:06:35 UTC
Poor comparison. "Pro-Lifers" are that as they disagree with abortion, thus - Pro-life. There is no other choice.

On the other hand, the "Pro-Choicers" can either keep the child or have an abortion. People who are pro-choice don't necessarily want to have an abortion, they simply believe one has the personal choice to abort the fetus or keep it.

Labeling all pro-choicers as people who'd get an abortion is absurd and a poor argument.
2008-10-30 19:03:43 UTC
You are going to get one or two answers to this-

1- not as deceptive as pro-life-- Anti-choice

2- pro-abortion is not pro-choice- a person does not have to think abortion is ok for themselves.

However , there are flaws in each of these answers that I know you have already received, and will continue too,

There are a lot of things, as you say that we can be pro-choice about- however when it comes to taking the life of a baby in the womb, there should be no choice, needed. WHY? Because it is murder. The baby's heart is beating at 3 weeks after conception. At 4-6 weeks organs are forming and starting to develop. Just because they are not fully developed that does not make them anything else but human life. A baby after birth is not fully developed either, and still cannot take care of him/herself. If a woman was stabbed to death while pregnant, the person would be charged with double homicide- if it is just the woman's body, why double? If a mother abandoned her baby just moments after birth and the baby died she would be up for abandonment and murder. But in some states just moments before she goes into labor, she can have a procedure done called partial birth abortion and it would be called choice.

If I killed my neighbor, would another neighbor tell me, "I would not choose to murder that person, but if you choose to it is ok? Don't think so.
2008-10-30 17:58:52 UTC
Another example of why the anti-abortion side just does not get it.

NO ONE is FOR abortion.

If us pro-choice people had our way, nobody would ever need an abortion.

Unfortunately we live in the real world.

People get raped

People are uneducated about contraception

People are uneducated on HOW babies are made

People make poor decisions

People are stupid

The ant-abortion people will say, "who cares".

It is GODS way, or NO way. And gods way is to abstain.

The only problem is that even the most pious cannot seem to follow their own advice.
2008-10-30 17:53:42 UTC
Of course not. It's not deceptive at all, to anyone who successfully made it out of the 3rd grade.

Pro-Choicers are NOT pro-abortion. It's fine with us if the woman chooses to give birth. Millions of Pro-Choice women do. Those who don't approve of abortion have the right to CHOOSE not to have one, thanks to Pro-Choicers and Roe v. Wade.

WE are FOR the WOMAN making medical decisions affecting her body, NOT a bunch of politicians without medical degrees. If your child was ill, would you take him to a DOCTOR or to the MAILMAN or GOVERNOR for treatment? Doctors cannot diagnose or treat people without obtaining a MEDICAL LICENSE and EXAMINING them PERSONALLY. What kind of masochistic idiot would trust a POLITICIAN to do so for millions of pregnant women he/she has never even met?

In China, pregnant women are FORCED to have abortions because THEY do NOT have the right to choose. The Supreme Court ACKNOWLEDGED, in PP v. Casey, that without Roe, the U.S. government would also be able to FORCE abortions, in the interest of curbing overpopulation, preventing epidemics, and/or reducing skyrocketing health care or welfare costs, etc. Is THAT what you WANT?!?

Like it or not, according to the U.S.Constitution (which is the basis for the laws of this country) people get rights AS OF BIRTH. That's why you have a BIRTH certificate. Fetuses are NOT born and therefore NOT included, Considering the illegal immigrant controversy, it is unlikely that the rights and benefits of citizenship will ever be expanded to include everyone who was merely conceived within the borders of the USA. Pregnant women ARE born and have rights. You cannot do anything to a fetus WITHOUT going through its mother's body, therefore it is totally HER decision, as it should be. Pregnant women are not slaves, prisoners, or second-class citizens, no matter how much anti-choice people wish they were.

Put down the hysterical, lying church propaganda and READ some FACTS.
2008-10-30 18:11:14 UTC
ok no one is pro-abortion but the reason that the pro-choicers (myself included) say that it should stay legal are

-i have never been a 12 year old incest victim who is pregnant

-nor have i found out that trying to have a baby would kill me

-a rape victim of any kind

-or a girl who's family would disown me for having a child out of wedlock

or a million other women that for whatever reason decided that they could/should not have a child.

BUT if i was any of thees thing i would want that choice available to me... i hope i never need to make that choice

the best cure to the abortion problem is education on sex and distribution of contraceptives because the less unwanted pregnancy's there are the less abortions there will be and be for you say more abstinence education the numbers say that it dose not to work. is it the best way, most likely but is realistic?
2008-10-30 17:57:29 UTC
Being pro-choice does not mean you are pro-abortion. You just think that it should be legal for a woman to be able to choose what to do with her own body. Many people who are pro-choice support work to make abortion unnecessary, also to make sure that when a woman seeks an abortion, she has all the facts to make an informed decision, ie, to make an informed CHOICE.
Mike B
2008-10-31 11:49:15 UTC
The same people defending the right to choose whether or not to terminate an unborn child are opposed to allowing parents to choose where they send their own children to school at taxpayer expense (school vouchers). They are opposed to allowing the market choose what is available to be listened to on the radio (the fairness doctrine). They are opposed to people being able to choose to defend themselves in their own homes by owning a gun.They create "defenseless target zones" (gun free zones) denying those people the right to choose to shoot back. Other than abortion what "choices" are they protecting from government regulation and restriction?
Pirate AMâ„¢
2008-10-30 17:57:50 UTC
Absolutely! I much prefer "proactive prevention" to pro-choice or pro-life! Why worry about abortions (which should be illegal) when there are much safer ways of preventing pregnancy in the first place. We should be seeing condom commercials during preteen shows, the super bowl, Nascar races and along the highway. Junior High/Middle school students should be singing birth control jingles rather than "kid bop" songs.

Seriously, attack the cause and prevent it (by both absentiance and birth control) before an abortion.
2008-10-30 17:52:12 UTC
No! You are the one who is being deceptive! Being pro-choice does not necessarily mean one is pro-abortion. It simply means that, right or wrong, it is the Woman's choice and NOT the U.S governments. Many pro-choicers are against abortion. I am one of them. But it is still the woman's choice; period!!!
Moody Mom of 3
2008-10-30 18:00:20 UTC
Everyone wants to feel like they have the freedom to choose things in this life. By having the title "pro-choice" they make people believe they are actually backing a good thing, that they are supporting freedom. In reality they are tricking people into taking their freedom away and being trapped by sin. They should change their name to pro-death or pro-murder, but satan doesn't work that way, he tricks and manipulates and twists things so people can pretend they are doing nothing wrong. I definitely agree with what you are saying.
2008-10-30 17:58:28 UTC
The word "pro-choice" just shows how authoritarian, dictatorial and undemocratic anti-abortionist are. Aren't anti-abortionist called pro-lifers, which could be just as deceptive?
2008-10-30 17:50:25 UTC
I disagree. Because I am pro-choice, and that does not mean I am pro-abortion. I really wish abortion didn't happen, but I'm not about to tell any woman what she can and can't do with her own uterus or the contents thereof. Of course pro-choice can be applied to anything, but so can pro-life. For example, I could say I am pro-life in that no one should end the life of helpless living plants and cancerous tumors, but that would sound ridiculous, wouldn't it?

I was raped at 15. I attempted to obtain a morning-after pill, but the christian pharmacy tech was on a self-righteous power trip and refused to give me one. Two months later a doctor informed me that I was pregnant with triplets and had an 8% chance of birthing the vile little products of rape and surviving. I really wonder what all you pro-lifers would have done in that situation. As it stands if you had your way I would have died along with the clumps of cells that were killing me.
2008-10-30 17:52:01 UTC
People will point out that "pro-life" isn't really pro-life; i.e., pro-life for everything in every situation, and this is true. I propose we do away with these euphemisms and call a spade a spade. Either you think it should be legal for a woman to end the life of her unborn offspring, or you don't. Say what you mean and stop hiding behind coded phrases.
2008-10-30 17:59:34 UTC
Nah. They want to stay out of it. They can see the argument from both sides and choose to be "bystanders". This happens alot, and you're correct, they are wishywashy and need to make a decision; either they are for it, or they aren't. You can't be both or on the fence when the time comes to make decisions.

And, yes, the wording seems deceptive because they are not choosing one or the other. They should call themselves, "Middle of the Road Choicers" ("MORCs"...sounds good to me).
2008-10-30 17:51:48 UTC
They are called "pro-choice" because they believe people should have the right to choose whether to abort. "Pro-abortion" would tend to imply that they support abortion to the point where everybody should have it..."pro-choice" means you should be able to choose whether to get it or not.

You say people should be "pro-choice" in choosing religions...isn't opposition to abortion a religious idea? If so, then you are NOT "pro-choice" in lettin other people make their own decisions without your religious interference. Not everybody believes that a soul inhabits a human right from when they are only one cell, you know.
2008-10-30 17:55:41 UTC
They should be called Anti-choicers because the infant in the womb has no choice.

They should be called Anti-lifers because they promote murdering babies for convenience.

They should be called Pro-abortionists... because they want abortions to be just another choice like "paper or plastic?"

But mostly they should be called wrongful death advocates.
2008-10-30 17:53:57 UTC
I am pro-choice.

I believe every woman has the right to control her own body.

She can say "NO".

I believe that her right to control her body ends when she seeks to murder another body, even if that body is growing within her body...if you followed all that, then you know that I am pro-choice for the baby, too. I believe he has the right to live to make his own choices.

It is as you say, the wording is is all about the meaning one attaches to the word "choice". Of course, nobody who is in favor of legal abortion wants to SAY that in so many words. They want to make it seem as if it is the woman's choice.

The sad truth of the matter is, however, that not many women sitting in abortion clinics CHOSE to be there. Most of them felt pressured into making this parents, by the father, and, not least, by a society that shames her for choosing life for her baby.
2008-10-30 17:50:10 UTC
the fact that I am in favor of allowing a woman to have an abortion does not mean the idea rests easy with me. I support the fact that she wishes to have it done despite my personal qualms, just as you as (presumably) a Christian support the rights of other people to be of any faith, despite the fact that every Christian seems to wish every person on Earth was a Christian.

EDIT: And besides which, forcing someone to carry something in her body for 9 months is a nine month long rape, and it doesn't matter if it's a fetus or any other object.
Anonnie Mouse
2008-10-30 17:52:12 UTC
No, it's not deceptive. We are not all out clamoring for everyone to run and get as many abortions as possible, we just want to to be a safe and legal choice for a woman to make. If she decides not to have one, great. Her choice. If she decides to have one, fine. That's her choice too. What could be deceptive about that?
2008-10-30 17:53:19 UTC
Pro-choice =/= Pro-abortion.

Many people who are pro-choice are against abortion...however...they choose not to impose their "morality" on others.

Make sense?
2008-10-30 17:55:42 UTC
I agree with you, they should be call pro-abortion, since the fetus has no choice in the matter at all! How then is that pro-choice?
2008-10-30 17:50:30 UTC
no. we call ourselves pro-choice because that is exactly what we are. We think women should have the CHOICE to do what she wishes with her own body. pro-life could apply to other situations also so that is a really stupid argument. aren't "pro-lifers" trying to be deceptive? I think they should call themselves "pro-unwanted children"
2008-10-30 17:54:37 UTC
It is INTENTIONALLY deceptive.

Those who adamantly stick to the term 'pro-choice' do so to keep the idea of death out of the choice. In reality there are only two 'choices', death or life!

An abortion results in one or more deaths.

So, the proper terminology is pro-life or pro-death.

Simple as that.
2008-10-30 17:53:35 UTC
no because we are not for the death of the fetus we are for the mothers choice to make its hers and hers alone and on top of that stem cells can save lives so im totally down for calling it pro saving diabetes or cancer or aids and other things actual living human beings are diagnosed with not a blob of cells to live or not they can not feel physical pain or mental pain till 12 weeks anyway
2008-10-30 17:51:34 UTC
No. We believe in a woman having the CHOICE.

Hence "pro-choice." Stop being so stupid and educate yourself.

The term pro-life however, is deceptive. People who are pro-life are usually pro-war. That makes me laugh.
2008-10-30 18:03:06 UTC
Abortion is legal. If you are too stupid to figure out what term means what have your mommy explain it to you.
2008-10-30 17:50:29 UTC
No, pro choice is not pro abortion, it is pro giving the woman the right to chose.
2008-10-30 17:48:21 UTC
It's called political framing. No one is going to call themselves pro-death or anti-choice.
Bouken SocratiCat
2008-10-30 17:52:19 UTC
no, to say someone is "pro-abortion" would imply they think all babies should be aborted, which is a stance most people do not have.
2008-10-30 17:52:42 UTC
I think that since pro-life is for people who don't agree with abortion those who do, might as well be pro-death. While they aren't encouraging people to have abortions they are okay with them and accepting of them.

I speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
2008-10-30 17:55:06 UTC
Yes. Take heed that no man deceive (law) you.

Law is about deception, bewitching, alienation.

Grace is about truth, disclosure, reconciliation.

The GRACE of our Lord JC with you all. Amen.
2008-10-30 17:49:52 UTC
I'm personally against abortion, but I'm all for the choice of women making their own choices. Sorry to say.
2008-10-30 17:49:09 UTC
I am in favor of life and I am in favor of choice. I like to chose what to wear when I get ready for work in the morning, to go make a living so I can pay the rent and not live on the street.
2008-10-30 17:48:39 UTC
Not nearly as deceptive as 'pro-life'.

Pro-abortion suggests that a person actually supports the process of abortion. For most of us that's not the case, we just don't think it's a criminal justice issue.
Sorrow Free
2008-10-30 17:53:39 UTC
It certainly is pro-choice. But the real question is, who is getting to choose...and who isn't.
2008-10-30 17:51:31 UTC
no, but the term 'pro life' is certainly deceptive (especially since many of you people support war mongering)
2008-10-30 17:51:17 UTC

war and capital punishment are government sanctions by God that do not act on emotion or desire, but follow the law of the land. Killing a baby, however, is murder of the first degree. The death penalty is in the law prior to the crime and each person has to face the previously stated consequences of their actions. Guilty vs. the innocent. It is common sense
2008-10-30 17:49:09 UTC
No, they don't seem confusing to me.

Pro-Choice= For choice in abortion

Pro-Life= For life thus, not abortion
2008-10-30 17:48:47 UTC
No one is pro-abortion.
2008-10-30 17:50:45 UTC

Choice = Liberty

Liberty = American fetish.
Celestial Teapot
2008-10-30 17:48:39 UTC
No I disagree.

We are not pro abortion. I am personally against abortion, but I would not take the right away from someone else.

Morals are subjective.
2008-10-30 17:48:30 UTC
Do you think "pro-life" is deceptive? It would a lot easier if they would call themselves the "pro-rights restrictions" or "anti-choice"
2008-10-30 17:49:49 UTC
Actually I would define their position even truer.Pro-death would be right on the truth of their beliefs.
2008-10-30 17:50:00 UTC
Killing is wrong, so anyone who kills babies should be killed
2008-10-30 17:49:53 UTC
it helps in covering the shame of the truth
kenny p
2008-10-30 17:48:49 UTC
cal it what it is

You are either pro-life or pro-death


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