Of course not. It's not deceptive at all, to anyone who successfully made it out of the 3rd grade.
Pro-Choicers are NOT pro-abortion. It's fine with us if the woman chooses to give birth. Millions of Pro-Choice women do. Those who don't approve of abortion have the right to CHOOSE not to have one, thanks to Pro-Choicers and Roe v. Wade.
WE are FOR the WOMAN making medical decisions affecting her body, NOT a bunch of politicians without medical degrees. If your child was ill, would you take him to a DOCTOR or to the MAILMAN or GOVERNOR for treatment? Doctors cannot diagnose or treat people without obtaining a MEDICAL LICENSE and EXAMINING them PERSONALLY. What kind of masochistic idiot would trust a POLITICIAN to do so for millions of pregnant women he/she has never even met?
In China, pregnant women are FORCED to have abortions because THEY do NOT have the right to choose. The Supreme Court ACKNOWLEDGED, in PP v. Casey, that without Roe, the U.S. government would also be able to FORCE abortions, in the interest of curbing overpopulation, preventing epidemics, and/or reducing skyrocketing health care or welfare costs, etc. Is THAT what you WANT?!?
Like it or not, according to the U.S.Constitution (which is the basis for the laws of this country) people get rights AS OF BIRTH. That's why you have a BIRTH certificate. Fetuses are NOT born and therefore NOT included, Considering the illegal immigrant controversy, it is unlikely that the rights and benefits of citizenship will ever be expanded to include everyone who was merely conceived within the borders of the USA. Pregnant women ARE born and have rights. You cannot do anything to a fetus WITHOUT going through its mother's body, therefore it is totally HER decision, as it should be. Pregnant women are not slaves, prisoners, or second-class citizens, no matter how much anti-choice people wish they were.
Put down the hysterical, lying church propaganda and READ some FACTS.