Was Jesus an active homosexual?
2010-11-23 07:39:46 UTC
Would it affect your religious beliefs if historians discovered that Jesus was gay?
I will explain yet another little known clue to Jesus sexuality.
A version of St. Mark's gospel, which is still the subject of academic dispute, alludes to Jesus having a homosexual relationship with a youth he raised from the dead.
According to the U.S. Biblical scholar, Morton Smith, of Columbia University, a fragment of manuscript he found at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem in 1958, showed that the full text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible) contains a passage which includes the following text. --
"And the youth, looking upon him (Jesus), loved him and beseech ed that he might remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days, Jesus instructed him and, at evening, the youth came to him wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God".
Tatchell says there is scant information about Jesus's sexuality: "We don't know for sure whether Jesus was straight, gay, bisexual or celibate.
There is certainly no evidence for the Church's presumption that he was heterosexual. Nothing in the Bible points to him having desires or relationships with women. The possibility of a gay Christ cannot be ruled out.
"Since there is no proof of the heterosexuality of Jesus, the theological basis of Church homophobia is all the more shaky and indefensible.
"Jesus was born a man and therefore presumably had male sexual feelings. But there are no references in the gospels to his sexuality. Large chunks of Jesus's life are missing from the Biblical accounts. This has fuelled speculation that the early Church sanitised the gospels, removing references to Christ's sexuality that were not in accord with the heterosexual morality that it wanted to promote", said Peter Tatchell.
Nineteen answers:
2010-11-23 07:44:44 UTC
Jesus was sinless,your ridiculous assessment and accusation is moronic at best.
Gay Christian
2010-11-26 14:37:47 UTC
Hi there

Jesus was NOT gay. How do I know? Because homosexuality is largely caused by genetic variants, copying errors from the "original blueprint" (if I can use the analogy). Jesus was the perfect man, like Adam - except he did not sin. As the perfect man, Jesus was what God originally designed us to be, therefore heterosexual.

And I say that as a gay man, who is also a follower of Jesus, and I have a male partner.

Hope this helps

2010-11-23 07:54:03 UTC
1. Jesus was not born from man. He was born only from a woman (Mary)

2. The Bible condemns sexual deviation in every chapter

3. Jesus says openly that sexual deviants, drunk people, sorcerers, murderers have no place in his kingdom, so if what that person says would be true then Jesus would not have acces to heaven either.

4. Not every one that does not want to have relations with the opposite sex wants to have with the same sex.

5. Jesus always blessed the institute of marriage seen as a relation between two people of opposite sex.

6. Jesus says that he did not come to destroy the laws of the old testament but fulfil them, meaning that the laws that prohibited homosexuality were not lifted, but instead of killing the guilty, it must be seen as a sick man that needs healing.

Your argument also has the problem it stands against all the bible. Many apostles were actually married men. And about the part with the cloth, have you read how the jews buried their dead?!
2010-11-23 07:54:26 UTC
Come on, Bob! I am an atheist but the Bible is full of references to Mary of Magdila (Mary Magdalene). She even has her own Gnostic Gospel although it is not in the Bible. In the Bible she was there at his death and the first to come to his tomb. I doubt they were married because if they were it would have been mentioned in the Bible. I doubt that the preacher Jesus went to his death a virgin, but I also doubt he was a homosexual. He was a poor humble preacher who traveled around teaching something rather new (love your enemies, golden rule, turn the other cheek, etc.). He went to Jerusalem and raised hell at the temple and upset the chief priests. The next day he was executed. After his death, his teachings rapidly caught on. He probably had no idea of the effect he would have on history.
The Former Dr. Bob
2010-11-23 07:45:07 UTC
The "Secret Gospel of Mark" is a complete forgery, created by a scholar with excellent credentials, a wry sense of humor, and a homosexual lifestyle. Smith is the creator of the book. He didn't discover it; he planted it and then pretended to find it. And then he got rich writing a 500+ page book about the forgery he created.

This has been known for quite a while. It created quite a stir when it was "found," but it has since been discounted. Even the book from which Smith took the paper to make his copy has been discovered in his own library.

No legitimate scholar considers the book to be valid, though a great number of people with their own personal agenda ignore this fact.
2010-11-23 07:52:30 UTC
Jesus Is both the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit all in one. He also IS without sin, a perfect sacrifice for all the sins of Man. Homosexuality is a sin, just as stealing, murder, idolatry and all the others. God has declared this to be true. Jesus therefore cannot be perfect and Homosexual at the same time. Jesus is Perfect and will forgive the sin of homosexuality to those who ask for it by faith!

Another thing, Jesus being God himself did not likely have sexuality on his mind while he was here in human form!
2010-11-26 11:22:25 UTC
Ha! You are a hoot, sugar. I don't believe that a person named Jesus ever really lived. So I can't see wasting much time on whether this fictional character was bi, hetero or gay. He can be anything others choose to make him.
2010-11-23 07:51:04 UTC
How could you apply sexuality to Jesus? And moreover why? This is a supernatural being, who lived a life as pauper, as healer, as teacher as savior. Yes He was man, yes He was subject to temptation, but to then state that because of these things He was homosexual is the most perverse ideology I have ever heard. If you want to remove homophobia, appeal to society, not to the fundamental areas of human existence. God have mercy on you; I am beyond appalled..I have never heard anything this corrupt since reading Aleister Crowley. This is not just circular logic, this is from the abyss itself.
Modern Major General
2010-11-23 07:48:35 UTC
Just because something is not written down, it cannot be alluded to as a case of "reading between the lines"; it is more likely that JC, having been a good Jewish boy, would have married before going on to preach salvation. The probable candidate as wife material is Mary Magdalene!
2016-10-23 06:56:17 UTC
i'm satisfied you pronounced "jesus" definition of marriage through fact the "classic" definition of marriage isn't one guy one woman. its extra like- one guy, many females. extra cultures have defined it that way all for the period of history than one guy one woman. regardless, who am i to assert what a chrurch's very own inner judgements are, see you later as they save thier judgements and definitions constrained to the use between thier very own followers who chosen to abide by using thier non secular ideals and don't attempt to stress thier perspectives and definitions on people who're no longer a member of that church (no count if or no longer they're christian, muslim, jew, buddist, secular, atheist, and so on.) or press for that definition to be codified into federal or state regulation. they 2nd they do attempt to push thier definitions on others- thats while we've not only the wonderful however the criminal duty to end them.
2010-11-23 09:50:28 UTC
Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Jesus was not gay for Jesus says anyone who has sex with another man will be punished.
2010-11-23 07:47:18 UTC
Jesus was not homosexual. Jesus taught that homosexuality is sinful and Jesus was without sin. You need to let the Bible determine your views and not your views determine your interpretation of the Bible.
2010-11-23 07:43:43 UTC
Since there is no evidence whatsoever of Jesus' sexuality and since the Bible says that homosexual acts are sin and also says that Jesus did not sin, we are left to conclude that Jesus was not a homosexual, based on the biblical evidence.
2010-11-23 07:47:32 UTC
All his disciples were male, so he obviously likes being surrounded by men in a hot country which means they were sweaty.

Jesus liked being surrounded by hot, sweaty men.
2010-11-23 07:45:20 UTC
The simple answer is "no", Jesus did not commit any sins and Jesus was not an hypocrite..
2 Shepherds
2010-11-23 07:42:56 UTC
Jesus was a celibate heterosexual who focused on the task set before Him and didn't allow Himself the pleasure of a relationship with a woman that would have been His wife.
2010-11-23 08:01:17 UTC
I'm still wondering if he ever even existed!
2010-11-23 07:42:09 UTC
All humans are bi-sexual.
2010-11-23 07:41:42 UTC
oui oui - yes

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.