why are fundametalist christians against teaching of darwinian evolution?
Mattius Deis
2007-04-04 04:56:53 UTC
also why when i try to debate the validity of their claims of a higher entity/god with devout people they get offended and its a taboo? it should be no different to a debate between which is better sega or nintendo.
27 answers:
2007-04-04 04:59:09 UTC
kuz they r gay
2007-04-04 05:22:06 UTC
If you actually take the time to read all of the current theories and ideas that are being advanced for evolution, you will find that they often contradict and disprove each other. There is not yet an agruement on many of the "facts" of evolution.

Yet it is advanced as if it is 100% proven, and not a single question remains. And this is simply not true. I have watched it change time and again over my lifetime.

Anybody see Jurasic Park, and the "Raptors" that were like little T-rex's, all scales and lizard like? Within just a few years on "waling with the Dinosaurs", the raptors had totally changed, and had no scales and the beginning of feather in a crest on their head. Another couple years down the road and we are now being told that they were "pre-birds" and may have had feathers over much of their bodies. Apparently evolution is true, because in less than 2 decades raptors have managed to evolve from lizards to birds.

Whether evolution is true or not is a debate for another posting. Whether evolution is a rock solid and full understood process is another issue. It is not. Yet it is represented as if the current theories are solid fact.

Then, it is used to try to disprove religion, or the existence of God. Something that it can not and does not do. Even if evolution is a fact, God is not locked out of the equation. Something or someone still started the process, and controls the process. Whether by directly placing his hand into the process, or by setting up the conditions that would drive the process. Yet evolutionist too often present evolution with the idea that because they understand HOW something happens, that means there is no God involved. And that is simply not true.

Can you imagine a scientist trying to explain and understand the earth and the solar system without ever considering the influence of our sun? SInce at various times in history the sun as been worshipped, acknowledging that it influences life would be allowing "religion" into science, and we can;t have that. So I am sure some scientist somewhere could find a perfectly good theory to explain "light" without having to acknowledge the sun. But he will never get it right until he includes the sun in his equations.

Those of us who know that God is out there, know that science, evolution, laws, ethics, philosophy, economics, politics, and everything else will never get it right until the acknowledge the part that He plays in all of those things.

So Christians object to anytime God is left out of education. Nothing can be taught correctly when that large of a piece is left out.
2007-04-04 16:08:56 UTC
I think that to come with this question is very ignorant indeed, the Bible in difference with Koran doesn´t pretend to be 100 percent exact, although the Bible have many, many facts, in a perfect chronological and detailed sucecion... when soccer started in century 13 they used to kill the goal keeper of the team that lost the game and you will not shout to the soccer players today...murder, murder, your hands are full of consider the growing science a link to esoteric practices was a fear of the century and to judge events of the 13 century with mentally of today is an absolut stupidity...We all Christians, almost all, know that Adan and Eve, Noel Boat and some other stories are a way to explain to the ignorant people by then some fundamental understandig of life, education, life and work was very different, with time the church had separated from science and politics thing that in Islam is hard part of the core... Few, non educated Christians Believe in the Bible verse by verse but the esence and the intention, a great difference with muslims that sing the Koran verse by verse since they are 5 years old... People like to speak about the Catholic church by then what they don´t you, is that muslim people whas beheading people for much less than a new statement of kee your facts straight and not only in one side other wise your knoledge and moral look quite hipocrite and doubled faced... Still muslims these days wants to kill a man cause a cartoon, or had killed a Movie the 21 st century, so what the heck you have to say about Catholics in century 13?
Freethinking Liberal
2007-04-04 05:05:24 UTC
Because if we are all taught the truth about evolution then there ridiculous clam that the bible is LITERALLY true well be seen as the nonsense that it is.

Do we here them demanding for flat earth to be taught in school. After all we all can see it is flat. Just look out of the window. Oh the horizon - that is an optical illusion put there by god to test your faith. And the pictures from space, they are a atheist conspiracy to trick the true believer.

It is very different to a debate between which is better Sega or Nintendo, it is about the truth, about reality. If we accept creationism as true then much of science, mathematics and just plan commonsense goes out the window. This would include the ability to prosecute and jail criminals because much of the evidence that CSI and Police forensics can be called into question with the same distortion of reality that it takes to create creationism.

Blind Faith is just that - Blind to reality - to evidence
2007-04-04 05:46:39 UTC
Fundamentalists are people who oppose Christianity. As far as relations with non-Christians are concerned, Christians are interested only in the gospel of salvation by the cross of Christ, and do not care at all what people believe about how creation occurred. Those who accept the gospel know that they are created by God, and those who reject the gospel do not do so because they have intellectual doubts about evolution, but for personal reasons. Fundamentalists studiously ignore real Christians, and also the fact that it is perfectly possible to be a Christian and an evolutionist. (There are not a few 'net posters who doggedly ignore that fact, too.)

Fundamentalist motives are

a) for those disposed against Christianity, to make it an object of ridicule because literal interpretation of early Genesis is so obviously absurd;

b) for believers, to get acceptance of one-day-a week false religion instead of the 24/7 commitment that real Christianity is;

c) for all, to take attention away from the paramount importance for Christians of producing the fruits of the Spirit (patience, reliability, honesty, generosity, humility, willingness to forgive, self-control);

d) for all, to create the illusion that becoming a Christian is an intellectual matter, requiring an easy intellectual (!) assent rather than, with sweat and heart-searching, changing ownership of the will from self to God;

e) for all, to reduce appreciation of the immense power and patience of God in creating by evolution, and to create the illusion that the deity is not involved in everyday 'chance' matters, which some find more comfortable than the truth.

2007-04-04 05:08:56 UTC
Ever work with mental patients. The very "same" perception exists amongst many of religion as it does in a mental patient. What the mind believes to be "real" WILL BE real to many of them. Evolution exists, just as the "evidence" of God. Not the God of Judaim though, but the God of a much older FAITH. That which the peoples believed in so strongly, that they built the PYRAMIDS. Of all the "intellect" of the world NONE can explain how they were BUILT. "inside" are the pyramid texts telling of god in heaven. Want to "debate" God's existance, first find out the FACTS of the TRUE God and not this one made up by MANKIND..........
Holistic Mystic
2007-04-04 07:40:56 UTC
Because they think it contradicts creation. I agree with most of your points but creation by a higher entity is totally compatible with evolution and science, evolution is one of the methods the higher entity uses to create. Fundamentalist christians don't understand and follow the true teachings of Jesus, if they did they would be pacifists.
2007-04-04 05:22:57 UTC
Fundi-Christians are like horses with blinkers on, they don't even dispute the story of Adam and Eve they actually believe that two people populated the entire world.

This is why I don't like going to church especially the Assemblies of God.

This is why I laughed in Borats movie when he goes to church.

You should watch it just to get my meaning.

It's totally hilarious, if you are Jewish don't be offended when he makes fun of Jewish people his name is Sacha Boran Cohen. He is Jewish.

He has an I.Q of 180 he is a genius, totally not an idiot.
2007-04-04 05:05:24 UTC
I think the reason is the devout Christian cannot accept any version of the beginning other than the one in the Bible.This is not a subject that is open to debate as a debate infers there are two or more arguments to be debated.,and as the Christian will not in any way accept an alternative to his/her belief there is no argument to debate.Any other view than their own is heresy.
2007-04-04 05:17:16 UTC
I'm sorry but sega or nintendo doesn't require you to sacrifice your own life and make changes to accommodate it.

You challenge what they know to be true, the word of God. They know this because whenever they apply the words to their own life, it becomes blessed, so they believe it completely that it is true.

But to you it is not, so you treat it with a lack of respect, even comparing it to a video game. Perhaps that's all it is to you, but it is their entire life you are "toying" with. They are not making "claims" and you are not welcome to "debate the validity" of their lives, how pompous of you!

Would you mind if we opened up your life and examined it, so that we can then debate the validity of your claim that your life is even worth living?
2007-04-04 05:11:01 UTC
it's amazes me the way the word, "fundamentalist" is used to describe christians just cause of a belief!!

it's not taboo!!!!!

It's been debated over and over again. What planet do you live on???

I think a lot of religions believe the same thing not just christians.
2007-04-04 05:07:42 UTC
It comes down to one doctrine: Biblical Literality.

Fundamentalists claim that the Bible is the literal and true word of God (although many passages must be interpreted). If Genesis is shown to be less than true, word for word, that doctrine collapses. They are fighting to defend a dangerous doctrine.
2007-04-04 05:03:31 UTC
The term "fundamental" refers to the believe that everything in the bible is Exactly as it is stated. To be sure Darwin's realization of evolution disagrees with the exact story of creation in the bible.
2007-04-04 05:05:42 UTC
They're scared that you'll put cracks in their faith because they can't accept the propect of death being the end.

But cheer up, the door knockers will usually debate for an hour or so before they run away in frustration trying to hold the tatters of their beliefs together.
2016-10-21 03:55:53 UTC
maximum Christians i be attentive to have faith in Darwinian evolution, yet in spite of this they do no longer seem to be American Christians, individuals seem to have faith in all varieties of utter insanity and silliness.
2007-04-04 05:07:41 UTC
This is an emotional issue. These people have found an answer that works for them, and challenging it attacks the root of their reality system.

Be as courteous as you can, and you are less likely to ruffle their feathers.
2007-04-04 05:03:17 UTC
that belief is against the bible the bible in Genesis is where creation is from

look at the facts it's only possible that way
2007-04-04 05:04:42 UTC
Because it contradicts a literal reading of the biblical account.
2007-04-04 05:01:02 UTC
>>"Why are fundametalist christians against teaching of darwinian evolution?

also why when i try to debate the validity of their claims of a higher entity/god with devout people they get offended and its a taboo?"<<

switch roles.

you would be just as offended. don't lie to yourself. you know you would be.

and btw do you really think that arguments between brand loyaltys are neccesarily any less heated and fanatical? thats silly, of course they are.
St. Tom Cruise
2007-04-04 05:02:49 UTC
Anything that forces people to consider facts or logic is considered anti-Christian in their fantasy world.
2007-04-04 05:00:43 UTC
Uh oh! Stay clear of them. You are in the wrong boat!
2007-04-04 05:02:22 UTC
Because Darwin was a drunk and I like both Sega and Nintendo.
2007-04-04 05:18:10 UTC
umm nintendo?
2007-04-04 05:15:25 UTC
Because it is not true
2007-04-04 05:00:03 UTC
So, there are some gay christians, I don't find it bad.
Jon Soundman
2007-04-04 04:59:49 UTC
Because it proves them to be wrong.
fddd s
2007-04-04 04:59:52 UTC

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