If you actually take the time to read all of the current theories and ideas that are being advanced for evolution, you will find that they often contradict and disprove each other. There is not yet an agruement on many of the "facts" of evolution.
Yet it is advanced as if it is 100% proven, and not a single question remains. And this is simply not true. I have watched it change time and again over my lifetime.
Anybody see Jurasic Park, and the "Raptors" that were like little T-rex's, all scales and lizard like? Within just a few years on "waling with the Dinosaurs", the raptors had totally changed, and had no scales and the beginning of feather in a crest on their head. Another couple years down the road and we are now being told that they were "pre-birds" and may have had feathers over much of their bodies. Apparently evolution is true, because in less than 2 decades raptors have managed to evolve from lizards to birds.
Whether evolution is true or not is a debate for another posting. Whether evolution is a rock solid and full understood process is another issue. It is not. Yet it is represented as if the current theories are solid fact.
Then, it is used to try to disprove religion, or the existence of God. Something that it can not and does not do. Even if evolution is a fact, God is not locked out of the equation. Something or someone still started the process, and controls the process. Whether by directly placing his hand into the process, or by setting up the conditions that would drive the process. Yet evolutionist too often present evolution with the idea that because they understand HOW something happens, that means there is no God involved. And that is simply not true.
Can you imagine a scientist trying to explain and understand the earth and the solar system without ever considering the influence of our sun? SInce at various times in history the sun as been worshipped, acknowledging that it influences life would be allowing "religion" into science, and we can;t have that. So I am sure some scientist somewhere could find a perfectly good theory to explain "light" without having to acknowledge the sun. But he will never get it right until he includes the sun in his equations.
Those of us who know that God is out there, know that science, evolution, laws, ethics, philosophy, economics, politics, and everything else will never get it right until the acknowledge the part that He plays in all of those things.
So Christians object to anytime God is left out of education. Nothing can be taught correctly when that large of a piece is left out.