Someone who is Christian just told me in an answer that atheists are idiots. Is that true?
2006-10-18 08:45:07 UTC
I just figured heh there is no evidence for this god thing so why should I believe it. Someone told me there are green monsters on Mars but I don't believe that. Am I an idiot for wanting proof of something before I believe it?

I guess that guy needs the finger of friendship.
44 answers:
2006-10-18 09:49:47 UTC
LOL go on, give that finger.
2006-10-18 08:51:57 UTC
No you're not an idiot for wanting proof. Would I be an idiot to want proof that God & Jesus exist ? No. A lot of peeps want proof of things that have to do w/ religion/sprituality.

On the other hand, kids don't need proof to believe that Santa's real, then again, they DO see him @ the mall... :P So maybe that's proof enough for them.

To answer your Q, no athiests are not idiots. Well, maybe some are & some aren't. This can apply to any Q tho. Really tho, these are just based on OPINIONS. It's not a FACT that athiests are idiots.

Hope I answered your Q ...or @ least helped a lil bit.

P.S. I don't believe there are green monsters on Mars either. I'm sure that 100% of the peeps who read this Q would agree w/ me.
Laura D
2006-10-18 08:59:06 UTC

If we draw a Venn diagram with three circles representing Atheists, Christians, and Idiots, I think we must concede that some atheists are idiots and that some Christians are idiots.

But you have run into a Christian who argues that the circle representing atheists falls entirely within the circle representing idiots and hence, the set of atheists is a subset of idiots.

Your Christian friend appears misguided. Certainly, you are not an idiot to desire evidence before belief. On the other hand, the question of whether proof is the standard by which we should live our lives falls at the very heart of the discussion between atheists and believers.

After all, where there is absolute proof of a fact and hence no doubt as to its correctness, there can be no faith. And I like to think some things are worth taking on faith.

God bless,

2006-10-18 08:57:51 UTC
Hmmm. I don't believe athiests are idiots. I believe athiests are allowed to believe whatever they want. I will say this, though. People change... everyday... It is possible for an athiest to become christian and vice versa. I do not understand atheism as I have found such peace and love in my life with believing in Jesus. I did not have that before, no matter what I tried. Perhaps those people who called athiests idiots cannot understand why athiests will not accept those gifts. Although, it clearly has nothing to do with idiocity. It has everything to do with personal choise. Free Will is a gift. Use it wisely. Here is an interesting quote by mathmatician and philosopher in the 17th century. "If I believe in God and life after death and you do not, and if there is no God, we both lose when we die. However, if there is a God, you still lose and I gain everything." - Blaise Pascal. Have a nice day!
Ray W
2006-10-18 08:59:10 UTC
Atheists are not idiots but they are ignorant of the truth. Satan has given them a lie and they have believed it. It is always what saith the scripture. All men have a free will, they can believe or reject what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross for all men if they would trust in Him. He died for our sins He was buried and took our sins away and He rose again the third day for our justification. You are right in not believing fairly tells but we do have proof that there is a God. We have His Word and we have creation. The Bible tells us that a man is a fool if says there is no God. Psalms 14: 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psalms 19: 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2006-10-18 09:04:29 UTC
Proof that their is a God is instilled in us when we are conceived in the womb. We are all born with an innate knowledge of what is right and wrong. Even a young child knows that when they misbehave they are doing something that goes against their parents’ wishes. The knowledge of good and evil comes from God. It was put there to keep us in balance and to allow us to understand why we need to come to God for forgiveness.

Whether or not you decide to accept this or have faith that it is such, is ultimately your decision. It takes greater faith to believe that an unseen God exists than it does to just dismiss Him because you cannot physically confirm that He is there. Our universe contains too much order for our existence to have been created out of chaos. We are complex beyond our imaginations and when you look at such a complexity, you see God and His creation. we have a desire to seek love. Our whole life is spent trying to fill a gap that exists in our souls; a gap that only be filled by the love of God. No matter what we do to try and fill this gap -- money drugs, alcohol, sex, possessions -- the hole will never be filled until we turn back to God and accept His Son as our Savior and Lord.
2006-10-18 09:19:41 UTC
It is fair easier to not believe in God then it is to believe. You are right in saying there is no evidence. People will only find evidence of the various items they have found over the years. This will not prove God is real or not. The world points away from the possiblity of any evidence and the items found only prove that the belief goes back many years. To know if He is REal you have to Go to the Source like believers and Hear it from HIM. That is our proof and we cannot give it to you because everyone must get it themselves to know. He said if you seek you will find ME. It is a one on one and our proof is our relationship inspite of the world saying it isn't real.
2006-10-18 08:57:29 UTC
You'll be an athiest until you're on your deathbed, my friend. How else did everything get here? Is it so hard to believe that it was created? Who formed the matter that made the Big-Bang? You can't see electricity, but you know it's there, and it can kill you if you don't recognize what it is. God doesn't have to show an insignificant little chunk of protoplasm like you that He exists!! C'mon, don't ask God to do stupid little parlor tricks to satisfy the cynic that obviously lives within you. Jesus died for you, why don't you live for Him? He showed the world that He died for your sins, isn't that proof enough, oh ye of little faith??? In my opinion, atheists ARE IDIOTS, but unfortunately, you can't use the fingers of friendship, they are already being used to plug your ears and keep you comfortably numb, just the way you like it to be. Peace
2006-10-18 08:59:55 UTC
You're not an idiot for not believing,but I also don't think all Christians are idiots or brainwashed.I get tired of seeing the Atheists insulting the Christians ALL the time.I mean,some of them are idiots and a lot of them are hypocrites,but stereotyping is wrong,no matter which side you're on.Ok,what was the question again?
2006-10-18 09:02:02 UTC
Hey, you are not an idiot for wanting proof. But you should know that there are things beyond your understanding. You will not understand everything in the universe. Also note that having faith and believing in God helps one to cope with the harsh realities of life.
2006-10-18 08:53:55 UTC
There's no evidence that atheists are idiots is there? So of course this christian believes that they are. He believes in a god of which there's no evidence. So if there's no evidence that atheists are idiots, he'll believe it's true.
2006-10-18 08:49:06 UTC
Aetheists are not idiots for wanting proof. There's nothing wrong with that. After all, to use a biblical reference, Peter refused to believe Christ rose from the dead until he had solid proof. The only problem is, faith is not based on proof--if we had solid proof that God exists, we would have no need for faith, which is the basis for the religion. (i.e. if we proved that God existed our religion would fall apart.)
Jen G
2006-10-18 08:47:52 UTC
I'm sure the Christian who told you that believes that anyone who disagrees with his views on god is an idiot. There is nothing with wanting proof before you believe in something.
Angel Baby
2006-10-18 08:55:51 UTC
For some people seeing is believing. I happen to fall into that category. Others get by on faith because that's what they need in their lives. Discussing religion breeds hate among many people, Christians and Atheists alike. You believe what makes sense to you and don't worry about anything else.
2006-10-18 09:02:04 UTC
its not nice to label anybody just because they have different beliefs...

calling somebody idiot is a very inappropriate manner.

going to the matter, i would ask u if ur in a situation where u just grow up with a foster parent and they said to u they never know who are ur parents, would u still believe that someone, a mother who never existed have really given birth to u in this earth?

or would u just think that u just appear like a ghost here on this earth.

kindly think about this matter...hope this helps...
2006-10-18 08:54:56 UTC
Well, Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.

I don't think atheists are idiots since I used to be one, just misinformed. I wouldn't say there is _no_ evidence of God. Just no _conclusive_ evidence. God doesn't give us conclusive evidence of Himself because he wants us to choose Him willingly. If there were conclusive evidence of God and you didn't believe, then, yes, you would be an idiot.
Bob L
2006-10-18 09:01:31 UTC
The Bible says that there is no excuse for not believeing in God.

But the guy actually held out a "finger of friendship" to you. He was being kind...

(such is Christian love and compassion)
2006-10-18 08:50:18 UTC
He will probably get the finger Jim. Does not sound very Christian to me for someone to call an atheist an idiot.
2006-10-18 08:50:26 UTC
One has the freedom to have one's views. If he is an atheist, he is free to have those views and the one who is not has his own freedom of views. To call some one an idiot if he hold views other than yours is not fair.

The way the situation has been narrated, the person who is reported to have called atheists idiots, in fact did not say so.
Marvin R
2006-10-18 08:50:08 UTC
there are " Idiots " all over the world and this has nothing to do with any religious belief system, ethnic background, education, etc. but mainly a state of mind which is so closed one refuses to acknowledge the free will and rights of others.
candi k
2006-10-18 08:52:41 UTC
as a Christian he shouldnt have used the word idiot...Jesus didnt go around calling people idiots. Deceived or mislead...but you shouldnt have been called an idiot...its obvious youre not, you seem very intelligent (in the world's eyes) but true wisdom comes from the fear of God. (King Soloman's words)
2006-10-18 08:49:36 UTC
Religeon is the biggest pain in the a rse on the planet!, war oppression, land theft etc, the list goes on all because of religeon so i reckon us athiests got the right idea!
Joshy Boy
2006-10-18 09:00:03 UTC
but there is proof - read the bible and see how it changes your thinking. if you can't be bothered, then surf the net and see what you can find. If you can be bothered to read the bible, don't start at the beginning or you'll get bored. Start at the back, skipping Revelations, and read all the little books after that.
2006-10-18 08:49:40 UTC
No it's not true that you are an idiot. He should read 1John 2:6
2006-10-18 08:51:19 UTC
Atheists aren't idiots. They are searching for answers like the rest of us. I just see them as uninformed.
2006-10-18 08:57:29 UTC
"Idiot" was originally used in ancient Greek city-states to refer to people who were overly concerned with their own self-interest and ignored the needs of the community. Declining to take part in public life, such as (semi-)democratic government of the polis (city state), such as the Athenian democracy, was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters.

It takes one to know one.
Eat At The Y
2006-10-18 08:49:07 UTC
Imagine that, a christian passing judgement on someone. Now there's an idiot. Don't let 'em get to ya.
2006-10-18 09:02:15 UTC
Try going to some Pentecostal and Apostolic churches in your area. Ask them to pray with you, so that you may know that God is real.

(You may have to go to several churches, because each church is different and I do not know how much power each of them will have.)
2006-10-18 08:50:10 UTC
Since I am the holder of our most cherished gesture, let me offer the Finger of Friendship to this person
2006-10-18 08:51:01 UTC
No, you must be Unitarian Universalis.

That means that you believe only in things that can be proved.
2006-10-18 08:48:50 UTC

Hardly seems fair.

Proof is in the believing.
2006-10-18 08:48:38 UTC
it depends on the meaning of the word atheist

in your case you're not an idiot you're just too blind to see the evidences around you ...
2006-10-18 08:47:36 UTC
most people who are brainwashed, like christians, feel that others who aren't are thus idiots. that is part of the brainwashing.
2006-10-18 08:47:05 UTC
Don't let this guys ignorance get to you. You seem to be one of the most intelligent people I have met on here. He obviously does not know what he is talking about.
2006-10-18 08:49:09 UTC
Just remember... n divides m, pause, and you'll be fine... So to this guy I say:


(mathematical ascii art. Joy.)
NO delusions
2006-10-18 08:47:48 UTC
I think people who believe anything they hear fall for everything.anyone who doesn't think doesn't deserve a brain.
2006-10-18 08:49:01 UTC
What do you expect when your avatar is an evolving ape and you user name is Jim Darwin? If evolution was true then it has done a piss poor job of creating someone like you. Maybe that lump on your head can mysteriously evolve into some brain cells. Good luck moron!
2006-10-18 08:48:22 UTC
Fools follow blindly. Those wishing to acquire knowledge, question.

Finger extended.
Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9
2006-10-18 08:48:15 UTC
Atheists are what they are; no more, no less.

If you don't mind...keep your fingers to (smile)
Dr. Linder
2006-10-18 08:54:36 UTC
You just love stirring it up, dont you?
2006-10-18 08:49:12 UTC
Jim...we are all idiots.
2006-10-18 08:48:26 UTC
No, but it does take one to know one.
2006-10-18 08:46:40 UTC
2006-10-18 08:48:38 UTC
oh no! its the "IsThatTrueRetard"!! what should I do?

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