no, Ambition by itself is the drive that God gave you, to move you, as He wants us to be fruitful. It is the very spirit of your character.
The Bible says to have to godly "zeal", to be ambitious to do good, and willing to do our best in all we do, How can you do that without any ambition, if ambition itself were sin? Scripture says, that "anything apart from faith, is sin".
Your ambition/drive is what motivates and inspires, not only yourself, but other people. The lack of ambition hinders.
Ambition is only a sin, if it is "selfish-ambition", when the ambition/drive itself, lack's love and has wrong motives/ill desires.
Jesus said, "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, neither can a bad tree produce good fruit".
A tree bears seed after it's kind. There is a story in the Old Testament of a farmer who went hungry because of his lack of ambition, he let his field become overgrown and be overtaken by weeds and went hungry, while his neighbors had plenty food stored up in their barns for winter.
If it is a Christ-centered ambition, it comes from love in your heart, and it produces in you the desire to bless others and bring Glory to God. As opposed to trying to gratify the desires of the flesh, which are never satisfied no matter how much we have,it will always come up empty because it is rooted in self-centered ambitions.
It's the reason underneath the ambition makes it one way or the other. If it is righteous, we'll be motivated by our love for God & others.
Righteous ambition moves you to walk in the path of righteousness, If we are led by the Spirit we will not fufill selfish desires/ambitions.
Like Jesus said, "I came not to BE served but, to serve". Jesus' main ambition while He walked upon this earth was doing God's Will.
I think that our flesh by it's own sinful nature, is selfish, without God and that we are all prone to selfishness without Christ.