The catholic church is NOT Biblical. It is false doctrine!
Here is the truth about the catholic church...
When I was seminary I searched for the reasons why catholicism didn't work--why all the years as an altar-boy, all the rosaries, all the Novenas, Masses, Stations of the Cross, etc. never made a difference.
The answer was in their Gospel message. Every religion in the world can be defined by the Gospel message--what must a person do to get to heaven?
The Bible was clear, "It is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast." [Ephesians 2:8-9] I came to Christ by faith and faith alone in Christ, with absolutely no works--it was all by what Jesus did. I simply repented of my sin, believed in who Jesus claimed to be, and then submitted my life to His control.
Now what I discovered about the catholic church was that they have a different gospel than the one of the Bible. I went to eight years of catholic grade school and knew what it was, but the study at seminary explained the source for their belief.
The catholic gospel says that "one gets to heaven by the Grace of God through the death of Jesus on the cross" (so far so good--it sounds right). But the way to receive this grace is NOT by faith and faith alone (a free gift as Ephesians 2:8-9 said), no, the way a person receives the grace to be saved (according to the catholics) is by "doing certain things" (works), like:
1. Going to mass = grace
2. Saying Catholic prayers (Our Fathers, Hail Marys, rosaries, etc.) = grace
3. Receiving communion = grace
4. Being baptized (infant) = grace
5. Going to confession = grace
6. Helping others = grace
7. Making a novena = grace
8. Making the Stations of the Cross = grace
and on, and on it goes.....each thing you do brings a bit of grace................
Then according to the catholic church, "If you die in a state of Grace, then you will go to heaven ---eventually! You have to stop in Purgatory for an indefinite period of time (millions of years?). Purgatory is a place just like Hell (torment and agony), but the difference is you will get out some day--once "you have paid for your sins." (yet Christ said on the Cross, just before He died, "It is Finished!" He meant that the price for sin has been paid!)
Yet, there is a problem, in that a catholic can lose all of their accumulated grace by committing a MORTAL sin! A Mortal sin is a premeditated sin, basically one of the Ten Commandments, like killing someone, committing adultery, stealing, using the Lord's name in vain, missing Mass on Sunday, etc. Any of these sins done with a willful heart caused all the accumulated grace to disappear. Thus if you then died without any grace, then you went non-stop to Hell.
However, if you could then rush to a catholic priest and get your sins forgiven, then you collected a little more grace again, and were back on the road to heaven--at least until the next Mortal Sin dumped all your grace again.
Basically the catholic Gospel is a "works" gospel, that is, "it is what Jesus did on the Cross PLUS my works gets me to heaven." But the true Gospel of the Bible, is salvation by faith and faith alone in Jesus--no works allowed nor accepted--it is all based only on what Jesus did.
In seminary I learned that the basic catholic doctrine was set at the Council of Trent (1545-1563), 19th ecumenical council of the Roman catholic church, which met in response to the Protestant Reformation to initiate general church reform and define its essential dogmas). At that Council, they came up with a bunch of "canons" (ecclesiastical laws) of which one said this, "If anyone believes that salvation is by faith and faith alone, then let them be anathema (cast into
hell)". The catholic church at their core doctrine deny salvation by faith and faith alone in Christ. Yet the Bible said, that, "it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." [Ephesians 2:8-9]
All that I have just told you about the catholic church is available in any of their catholic Catechisms, which outline their teachings.
The Roman Catholic Church is a false religion, and anyone who dies believing and trusting in their false gospel will be eternally condemned to Hell.
Take a look at the ten commandments. Realize that you are a sinner and you need God to save you from eternity in Hell. Repent (turn away) from your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Get a Bible and read it every day!