Do you think that the end times that are predicted by the bible are here or not?
2006-07-24 01:50:05 UTC
I wonder about this, because some things do seem to be matching up, but then I also hear that people have beleived in doomsday since the start of time and they always think the endtimes are now.
Nineteen answers:
2006-07-24 01:56:43 UTC
You are exactly right.

People always think that they live in the end times, and they never turn out to be.

If these are the end times, it is entirely by fluke that people predict it.

These are not the end times

In terms of history, the amount of death and destruction in our world today is throughly unremarkable.

It just seems like it is because of all the tv coverage, and talking heads saying this is the end time.

Hal Lindsey thinks these are the end times (guy who has made a living from saying this) he thought the world will end in the 70's, then the 80's and now today.

Throughly unremarkable times.
2006-07-24 02:12:42 UTC
Yes, it is definitely the time of the "last days"! Just like the little boy who cried wolf, there have been many false cries of it's here, and so many people think the last days will never come, but just like the wolf finally did come, so the time of great tribulation is starting... It is said in the scriptures that we won't know the day or the hour of the Lord Jesus's return, but those who are watching and waiting will know the "season". Jesus said when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the time of his second coming is at the very doorstep. He comes with the vengeance of God at the 7th Trumpet. That is when true believers rise to meet him in the air and then are with him forever, that is the time of the rapture, and that is when he pours out his wrath upon the earth. Some people mistakenly call the entire tribulation period the wrath of God, but a close inspection of the scriptures shows that God reserves his wrath for the very end of the tribulation period... the last day, as it were, of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy.
Iamnotarobot (former believer)
2006-07-26 06:11:14 UTC
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 says:

Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Matthew 24:3-8 says:

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Yes, the last days have begun; but do we know how long they will last? No; if Jesus compared the last days to labor, it's impossible to predict how long they will last; I labored 25 hours for my first child and 8 hours for my second.

I created a website to help people understand which current events can be accurately applied to certain prophecies. It's called
2006-07-25 01:42:57 UTC
The Bible isn't supposed to be taken literally, especially the book of Revelations. Even Priests say not to take it so seriously. People back in the 1600's believed in that armageddon would come in their life time, but it didn't. It is natural for people to apply vague texts to the period in which they live in.

However, I believe that the conflicts in this world are accelerating, and unless we learn to stop killing each other and respect each other without having a superiority complex over one another, the human race will cease to exist within the next 100 years. I observe a negative relationship in this world whereas some people are moving forward, technologically, socially, politically, many peoples are moving backwards into insular, superstitious lifestyles, and this clash of contrasts will cause our doom.
2006-07-24 01:55:52 UTC
How odd that the book of Revelations was not even the original book slated to be included in the canon you now call the Holy Bible. Look up the Coucil of Nicea & the effects it had on the prophecies for the end of the world!

Study religion, not the words of your preachers!
2006-07-25 02:07:37 UTC
Parts of what the bible says it's going to happen at the end of time have already happened. Despite that, i believe that God has a lot of patience and also giving a second change is his "major" so in my opinion we should be aware of the end of time but we shouldn't panic at all times even thought it may be closer than we think.
2006-07-24 02:06:31 UTC
Something is always matching up. It's irrelevant. Worry about getting out of this world alive. The quantity of your after life is not nearly as important as the quality of your after life. In general, there are five ways to leave this world; get killed in a fight, starve, die of disease, accidental, and self induced. You can read about them in Revelation. It's all around you. The reason why we are told that no one knows the time, is to focus us, on redemption. Go, and sin no more...
2006-07-24 01:55:38 UTC
YES!!! the return of God is drawing nearer every day, it's satan that puts ideas out there like "it wont happen in our lifetime so i'm good". though we don't know when it will be, a great amount of signs predicted in the bible are coming true, and since we don't know when it will happen, it could happen before you even read this answer...........or now! .................possibly here. you never know. but you can't wait until it happens to get your life w/Jesus right. Prepare now, and you will be ready no matter what.
Mr Toooo Sexy
2006-07-24 01:55:32 UTC
The Bible says to anticipate Jesus's return .Id much rather be ready then be one of those that miss out because of the old line about "people always say he's coming back"
2006-07-24 02:05:41 UTC
C'mon - everybody sing along:


So long sad times

Go long bad times

We are rid of you at last

Howdy gay times

Cloudy gray times

You are now a thing of the past

Happy days are here again

The skies above are clear again

So let's sing a song of cheer again

Happy days are here again

Altogether shout it now

There's no one

Who can doubt it now

So let's tell the world about it now

Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone

There'll be no more from now on

From now on ...

Happy days are here again

The skies above are clear again

So, Let's sing a song of cheer again

Happy times

Happy nights

Happy days

Are here again!
2006-07-24 02:56:19 UTC
Each day at first by just a smidgeon

You'll be freed from your religion

In it's place you'll gain more reason

This before the end of season

I will cast spells for you!
2006-07-24 01:55:51 UTC
I don't think they are quite here yet. It's my belief that when the end of days are here the earth will be so plagued by sin that we will hardly be able to withstand to live here. Maybe they are approaching but I think the worse is yet to come.
Radio Girl
2006-07-24 01:56:09 UTC
There are ALWAYS signs of the times.

however as time advances, then we are in deed CLOSER to the most important event in History after the coming of the Messiah.
2006-07-24 01:55:07 UTC
Well, we are not to know the day or hour of Christ's return but we can be watchful of signs that will alert us of it. Keep watching!!! And read the prophesies in the Bible....ask God for understanding...
2006-07-24 01:54:42 UTC
I believe we are coming to the end but we are not at the end quite yet.
2006-07-24 02:13:58 UTC
ya.. u r right! these are just the beginnings of end times.u should read all the prophecy by the prophets in the BIBLE.this will give u a knowledge about Wat the end times r like.ask GOD to reveal to u Wat is written so that Ur heart and mind will b opened when u read.
2006-07-24 02:01:40 UTC
i think that their era just ends and they are left to be remembered just like we remember the dinosaurs...

the end will be decided when all humans decide to blow their hears off...

or when were hit by meteor...

besides that...

I decide when its time for MY end...
2006-07-24 01:57:54 UTC
I think you are right...Time will tell...It scare me alittle...I want to be with my family,When this happens...Thats if i am still alive...

2006-07-24 02:02:51 UTC
its pretty damn close!

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