If Jesus was a God, why can't he simply forgive us? Why need to kill himself for your sin?
2009-09-07 08:23:01 UTC
I'm confused with Christian claims that Jesus was tortured and killed by Jews and Roman army for forgiveness of the Original Sin.

First of all, if God is all powerful, why can't he simply forgive us? Just like saying "Yeah, I forgive you all.". As simple as that.

Why need to kill a human soul for forgiveness? What even more ridiculous is kill a person for another person's sin?

If Adam and Eve were sinful, why don't just crucify them? Why is the FAIR God make such that sin is inherited? Shouldn't men only judged by what their conduct, and not of their parents'?

And even more ridiculous, why kill OWNSELF? Remember, Jesus was considered as God, why kill himself? Did he sinned? Or not?

Please help me to understand this as this concept that Jesus is God looks doubtful to me. Not only this concept looks man-made, but made by confused men.

Everything looks clear if Jesus was a mere human being, yet a great prophet.
25 answers:
2009-09-07 08:30:13 UTC
Christian beliefs are based on mythology, on a 2000 year old mythology... if you try to take everything the bible says at face value you'll end up confused... so you need to either believe and follow like the fireball girl up there... or just take it for what it really is... Mythology... and take the wisdom out of it... and leave the useless stuff behind...

remember it wasn't always useless... Mankind 2000 years ago needed all that mythology cause they couldn't explain stuff scientifically
2016-05-19 04:51:15 UTC
To understand that, you need to first understand how early Pagan mythologies were told. In almost all Pagan mythologies, a god or goddess is sacrificed so that humans can live prosperously. This is because it's symbolic of the harvest growing and then being cut, or slain, so that humans can eat and live happy and healthy lives. Christianity is nothing more than a step in the evolutionary process of these Pagan religions. Much of it shares characteristics of most ancient mythologies. And like those mythologies, Christianity has included a sacrificed figure, Christ. That's all there is to it. The forgiveness and eternal life stuff has replaced the harvest, and a few other things have been substituted, but it's all the same thing really.
2009-09-08 05:40:24 UTC
Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed Satan. Satan Blamed God.

God took the blame upon Himself to claim a fallen race of people and end the war that started in Heaven.

Why Did Jesus have to be perfect and Die?

Because God has set up a LAW.. Kind of like our government today, and the Law states that if you SIN you MUST die.. There is NO way around the law.

Something MUST die for that sin because GOD's law DEMANDS it..

Satan was the first sinner, God made the laws on earth because(I'm speculating) there were no laws in heaven sentencing someone to death for sinning, because sin wasn't even ALIVE..

Satan now comes to earth where he knows that God is creating brand new SINLESS creatures.. His master plan was to make ADAM and EVE eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, and then Eat from the tree of life.. This would open the way for sin to remain IMMORTAL in the Universe.. How aweful!!

Next we know that God banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden so they won't become immortal sinners.. He knows how aweful and full of disgusting practices people are so he makes the earth anew again so he can put his plan into action..

After the flood God establishes the way he wants his government to be run on Earth.. God sets up the EXACT LAWS that govern himself.. GOD CANNOT break this laws because he IS this Law..

The law in essence is a perfect replica of 2 things..

#1 it shows in fullness the purity and Character of God.

#2 it forshadows the death on the cross and the atonement by Jesus..

Here is the reason that Jesus needs to be sinless.

In times before Jesus was made human, man could offer up for a sacrifice a lamb.. The lamb represented Jesus. This was a SUBSTITUTE.. The Lamb is considered a life JUST the same a human for reasons they are BOTH made by Jesus..


Why?? Because a lamb is the work of Jesus' hands. It would be like a human offering a birdhouse, rather than a lamb..

Since Jesus created EVERYTHING... What is there left for him to sacrifice?? He is EVERYTHING.. So he must GIVE everything.. Jesus must give Himself for the eradication of Sin.. There is NO other way..

If Jesus had any Sin in him for ANY reason, he would not be an able substitute. Because how can you ATONE FOR SINS when you HAVE sin. Jesus would be under the LAW and the same condemnation as everyone Else. His earthly Body would die, He would not have accomplished ANYTHYING, but would have lost EVERYTHING.. This was a ONE TIME ONLY chance.. Since Jesus is only one being he could not try over and over again until he was perfect.

He must succeed the First time, or else GIVE CONTROL of planet earth to Satan.. Who in JOB chapter one, claims to be the ruler of earth anyways.

Thank God Jesus never lost control.
2009-09-07 08:35:37 UTC
Read and study the Bible asking the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read and study it. Get a lexicon or Concordance and look up all the words pertaining to the subject and write down those texts then go back and see how those texts were used.

Flowing Blood = life as a human. No Flowing Blood = death. Since the wages of sin = death, there had to be a price paid. Early on before the Birth of our Savior, sacrifices for sin were made according to God's will and live animals were sacrificed as sin offerings. There were precise instructions given for that practice. When Christ was born, He knew he was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

Remember Christ was the Son of God, not the Father so your ?s show a whole lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Please pray, read, and study the Holy Bible. There are several different styles of Bibles available and you may want more than one style for your studies. There is and Archelogical Study Bible available which shows all the historical references. There are Bible written in plain English, like The Clear Word Bible which are a paraphrase Bible written for easier understanding of texts. There is also a standard King James in modern English available which is very good for using.
Darth Eowyn Loves Plinkett
2009-09-07 09:56:32 UTC
Really short answer: Because it would take no less than the Divine to atone for the sins of all of mankind (past, present, and future). It was because of man (Adam and Eve) that the human race "fell", so it would take someone greater than man (Jesus) to atone for it. I suppose it would have been easier to off Adam and Eve, but God is the eternal Father, who punished them instead.

There have been books written about this subject alone, so it I can't really give you details. It's a very deep theological and philosophical subject.
2009-09-07 09:19:39 UTC
OK, This will take a while so keep checking back here and I will add my answer to this post as an edit when I'm done.

It's a little scatterd but I get the thought and it's actually a good question.

I'll be back...


We'll start here,

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Many things come together here to make some of you questions stand out:

"First of all, if God is all powerful, why can't he simply forgive us? Just like saying "Yeah, I forgive you all.". As simple as that."

God is "JUST". This is a legal term and demands its ends be met. God is not a liar (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2 & Hebrews 6:18) therefore, his word that went out to Adam (Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.) had to be true. God then told Adam that he would provide the way of redemption for he and all future generations.

God, through Moses, introduced the dispensation of the Law and instituted the Passover showing to all the path of his judgement could only be bridged with blood (Ex 12:13, Hebrews 9:1-10:18). Then at Mount Sinai God instituted the sacrifices to be performed at the door of the tabernacle and later the temple as a sign that He would provide a better sacrifice that would be effectual to all that would believe on it and in Him wom gave the promise by way of a covenant.

Jesus (in the flesh) was not a god but THE LIVING GOD. For no other could make such a scrifice that could possibly satisfy the requirements of God's justice ( Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.) [NOTICE THE LAST PORTION OF THIS VERSE. "which he hath purchased with his own blood." The object of the statement is God himself.

Joh 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

I hope this helps. It takes the "whole council of God" to put it all together completely but suffice it to say "Heb 9:13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:

Heb 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
Thomas M
2009-09-07 08:45:03 UTC
Jesus wasn't God until after he died and rose. So the sacrifice was of a man with a supernatural father. So it's either punish everyone (as all men are sinners) or just kill one god-man and THEN forgive. All sin is forgiven by this act except for original sin which must be cleansed by baptism and any sins that you commit after that for which must beg forgiveness for every discretion.

So to wrap up, God IS all powerful but cannot simply forgive us all so he sent his son who wasn't Him and then let men torture and kill him so that the sins that Adam and Eve committed could be wiped away instantly (which doesn't count) and then again later by baptism.

Clear enough?
2009-09-07 08:30:51 UTC
it is not about just forgiveness he would have just forgave you without Jesus with a lamb offering. BUT it is the path you continue to walk Jesus was sent to lead the blind home. Man and woman are suppose to seek the kingdom of God for the understanding of righteousness and have all these things added unto you, but no one is seeking God and God is holy and righteous and everyone is as dirty as rags, and no sin would have made it into heaven. As a loving father he sent Jesus as a offering for mankind.

it is the path of sin you walk in and your eyes are not on the Lord for direction and strength to over come the evil one. Rom 3:11. Job 28:28 says you can understand to be good before God and depart from evil and NO ONE(I am) is seeking God for THIS understanding.....and would have fallen short of the glory of God if God did not love the world with Jesus.

I will be the only one to answer you......
2009-09-07 08:35:14 UTC
No one knows why God chose this particular plan to get his message across. But he does things in a way which he knows will get maximum attention from us. Throughout the bible God says that if he in the form of Christ hadn't taken the sins of the world on the cross, then we would have shared that very fate, and none of us would be able to enter into his kingdom. He wanted to give us an out for all our sins. But in order to get into his perfect kingdom of heaven, we would have to be forgiven, and he chose to come down to earth for a time to minister to his people, and instead of US paying the ultimate price and having no hope of entering his kingdom after death, he paid the price himself. The only thing he asks of us is to accept Christ as our savior, admit that we have sinned and fallen short. The bible gives a good account of things that please God, and things which are against him. If we try to live the best we can, trusting in him, he will always forgive us when we slip up. Even the best christians will fall, for none of us are perfect. But having Christ in our lives in the form of the Holy Spirit (since he ascended into heaven years ago), we can always be rest assured that if we trust and accept him, we will not have to suffer the fate or similar to what he did on the cross. IN the old testament over and over again, people wanted to worship other gods rather than follow the one true God who could have made their lives better. Adam and Eve had the chance to stay within the garden of Eden. But, he gave them freewill, and depending on how that freewill is used is what the circumstances will be. God is a loving just God, and not eager to punish anyone. He gave them and the descendants one chance after the other. Only a love like God's could ever do what he had done for us on the cross. Remember from the beginning of time this was God's plan all along. It's what he chose to do. By faith I've accepted it and my life is better for it.
Coastie Wife and Mom
2009-09-07 08:34:43 UTC
There are many incorrect items in your question.

1) Jesus is God's son - not God himself John 3:16 NIV "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

2) God does forgive and forget - Acts 10:43 "All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name."

3) Jesus died FOR US on the cross. Since the penalty for sin is death, Jesus stood in for past, present and future sinners. Jesus himself NEVER sinned in his 33 years of life.

You will simply be forgiven if you believe in Him and admit that you are a sinner and need Him in your life.
2009-09-07 08:38:41 UTC
Christ not only died on the cross to forgive us of our sins. His resurrection proves to mankind that there is life after death. God knew that His people would have doubts and fears, and that's why He sent His Son to die and be risen. He wanted us to see that our life is only a stepping stone to better things, and we may have to suffer before we can experience the everlasting joy we will enjoy in Heaven. If we can endure hardships with faith, we have a one way ticket to paradise.
2009-09-07 08:32:00 UTC
Everything looks clear if Jesus was a mere human being, yet a great prophet. ??????

Yes. As a Deciever you would Like that. To say that Jesus is just another prophet. You deceive yourself. All the Prophets are Dead. Jesus is alive. He is now The King of the Universe. Appointed by God because he showed Divine Love for the people.
Prashanth k
2009-09-07 08:38:50 UTC
Hi, Practically seeing, A person by name Jesus was just like another Human being like anyone of us. But in my opinion He was one of the very best social reformer who has ever lived on this earth. He worked for the society. He preached about the concrete God within each one of us and not about a God who is abstract. When he said God, he referred to the goodness that lies within human beings. forgiveness is one of the good quality of a human being. He considered everyone as his brothers and sisters and he was all good. Hence he told that he was God. By this he only tries to tell that we need to see the goodness ( GOD) in our fellow human beings and not go in search of the Abstract concept of GOD living above the sky. How can you love GOD whom you can't see when you can't love people whom you can see... His death on the cross is a symbol that we need to die to our bad things and his resurrection is a symbol that we need to live for our good things, which means turn from Bad to Good........... For your information, everything written in the bible need not be true because it was written much later after Jesus was crucified, So there might be exaggeration about the good works done by Jesus christ.
2009-09-07 13:38:35 UTC
All you have to do is ask him into your heart. Read the word and he will reveal himself to you. If you truly want to have these questions answered, begin a relationship with him as a start.

If you need guidance, I think you should seek in depth Godly council right away. Otherwise, nothing will ever make sense and you will be beating yourself up with confusion all of the time.
2009-09-07 08:46:53 UTC
Back then everyone considered sacrafice as a way of cleansing of sin. The jews would sacrafice animals, the mayans and egyptians killed people and sacraficed them to the Gods in order to be redeemed and forgiven for sin. In the bible it is mentioned that God was disturbed because the people even sacraficed his "children" and it is clearly repeated over and over in the old testament that God did not want sacrafice, it was no good to him. But the people still felt that this was what they needed, so God gave himself as a sacrafice so that he could appease them (us) and let us know that he was the sacrafice and now we are all forgiven. You see, if you would read the old testament you would know how God was AGAINST sacrafice, but WE didn't instead of all of us dying he gave himself as the sacrafice because it was what WE wanted.
2009-09-07 08:33:52 UTC
The original promise was Eternal Life. The resurrection was the proof that God could perform his promise. When people believe it without witnessing the event, it becomes even more powerful.
2009-09-07 08:28:46 UTC
At the time Christianity was created, mainstream beliefs included the practice of sacrifice. The sacrifice of goats, cattle, etc. had been going on for centuries, and people believed that God is appeased through sacrifice. So you can see how the story of the son of God sacrificing himself for our sake shows how much he loves us and provides the means for God to forgive us of our sins.
2009-09-07 08:39:09 UTC
His miracles proved His Divinity. His birth proved His human-ness.

He spoke to Satan as God Himself, "It is written, thou shalt not

tempt the Lord, thy God." He spoke to the Father, "Our Father Who

art in heaven," as incarnated Man. He is LOGOS, or two natures.

It was not "killed" -- He offered Himself in perfect obedience as Divine

and Human, LOGOS, two natures, for the sins of Mankind. No human

could offer a sufficient sacrifice to the Father for human sin.

Christ could have offered one drop of His Divine Blood, and it would

have been sufficient sacrifice to offer to the Father. But He did not do

that. In offering EVERY DROP He showed His Divine Love for His

Creature, Man, and His unity in the Trinity with the Father and the

Holy Ghost. !

Sacrifice was necessary to remove Original Sin, the sin of the first

parents against the Father, for they disobeyed Him gravely. All their

progeny were marked indelibly forever with the Sin which lost them

redemption. Without a Redeemer, a Perfect Sacrifice, Man would

never achieve his opportunity to earn salvation.

You are bordering on blasphemy here with your self-styled use of the

word "kill." Christ was executed under the Law. He knew the Law.

Mary knew the penalty when He was born. Everyone knew

scripture and prophecy.

Do not go so far as to use words in denigration of God and sacred

matters. Such words are blasphemy and scandalous. Christ was the

NECESSARY Perfect Victim Sacrifice offered for Man and offered

in reparation for the Sin of Man. Be thankful.
2009-09-07 08:26:52 UTC
actually, the death part was the "back up plan"

when one considers that Jesus was the creator of this planet and in mormon theology he is the creator of other "worlds without end" but this planet is the only one wicked enough to Kill him.

so you might come to this conclusion that his other plans were different and preexisted before this one.

now whether the crucifixion was pre ordained as a form of punishment for only criminals or whether it was known only after the romans began dealing justice with criminals with this punishment, is also debateable, what is not gramatically true, is that Jesus did not die "for our sins" but he died because he preached against sins and was found to be an enemy of the high priests. the parable of the Lord who went to a far country explains what i mean.

jesus died preaching against sin, because if he had continued people would have come to know that the kingdom of God is not a kingdom of sin but of faith and righteousness. and with the support of the people, satan would have No control over the earth or the false religious leaders who had their own Power. and did not want to give it up.
Karl P
2009-09-07 08:29:26 UTC
"No greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends". (Ask a Soldier the same thing, dude!) Freedom is NOT Free!! There is a Valuable Price to Pay for it and without the "Shedding of Blood" there is no Remission for the "Plague" of sin and Jesus IS The "Remedy"!!
ta c
2009-09-07 08:43:37 UTC
Your own Answer: "this concept that Jesus is God looks doubtful to me. Not only this concept looks man-made, but made by confused men."
2009-09-07 08:29:45 UTC
do you know why it doesn't make sense to you that A god would kill him self...because Jesus is not god...he is a prophet sent from god...just like Adam, Abraham, and many others.

read about Islam i think you would like it :)
pathetic kid
2009-09-07 08:26:38 UTC
DUDE i ask the same questions, i'll just watch sit here and look at ur Q's answers lol.
2009-09-07 08:25:16 UTC
GOD WONT LIVE WITH SINNERS AND HE already said all of us will die once and then judgment. He never goes back on His word so he made a way IF we repent..see?? He didnt kill Himself. He allowed it though for us so dont blaspheme...No HE IS PERFECT..separate your questions...
2009-09-07 08:34:55 UTC
Oh my annoying can "Fireball" get?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.