There are many theories of creation besides fiat creationism, where everything was created 6,000 years ago in six literal days. The day/age theory believes there were great expanses of times between the days. "Day" is used in many scriptures figuratively for a period of time, like, "in that day." And the days of creation can be ages of millions of years between the days.
You can find marine fossils of extinct animals at the tops of mountain ranges that were once part of the ocean floor. Not only does South America and Africa look like they fit together like pieces of a puzzle, but you can find similar mineral deposites along each's shores showing exactly where they once fitted together, even lava flows that compassed both continents when they were once joined together.
A problem Christians have is they often believe a very narrow interpretation of creation that the world can easily recognize as nonsense.
Many Christians who vocalize their narrow interpretation of Genesis make the bible look like foolishness to the world. It creates a stumbling block for winning the lost to the truth. I think Christians should focus on saving souls instead of these arguments that makes the bible look like mythology to many, and can actually drive people away from the faith.
If you compare the days of creation in Genesis it matches up fairly well with the order science gives. You start with a world that is empty and without form, then you have oceans and dry land. You have plants before intellegent life. The first intellegent life is in the sea. Then you have birds. We know today that birds are decendants of dinosaurs. Mammals didn't rise until later. Science and the order of creation follow the same order.
On day 6 KJV says, cattle, beasts, man. The Hebrew word translated cattle is mammals in general. Beast is a more specific wild animal, and then man. If you categorized these scientifically it would be class, genus, species.
Something else to consider is that Adam and Eve were not created until after the seventh-day, and in a day/age view the man on the sixth day is not the same as Adam after the seventh. Could it be that science is correctly observing the order of creation?
Now, I believe the bible is without error. It's more amazing to me that scripture could line up with the same order science gives for the creation of the world.
Now, many Christians have a narrow view, to where they put God in a box and not allow Him to work in any sort of an evolutionary process. This is done to fit their narrow interpretation of Genesis.
That latch onto every little thing some creation scientist says like it is the gospel. They say protein barriers don't allow development between species. Many like minded people latch onto anything creation scientists advance and discount any contrary evidence because it doesn't fit your perception of creation.
Christianity, which is stuck in ancient traditions, needs to revamp their view of creation that restricts what God can do.
Look at the different animals that have developed in Australia. The Aboriginese people have been there for 35,000 plus years, and have developed an internal organ that no other race on earth has. They have a scent gland on the sides of their faces. It's because they were isolated in Australia.
There are other theories of creation: day/age theory, theistic evolution, etc., that allows the creation story in Genesis to agree with observable science and not make Christians look like such narrow minded idiots.