Confused about first story of creation..?
2008-02-02 21:33:04 UTC
I always have problems believing about the first story of creation in the Bible. I take things more in depth when it comes to stories like that. That's why I probably believe in evolution, the scientific version. I was thinking one night, and came to a conclusion. God created man (humans) during his "6 days of creation" (7th day he rested). Animals (tigers, snakes, etc.) were created before man. Then, why did dinosaurs exsist before humans on Earth, when the Bible says that he created man and animals on his first week of creation of the Earth. I'm very confused with this matter.....
Thirteen answers:
2008-02-02 21:39:09 UTC
Because there is no evidence supporting the story of creation, or the other story of creation, because there are two. Dinosaurs never wlked with man.

Gerald Schroder is not a valid source because he goes in with a set goal, proving the creation account correct. There are no preset goals in science, so his processes are not valid.
2008-02-03 00:21:04 UTC
There are two creation stories in Genesis. The first is Verse 1:27. Humans do not appear until Gen. 2:7.

The first creation is that of spiritual man in the image of God, being a male/female spirit. The second is the story of the creation of first men, Adam.

Gen. 1:27 first creation in his own (spiritual) image.

Gen. 2:5 second creation a physical type of his image --- there was not a man to till the ground! In other words nothing physical to this point.

In Gen. 2:4 there are generations counted in "the Day" that the heavens and the earth were created. Creation took place in one "day" --- the six "days" outline general process.

The planting of a garden and the placement of the earth man, Adam (or red man), did not come at the end of six 24-hour days; even according to the worst reading of Genesis.

Chapters and verses are divisions made by priests. It might be best to close Chapter 1 at the close of verse three in Chapter 2. Spiritual man was with God before the day of creation was finished. If this is not so, where was man while God was resting and where was this man hanging out while waiting for the garden to be finished?

In summary these two creations are shown again in Gen. 5 versus 1 and 2. In Verse 1 the spiritual creation and in Verse 2 "they" males and females were created.

The woman created in the garden was a special creation and is not the mother of all flesh (or a Mitrochondrial Eve) but the mother of all living. Gen. 3:20. If you understand that human flesh does not contain the essence of life.

The bottom line is that all "humans" living on earth do not have the same spiritual father or the same mother; yet all are made flesh together as God has seen fit.
2008-02-02 21:38:48 UTC
Dinosaurs were created by Satan to fight God before man was even on the earth. He was mad about being sent to Hell. All he did was question authority. Talk about an over-reaction. The dinosaurs were weak minded creatures and were easily influenced by demons who inhabited their bodies. Of course, God wiped them out with a meteor and that was the end of that.

After a several million years, He had decided that the Ice Age was getting boring and decided to invent mankind, just for the "Hell" of it. He's perfect after all. He can do those things.

Perhaps He just used evolution as a little "trial and error."

Maybe God is a scientist in a greater dimension. I might be deviating slightly from Christianity, but the evidence is proportional if not completely lacking. It seems to me that according to some, very few of his experiments are ever termed successful.
2008-02-02 22:20:54 UTC
There are many theories of creation besides fiat creationism, where everything was created 6,000 years ago in six literal days. The day/age theory believes there were great expanses of times between the days. "Day" is used in many scriptures figuratively for a period of time, like, "in that day." And the days of creation can be ages of millions of years between the days.

You can find marine fossils of extinct animals at the tops of mountain ranges that were once part of the ocean floor. Not only does South America and Africa look like they fit together like pieces of a puzzle, but you can find similar mineral deposites along each's shores showing exactly where they once fitted together, even lava flows that compassed both continents when they were once joined together.

A problem Christians have is they often believe a very narrow interpretation of creation that the world can easily recognize as nonsense.

Many Christians who vocalize their narrow interpretation of Genesis make the bible look like foolishness to the world. It creates a stumbling block for winning the lost to the truth. I think Christians should focus on saving souls instead of these arguments that makes the bible look like mythology to many, and can actually drive people away from the faith.

If you compare the days of creation in Genesis it matches up fairly well with the order science gives. You start with a world that is empty and without form, then you have oceans and dry land. You have plants before intellegent life. The first intellegent life is in the sea. Then you have birds. We know today that birds are decendants of dinosaurs. Mammals didn't rise until later. Science and the order of creation follow the same order.

On day 6 KJV says, cattle, beasts, man. The Hebrew word translated cattle is mammals in general. Beast is a more specific wild animal, and then man. If you categorized these scientifically it would be class, genus, species.

Something else to consider is that Adam and Eve were not created until after the seventh-day, and in a day/age view the man on the sixth day is not the same as Adam after the seventh. Could it be that science is correctly observing the order of creation?

Now, I believe the bible is without error. It's more amazing to me that scripture could line up with the same order science gives for the creation of the world.

Now, many Christians have a narrow view, to where they put God in a box and not allow Him to work in any sort of an evolutionary process. This is done to fit their narrow interpretation of Genesis.

That latch onto every little thing some creation scientist says like it is the gospel. They say protein barriers don't allow development between species. Many like minded people latch onto anything creation scientists advance and discount any contrary evidence because it doesn't fit your perception of creation.

Christianity, which is stuck in ancient traditions, needs to revamp their view of creation that restricts what God can do.

Look at the different animals that have developed in Australia. The Aboriginese people have been there for 35,000 plus years, and have developed an internal organ that no other race on earth has. They have a scent gland on the sides of their faces. It's because they were isolated in Australia.

There are other theories of creation: day/age theory, theistic evolution, etc., that allows the creation story in Genesis to agree with observable science and not make Christians look like such narrow minded idiots.
paul h
2008-02-02 22:27:10 UTC
In the 6 days of creation, God created everything in the universe including all the animals on earth which also includes dinosaurs whether they walked on land, swam in the sea or flew in the air. Man was the last creature He created on day 6--- to be in His image...that is, like God, having a mind to understand Him and commune with Him and a soul or spirit.

Evolution or day/age or gap theory teaches, falsely, that dinosaurs were on earth for many millions of years before man but this is not what the Bible says clearly in Exodus 20:11 and dinosaurs lived together and were created together in the week of creation....not before. The book of Job even describes a couple of them in chapters 40 and 41...behemoth and leviathon and other passages refer to dragons, tannin, or flying serpents which were old ways of describing what we now call dinosaurs...the word was not invented until the mid 1800's.
2008-02-02 21:38:23 UTC
Keep in mind that the creation story states that one day can be like a thousand years to God. Also just becasue Dinosaurs are not mentioned by name doesn't mean they were not created.
2008-02-02 21:38:19 UTC
>>Animals (tigers, snakes, etc.) were created before man. Then, why did dinosaurs exsist before humans on Earth, when the Bible says that he created man and animals on his first week of creation of the Earth.<<

Weren't dinosaurs animals?

Read this; it is by a scientist:
2008-02-02 21:48:37 UTC
Genesis 1:1-2:3 is an allegorical account. It's not how things actually happened (neither is the rest of Genesis). The Earth is about 4.55 billion years old, and humans are a couple hundred thousand years old.
2016-05-24 05:42:53 UTC
The story of Creation in the Hebrew Bible is not Christian its Jewish. To understand this narrative you must understand the basics of Jewish thought. The Jewish/Kabbalah conception of "God" is that God doesn't exist- It is outside of existence. The Creation narrative is not the work of a Deity per se but rather it is a description of consciousness actualizing itself to become self-aware. This is taught by the Midrash which says that the reason for creation was because God desired to behold God. This happens through an intricate emanationist philosophy wherein Primal Consciousness "dreams" existence in a subjective sense. The whole Creation story is a metaphor for spiritual realities that exist within. Those who have evolved their level of consciousness have perceived the reality behind the allegories.
2008-02-02 21:46:50 UTC
The hardcore thumpers think that humans and dinos existed at the same time. The Creation Museum even has displays of dinos with saddles. And claims that Noah just pile'd them babies on the ark with everything else.

Seriously, you may as well believe the smoke rising from your toaster will turn into a genie.
2008-02-02 21:39:30 UTC
I actually like to ask fundamentalists whether or not they believe in dinosaurs. If they do, I ask them how long ago they think they lived. This usually makes them look sillier than any insightful argument possibly could.
2008-02-03 06:45:00 UTC
animals wer created before man, but there were no such things as dinousaurs, because they say dinousaroars were millions and billions of years old....but they world is only about 6000 years old! :)
2008-02-02 21:45:34 UTC
Genesis is just a nice story with nice lesson about obedience. It's not literally true.

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