Why Apes Still Exist According To Evolution...?
2006-09-07 18:33:42 UTC
I've heard to many questions regarding evolution. Usually they all look like this, "If evolution is real, why do monkeys still exist?".

Well, Apes still exist because when we took the first steps toward humanity, not all the apes did. Only the few apes whos homes got too overcrowded did. They left the jungles while the other apes stayed. It's that simple.

When we first left the jungles we needed a more efficient way to travel, so a few apes started to walk a little more upright and gradually, since the ones with longer legs and shorter arms were the ones surviving better, we evolved into humans.

If all the species evolved at the same time, we would only have one speciies. So, if you've ever used this argument, you do not know anything about evolution, and should keep your mouth shut next time.

We have bones from the different stages between monkey and man, so the argument that there are no links between us doesn't apply either.
Seventeen answers:
2006-09-07 18:45:25 UTC
According to best fossil evidence and the genetic clock, (which measures the difference in genetic material) chimps and man diverged from a common ancestor about 6 million years ago. That common ancestor in turn split from the group that became gorillas about 7 million yrs ago; Orangutans about 14 million yrs, gibbons about 18 million yrs and the group that became Old World Monkeys, about 25 million years ago.
2006-09-07 18:44:18 UTC
...Evolution definately exists wether it is because we left jungles or w/e or not.

It is pretty simple. If you stick a bunch of deer in the northern areas with a little fur and a lot of fur of both the same species, the ones with a lot fur will be more likely to live and then pass on their DNA to the next generation. some deer will have an abnormally more amount of hair than the original furry ones by chance so they will be even MORE likely to survive. Eventually the regular deer species will evolve into a much furier one that will no longer even resemble the ones that were down south over a looooot of generations ;). Thus..EVOLUTION! It is common sense...
2006-09-07 18:35:49 UTC
May I make a slight correction? Apes exist because humans didn't evolve from chimpanzees or gorillas or any other kind of modern ape. All we all evolved from an ancient ape that doesn't exist any more.

For example, human DNA is closest to chimpanzee DNA; they are our closest relatives. But that doesn't we come from chimpanzees. Rather, chimpanzees and humans are both descended from a different (extinct) species which had some chimp-like and some human-like characteristics. As that species spread into different areas, the different groups faced different environmental challenges - climate, food, predation, etc. which brought out latent characteristics more strongly.

Perhaps there were genes in the population for really stocky individuals, but genes were also present for really thin individuals; if one group spread into a very frigid area, the group would have specialized to heavier body types - heavier individuals survived better and so passed their heavy genes on to their children, so that in time the thin genes would pass away or become very rare. Another group may simultaneously spread into a hotter climate, and in that population the thinner individuals would have survived better, so over time the entire population would become thinner.

Sometimes, the population groups have some contact, so interbreeding keeps them from becoming differnt species. In that case (like in ethnic groups of people) every population group retains almost all the genetic traits possible. For example, Chinese are on average ont he shorter end of the human scale, yet it isn't that hard to find a very tall Asian person because they are still human - they still have all the possible genes inside. But you can't get a blue whale that has killer whale coloring; they have been separate long enough that their differences are too great for them to breed. They are different species.

By about 50,000 years ago the differences between humans and chimps was enough that humans represented a different species from any of the apes. Climate changes forced our anscestors out of the trees into the savannah, and upright walking was needed to survive. Our farther anscestors may have gone further into the jungle, higher into the mountains, etc. and adapted to the climate there, becoming chimps. I don't know for sure.

You deifinitely have the idea; this question you refer to is invalid. And your point that clear evidence exists demonstrating the connection from humans to other primates is good too.
2006-09-07 18:49:03 UTC
(When we first left the jungles we needed a more efficient way to travel) lol, Go ahead, try any human to out run a great ape.

600 million years, 6 million species lived and died on this planet.

That is a Brand new species every 600 years! Oops! That is 2 brand new accidents every 600 years (male and Female) OK.. Now here it the 60 million year question. How many new species has there been in the last 10,000 recorded years?? In the last 600 years? ZERO! NAME ONE??
Brigid O' Somebody
2006-09-07 18:39:48 UTC
I'm not convinced at all. It still doesn't make sense that there are no groups in the jungle or anywhere that are not part ape, part man.
Kenny ♣
2006-09-07 18:40:24 UTC
Yeah, I hate that question. It's so simple, yet they refuse to grasp the concept. We know our current stage of evolution, we know some of our previous stages of evolution from fossil records. It's pretty easy to trace the pattern backwards in order to determine where we came from. People who refuse to accept it don't want to accept that they are not special and were not created to be perfect.
2006-09-07 18:41:22 UTC
Good job, but this is just preaching to the choir. Evolutionists will be congratulating you while Creationists will be denying everything.
2006-09-07 18:39:12 UTC
I am impressed dude, your whistling in the wind of course, but I admire the attempt.
Nerdly Stud
2006-09-07 18:37:14 UTC
Apes exists so that Man can elect them to the Whitehouse.
2006-09-07 18:38:52 UTC
*laugh* You sure had me there for a second. I was like "oh noooooooo not this again you're kiiiiiiiiiidding me"...

But thank you for the pleasant surprise.
2006-09-07 18:36:59 UTC
Bravo, well done. And this is why HUMANS are part of the primate family. Now, lets sit back and watch while the fundies say we're going to hell.
2006-09-08 09:23:33 UTC
yes, I've heard of neanderthals.
2006-09-07 18:38:01 UTC
There are no bones in between stages, that has been disproven over and over again. As a matter of fact one of the skulls that was used for years as evidence was proven to be that of a pig. Keep grasping, you have no
daniel b
2006-09-07 18:40:36 UTC
well hey thats ur opinion & u r entitled to it.
2006-09-07 18:35:55 UTC
Correct on all points.
2006-09-07 18:35:24 UTC
By George, I think you've got it.

Stuff that in your hats you religious crybabies.
Caillech W
2006-09-07 18:59:28 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.