Squashed Orange
2010-12-10 07:55:52 UTC
One argues that since souls are eternal, we cannot kill demons, or 'haunting spirits,' there has to be a place reserved for them. You can even become a haunting spirit. Souls cannot be created nor destroyed. However, if you choose to haunt Earth rather than choose Heaven, you'll be very miserable and may miss your chance to get to Heaven. An existing Hell can't be true because God is one and there is none other gods besides Him. God is Light and He creates only Light. The only thing opposite from the great Light is the Earth. Creating a Hell would create another god that the Creator cannot kill. There are no other gods besides the Creator.
Therefore, when a demon is bound and cast out, it goes to another place to haunt. They cannot be killed and there is no 'Hell' for them to take refuge in; they can only return to Creator. They're eternally 'hiding' from their Father.
What is this Hell then? Hell is a state of mind. Those lost souls that roam the Earth, haunting places and getting cast out are hiding from their Father for as long as they desire. Their states of minds of hiding from their Father are their personal Hells. Hell is merely a state of mind and not a physical place. And yes, it's lonely and there is gnashing of teeth because those lost souls are miserable.
Therefore, God didn't create Hell, but instead, He created His dwelling place, Heaven, and our dwelling place, Earth. And He saw that it was good because He only wants the best for His children. Why can other Christians accept this? Is it because Hell is the only reason that their Christian in the first place? If they did so, they were in Hell to begin with because Hell is a state of mind, and fear is one of those states. Therefore, give all your fears and worries to God, for they do nothing but create Hell.
I was knocked out and I woke in Hell once. I then saw that I was in Hell and turned to a Bible there to get out. Now I'm out of Hell. My surroundings didn't physically change. My state of mind changed and that's all. We shall worship God in Spirit and in truth, not according to our physical surroundings.