Why is The bible soo popular?
2006-04-28 13:38:45 UTC
Ive read the bible.. and wow its just a big bed time story book. Its like lord of the rings except it doesnt teach you a good lesson at the end. I respect that people beleive in god and the big J.C. but comeon.. no reason to kill people because someone is living a life that your little story book says is wrong.
Fifteen answers:
2006-04-28 13:45:50 UTC
The eyes of your heart need to be opened by Almighty God first before you can fully understand scripture. To the non-Christian, the Bible is foolishness and can make no sense. But to the Christian the Bible is living, breathing and real because they have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them to disclose these truths to their soul. Jesus Christ has created a way for us to have a relationship with God. Not to become "religious", Jesus Himself wasn't even "religious". Christianity is real, Jesus is alive and He is coming soon to judge the living and the dead. Please consider your present condition and open your heart to His unfailing love.
2006-04-29 23:03:42 UTC
Most of the people who own a Bible have never read it.Despite the fact that you are going to find one or two bibles to every christian house,only a few of them have actually read the whole of it.Anyway lots of Christians believe that reading the bible or going to church all the time is going to send your soul to the heavens,especially the old ones.They believe that in that way they are going to rescue themselves.That´s wrong.Plus the Bible is just a tale.You don´t have to accept whatever it says(come on who believed that Noe put all the animals in a big ship?).But we all accept that Jesus Christ was a real person and he is the leader of our dogma.The Bible is a simple way to explain them what happened.The bad thing is that the most Christians have overdone it.Visit the site

and you will find it out yourself.The point is that some Christians believe that cartoons like "Clifford the big red dog" and "Hello Kitty" represent the devil

I wish i had more time and space so i could explain it better.

p.s.You shouldn't´t compare Lord of the Rings with the Bible.Lord of the Rings is much more better...
2006-04-28 20:42:36 UTC
Because the Bible requires the influence of the Holy Spirit to understand it. It can't be read like any other book but must be studied while accompanied by prayer to be understood correctly.

BTW - most Christians would agree with your assessment that jihads usually are about human greed and anger rather than Biblical principles.
2006-04-29 22:49:50 UTC
The Bible is The True Inspiring word of God. It is true from Beginning To the End. It makes no difference if people Believe it ot not. God,s word Will Never Change.
Joe Shmoe
2006-04-28 20:47:45 UTC
The Bible is so popular because those who believe it to be a literal truth have an emotional dependency upon its truth, and so if they were to suddenly be deprived of this it would be like taking away so basic a need as food or water.
2006-04-28 20:44:54 UTC
They are always giving it away and no body reads it. I am sure there are at least 3 or 4 bibles for each person.

The Qu'ran is the most read book.

Shakespeare is the best playwright.
♥ £.O.V.€. ♥
2006-04-28 20:43:59 UTC
its popular because its the religious directory for all christians!!! excuse me, but it does teach many, many lessons, and you can learn a lot from the things Jesus did. you need to be a bit more respectful of peoples beliefs and more open to new ideas. btw, are you like 9???
2006-04-28 20:43:11 UTC
Because it's a book that teaches you about what JESUS did and the GOSPELS OF THE LORD. I hate to tell you but you are really ofending me! The bible is very important ok . {OBVIOUSLY SARCASUM}
2006-04-28 20:49:01 UTC
When your spirit bears witness with God's spirit you don't need logic. Your spirit and God's has not connected yet. You have to be willing to listen to God's Spirit to understand.
2006-04-28 21:38:51 UTC
bible is only populer in USA and other christian cuntries but some ppl in other countries even dont know what is bible.
2006-04-30 04:48:17 UTC
people want to study up for their final exam (hint hint), and it's in every language.
2006-04-28 20:42:29 UTC
2 pints to me too..cause i really have nothing to say to that
2006-04-28 20:46:40 UTC
in answer to your question i dont know prefer a horror myself!!!!
2006-04-28 20:42:30 UTC
every religion has its fanatics.
2006-04-28 20:50:13 UTC
Is Bible Morality the Best?

In this series:

Moral Values on the Decline

Is Bible Morality the Best?

Related topics:

Practices That God Hates

Why So Much Corruption?

Why Care About Spiritual Things?

"SOCIETY needs a framework of basic values that gives its members security and guidance." So commented an experienced German writer and television broadcaster. Surely that makes sense. In order for human society to be stable and prosperous, the people must have a bedrock of commonly accepted standards that identify what is right or wrong, good or bad. The question is: What standards are the best, both for society and for its members?

If the moral values in the Bible are the standards adopted, they should help individuals to lead stable, happy lives. That, by extension, would make a society of people who observe those values happier and more stable. Is that the case? Let us examine what the Bible has to say on two important issues: faithfulness in marriage and honesty in everyday life.

Stick to Your Mate

Our Creator created Adam and then made Eve to be his partner. Their union was the first marriage in history and was to be an enduring relationship. God said: "A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife." Some 4,000 years later, Jesus Christ repeated this marital standard for all of his followers. Further, he condemned sexual relations outside of marriage.—Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; Matthew 5:27-30; 19:5.

According to the Bible, two important keys to a happy marriage are love and respect on the part of both partners. The husband, who is the head of the household, ought to show unselfish love by seeking his wife's best interests. He is to live with her "according to knowledge" and should not get "bitterly angry" with her. The wife is to treat her husband with "deep respect." If marriage mates follow these principles, most marital difficulties can be avoided or overcome. The husband will want to stick to his wife and the wife to her husband.—1 Peter 3:1-7; Colossians 3:18, 19; Ephesians 5:22-33.

Does the Bible standard of sticking faithfully to one's mate contribute to a happy marriage? Well, consider the results of a survey carried out in Germany. People were asked what factors are important for a good marriage. At the top of the list was mutual faithfulness. Would you not agree that married people are far happier when they know that their mates are faithful?

What if Problems Arise?

What, though, if a husband and wife have serious disagreements? What if their love fades? Is it not best under such circumstances to end the marriage? Or does the Bible standard of sticking faithfully to one's mate still make good sense?

Bible writers recognized that all married couples will have problems as a result of human imperfection. (1 Corinthians 7:28) Still, couples who observe the Bible's moral standards try to forgive and to work out their difficulties together. Of course, there are circumstances—such as adultery or physical abuse—when a Christian may appropriately consider separation or divorce. (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) But hastily ending a marriage without a very serious reason or in order to take another mate reveals a selfish disregard for others. It certainly does not bring stability or happiness to one's life. Let us take an example.

In the face of a marital storm, living by Bible standards can often keep a marriage afloat and bring it into calmer waters

Peter sensed that his marriage had lost the sparkle it once had.* Hence, he left his wife and moved in with Monika, who had abandoned her husband. How did things work out? Within a few months, Peter admitted that living with Monika was "not quite so easy as I imagined it would be." Why not? Human failings were just as evident in his new partnership as they had been in the old one. To make matters worse, his hasty and selfish decision got him into serious financial problems. Furthermore, Monika's children were emotionally crushed by the radical change in their family life.

As this experience illustrates, when a marriage encounters rough weather, abandoning ship is rarely the answer. On the other hand, in the face of a storm, living by the moral values of God's Word, the Bible, can often keep a marriage afloat and bring it into calmer waters. This was the case with Thomas and Doris.

Thomas and Doris had been married for over 30 years when Thomas started to drink heavily. Doris plunged into depression, and the two of them discussed divorce. Doris confided in one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Witness showed Doris what the Bible says about marriage, encouraging her not to rush into separation but first to work with her husband to try to find a solution. That is what Doris did. Within a few months, divorce was no longer being considered. Thomas and Doris were working on their problems together. Following the Bible's counsel strengthened their marriage and gave them time to sort things out.

Honesty in All Things

Sticking faithfully to a marriage mate demands strength of character and love of principle. The same qualities are required to remain honest in a dishonest world. The Bible has much to say about honesty. The apostle Paul wrote to first-century Christians in Judea: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things." (Hebrews 13:18) What does that mean?

An honest person is truthful and free of fraud. He is fair in his dealings with others—straightforward, honorable, not deceptive or misleading. Moreover, an honest person is someone with integrity who does not cheat his fellowman. Honest people contribute to a climate of trust and confidence, which leads to healthy attitudes and promotes strong human relationships.

Despite widespread corruption—or maybe because of it—honest people are generally admired by others

Are honest people happy? Well, they have reason to be. Despite widespread corruption and cheating—or maybe because of it—honest individuals are generally admired by others. According to a survey carried out among young people, honesty is a virtue that was highly rated by 70 percent of respondents. Furthermore, whatever our age, honesty is a prime requisite in those we regard as friends.

Christine was taught to steal from the time she was 12 years of age. Over the years she became a proficient pickpocket. "There were days when I brought home up to DM 5,000 [$2,200, U.S.] in cash," she explains. But Christine was arrested several times, and she lived with the constant risk of being sent to prison. When Jehovah's Witnesses explained to her what the Bible says about honesty, Christine was attracted to the Bible's moral standards. She learned to obey the admonition: "Let the stealer steal no more."—Ephesians 4:28.

By the time Christine got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she was no longer a thief. She was endeavoring to be honest in all things, since the Witnesses place great emphasis on honesty and other Christian qualities. The newspaper Lausitzer Rundschau reports: "Such moral terms as honesty, moderation, and love of neighbor are rated very highly in the faith of the Witnesses." How does Christine feel about the change in her life? "I am much happier now that I have stopped stealing. I feel that I am an honorable member of society."

All Society Benefits

People who are faithful to their mates and who are honest not only are happier themselves but are good for society in general. Employers prefer workers who do not cheat. We all like to have trustworthy neighbors, and we like to shop in stores run by upright businessmen. Do we not respect politicians, policemen, and judges who shun corruption? The community benefits greatly when its members behave honestly as a matter of principle, not just when it is expedient for them to do so.

Furthermore, faithful marriage mates are the basis of stable families. And most people would agree with the European politician who declared: "The [traditional] family remains to this day the most important haven of human security and purpose." The peaceful family unit is where adults and children have the best opportunity to feel emotionally secure. Those who are faithful in marriage are thus helping to build a stable society.

Think of how much everyone would benefit if there were no abandoned mates, divorce courts, or child-custody cases. And what if there were no more pickpockets, shoplifters, embezzlers, corrupt officials, or fraudulent scientists? Does that sound like a mere dream? Not to those who take a keen interest in the Bible and what it says about our future. God's Word promises that Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom will soon take over the governing of all human society on earth. Under that Kingdom all its subjects will be taught to live in accordance with Bible morals. At that time, "the righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."—Psalm 37:29.

Bible Morality Is the Best Morality

Millions of people who have taken a close look at the Holy Scriptures have come to appreciate that Bible counsel is based on godly wisdom, which is far superior to human thinking. Such ones regard the Bible as trustworthy and relevant to life in our modern world. They know that it is in their best interests to heed the counsel in God's Word.

Hence, such individuals take to heart the Bible's counsel: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5, 6) Doing so, they greatly improve their own lives, and they also benefit those around them. And they develop a firm confidence in "the life . . . which is to come," when Bible morality will be followed by all mankind.—1 Timothy 4:8.


A Textbook for Living

In this series:

Cherished and Suppressed

A Textbook for Living

Related topics:

The Gospels—History or Myth?

Can the Bible Help Us Today?

Security—in a Risk-Filled World

"THE word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword . . . and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) This description of what God's Word can accomplish surely stamps the Bible as more than just a good book.

"Its message is as vital to our lives as our next breath," one religion writer put it succinctly. Then he added: "When you take the issue of our longing and need for healing today and read the Bible in that light, astonishing results follow." Like a lamp that burns brightly, the Bible sheds light on the many complex issues and problems of modern-day living.—Psalm 119:105.

Indeed, the wisdom expressed in the Bible has the power to mold our thinking, help us solve problems, improve the quality of our life, and equip us with the skills to cope with those situations that we cannot change. Most important, the Bible enables us to get to know and love God.

A Book That Gives Purpose

The Author of the Bible, Jehovah God, is 'familiar with all our ways.' He knows more about our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs than even we do. (Psalm 139:1-3) Thoughtfully, he sets clear limits for human behavior. (Micah 6:8) It makes sense to seek to understand those limits and directions and learn to live by them. Happy is the man whose "delight is in the law of Jehovah," says the psalmist. "Everything he does will succeed." (Psalm 1:1-3) Such a prospect surely merits our examination.

Maurice, a retired schoolteacher, always believed that the Bible had some historical and literary value. Yet, he was skeptical about its being divinely inspired. After listening to an explanation of why God gave his written Word to humans, Maurice examined various Bible prophecies. As a young man, he had studied ancient history, literature, science, and geography. He admits that he was too clever in his own eyes to see the numerous examples in support of the Bible's authenticity. "I was caught up in the blind race for ease, wealth, and the pleasures of life. Unfortunately, I remained uninformed and ignorant to the beauty and veracity of the greatest book ever written."

Now in his 70's, Maurice, alluding to the account about Jesus' appearance to the apostle Thomas, says appreciatively: "My hand has been guided to the 'bleeding wound' which will forever banish from my mind all doubt that the Bible is anything but the truth." (John 20:24-29) As the apostle Paul rightly said, the Bible exposes the intentions of the heart, and it gives meaning to life. It is truly a textbook for living.

Adding Stability to a Troubled Life

The Bible also gives counsel that helps people to rid themselves of bad habits. Daniel was able to overcome the unclean habit of smoking, as well as to stop wild partying and alcohol abuse. (Romans 13:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Galatians 5:19-21) Realistically, to root out such habits and to put on "the new personality" takes concerted effort. (Ephesians 4:22-24) "It was a challenge," says Daniel, "because we are so imperfect." Nevertheless, he succeeded. Now Daniel reads God's Word every day, and it keeps him close to Jehovah.

The Bible can strengthen your resolve to overcome harmful habits

As he was growing up, Daniel always had deep respect for the Bible—even though he never read it—and he prayed to God every night. Yet, something was missing. Happiness eluded him. The turning point came when he saw God's name in the Bible for the first time. (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18) Thereafter, he used the name Jehovah when he prayed, and his prayers became much more personal. "Jehovah became the closest person to me, and he is still my closest friend."

Prior to learning about the Bible, Daniel's view of the future was bleak. "It does not take much intelligence to see what is happening in the world," he says. "I was scared, and I tried to keep busy to block it out of my mind." Then he learned that God will establish justice for all on a cleansed earth, where obedient humans can enjoy eternal peace and happiness. (Psalm 37:10, 11; Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:3, 4) Now Daniel has a sure hope. This stabilizing influence of the Bible enables him to maintain a positive outlook on life.

Help in Overcoming Emotional Problems

George was seven when his mother died. He dreaded going to sleep at night, not knowing if he would wake up the next day. Then he read what Jesus said about death and the resurrection: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out." He was also touched by Jesus' words: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life." (John 5:28, 29; 11:25) Such thoughts sounded reasonable, logical, and comforting. "This truth," says George, "not only appeals to the mind but also touches the heart."

Daniel, mentioned earlier, also had fears. His mother could not raise him on her own, so he was sent to live in many foster homes. He always felt like an outsider and longed for the security of belonging to a loving family. Eventually, he found what he was looking for through his study of the Bible. Daniel came into association with the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and became part of a spiritual family, where he experienced the feeling of acceptance and of being loved by others. Indeed, the Bible is beneficial in a practical and an emotionally satisfying way.

Remember, Jehovah sees what is in our heart and knows what we are looking for. God is "making an estimate of hearts," and he gives "to each one according to his ways."—Proverbs 21:2; Jeremiah 17:10.

Practical Counsel on Family Life

The Bible teaches you how to draw close to God

The Bible gives practical counsel when it comes to matters of human relations. George says: "Personality conflicts or misunderstandings are among the most stressful situations in life." How does he deal with them? "If I feel that somebody has something against me, I apply the straightforward counsel from Matthew 5:23, 24: 'Make your peace with your brother.' The simple fact that I can talk about the conflict produces results. I can feel the peace of God that the Bible speaks of. It works. It is so practical."—Philippians 4:6, 7.

When husband and wife disagree, both need to "be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath." (James 1:19) Such advice improves communication. George adds: "When I apply the counsel to love and treat my wife as I do myself, I see immediate results. It is easier for her to respect me." (Ephesians 5:28-33) Yes, the Bible teaches us how to acknowledge and deal with our own imperfections and how to have success in coping with those of others.

Counsel That Endures

Wise King Solomon said: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5, 6) How uncomplicated, yet profound, those words are!

The Bible is a force for good. It enables lovers of God to bring their life in harmony with his will and to find happiness in "walking in the law of Jehovah." (Psalm 119:1) No matter what our circumstances, the Bible contains the direction and counsel that we need. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) Read it daily, meditate on what you read, and apply it. It will keep your mind clear and focused on things that are pure and wholesome. (Philippians 4:8, 9) You will learn not only how to live and enjoy life but also how to love the Creator of life.

By following such a course, the Bible will become for you—as it has for millions of others—more than just a good book. It will truly prove to be a textbook for living!

Can the Bible

Help Us Today?

In this series:

Can the Bible Help Us Today?

The Bible Answers Vital Questions of Our Day

Related articles:

The Bible—Just a Good Book?

How Can You Benefit From Godly Principles?

"Taking the Bible as a whole, about 1 percent is worth reading, but the rest is irrelevant and out-of-date." So said one young man. Many would agree with him. Though the Bible continues to be a best-seller worldwide, millions pay scant attention to it and are unfamiliar with its teachings.

In its 1996 Christmas edition, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung commented that the Bible "has fewer and fewer readers. In the age of the natural sciences and increasing secularization, Biblical accounts appear to many to be strange and difficult to understand." Surveys confirm this report. Some studies reveal that a large number of children do not even know exactly who Jesus is. In one survey, fewer than half of the people interviewed could relate the Biblical stories of the prodigal son and the neighborly Samaritan.

The Swiss Evangelical Church publication Reformiertes Forum states that in Switzerland demand for the Bible is not what it used to be. Even among those who have a copy of the Bible, it often just collects dust on the shelf. In Britain the situation is no different. According to one survey, although most people have a Bible, the vast majority hardly ever read it.

On the other hand, millions worldwide feel differently about the Bible. They view it as God's Word and consider it valuable and beneficial. Hence, they read it regularly. One young woman wrote: "I try to read one or two chapters of the Bible each day. I enjoy it very much." Such individuals take careful note of what the Bible teaches, and they try to apply its counsel in their lives. They believe that the Bible can help them in today's troubled world.

What is your opinion? Is the Bible irrelevant in modern times? Or is it valuable and beneficial? Can the Bible help us today? The next article discusses these questions.

The Bible Answers

Vital Questions of Our Day

In this series:

Can the Bible Help Us Today?

The Bible Answers Vital Questions of Our Day

Related articles:

The Bible—Just a Good Book?

How Can You Benefit From Godly Principles?

Is the Bible relevant today? For the answer to be yes, surely this age-old book would have to offer its readers guidance on topics of current interest and relevance. Does the Bible provide beneficial counsel on subjects that are of real importance in today's world?

Let us take a look at two current issues. In doing so, we will examine what the Bible says about these matters.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

In view of the conditions in the world today, one of the most commonly asked questions is: Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? This question is justified, since more and more people are being affected by violent crime, corruption, genocide, personal tragedy, and so forth.

For example, in June 1998 an express train crashed into a bridge in northern Germany, killing more than a hundred passengers. Even experienced medics and firemen who attended to the injured and the dead were upset by the carnage. A bishop of the Evangelical Church asked: "Dear God, Why did this have to happen?" The bishop himself gave no answer.

Experience shows that when innocent people suffer evil without getting an explanation about the cause, they sometimes become embittered. Here is where the Bible can help, for it explains why innocent people are subjected to wickedness and suffering.

Do you know why God allows the innocent to suffer?

When Jehovah God created the earth and everything on it, he did not intend that humankind be troubled by wickedness and suffering. How can we be sure? Because upon completing his creation, "God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good." (Genesis 1:31) Ask yourself, 'If I were to observe something wicked, would I pronounce it "very good"?' Of course not! In the same way, when God pronounced everything "very good," there was no trace of wickedness on earth. So when and how did wickedness start?

Shortly after the creation of our first parents, Adam and Eve, a powerful spirit creature approached the woman and challenged Jehovah's truthfulness and the rightfulness of his sovereignty. (Genesis 3:1-5) This creature, Satan the Devil, later alleged that humans would not stay loyal to God under adversity. (Job 2:1-5) How did Jehovah react to this situation? He allowed for the passing of time so that it would become evident that humans cannot successfully direct their steps independent of him. (Jeremiah 10:23) When creatures act contrary to God's laws and principles, the result is sin, which produces injurious conditions. (Ecclesiastes 8:9; 1 John 3:4) Despite these adverse circumstances, however, Jehovah knew that some humans would maintain integrity to him.

Since that woeful rebellion in Eden, some 6,000 years have elapsed. Is that too long? Jehovah could have destroyed Satan and his supporters centuries ago. But has it not been better to wait until every conceivable doubt about the rightness of Jehovah's sovereignty and the integrity of humans to him is dispelled? Is it not true of present judicial systems that a court case to prove who is right and who is wrong may take years?

In view of the importance of the issues facing Jehovah and mankind—universal sovereignty and the integrity of humans—how wise it was of God to allow for time to pass! Now we see clearly what happens when humans ignore God's laws and take charge of their own affairs. The result is widespread evil. And that is why so many innocent people suffer today.

Happily, though, God's Word indicates that wickedness will not last forever. In fact, Jehovah will soon put an end to evil and to those who cause it. "As regards the wicked," says Proverbs 2:22, "they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it." On the other hand, those faithful to God can look forward to a time, now near at hand, when "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore."—Revelation 21:4.

So, then, the Bible clearly explains why the innocent suffer. It also assures us that evil and suffering will soon end. As we experience life's present hardships, however, we need the answer to another vital question.

What Is the Purpose of Life?

You can enjoy a purposeful life

Perhaps now more than at any other time in mankind's history, people are trying to find out what life is all about. Many ask themselves, 'Why am I living? How can I find meaning in my life?' Various circumstances prompt them to raise these questions.

An individual's life may be shattered by a personal tragedy. For instance, early in 1998 a 12-year-old girl living in Bavaria, Germany, was kidnapped and murdered. One year later, her mother admitted that she spends each day searching for a purpose in life—to no avail. Some young people are moved to wonder about the meaning of life. They search for security, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging, only to despair at the widespread hypocrisy and corruption. Other individuals build their lives around a career, but they discover that power, prestige, and possessions fail to satisfy the inner yearning to find a reason for their existence.

Whatever moves a person to inquire about the purpose of life, this question warrants a serious and satisfying answer. Once again, the Bible can be of great benefit. It identifies Jehovah as a God of purpose, one who has sound reasons for everything he does. We ask, Would you construct a house without having a reason? Likely not, since building a house requires a huge investment of money and can take months or years. You build a house so that you or someone else can live in it. The same logic can be applied to Jehovah. He did not go to all the trouble of creating the earth and the living things upon it without having a reason, a purpose. (Compare Hebrews 3:4.) What is his purpose for the earth?

The prophecy of Isaiah identifies Jehovah as "the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it." Indeed, he is "the One who firmly established [the earth], who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited." (Isaiah 45:18) Yes, ever since the earth was created, it has been Jehovah's purpose to have it inhabited. Says Psalm 115:16: "As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." Thus the Bible shows that Jehovah created the earth to be inhabited by obedient humans, who would take care of it.—Genesis 1:27, 28.

Did the rebellion of Adam and Eve cause Jehovah to change his purpose? No. How can we be so sure? Well, consider this point: The Bible was written thousands of years after the rebellion in Eden. If God had abandoned his original purpose, why is that not mentioned in the Bible? The obvious conclusion is that his purpose for the earth and mankind remains unchanged.

Moreover, Jehovah's purpose never fails. Through Isaiah, God provides this assurance: "Just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it."—Isaiah 55:10, 11.

What God Expects of Us

Clearly, then, we can have confidence in the fulfillment of God's purpose to have the earth inhabited forever by obedient humans. If we are to be among those privileged to live permanently on earth, we must do what wise King Solomon said: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man."—Ecclesiastes 12:13; John 17:3.

Living in harmony with Jehovah's purpose for mankind means getting to know the true God and conforming to his requirements as set out in the Holy Scriptures. If we do this now, we can entertain the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth, in which we will never cease to learn new things about God and his wonderful creation. (Luke 23:43) What a thrilling prospect!

Many who search for a purpose in life turn to the Bible and find great happiness right now. For instance, a young man named Alfred could find no meaning in life. The involvement of religion in war disgusted him, and he was upset at the hypocrisy and corruption in politics. Alfred visited Indians of North America in the hope of gaining enlightenment about life's purpose, only to return to Europe disappointed. In despair, he turned to drugs and wild music. However, a regular and careful examination of the Bible later helped Alfred to recognize the true purpose of life and to find contentment.

A Dependable Light to Our Roadway

What, then, can we conclude about the Bible? Is it relevant today? It is, indeed, because it offers guidance on current issues. The Bible explains that wickedness is not of God's making and helps us to find a satisfying purpose in life. Furthermore, the Bible has much to say on other matters that are of great interest today. Such topics as marriage, child rearing, human relations, and hope for the dead are dealt with in God's Word.

If you have not done so already, please take a close look at the contents of the Bible. Once you discover the true value of its guidelines for life, you may well feel as did the psalmist who looked to Jehovah God for guidance and sang: "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway."—Psalm 119:105.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.