Can an imaginary God give you the feeling that makes you think a real God entered your heart?
Thor is a loving God Too.
2010-07-15 21:43:56 UTC
Before you say no, please explain how the billions of people from different religions all are just as convinced as you are, that their "real" God has entered their heart. If you accept these feelings as proof for "knowing" that your God is real, surely you would have to concede that all Gods are real. Or, maybe they are just feelings that are caused by creating a God in your subconscious. If this isn't the case, where do other God believers get there "God is in my heart" feelings. Does it seem reasonable to assume that real Gods and imaginary Gods cause the exact same feelings?
Sixteen answers:
2010-07-15 21:48:54 UTC
There was this study done where they electrically stimulated a section of the brain know as the "god box". Subjects reported feeling vivid "presences". there was a video of a girl undergoing the test and at the end she seemed really very shaken like she wasn't sure the room was real anymore.

I'll post a link if i can find it.
2010-07-15 21:53:11 UTC
These are interesting brain chemistry states. They have several forms. Primarily people will say such things to belong to a group. Secondly, there are states of hypnosis that happen both during self talk and in group settings. We live in a natural universe. What I describe is a natural and well understood phenomenon. That is having those feelings is natural. Mythological figures are not natural and do not exist so some natural explanation must be found. Brain chemistry is the simple, natural explanation.
2010-07-15 21:51:07 UTC
The thing is, which god is the real god? We need to know that in order to compare real and false gods. If all gods are false, then how would we exactly know how a real god feels? It also depends on which god it is that is considered real, many gods have many different personalities, so if more than one god was real, there might be the high chance that they each feel differently when they enter your "heart."
i aint know
2010-07-15 22:03:29 UTC
What kind of a weak kneed sissy christian told you that was the definition or how they knew jesus was who he said he was ..Did they really think that telling you that was gonna flip you from you willfull disobedience to a god you already know exists .. i mean hey if you don't know right from wrong how can you be held accountable right ?? I'm simply calling YOU a liar ..I mean it's either you or paul writing to the romans has it all wrong and he's not inspired by God ..My moneys on paul ..

Both you and I know you're a liar .. Your inability to admit it or pride or a deep delusion may keep you from saying so ..But in the quietest moments of clarity and solitude .. we both probably know the problem is on your end ...i'm assuming you know what you've done .."you know what you did " and know that there is absolutely no way to spin the clock back or ever make reparations or amends .So you either admit your need of a savior in the face of an absolutely holy glorious and sinless god and accept the way made for all men to be reunited to the father .Or you create your own idol .. either another god ,a way of pride , or a way that disregards the truth . people have created gods that allow them to do whatever they want and bear no responsibility whatsoever for it ..Man is so rotten he can't fathom a god of love and grace and mercy .. the fact that man himself when honest see's that he is part of the problem and is the evil he wants to disassociate himself from and yet cannot
2016-11-07 14:21:15 UTC
God is actual merciful because of the fact he permit his very own introduction condemn him while he became into harmless, and homicide him on the very piece of wood he created. He did that because of the fact he loves us and he does want us to stay!! even though he's a in basic terms God and our sins could be paid for, Jesus took responsible for us, the only thank you to have eternal existence is thru christ. You on my own won't be able to be forgiven based on your stable deeds. confident you would be able to correctly be a good individual, yet how many circumstances have we lied? or appeared at somebody in a sexual way? have we stolen? Infact all the stuff i've got suggested above is so diluted in right this moment's society that we don't additionally be attentive to that what we are doing is sinning. E.g piracy? it somewhat is stealing yet human beings think of it somewhat is positive. those are all intense issues and prefer I suggested, we expect of it somewhat is positive becuase we are so absorbed in our society ruled by human rules. we at the instant are not worth sufficient for God. How would you sense once you come till now a appropriate being saying which you're appropriate? how would you sense if the is appropriate individual says to you that he presented loose salvation and you rejected it? it somewhat is intense, he's merciful it somewhat is why you're nevertheless alive right this moment, yet his persistence has a time decrease
Thy Will is/be done
2010-07-16 07:09:32 UTC
I can only hope you understand.

The is but one God. There are many gods because we can choose to make whomever or whatever we decide to a god.

The difference is with God, whether or not you believe who He is doesn't have an effect on who He is.

This is not the case with gods. These gods are all ruled by Satan. They are his agents and Satan distributes power to them. Satan is here to get as many people to his side as possible so he will use whatever humans desire- promise to fulfill that which they seek.

Even Satan acknowledges God is God.

You can feelings and experiences with God and gods.


People that are spiritual with their beliefs either from God or Satan are in constant battle as Satan is always tempting to identify a weak point through which he can use to sway. When Satan identifies this, he promises to fulfill it with supplemental perks because he knows he doesn't have it all.

Do not doubt God. Seek God.
2010-07-15 22:06:47 UTC
There is one God but he can have many names. God is too big to be known or circumscribed by the tiny human brain. He can be experienced through love at those brief moments when we let our ego die.
2010-07-15 21:47:40 UTC
No. But remember that false religions can give you "feeling" because Satan is behind it. He is a deceiver and deceives people. But I never heard of anyone from any religion who has physically(and spiritually) felt the peace and love from God by any other religion than Christianity.

The Holy Spirit only comes under the name of Jesus.
2010-07-15 21:51:43 UTC
Dude, God has nothing to do with feelings. That's a hell of an assumption there.
I Can't Tell You Why
2010-07-15 21:47:34 UTC
All it is is a temporary increase in blood pressure, mistaken as some kind of spiritual encounter.

Alot of people get them mixed up.
2010-07-15 21:48:59 UTC
They're all delusional. Anything you believe in whole heartedly becomes true for you. That does not mean it is real though.
2010-07-15 21:47:53 UTC
Why not? It is call self hypnotize. Hypnotize yourself long enough, you will believe you can fly and then jump down from the empire state building.
Mr E
2010-07-15 22:19:47 UTC
people can imagine lots of things, including that there is a god named thor, when in fact his real name is satan, and that he doesn't actually hate them and crave their destruction in hell.
2010-07-15 21:48:00 UTC
Nope only the one true God. That's why so many people that have not found Him go from one thing to the next
2010-07-15 21:49:33 UTC
Why, no. So it must be the *real God that entered my heart.


its me my loves
2010-07-15 21:45:12 UTC
please tell mr. Paul B & Alpha (MOTU) that I love them and I'll be there sex slave forever...

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