Islam has you trying to please God by being good. Doing the right thing, as we all know what those are, by the 10 commandments. Praying, fasting, giving to charity.
But- all of those can be outwardly done. Without the heart being very good at all. You know it. We know it- we've all seen it. People looking very "holy" but inside- ooh boy. Their family knows what they are really like, ask them.
Guys who go to "church" all the time, pray, etc but they are very mean to their wife- put her down, etc. Is that godly on the inside?
So, Muslims are "trying to earn God's favor" by doing their duty.
But the problem remains- can we ever perfect ourselves???
No we can't and that is why God said HE is the Saviour. If you believe in the God of Abraham- then you also read the Torah????
God said HE would save those who are His- that HE alone is this one.
Jesus is this Saviour. Who else is He but God, dwelt among us?
We can't earn our way to God- we must recieve eternal life as a free gift by humbling ourselves before God and admitting our need for a Saviour and forgiveness.