If God made man, how can he be a man?
Bee Biscuits
2006-08-18 19:16:23 UTC
I always hear people refer to God as "him", I am just curious how this can be when he made man & woman. It's just a question that I've had for years.
35 answers:
2006-08-18 19:23:41 UTC
God is NOT a man. God is Spirit. A spiritual force that has thought, emotions & power, which makes it a personable being, with both male & female characteristics. That is why there are 2 sexes (men & women), because God made them in 'their' own image.

In Gen 1:26, God speaks to itself saying, "Let 'US' make man in 'OUR' own image." Meaning there was more than 1 within Him / Her / Itself.

It is both because God is both (only in nature, not in body). Yet, at the same time, God is Neither, because God is Spirit..........

In biblical times, the man was the head of all things. Their writings prove this type of patriarchal society as such. Thus, the name 'He' is used to protray God in a male light, as the head.

If Jesus would of called God by any other named than Father, this would of cause an uproar. So he had to use what was familiar with their lines of teaching.

Jesus would had been called a rebel rousers by saying God was genderless. Remember, God presents Itself to us in a way that will conform to our thinking & what we are comfortable with.

But God is genderless. So however you chosse to see God is your choice.
2006-08-18 19:30:24 UTC
Because when God came here through Mary. He was made into a man to show us how to live and live appropriately. In the days when Jesus was around it was appropriate to listen to a man and not a woman. A woman in Hebrew culture was not one to lead others to God and a man was supposed to be the spiritual leader.

Now that is not to say women cannot lead others to God and have a fulfilling relationship with Him. It is that men are called to be the leaders spiritually and the women are to help the man in the desires of God.

Remember men and women are created differently for different purposes. They are equal in God's eyes.
2006-08-18 19:33:50 UTC
Good question.

First of all, when God made man, woman was still inside of "man"...not yet taken out of Adam. So, you can see, God is beyond male and female. In fact, Paul says that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek.

Yet, God has His ways. He often chooses the lessor or the weaker to rule. Heh...maybe that's why He chose man to be the so-called "head?" I know that after the fall, God had to specifically curse Eve to be under Adam. That to me speaks volumes. Eve would have been dominant, had God not cursed her. Therefore, don't let men fool you. The women of today are probably the exception to what I'm about to say but, here goes....

Females seem to be made from a finer clay than the male.

Nough said. And yes, I'M A MAN !!!!
Mr. love
2006-08-18 19:30:15 UTC
The tem "he" is generic, in other words the "he" pronoun is used to reflect a person, hence a personal pronoun. In olden days "he" was used to reflect all genders, but in recent times, it is just politically incorrect. Do not look upon God as a he or she. Look upon God as God, a spirit with the power to heal souls, a spritual guide for good liviing and a gateway to the hearafter. God is a higher power than a he or she. God is the spirit in all of us, man or woman. God is also everything that there is, and if some wish to personify "him" then its ok. Its easier that way. God is both man and woman and animal and nature too. It is what is everything here, and in the hearafter. Dont think of gender. Think of the love of the spirit of God.
2006-08-18 19:29:50 UTC
Man was made in the image and likeness of God. I believe in the scriptures it also says that God is not a man that he should lie. Adam was created first and Eve was made from Adam's rib for a help mate. As far as gender it may not apply to God. I have never considered God in the context of man or woman...just the GREAT I AM creator of the universe and all that is good.
Lawn Jockey
2006-08-18 19:22:02 UTC
According to the Bible, God made man in His own image, which apparently was male. The female was created later when God took one of Adam's ribs and formed Eve around it; thus the name "woman", which means "from man."

I think there could be some symbolism there, in that men generally have been considered the power brokers down through history, thus the references to God as "He".
2006-08-18 19:53:32 UTC
God is a spirit and dwells in a place that is not made of matter. In that place there are no males or females; there is no gender. He is referred to as a man in the Scriptures because symbolically speaking a "man" is one who has understanding and a "woman" is one with no understanding. This has nothing to do, of course, with the literal men and women in the physical world.
2006-08-18 21:10:12 UTC
Here are a couple dozen Biblical statements about God being a man with a body.

Gen. 1: 27 God created man in his own image.

Gen. 5: 1 God created man, in the likeness of God made he him.

Gen. 9: 6 in the image of God made he man.

Gen. 18: 33 Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing.

Gen. 32: 30 I have seen God face to face.

Ex. 24: 10 they saw the God of Israel, there was under his feet.

Ex. 31: 18 (Deut. 9: 10) written with the finger of God.

Ex. 33: 11 Lord spake unto Moses face to face.

Ex. 33: 23 thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not.

Num. 12: 8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth.

Matt. 3: 17 a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son.

Matt. 4: 4 every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matt. 17: 5 a voice out of the cloud.

Luke 24: 39 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

John 14: 9 he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.

Acts 7: 56 the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

Rom. 8: 29 predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son.

2 Cor. 4: 4 Christ, who is the image of God.

Philip. 2: 6 who, being in the form of God.

Philip. 3: 21 our vile body . . . fashioned like unto his glorious body.

Col. 1: 15 Who is the image of the invisible God.

Heb. 1: 3 the express image of his person.

James 3: 9 men which are made after the similitude of God.

1 Jn. 3: 2 when he shall appear, we shall be like him.

Rev. 22: 4 they shall see his face
I want my *old* MTV
2006-08-18 19:23:30 UTC
Normally God is refered to as a male since that's what people call a person of whom they don't know the gender of. It comes from long times ago, the start of which probably couldn't be documented for the lack of written or spoken language back in those days and that was before a lot of major religions sprung up like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and others.
2006-08-18 19:36:57 UTC
Excuse me. you are not supposed to ask this question. It upsets the power of those who would be your leaders:):).

According to the bible in genesis "the sons of god came down to earth and saw that the maidens of earth were fair and mated with them producing children, and they wer egaints on earth in those days" This wouold lead a sensible person to think if there are sons there must be a momma god in there somewhere.

Remember tha tbefore God came about under the jews all religoons had gods for everything. and women were given equal footings as gods also. The change began with the jewish invention of jhovah who decided the one god not only would be for all purposes an invisable( the easier to not have to defend or prove something you can't see), all loiving god who put men in charge of earthly affairs:):)
2006-08-18 19:29:54 UTC
God made more than just mankind. God, Elohim, made man in their image. Male & Female God made them.

God is Father, Word & Holy Spirit. Jesus said He was the way to the Father. God the Father is like our greatest grand dad. Jesus is the Way & He says we can pray to Jesus or His Father 24 / 7. The spiritual mother is the spiritual new Jerusalem. This is the bride of Christ & the body of Christ. Those who are born of God, Holy Spirit filled.

God made them man & woman for a reason. There is a mystery associated with Christ & the Church. The husband is to love his wife like Christ loves the Church, even to give his life for her. The wife is to submit to her husband like the Church submits to Christ.

The Word is the Logos / logical reason since the foundation.
2006-08-18 19:25:01 UTC
Ok, think outside the box with me for a sec. God created the world and both male and female. God is a man. sometimes referred to as Heavenly Father. We also have a Heavenly Mother.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the Mormon religion on this topic. It is pretty mind opening.
Uros I
2006-08-18 19:24:55 UTC
God cannot be either a 'He' or a 'She', and I believe that most people know that. It's just an old habbit from those days when they tought God was a male! Anyway, how would we call Him - IT sounds a bit humiliating, since we say IT for animals and unliving objects. And to say God always would be a bit beyond good taste. So, it's just an option many factors forced us to choose...
2006-08-18 19:21:44 UTC
well, God is not a man, but a spirit.

and since He has a personality, he can't be called 'it' ... I guess you just have to chalk it up to the limitations of our language. We don't have a proper pronoun to refer to God.

And I guess if you are referring to the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ ... once again that is involved in the mystery of the Trinity.

If we could comprehend every aspect of God, then I guess He wouldn't be much of a God.
2006-08-18 20:40:52 UTC
The male pronoun he/him is the standard English pronoun for anything with a neutral or indeterminate gender. Just another problem that arises from translation in the words of humanity.
2006-08-18 19:24:52 UTC
A lot of people think God has no gender, others think he is both, but most refer to him as he. I am of the belief that God is a father figure, the strict punisher and protector, and the Holy Spirit is our mother figure, comforter and nourisher. The ancient hebrew word for holy spirit was feminine.
2006-08-18 19:23:31 UTC
Exactly. Although "man" (referring to the species) was apparently made in God's image. So who made God? If "He" isn't a man, what is he? Freakin weird. Try asking a Christian. Watch the blood come out of their ears!! My grandfather LOVES it when I ask him such things.!
M. E
2006-08-18 19:23:44 UTC
And He created man in His image..... That's why God is referred to as male. The Bible is the inspired word of God. Only what He wants us to know is in it.

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click on "Studies in the Bible"
2006-08-18 19:22:27 UTC
God made MAN in his own image, therefore God is a MAN.
2006-08-18 19:23:17 UTC
You need to read Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Then you need to know that God is Almighty God. He is our Heavenly Father. He created Eve to be Adam's helpmate. There is nothing to question. It is all a matter of Faith.
2006-08-18 19:24:12 UTC
The bible and name GOD were both devised by men or man and so the all mighty will always be refered to as Him. Basically men were the authors.....
2006-08-18 19:24:59 UTC
anthropomorphism. myth helps people understand advanced concepts. unfortunately people take it literally. hence, religious wars. the english language doesn't have a non-gender pronoun for God. people also think the image of God is a literal image when it refers to spirit. oh well
2006-08-18 19:22:40 UTC
While God is a spirit, and therefore, genderless, He refers to himself as a father figure many times in the Bible, which is where that comes from.
2006-08-18 19:26:04 UTC
Think a minute here. By the very definition of the word "god", even if you weren't referring to God, means being omnipotent, among other things, thereby meaning "it" can be anything "it" wants to be, anytime "it" wants to be that, so if "it" chose to be "him", or rather "Him", He can be exactly that. Thanks for listening, or should I say, reading. God (with a capital "G") Bless (with a capital "B") you.
Winters child
2006-08-18 19:23:55 UTC
God created man in his own image...

Whom became Adam...God seen that Adam was lonley and created a helpmate...and created Eve out of Adams rib...

Adam named Eve
2006-08-18 19:24:58 UTC
God is a "spirit" which is non-gender, we refer to

Jesus as him,because he was male, some people

do refer to God , as she,but I don't personally agree.
2006-08-18 19:21:10 UTC
He made Eve from some of Aam's ribs. It was always Him in the beginning.
2006-08-18 19:22:59 UTC
just my opion, but many yrs ago, males always made the decisions so men assumed God is male..
2006-08-18 19:22:56 UTC
Well Flav, it is simple, God got some stem cells from a snail, then did some genetic manipulation, then a bit of cloning and there you have it.
2006-08-18 19:24:59 UTC
since god was created by males in a male dominated world, then HE you be a HE.
2006-08-18 19:24:14 UTC
yeah God is not a man or woman or everyone else said He is a spirit..and idk if you noticed but when we refer to God ppl spell it with a capital its kinda like His name or something..idk
2006-08-18 19:31:06 UTC
GOD is everywhere, anybody , he or she. I guess "him" is easier

to pronoun.
2006-08-18 19:21:59 UTC
2006-08-18 19:22:57 UTC
don't know.. but maybe you can look in a bible hopefully that can tell you something
Did You SERIOUSLY Just Ask That?
2006-08-18 19:22:04 UTC
he's fake...................................................................................................that is all

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