Christians should we just ignore Atheists ?
Qazy Wabit
2008-05-30 11:12:29 UTC
Does anyone else find them arrogant , rude & condescending ? . Do you think they must be a turn off for any descent person remotly habouring their views.
They find it easier to believe we are an accident. (The Milky Way, DNA information , an accident ?? ) than to believe we came from a loving God.
Dont they get tired of refering to the almighty as " Sky daddy " your "Imaginery friend" or to the good book as a " Fairy tale "? Yawn

Dont they realize that they do not sound very clever quoting Gilgamesh or Ockhams Razor. Or selectivly misquoting the bible.
Are they not embarressed to call their ancestors monkeys then at the same time say that we are backwards in our thinking ?
How many times must we hear the enquiry "Which God" ?Thor ?, Odin ? , Zeus ? The flying spagetti monster ? Before we roll our eyes in exasperation ?
Half truths , insults , character assasinations are the tools of the trade of most atheists.
Should we just ignore them?
58 answers:
2008-05-30 11:23:16 UTC
You know when I feel this way I go visit another forum. Sometimes a person just gets weary of listening to silliness. It is time to withdraw for a while. I stayed off this site for a few months because it just seemed too childish and insulting. I thought who needs this, I'm happy in my life. To heck with people who speak such trash. So go rest up and see you later.
2016-05-22 17:40:55 UTC
Nice rant !!! Change glasses and take a fresh look at the facts without colored lenses !!! Check out the fact that every age has a different set of rules with the swinging pendulum of history !!! If morality slides it is because the 10 commandments do not have the same value as they once did !!! And it can be traced to it not being taught as a part of the curriculum of life !!! Add to that what laws are or are not being enforced in each community !!!
Perfectly Imperfect
2008-05-30 11:28:03 UTC
I think that it's best to not respond to blatantly mean people altogether.

Bitterness knows no creed; on Y!A I've seen nasty attitudes from all sides and I've seen loving attitudes from all sides. In the middle there is humor which is always refreshing.

The same as for life outside of Y!A.

I have some awfully rude Christians in my life- do I ignore them? Certainly not. I just don't respond to their nasty attitudes, I just try my best to love them.

Don't give people such power over you. You choose whether or not to get angry over someone else's words. Don't dignify it with a response then, or, don't take it to heart. I know it's easier said than done but really, do they truly know you, like your closest loved one does? No. Do they think about your safety or think of you during quiet times, of course not. So don't let such small-minded remarks get the better of you. Pour your energy into positivity and loving your neighbor. It's wiser to turn the other cheek than to mince words. :)

You have enough integrity and self respect to know who is worth your time and energy; respond to people who are and just leave be those who are not.

I'm not easily offended by many of the same things I guess. I think it's worse when I see someone else who claims to be a Christian telling another person to go to Hell or making crass judgments against another person. No matter how ugly someone is they don't deserve to be treated that way; and people who know God's love should know better.

People are mean because they are hurting, remember that. It's Psych 101. Hurt knows no creed either. All humans have the ability to feel joy and to feel pain. Does the joyful heart inflict pain or love on others? Does the bitter heart inflict love or pain on others? People will deny it but that's the truth, there is no other reason to be bitter, regardless of personal beliefs.

Try to remember that next time someone pushes your buttons, just extend love, grace and mercy; and move on.

There may come a day when you are hurting, when the shoe is on the other foot and you are being ugly to other people. Would you rather fling insults back and forth, or, would you rather have someone with the compassion to understand that your life isn't "peachy" and then extend grace and love to you?

Peace. :)
2008-05-30 11:47:21 UTC
Christians should we just ignore Atheists ?

The choice is yours. I don't see anyone who feels they need to put down a belief, of what is not there's, in order to prove "there personal opinion (slash), personal point" right just because they choose to believe what is believed.

I am turned off by anyone who pushes me to agree with there views because I have my own. Mine are personal. That's why I find my silence soothing.

You might have met some people who live outside of your world, yeah "welcome to the club", maybe by accident and maybe by choice, and maybe by nature. who is to

tell so or not? The bible is a good book, is it not? "Yawn".... There are good people on this planet, everyone is not

amongst the worst. So why the comparison with fairy tales?

My fairy tale could be my disbelief,or my belief according to my choice of living.

I am clever enough to realize my own reality. Yours is yours.

I guess we really don't know if our ancestors are monkeys or not..........Why embarass myself in trying to figure out what already happend when we are hear now?

You can ignore or face what you want......
2008-05-30 13:24:23 UTC
i hear you bro'...... every last word..... should we ignore them? i don't know, certainly the atheists i have come across meet the description you have written, and most i have met, will also bring up the discussion about faith, before i do, and I'm a raving evangelist!!!!! i think maybe we should just continue to love them, as Christ does..

we keep up our end of the bargain (so to speak) and promise to spread the Gospel, so we are obedient to Christ.

we can pray that some of these wonderfully created and much love by God,atheists, hear the truth, and ask Jesus into their lives!

at the end of the day, we have the blessed assurance xx
2008-05-30 11:18:27 UTC
Some of them yeah- but I find a lot of Christians to be that too.

I mean how arrogant is it to go around condemning everyone else to Hell because you were saved or born again and they weren't Yeah not very Christlike- neither is this question.

They have the right to not believe as much as we have the right to believe.

We should all respect each other and try to get along.
2008-05-30 11:19:52 UTC
They say 90% of what humans do is based on fear. Hard to accept with our macho egos. But basically, the body can be harmed very easliy. Getting jobs for shelter is a fear thing. Materialism. Worrying we won't have enough is a fear thing.

Warring over things we could trade and share is a fear thing.

Even our behavior toward others is often desinged to keep people at a distance. Out of our space. And I've found that

anger, skepticism, and ridicule over spiritual ideas. Is based on fear due to improper religious teachings of these things.
2008-05-30 12:50:35 UTC
Well personally I'm quite appreciative of the thing YOU deem a mere 'accident'.

personally I only start arguing about creationism, and hell.

I defend islam when stereotypical questions like hijab suppressing woman appear.

In conclusion: You're mean.

Good day sir.

EDIT: and southpaw rabbits got a point. "insults are the tools..." following long speech about how you dislike a large group.
2008-05-30 11:20:55 UTC
I am neither Christian nor atheist, but I think if you're going to oppose something, you may as well at least learn exactly what it is that you're against. I also think it's good to simply get an idea of how other people think. There are really valuable opportunities here. I don't understand why you would squander them, especially since atheists don't try to get Christians kicked out or make Christians go away.
2008-05-30 11:17:52 UTC
I don't ignore all atheists. But I do tend to ignore those who keep repeating the same question when I have already given them an intellectual and rational response. And I tend to ignore anyone, atheist or theist, that is "arrogant, rude, * condescending."
2008-05-30 11:26:31 UTC
i ignore ignorance period, whether it's a Christian or a non Christian.

seriously, this question is only making the stereotype of believers even more founded by non. sometimes, dare i say..I'd rather hang out with my non believer friends because they aren't so busy being poor witnesses for Christ. maybe that's because i hold believers to a higher standard, maybe it's that i ran into some seriously judgmental, hypocrites..i don't know.

the one thing that kept me from God for so long was other Christians.

ignore whom you choose, but when you are calling ALL Christians, I'd appreciate it if you didn't include me in your ignorance.
2008-05-30 11:24:08 UTC
Christians should we just ignore Atheists ? No because GOD calls us to be a witness to every one Even to those who do not believe and make fun of us. Imagine what Jesus went through. He went through worse then what we are going through.

Think of it as a way to strengthen your Faith and patience.

Some questions of course are to ridicule us and we can avoid them Such as if Jesus is GOD why did he make all balls out of rubber.

Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

We need to use the wisdom of GOD on which questions to answer and how to Answer them to be a witness.

GOD says those who do not believe will one day be judged by him.
Gotta luv it!
2008-05-30 11:25:22 UTC
I do not agree with atheist or christian or any other religious criticisms for that matter, however everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs.

I feel that we should all respect each other a little more.

I just don't think we should criticize everyone so much. This world would be a better place if we didn't.
2008-05-30 11:34:52 UTC
As with unbelievers so believers also make the mistake of packaging people in groups and placing tags on them. This is called stereotyping and is very wrong.

In spite of all that is said we are dealing with individuals, and the scriptures make it clear that "We are not wrestling with flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places." Our enemy is not the people who are spiritually dead and blinded by Satan but Satan and his imps! No matter what attitude unbelievers bring to the table we are still to love them and pray for them and seek their salvation more than we are to care if we are hurt by them.

The rule Christ laid down for those who would follow Him is that we are to "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you." Are we better than our Lord who was brutally slain on our behalf. NO! He said, "Because you are not of the world even as I am not of this world therefore the world will hate you even as it hated me."

If by suffering injustice and mockery and scorn at the hand of a million sinners who reject the gospel we can reach one of them with the truth before they must stand before a Holy God in judgment all the heartache will be well worth it when they stand before God in worship and praise for His mercy to them. Readjust your focus - God will triumph in the end!
2008-05-30 11:17:57 UTC
No. We can't ignore them. That's not the Commission we were given by the Master. God didn't tell us to ignore the lost. Jesus didn't ignore the lost. He spent more time with the sinners than the righteous. And Jesus saved his harshest rebukes for the religious leaders who believed they were too high and mighty to associate with common people.
2008-05-30 11:20:43 UTC
this is hard. For me growning up my brother put acroos his strong views on religion and i dont think he relised that it upset me as a christian. i did ingnore some of his bizar views and i think this made him a tad cocky, but he has his views and we are being the weaker person if we automatically outcast someone. ok, so they may have the few characteristic slipups but so does everyone as we are only human but you can only see then if you are searching for them. And for the people shouting abuse (who are soooo anoying) they are not worth the bother and one day they should realise that we too have a right of expression and belife. but we are taught to love our neighbour and forgive at the hardest times
2008-05-30 11:20:35 UTC
Of course we don't ignore them. We evangelize to them. We love them just like God does, unconditionally. And if I may point out, your post looks a little arrogant, rude and condescending to me. Yes, they are mislead, but they are offered the same mercy and grace that we are. We aren't any better than them. We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!
2008-05-30 11:17:48 UTC
They feel, like anyone that feels threatened, the need to validate themselves and their views; sometimes through willingly keeping themselves ignorant while promoting ignorance to assure themselves that the opposing viewpoint is less than valid and often ridiculous. It's important to understand that people are prone to react this way when they feel threatened or tread upon.

It's a matter of maturity over a matter of groups of people.
2008-05-30 11:18:40 UTC
NO we shouldnt ignore anyone we should try to share our reeligion and if they dont accept dont just abandon them but dont force it on them. We whould still show them the love that Jesus showed us. We should still be there for them and then if they witness that love then it would show them a glimpse of gods love and he will help with the rest and we could save them.
2008-05-30 11:19:55 UTC
Alright, ignore them. That's most likely what most of them would want to have happen. The majority of the Atheists I know just want Christians to leave people alone and not push their beliefs in other persons' faces, or broadcast them around everywhere.
2008-05-30 11:44:17 UTC
Yes, *some* of them can be rude and disrespectful. But as they don't know Jesus or have the Holy Spirit in them, we need to be more compassionate and pray for them.

Jesus never ignored those who mocked or looked down on Him either.

Matthew 5:44 -- But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Upasakha Jason
2008-05-30 11:18:07 UTC
Frankly, I wish you would ignore atheists. In point of fact, I wish fundamentalists would take your advice so much to heart that they would stay off the streets. Stop screaming at traffic, stop ignoring the "No Solicitation" signs at my home, stop trying to proselytize me when I go out. I'll make you a deal. You ignore the atheists, and I'll leave fundamentalism alone for the rest of my natural life. Not one word against it. Deal?
2008-05-30 11:31:45 UTC
atheists don't misquote the bible

you don't understand the references to monkeys

There are many gods that have been worshipped over humanity's history

'Half truths , insults , character assasinations are the tools of the trade' of most christians in my experience
2008-05-30 11:19:49 UTC
Keep delivering the message, one day it might sink in, you never know. At least they can not use the excuse "I never heard the gospel" when there standing before God at the final judgment.

Just My Thoughts!
2008-05-30 11:20:08 UTC
Good luck my friend, but with every culture, theres a nonbeliever.
2008-05-30 11:19:05 UTC
hm. i think if you're tired of hearing the same responses, you should stop asking the same stupid questions that have already been refuted hundreds of times and you're simply too obstinate to acknowledge it.

edit: your question also indicates depressing (yet unsurprising) ignorance and/or contempt of basic science that is typical of many religious fundamentalists.
2008-05-30 11:16:27 UTC
If we ignore them who will be a light in all the darkness to those that are lost?

remember, If you only love your neighbors and not your enemies too, what better are you than one of those tax collectors? We are called to be better than that and love everyone just as Jesus did.

sorry hon sounds like your frustrated and just blowin off steam, but R&S isnt for that. It is for discussing spiritual beliefs, not bringing others down too. yes, I know some of them do that, but you are stooping to that level by posting this question as well.
No Chance Without Yo Mama
2008-05-30 11:21:47 UTC
You should love them and treat them with respect, as well as everyone else.
2008-05-30 11:19:34 UTC
*rolls eyes in exasperation* silly christian, why dont we ignore you?

In actual fact i have nothing against Christians, its personal choice as to what Religion you are. My choice? No religion at all. What does that have to do with you?
2008-05-30 11:17:38 UTC
while I am not an atheist

I do wonder how you can post , calling them rude , arrogant and condescending

and a whole host of other things....

and then ask people to ignore THEM ?
Fox Puppet
2008-05-30 11:21:30 UTC
Yes, we should ignore those arrogant, insuting bastards before they make us do something really drastic... Like write a question about how we should ignore hose arrogant, insulting atheists...

/dry wit
2008-05-30 11:18:29 UTC
This sounds a lot like the 4 year old approach of "la la la la I'm not listening!"
2008-05-30 11:17:34 UTC
Well you can try to ignore us.

But you'll never be able to. After all, you resort to the very trickeries you accuse us of.

The Truth has a way of annoying the deluded.
2008-05-30 11:25:43 UTC
Ignore us all you want.

And by the way, the christians are the ones claiming we came from monkeys.

You sir, are silly.
2008-05-30 11:17:38 UTC
What a harsh. I feel sorry for you when you see everything happens when you get up there.
2008-05-30 11:17:45 UTC
Are you NOT arrogant in your beliefs? Do you NOT think your way is the right way? Do you NOT cleverly quote the Bible only when it helps you?

Hmmmzzzz....hypocritical much, eh?
2008-05-30 11:16:20 UTC
I see you still haven't got any kind of legitimate answer for a single one of those questions you're apparently so fed up of hearing. Strange that.
Shinigami Ceiling Cat - Atheati
2008-05-30 11:17:04 UTC
Which god? Lol there are over 2,500 gods in the human history.

Loving god? More massacres in the bible than anywhere else.

I could go on and on...
2008-05-30 11:17:32 UTC
Of course, you posting this "question" gives us the attention you so desperately don't want to give us!


By the way, anyone who really believes there was a talking donkey really shouldn't lecture anyone else on what they should be "embarrassed" by.

Thanks again!
Peter Griffin
2008-05-30 11:15:48 UTC
Me thinks yes
2008-05-30 11:16:27 UTC
But we ARE related to monkeys!

How else could we be so cute?!

Don't you like smoothies and swinging from trees?
2008-05-30 11:18:25 UTC
I discount them entirely, but please learn to spell. You are making educated believers look bad.
2008-05-30 11:15:46 UTC
HAHAHAHA You are the epitome of brainwashed typicality.

Go right ahead, ignore us. However, it is VERY hard to ignore you.

Loving god? I guess you have not read the OT or the NT. The word love may be splattered all over the text, but it is far from it.

Selectively misquoting? Many atheists are theology majors, or have spent the majority of their lives as Christians.

And the monkey bit is just too hilarious!

I think most of this just needs to have 'atheist' replaced with 'christian', and it would adequately describe some of you.
Nowhere Man
2008-05-30 11:17:25 UTC
This question could not have appear any more Fundamentalist than it does.
Josh K
2008-05-30 11:16:34 UTC
Imaginary friend.

Sky daddy.

We are an accident.

Fairy tale.

Which god?
2008-05-30 11:16:30 UTC
Christianity commands that you do not ignore them. Odd that you don't know that about your own religion...
2008-05-30 11:21:48 UTC
i seriously question how any of the atheists on this board can eat let alone join a sentence together

man! they have been seriously indoctrinated bad- they believe anything their high priests of atheism tell them

truth be told- i pity them, i wish they had eyes to see wat seems obvious
2008-05-30 11:15:49 UTC
Yes, that would be a great idea
2008-05-30 11:16:13 UTC
You know.....that's EXACTLY what we'd like to.

You guys can't do it though.
2008-05-30 11:17:01 UTC
Yes, I do find atheists quite arrogant and egotistical on this site. They are extremely rude, especially towards Christians. I don't appreciate being called a brainwashed fool whenever I ask an honest question about the Bible, Jesus, etc...
2008-05-30 11:16:26 UTC
Perhaps I plant a seed of faith in them from time to time...

If so, its worth it.

edit: lol, sweet! I managed to piss off both the atheists and the fundies.
2008-05-30 11:18:08 UTC
we should not ignore them we should try to save them........ we should pray for them....
† PRAY †
2008-05-30 11:17:18 UTC
We won´t be able to ignore them much longer as they are working to take over the country and convert it to their religion.

They will be working to make laws that prohibit Christian beliefs.

They already want freedom from religion, which means any Christian value, they want to be free from the limitations that are implied..

2008-05-30 11:15:46 UTC
NO!!!! you must be one of us

one of of of us..hahahahahahahahahah
2008-05-30 11:16:58 UTC
Just don't let them bother you. Be strong in your faith.
2008-05-30 11:16:34 UTC
most can be ignored with no real consequence.

but some must be countered. few are actually knowledgable so they must be countered.
Isa G
2008-05-30 11:16:07 UTC
As a Muslim i dislike them, and see them as arrogant as well. We dont say there beliefs are a load of crap, so why should they say the same to ours?
David M
2008-05-30 11:20:57 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.