I'm Mormon and there are certain things that I am struggling with. If I join another church will I go to hell?
Crystal E
2008-05-27 09:22:15 UTC
I want to join another church because I am a good person but I have doubts about the Mormon church...I don't know what is the true church or if there really is one...I was thinking about joining another church once I find the right one that suits me and that I believe in. But once a person told me that if I join another church other than the LDS church which I am already baptised in I will go to Hell??? Is this true ..or is it just a scare tactic? any proof or evidence you can give me would be so greatly appreciated.
43 answers:
2008-05-27 09:33:27 UTC
Well in order to receive the highest exaltation- there are certain covenants with the Lord that you have to make and keep. Simply making those covenants does not guarantee your place in the Celestial Kingdom, you have to be faithful to them. Being faithful to the covenants also includes being faithful to the church.

You should know that we don't really believe in Hell- we believe in different degrees of glory. Only the Lord can determine where you will end up. The closest we get to Hell is outer darkness and you really have to screw up to go there. It is like failing Seminary- you really have to work hard to fail. The only unpardonable sin is being a Son of Perdition - which means you deny the holy ghost.
Tonya in TX - Duck
2008-05-27 10:13:31 UTC
I'm sorry you are struggling in the church Crystal. I converted to the LDS faith almost 16 years ago. I can answer your question from the point of view of the LDS church, but I would guess it would depend on the church you decide to go to and what they believe. The LDS church believes that those who were (technically still are) members of the church, but fall away can still gain one of the lower levels of heaven if they do not return to the church before death - assuming they lived a good life and everything and didn't commit the unpardonable sin. Personally, that's the way I think it will be even if you go to another church. But then again I think the LDS faith is the right one.

I wish you peace, joy and happiness.
2008-05-27 14:44:17 UTC
Not to be the skeptic - but I honestly have a hard time believing that you are or were LDS. LDS seldom if ever use the terminology of 'going to hell' - that's a fundie christian mentality. LDS don't doom anyone to HELL and if you were a member and had doubts about the things you mention here you would be talking to your bishop, your Home Teacher or Visiting teacher or all of the above, for answers to your questions. You don't mention that you'd done any of that.

Regardless of that - no matter WHO you are in WHATEVER church you find yourself - you've got to make peace and find truth in whatever way that makes YOU happy. Being connected to the Lord and within your own heart & life is what matters bottom line!

LDS people realize that there are many things revealed to US through our modern day prophet(s) that are not found in the bible or book of mormon either. THAT is the wonder & beauty of continuing revelation to us THIS day by a living prophet of God. One can choose to ignore that or find it distasteful, wrong, even EVIL if you choose - but once you know him to be a true prophet on the earth today - all doubts cease and peace is in your heart.

Beyond that - regardles of your true intentions or the truth or deception of your 'question' I hope you find truth & peace for yourself in your own way and in your own place & time.
2008-05-27 09:39:03 UTC
well LDS don't even believe in hell. so that's interesting. but if you find a church that you feel works better for you, then i would say go to it. i don't think anyone would want you to be in a church that you didn't believe in. i would say first that if you do have concerns or doubts- talk to people both sides (note: YA R&S- not the greatest place :) actually search out the answers to your concerns and read your scriptures. if you have actually tried to gain a testimony and you still have doubts and concerns then i would say go search out other churches. however i would go to as many as you could before you decide, and learn all that you can before you decide. you don't want to go and get baptized in another church and then realize that that one doesn't work for you either. just follow your heart, and ask for God's help in letting you be receptive to the Holy Spirit and His guidance. you can't go wrong in your decision when you have included God in your plans :)

**** if you want to talk i can answer questions to the best of my ability. i personally have really searched out the church- and questions you have- i probably had the same. i have lived without the church and with the church, and i can say for me with it is much much better. but again that is me :) if you want to email ( i have mine blocked currently- just comment something and i will unblock for you- or i can email you either way... :) again, only if you are interested.
Light and Truth
2008-05-27 09:32:11 UTC
I am LDS, no you will not go to hell, it is your choice, remeber agency?

But at this point I am also pretty sure you do not know what you believe any more. If you want to look around go back to the missionaries and be retaugt to find out what you have forgotten and then you will have knowledge to make a good choice.

Do you see your self in the parable?

3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

Matt 13:4

4 And when he sowed, some [seeds] fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

Matt 13:5

5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:

Matt 13:6

6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

Matt 13:7

7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:

Matt 13:8

8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold

This is the Gospel as preached to poeple and what happens to them. It is not the seed, it is the nurtureing, the seed (you) is good.
2008-05-27 09:39:20 UTC
I do not believe any one is going to Hell.Read Rom. Chapter 5,and pay close attendant to 5:17.Read and search the Bible for God's plan,not what you have been taught or you think you believe.I can give you over 600 Scriptures that shows there is no hell.It is a man made doctrine..
2008-05-27 09:37:16 UTC
no that's not even close to being true. the best way to look at religion is to think of it as people in a church are still just people, not any higher power than you and i, all humans, other peoples word of god is there interpretation on the bible, who are they to tell you what is right or wrong since its there interpretation not yours, so if you really want the answer to if you feel your going to hell or not take it from YOUR interpretation from the bible or praying NOT other people.
2016-10-13 14:15:02 UTC
enable me take a wild guess and say which you probably did no longer get this tips from a internet site it is alluring to Mormons. a number of it truly is sturdy, a number of it truly is slanted, a number of it truly is fake. before everything, God informed Joseph Smith to connect not one of the church homes, to no longer start up his very own church. He wasn't referred to as to repair the Christian church till later. alongside with the e book of gold plates, there became additionally a Urim and Thumim deposited in the stone field. It became defined as 2 diamond formed crystal stones set right into a twine physique. It wasn't wonderful consistent with se. Joseph had a undeniable present. He became a seer. A seer can see issues in specific stones. Few every physique is attentive to it, yet Peter is a nickname that Jesus gave Simon - it actually ability seer stone. approximately 15 separate human beings claimed to have seen the e book of Mormon, sixteen in case you comprise Emma who felt it with the aid of a skinny textile. the translation of the 1st e book - the e book of Lehi - became lost or stolen. Joseph became counciled to proceed on with the translation, and not retranslate that which became lost. It has in no way grew to become up.
2008-05-27 09:42:22 UTC
You need to do what you believe is best. No you won't go to Hell. That is a scare tactic. All I can say is that you need to sit down and take a look at what you believe without looking at what any church believes and make your decision based on what you believe and value.
Sheldon L
2008-05-27 09:43:18 UTC
Don't let others intimidate you. You can do what ever you feel is right and don't worry there is no such thing as hell. It is the product of our wild imagination. Hell is on earth if you are searching for it atleast insome places for sure.

Change your church your religion become an atheist move to zimbabwe whatever. No one should be able to intimidate you live your life. You make your own decisions based on what you prefer end of story.
2008-05-27 13:38:27 UTC
From the sound of your question, it does not appear to me that you have much knowledge of the Mormon church, and seem not to be authentic.

However, I will answer the question as if you are sincere.

Like anything else, we need to "experiment" with something to know its results or effectiveness in our lives. God has asked us to do so with his word (See John 7:17).

If you experiment with the word of God, with Mormonism, you will find as many do, that it seems good, seems beneficial to the happiness of our lives, and that it is indeed the word of God.

I have so experimented and found Mormonism to be the closest thing to what Christ teaches. And I have found that it has brought love, joy, and happiness to my life and the lives of my family. It is indeed the good word of God.
2008-05-27 09:53:55 UTC
The question is not whether you will go to hell, but whether your spiritual progression will be halted. The Mormons don't believe in hell, in the same fashion as other religions - what we call hell is actually the lowest level of heaven. You don't need hardly any faith to go there. Those who go to the Telestial kingdom will enjoy the company of murderers, rapists, adulterers, and thieves. They will never reach their full potential, as children of God.

Mormons teach that we should keep the commandments of God, practice Christlike charity, and keep our bodies pure of addictive substances. Rejection of any of these tenents will not bring you spiritual growth, but will pull you farther from God, and from his spirit.
Open Heart Searchery
2008-05-27 09:34:32 UTC
It sounds like you need answers that only God can provide. I would take James's advice and pray about it. (James 1:5).

I would also pray to resolve your doubts about the Mormon church. Uncertainty should not guide your actions. You should do what you know in your heart is right. Pray about Mormonism and about the other churches you are looking into. God will lead you if you let Him.

I am LDS and I have had doubts myself. However, I have done what James (and Moroni, and other prophets) have suggested, and prayed to know what I should believe and what I should do.

God does hear our prayers and He does answer them. Of this you can be certain. :-)
2008-05-27 09:33:35 UTC
No. You will not go to hell.

I'm sure of this.

Just because you want to go to a different church doesn't mean you are denying God and it certainly doesn't mean your going to Hell.

Honestly I don't even go to church and I'm 100% positive I'll get into heaven.

I have examples in my own life that going to a wrong church or not going to church at all means nothing in God's eyes.

You just need faith in your heart that he's there.
2008-05-27 09:30:35 UTC
I am a Mormon. I am sorry that you have doubts. I would start with asking you if you have prayed to God to answer those doubts. He knows what you are struggling with and knows where you can get help.

I would not say that you are going to hell. The person who told you that may just want company so they won't be alone there. We are judged by our hearts. I truly believe that if you pray in faith, asking God what to do that you will get an answer. He loves you and wants you to return to live with Him again. He will not let you down.

I have struggles myself everyday, but without the church and knowledge of God I would be a lot worse off.
2008-05-27 09:27:04 UTC
Just read the bible and build your relationship with God every day. That is all that really matter. You build your life around God and respect Him and love Him, you will not go to Hell. I was baptized Catholic and am now a Christian. Yes, there is a difference between the two but you didn't ask that so I wouldn't get into it. But no, you won't go to hell as long as you do what I said up there. =)
Daughter of King Jesus
2008-05-27 09:27:51 UTC
No, Hell is for people who don't accept the forgiveness Jesus offered on the cross. You can start going to other churches.

Go to one that teaches the Bible, (both Testaments) follows all ten Commandments, Jesus and Him crucified. Above all pray for God to lead you to the right church! Then listen because He speaks in a still small voice.
Jay Z
2008-05-27 09:34:31 UTC
You will have to decide what you believe is the ultimate authority on this issue.

2000 years of scholarship or 200 years of self confessed extraneous error


I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED.

It is there right in the KJV, check it out.
Andrew K
2008-05-27 09:28:21 UTC
Find what works for you. Research a variety of religions, their doctrines, their beliefs, and see what you agree with and what makes sense. Don't be scared into any religion, it's ridiculous. If you believe in Brahma and the tennents of Hinduism then a Christian telling you you're going to Hell shouldn't make any difference or any sense.

You seem pretty devoutly theist, but if you do decide to research religions I'd recommend taking a little time to look into atheism. For me and many of the others on here it is the most logical choice.
DiDi Doubter
2008-05-27 09:31:49 UTC
Don't listen to other people! Search for the truth yourself, and don't put your faith into books or other peoples' word; if you feel you should join a different church, then do so.
Robert Mejia
2008-05-27 13:46:14 UTC
NO! You have been fed lies about Hell. The Bible in the Old Testament makes it perfectly clear that the Doctrine of Annilation and Total Destruction upon the wicked is Death. Death and Hell are synomous in their relationship one to another. It doesn't matter what church you go to. The true Church is you being a part of the ETERNAL KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN HEAVEN. The proof or evidence is faith, belief, and spiritual growth and characteristics that show that you are indeed one of God's elect and His child of His sheepfold. No church can save you, if God isn't doing the work of saving you there. This is so because God is finnished with all the local churches and congregations throughout the world since the END OF THE CHURCH AGE. annihilated and never existing again that's hell.
2008-05-27 09:25:13 UTC
please e mail me

id love to help

first step is truth ....ill be glad to point you towards those that care for you ......not care for your religion.

your soul is more important to God than anything else

and what you were told is a lie
Strawberry Shortcake
2008-05-27 09:27:11 UTC
If you are a good person, you love and respect God, you don't do harm to other people and you try to help the less fortunate, you will not go to hell whatever religion you may be.
2008-05-27 09:29:26 UTC
Scare tactic. The ones in danger of hell fire are those staying in the mormon religion.

You need to find a church, maybe a non-denomination full gospel church that preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am not exactly sure how you all treated Jesus as mormons but I do know this, that belief in Jesus Christ saves and nothing else needs to be added to that. If that were not true, then Jesus Christ died on the cross in vain.

Read John 3:3 and Romans 10:8-10 as these simple verses explain to you all you need to know to be saved and not worry about that mormon hell.
2008-05-27 09:33:41 UTC
You concerns are valid, my suggestion to you, is not look to churches or even to people. I know that the Mormon Church is an ungodly cult, this I have not doubt of, but there are many non mormon churches that really are not too much better. Relationship with the Father, through the Son, Jesus is where you begin first, build that relationship, through prayer and fasting and let him guide you. Stop being torn apart my mans traditions and false religion. You have a heart towards the Father, follow that path alone and he will meet you there. Dont look for a sign or a wonder to show you, everything you are feeling about the Mormon Church is from God, and that is your sign, dont be in a rush to find another church, but earnest ly seek God for His will to be done.
2008-05-27 09:29:03 UTC
The actual Bible will shed light on you. Not the edited Mormon version. All you need to know is that you are NOT good in God's eyes. Jesus said there is only one good, and that is God, there is not a righteous man on the earth. Look at the Ten Commandments to see how you ad up in God's eyes. Also, Jesus is God the Son. He was eternaly with the Father and the Holy Spirit for all eternity and will be. He was not created! God is composed of three distinit Persons that are in such perfect unison and harmony, they exist as ONE God. And all you need to do, is Repent and trust Jesus alone for your salvation (the Jesus of the real Bible), and you will be saved. Then get baptized with water as a SYMBOL of your inward faith. Then you will be born again, and follow Jesus. God bless!
Spunky The Metaphysical
2008-05-27 09:27:10 UTC
It seems that the only thing that really sets churches apart in any substantial way is their degree of silliness. If you're moving from LDS to another church, then you are likely moving to a church with a lower silliness quotient (simply because so few can possibly have a higher one than the LDS).

So I say go for it.
2008-05-27 12:12:50 UTC
I say no, but ultimately that's up to God to decide.
2008-05-27 09:29:45 UTC
Doesn't matter. There is no hell to go to. Stay or leave, no hell either way. Just enjoy the group you're with.
Jim C
2008-05-27 09:26:28 UTC
I don't believe so. Personally, I believe if Christianity is true, all Christians will go- again, IF it's true!
anne q
2008-05-27 09:27:24 UTC
no you wont go to hell. thats why i hate organized religion.. i believe as long as you believe in god an o your part youll be an amazing person.. but this whole thing that religions say other religions are wrong arent being god-like
John Cage
2008-05-27 09:27:30 UTC
Why go from one church to another when al they peddle is unverifiable mysticism. Don't worry about hell, it simply does not exist. Nor does heaven, sorry.
2008-05-27 09:27:16 UTC
it's more of a scare tactic because that is the belief of the LDS that you will go to hell. However, seeing as that church isn't true or remotely near it, you have no fear of going to the Mormon version of hell. you should look into Christianity
2008-05-27 09:26:25 UTC
Does the whole Mormon story sound like it was made up to you? WHy not look outside the box and consider mankinds history with religion.
2008-05-27 09:24:25 UTC
Absolutely not. There are no gods, demons, angels, fairies or any other supernatural creatures. There is no heaven or hell, and no part of you that can go anywhere when you're dead - you're just dead. You cease to exist. End of story. Nothing to worry about at all.
2008-05-27 09:31:13 UTC
Many members of our family belong to the LDS church. They prey on the weak minded and use fear as a tool. The true church is the one that makes you feel welcome. Follow your heart.
Doug O
2008-05-27 09:26:00 UTC
No, some to-be-born descendant of your will join LDS and have you retroactively re-baptized a Mormon again.
louisa c
2008-05-27 09:29:58 UTC
honey, mormonism is not the true church of jesus christ. there are many websires you can go to and read truth about the mormon church. it isnt any denomination, and it isnt about good works you do. read the bible, the king james authorised translation, kjv find any church that preaches jesus christ crucified and risen. just type in the truth about mormonism in your web browser. you WILL go to hell if you adhere to mormon apostacy. GO TO SERMON AUDIO .COM AND FIND A PREACHER CALLED MIKE SLATTERY, AND LISTEN TO HIS SERMONS, ALSO GO TO JESUS IS SAVIOR.COM, THERE IS SO MUCH TRUTH THERE.

god bless you honey, if you want to have someone to talk to about this, email me, i would love so much to hear from you. my husband and i are very familiar on a personal level with mormonism.
2008-05-27 09:29:23 UTC
we all will....its the grave....if youre born again you can be sure of salvation and look for a good TRinity church....try Methodist..

are ryou real? if so good luck OOO

former cult member
green sky means run
2008-05-27 09:27:30 UTC
Mormons are not the true religion. Evangelicalism is. Come unto the Truth.
2008-05-27 09:26:41 UTC
Sounds like you don't have peace. I am not a Mormon and I am assured of Heaven. Check out some websites that refute Mormonism. It does have a lot of holes. You'll see.
Rev. Kip
2008-05-27 09:27:12 UTC
The LDS is a cult and not a true representation of the Christian Church. If you were to leave you would not see Hell.
2008-05-27 09:25:07 UTC
it's a scare tactic!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.