Is it possible to trigger a mystical/religious experience in another individual?
2011-01-06 16:32:01 UTC
How? In the Gospel of Luke it says the Christ "...opened their understanding..."
Was he literally enlightening his disciples, or something else? What? Can one individual enlighten another? Many believe one must 'walk the path alone', through meditation, reflection and contemplation, but is there a way for a teacher to induce a direct experience? I'm not talking shortcuts, I'm talking accelerated learning. Is it remotely possible?
Twenty answers:
2011-01-07 08:46:38 UTC
It is what my Mentor did for me.

She showed me I was never alone.

By simply Loving me with perhaps the most pure form of Love I have ever experienced from another she was for me a living map & example.

Because I could see it in her, I believed it possible to Become for myself.

LOL, when I first met her, I wasn't even sure what I was looking for, only that I was looking & searching.

I saw it in her, & she showed me it was within me.

I know she accelerated my learning, opened my mind & heart to possibilities.

People were never neutral about her, an odd thing I noticed over the years.

They either Loved her immediately & sat down to tell their deepest fears & secrets, or thoroughly disliked her on first site.

I watched this happen time & time again.

I had Mystical & Spiritual experiences since childhood, but they greatly increased after meeting her & widened in scope!

I do know that the mere presence of some can change the place where others stand & this was true of Jesus, as well as Buddha & others.

But really, it's true for all of us also, we live in a sea of connection & effect each other constantly, aware or not.

At times, I "feel" others who can "feel" me, it always changes my awareness.


One day I shall tell you a funny story about my first experience of this on YA, it freaked me out a bit.

Till that point my silly ego thought it was alone in that particular ability.


Silly ego, Trix are for kids!

Many Blessings!
2011-01-10 15:58:34 UTC
this is quite an interesting question. the answer is just as intriguing. i have not read the bible nor am i one of the faithful, but i am not against the concept of a god; just not the one religion portrays. so if i stray away from the knowledge in the bible do not take this as a attempt to sway your mind. with that said, my short answer is yes. it is possible for another to trigger enlightenment in a different person. but this however is a deceptive statement. one can only change or learn if one is open to such experience, thus in the end, it is the one changing that ultimately caused or triggered the shift. therefore, at best jesus could have been the inspiration for their "understanding" but they themselves were the ones who chose to allow the change to occur. i'm am not talking about metaphysical experiences, just alterations of perception. the reason behind this is because in a reality where the metaphysical is possible anything is basically possible and thus there are no rules or boundaries, and so there is no control. the one thing to remember is this, all we are is self, everything else is just background; for without self life does not exist. in life we give everything meaning and take meaning away from experiences as well. unfortunately most people give meaning to that which should not be treasured as such thus the reign of misery in the human race, or generally speaking, the human condition. the most inmportant aspect to remember is self, and that there is no absolute value for self, thus you are not obligated to be anyone but who you decide to be. this is the one absolute value in life.

"Many believe one must 'walk the path alone', through meditation, reflection and contemplation, but is there a way for a teacher to induce a direct experience?" yes and no. it is possible for a person to affect another without a change occuring, but the teacher would have to project exactly what the student would need to based on what the student wants to experience. to be honest however, it is not that the enlightened path must be walked alone, it is actually that because self is all that matters any other input is irrelevant thus solitude is just logical. but whether there is people with the person or not is irrelevant. plus meditation and reflection are simply contemplation and contemplation is just imagination. thus the true message is to be able to calculate the variables and accomodate for anything so that in the end you are who you desire to be regardless of the experiences. in life we are not the rock that gets weathered by the river but rather the river that takes the minerals of rock with us as we pass by. as it should be, the river actually never changes just because there is different substances in it, it is still h2o. this is similar to the mind, just because we have memories and can be effected by them doesn't mean they should. self is all that could ever matter and self is will and desire.

sorry for such a long answer. i could talk all day about self and the possibilities.
2011-01-07 16:52:57 UTC
Yes .

Very much possible.

There are several ways in which an experienced spiritual Master looks at a potential 'candidate'.

One of these is, to 'trigger' that experience.

There are certain evolved processes where in that extra surge of energy is infused into the 'potential & reasonably receptive' candidate (that person may be 'yet to become a disciple' for want of trust/desire/willingness/etc). This is however, just a possibility, though a tremendous one! At that moment, if the individual is not able to be receptive, for some reason, it has to be started all over again. And, it is a bit risky one too. It is not advisable for half-baked people to try it on others. This method of making the experience 'available' is resorted to only when the other person is clearly able to withstand such induced energy. Very similar to the 'adapters' we have for sensitive delicate gadgets, which cannot withstand the direct voltage from plug points :)

(It is not shortcuts. And, though remotely possible, seldom it is done that way. It is done in proximity, to be available within reach for any unforeseen counter-effects!). This method is seldom talked about, for obvious reasons... that is perhaps why, this question.... :)
2011-01-08 13:26:48 UTC
The history and literature of mysticism and spirituality is full of examples of gurus and teachers. If the students are to believed, there is certainly an acceleration of the process that takes place. From personal experience I can most definitely report such experiences, and had no doubt at the time that my mentor was to be credited. Of course, she quickly pointed out that the Spirit was to be credited here, as He is the only teacher.

Jesus specifically said " For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20. So if the mind that was in Christ Jesus is present whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, I most certainly believe in this phenomenon. Of course while one cannot truly credit the others in the room, their presence apparently facilitates His participation. They also can help focus the process and the attention on the subject at hand, and keep extraneous topics to a minimum.

So as for those who want to do this alone, I can only encourage them to gather together in Jesus' name with at least one other. This can be done in church, in a prayer group, with a spouse, etc. I think the benefits should become apparent. This coming together need not be overt and can be as simple as a brief discussion, but should certainly include an intent to focus on the Spiritual.
2011-01-06 18:25:01 UTC


I don't do religion and hold mystical as implying too much mystery, but enlightening experiences can definitely be transmitted.

I once heard Daisaku Ikeda say that, "I fear nothing, and have nothing to regret." The energy rolled through the room of 800 like a tsunami. I suddenly saw my life with all its fears and regrets laid open before me. Then I saw the possibilities of living like Ikeda had described and made up my mind to proceed in that direction.

Another time, I had an enlightening experience that even resulted in out-of-body phenomena just because a Japanese lady explained the literal meaning of a term that had been troubling me. I was suddenly in the car we were driving through San Clemente CA in, and floating above it. I was perfectly rested and amazingly energized. I was in the present and in all pasts and futures seeing life form and disappear as conditions changed. This lasted for as long as I chose to maintain it. After a while I decided to apply the experience to daily life and help other people.
2011-01-06 18:22:47 UTC
Here is one way: "While it takes a novice usually well over a year of dedicated mediation practice to sustain an alpha state for a few hours, people who never meditated in their lives could sustain deep alpha for hours after only 48 hours in pure wilderness."

Here is the article that came from... well worth your time.

Triggering an experience has to do with magnetism I believe. Love between a mother and child is a clear example. We all are endowed with an ethereal fluid that in the astral realm acts like iron filings do around a magnet in the physical. It can be influenced by that of others and it can influence as well.

"There are two kinds of magnetic attraction: sympathy and fascination; the one holy and natural, the other evil and unnatural. To the latter, fascination, we must attribute the power of the poisonous toad, which upon merely opening its mouth, forces the passing reptile or insect to run into it to its destruction. The deer, as well as smaller animals, are attracted by the breath of the boa, and are made irresistibly to come within its reach. The electric fish, the torpedo, repels the arm with a shock that for a time benumbs it. To exercise such a power for beneficent purposes, man requires nobility of soul, a strong will, and imaginative faculty. A man free from worldly incentives and sensuality, may cure in such a way the most "incurable" diseases, and his vision may become clear and prophetic."
2011-01-11 16:55:51 UTC
Yes, I do believe it is possible for one person to trigger a mystical/religious experience in another individual.

There is a guy called Alan Chapman. His website is

He is a buddhist and had been practising Buddhism for many years, but unable to reach enlightenment.

He went on a trip to India and went to a group meeting of other Buddhists. He had been told about this particular guru who was able to awaken/enlighten people simply by his prescence.

The guru came into the room. He was a very large, somewhat overweight Texan man, and did not appear to be very impressive at all. But during the 2 hour group meeting suddenly Alan became enlightened. It happened in an instance during part of the group meditation practice.

He speaks of it on his website. He is the most down to earth of people, and I think we can believe what he says.

So yes, I do think it's possible.

:) :) :)
2011-01-06 17:11:58 UTC
I think so, possibly. Teaching in words, plus his presence, might be added together to induce something. Our pet animals definitely got smarter by being around humans, didn't they? If you add some METHOD, such as a specific form of meditation, it becomes even more probable.

Many good thinkers believe that Jesus had TWO sets of teachings. One was oral, and taught privately to his disciples. The other was written; and those, gospels, are merely his public teachings, for the masses.
~ *Leaping Water* ~ x puddles of love x
2011-01-06 17:09:25 UTC
Revelation comes through the Holy Spirit..the spirit that lives in the believer.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are spoken of in 1 Cor 12-14

There is a word of knowledge that one can give to another thru the Holy Spirit and there is a prophetic gift...these could be ways of passing on revelation (enlightenment)

The text you mention in Luke is a very interesting one, thanks for posting.

I may add more later...there's more I beleive to share, just can't get to the info in my head at the mo :)

(((Bluebootz))) :))


The link Kar added is similar to what I was thinking to add.

Great link
2011-01-07 09:34:09 UTC
I'm not sure if this exactly "answers" your question directly, but it's what popped into my mind when I read the question....

"You view the term relationship as a term that is an involvement of more than one thing. And as I have expressed, in shifting you are redefining terms. This is one of the terms that is being redefined. And it, I will acknowledge, will be a difficult term to redefine.

For this term of relationship within the remembrance of the knowing of who you are, in the genuineness of identity, is not involving more than one thing. It is the state of being, of recognition and experience, that all of the things whether they be inanimate manifestations in your terms or living manifestations, that they are not merely connected to you but that you are them." ~Elias

So I'd ask of you... What "other individual" would you be speaking of? I mean, if one holds the remembrance, that this is their true state of being, then who would they be enlightening? ;-)

Ghandi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

And I think that this could also be said in this manner... "Remember the enlightenment you wish others to hold." =)
2011-01-06 17:31:54 UTC
Hi Blueboots... just thought i would add a few of the verses which say yes... but for some real scriptural background information... concerning just what Christ was sharing, and opening their men/woman's minds to, is added in the link... well worth the read...

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,(Luke 24:25) is a powerful insight into what the Spirit of Christ is able to do in us, for us, through us, and of course is led and guided by the infilling of the Holy Spirit of God, the Father and Son in One. This kind of Spiritual power is available to us… when our hearts and minds are quickened with the Spirit of God. Christ before leaving this world, was instructing his disciples in what the scriptures meant... not as to what they were taught by the scribes and pharisees... These men came to understand the real genuine intent of God's law and nature... and decrees... going beyond natural man's comprehension. He taught them of the Spirit. He opened thier lens... and took off their shades... rather the Spirit did... these men then grew into the fullness of the Godhead, as seen in various instances of the bible... men were even healed as Peter's shadow passed over them... so by Christ's virtue... there is much to be learned and experienced... The gifts of the Spirit are many...and the power not comprehended even by the greatest... who would surpass Christ. (greater things you shall do ~ having the Father and Son... working with the Holy Spirit)

Luke 24:32 They said to one another, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"

Acts 16:14 A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul.

1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

It is absolutely amazing what the power of God can do through two or three knowing and believing individuals ...

This kind of faith is known to move mountains...


2011-01-11 23:51:06 UTC
Yes there is. It's called the Holy Spirit :) Have you ever heard of speaking in tongues? I used to be pentecostal, and we like to speak in tongues. You can't truly speak in tongues unless you are truly wanting forgiveness. And when you pray you have to actually want to be forgaven. Just saying it won't do it. And you'll know when you've spoken with different tongues of man or angels. It's the best feeling ever. Better than drugs. Trust me. But it's when you and God are connected as one and you're spilling your heart out to him and crying out to him and repenting. Sometimes he gives you messages during these times. Everyone is different and it's his plan for you.

Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth".

Acts 2:38: Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit".
2011-01-06 21:33:46 UTC
Yes it is.

Simply being in the presence of some people, together with some small trigger, is enough to bring about a kensho experience.
2016-06-20 18:21:42 UTC
That is particularly an exciting question. The reply is just as interesting. I've not read the bible nor am i probably the most trustworthy, however i am not in opposition to the proposal of a god; just no longer the one religion portrays. So if i stray away from the expertise in the bible do not take this as a try and sway your intellect. With that stated, my quick reply is yes. It's viable for one more to trigger enlightenment in one other character. But this however is a misleading statement. You will most effective change or gain knowledge of if one is open to such expertise, for this reason ultimately, it's the one altering that finally precipitated or brought on the shift. Consequently, at excellent jesus would were the idea for their "figuring out" however they themselves had been the ones who selected to allow the change to arise. I'm am no longer speaking about metaphysical experiences, simply transformations of notion. The reason behind this is since in a fact the place the metaphysical is viable something is truly viable and accordingly there aren't any ideas or boundaries, and so there is no manipulate. The one factor to recollect is that this, all we're is self, the whole lot else is simply background; for without self existence does now not exist. In lifestyles we give everything that means and take meaning away from experiences as well. Unfortunately most men and women provide meaning to that which should now not be treasured as such hence the reign of distress within the human race, or regularly speakme, the human . Essentially the most inmportant facet to do not forget is self, and that there's no absolute worth for self, hence you aren't obligated to be anybody but who you decide to be. This is the one absolute value in life. "Many suppose one need to 'stroll the path on my own', by means of meditation, reflection and contemplation, but is there a method for a teacher to set off an instantaneous experience?" yes and no. It is feasible for a man or woman to have an impact on one other with no trade occuring, however the instructor would need to venture precisely what the scholar would have to centered on what the student desires to experience. To be sincere however, it's not that the enlightened direction need to be walked by myself, it is clearly that since self is all that matters every other input is irrelevant consequently solitude is just logical. But whether there's persons with the man or woman or not is inappropriate. Plus meditation and reflection are simply contemplation and contemplation is solely creativeness. Consequently the actual message is to be capable to calculate the variables and accomodate for anything so that finally you are who you wish to be regardless of the experiences. In lifestyles we aren't the rock that will get weathered by means of the river but instead the river that takes the minerals of rock with us as we cross by using. Appropriately, the river truely never changes just since there may be specific elements in it, it is nonetheless h2o. That is similar to the intellect, just on the grounds that we've got memories and may also be effected via them doesn't suggest they will have to. Self is all that could ever matter and self is will and wish. Sorry for this sort of lengthy answer. I could speak all day about self and the possibilities.
2011-01-06 22:53:05 UTC
I think that that is how you gain understanding and the understanding will help you gain the experience
of Me of Him
2011-01-07 16:13:57 UTC
I went over Luke

I can say many here have great ability's and Love can`t lie, and eternal life is true, I believe.

Union is natural if being true in moment in a twinkle of an eye, of them who have been trusting. As these ones with oil in there lamps unto the Lord in which harvests’ promise, a harvest, and even then the Father knows best..

But to “opened their understanding” was to bring forth understanding by word so as to the inward understanding of word to be of the harvest each as building on the foundation.

13And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14And they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place. 15While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached and traveling with them. 16But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.

But even these were as not with oil in there lamps these two who were with him.

But it was not until he took the bread and a broke it then there eyes were open.

28And they approached the village where they were going, and He acted as though He were going farther. 29But they urged Him, saying, “Stay with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is now nearly over.” So He went in to stay with them. 30When He had reclined with them, He took the bread and blessed , and breaking, He giving to them. 31Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him; and He vanished from their sight.

32They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”

For the unity is a broken spirit, for forgive makes this new one a true spirit of the heart of matter and in it oil of gladness **his** the cup even unto eternal life which is the thanks given unto all men.

For it is when understanding opens and the Love therein to Come in so His>his, the broken body; doing the will of the father us as unto his we so Him then our eyes will as open to the greater wonders of Him>him, US be fulfilling.

25And He said to them, “O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26“Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?”

For until we willing to come and to break the bread as living in us we have not came and suffer in Christ, and lacking to “enter His glory” will not produce a harvest of Love.
Meshuggah Yam-Gazlen
2011-01-06 17:16:59 UTC
yes - showing unexpected kindness and compassion can be a mind-blower, if someone is open to it
2011-01-06 16:33:20 UTC
I recognize your avatar. Is that warcraft III?
2011-01-06 16:34:07 UTC
If you put rohypnol in their drink, yes.
2011-01-06 16:33:34 UTC
of course. force-smoke them crack.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.