What exactly is scientology?
2006-07-19 10:15:59 UTC
What exactly is scientology?
Twenty answers:
2006-07-19 15:22:23 UTC
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. When I say "applied" I mean you actually use it in your life to change or improve existing conditions. This is different from a religious practice. All religions if you learn about them have a basic philosphy, but they also have certain dogma, rituals and observances, and a certain faith or belief is required. There is nothing wrong with this, but Scientology is not that kind of religion. It does not intrude on anyones faiths of beliefs particularly in the area of God , the Supreme Being, or the Infinite. This area is left totally up to the indivdual, which is why you can be a practicing Jew,for example and still use and apply the priniciples of Scientology in your life. It does not conflict. If anything it will enhance your understanding of your chosen religious practice.

You can have no specific religious beliefs and still benefit from using it.

And it is only true for you according to your own observation and experience with it.

It is a non denominational religion . The dictionary definition that applies:

Religion: The spiritual or emotional attitude of one who recognises the existence of superhuman power or powers.

The most basic principle of Scientology is that YOU are your own immortal soul, that this is not a "thing" you HAVE but what YOU actually are.

The whole purpose of Scientology is to increase an individual's understanding and awareness of himself. And thereby his native abilities .

When you do this the sphere and zone of his positive influence increases and moves outward into his life, his family ,his friends, his groups and mankind which he is part of.

How this result is achieved is the "technology" of Scientology, which was developed by L.Ron Hubbard after his extensive research and the discoveries he made, about the human spirit. The basic religious philosophy and knowledge of Scientology is very old, going back 10,000 years at least to the Veda or Vedic Hymns from the East. The developement of the technology is new.

He completed his research before his death in 1986 and left all of his results and copyrights

to the Church of Scientology along with most of his considerable estate., when he died.

He published a book in 1951 to communicate the basic principles he discovered called: " Scientology The Fundementals of Thought"

There are currently over 8 million Scientologists in more that 150 countries world wide. However we are a new religion, only 55 years old.

The true story of Scientology as a religion goes like this:

1. A philosopher developes a philosophy about life and death.

2. People find it interesting.

3. People find it works.

4. People pass it along to others.

5. It grows.
2006-07-19 10:32:23 UTC
Basically, scientology is a bunch of self-help people.

They think that all of the worlds problems can be solved, with their help.

The "alien" doctrine was made up, only so they could get a "church" status in the US government. They dont actually "belive" it, but was needed to have a "doctrine" as per laws of the US concerning church status.

Dianetics is their "bible" and is a very well written book, with some very interesting theories, and ideas of how to solve some mental health issues.

Alot of their members swear by the Dianetics teachings, and I presume worked for them.

If you are one of the "God and only God " people, you will admonish it as a cult.

If you are an aethist, or free-willer, then Scientology would be good to study if for nothing else than to help with some , what I would call, slight mental health issues, depression, alcoholism, drugs, etc.

If someone knows they need help, and honestly wants help, I think Scientology would work for them just as good as any "rehab" clinic they would go through.

You can buy the book off ebay (used) for just a couple bucks, or even a public library would have some copies.

Again, the Xenu, or Zenu, stuff was all made up to get church status. Im not a scientologist, believe me, but I understand why they made up the story.
2006-07-19 10:21:42 UTC
Actually the religion came from a fictional book written by Mr. Hubbard. It appears a humanistic way of life. The term religion does not necessarily fit in comparison with Scientology given the actual definition of Religion. There are many interesting facts concerning Scientology and is best understood holistically as a general way of living rather than a doctrine dictating a way of thought.
Village Idiot
2006-07-19 10:18:44 UTC
According to Wikipedia:

Scientology is a system of beliefs and practices created by American pulp and science fiction Author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a self-help philosophy. By 1960 Hubbard had redefined it as a "religion by its basic tenets". The name "Scientology" is also sometimes used to refer to the Church of Scientology, which is the largest organization promoting the belief system of Scientology. There are other organizations and individuals who are not affiliated with the Church of Scientology who regard themselves as practitioners of and believers in Scientology, sometimes collectively called the Free Zone. The Church regards such independents, almost without exception, as not practicing the "true" Scientology set out by Hubbard, while many of those independents make the very same criticism about the Church.

It's a fraudulant cult, that practices teaching crap for profit... and making you think that you're better.
Lesley P
2006-07-19 10:21:58 UTC
Scientology is a system of beliefs and practices created by American pulp and science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a self-help philosophy. By 1960 Hubbard had redefined it as a "religion by its basic tenets". The name "Scientology" is also sometimes used to refer to the Church of Scientology, which is the largest organization promoting the belief system of Scientology. There are other organizations and individuals who are not affiliated with the Church of Scientology who regard themselves as practitioners of and believers in Scientology, sometimes collectively called the Free Zone. The Church regards such independents, almost without exception, as not practicing the "true" Scientology set out by Hubbard, while many of those independents make the very same criticism about the Church.

The Church of Scientology presents itself as a religious non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of the human spirit and providing counseling and rehabilitation programs. Church spokespeople claim that Hubbard's teachings (called "Technology" or "tech" in Scientology terminology) have saved them from addictions, arthritis, depression, learning disabilities, mental illness, cancer, homosexuality and other perceived problems.

read more at:
2006-07-19 10:18:04 UTC
scientology = stupidity

See also, Tom Cruise = scientology
2006-07-19 10:22:05 UTC
Stick your head up a bulls a$$, and tell me what you see. Thats what scientology
Alex G
2006-07-19 10:17:02 UTC
A religion invented on a bet by sci-fi author L. Ron Hubbard.
2006-07-19 10:18:23 UTC
Alex is right. Weird huh? But some really believe that. There's a bunch more to read on Google. Interesting.
2006-07-19 10:52:22 UTC
The sect where the more money you spend the more enlightened you are , the more money sect getts, the lighter you mind and you pocket is .

Then after a time, you try to enlighten (read their pockets) you family, cousins ,a on the end every sucker your guru wants.
Fantasy Girl
2006-07-19 10:18:43 UTC
It is a cult that has been in trouble with law enforcement many times and been under numerous investigations. They believe aliens called Thetans infest people.
2006-07-20 03:19:40 UTC
“Scientology is a system of beliefs and practices created by American pulp fiction[1][2] and science fiction [3] author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a self-help philosophy.”

See here for a critic’s view:

See here for scientology’s own view:

Scientology is considered a religion in some countries, a profitable organisation in others, and in some it is considered a cult whose practises have been banned. For example, the US gives Scientology tax exempt status, whereas Germany and Belgium have called it a “totalitarian cult” and a “commercial enterprise”. France in 1995 classified it as a dangerous cult. The UK refused charitable status in 1999. Russia has a pending court trial over their refusal to register scientology as a religion.

I personally believe scientology to be a dangerous cult that lies to and tricks adherents into believing they are improving themselves and the world around them, while they are for the most part doing the exact opposite. It is made up of good people with good intentions that have been unfortunately deceived just because they do want to help others and themselves live better lives. It appeals to a person’s good intentions, and therein lies the trap.

It seems to have been set up to make money, and indeed they have been very successful at it – although the money is all at the top and not with the actual people delivering the services. Indeed Hubbard is quoted as saying "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"

Scientology originated in the 1950’s, it believes its teachings go back not 10,000 years as theta has said, but actually quadrillions of years, even dealing with many different universes that have come and gone in that time. At the top it is about space alien souls that inhabit your body. This was Hubbard’s ‘new’ discovery, strange how it sounds all so sci-fi considering Hubbard was a sci-fi writer. (Sarcasm).

Hubbard has not discovered anything about the true nature of man, nor was he educated or qualified to do so. He was undoubtedly a clever man but also with many psychotic tendencies, that never cleared his own problems let alone anyone else’s. He died on the physch drugs he has campaigned so hard against, in a bid to have his cult takeover their responsibilities. He had a reoccurring stomach ulcer, and continued to claim military disability allowance. By personal accounts he had a wild temper, mild OCD, & respiratory problems, despite the fact that his new discoveries were meant to fix all that.

Dianetics is a rewrite of Freudian memory regression into a complex and ill-worded theory, along with occult magick from Aleister Crawley with Hubbard’s experience as a sci-fi writer thrown in. Scientology has never submitted it methods to the scientific community, nor is it endorsed by any such body. Hubbard was not a scientist and seemingly knew nothing of the scientific method, nor has any of his ‘extensive research’ ever come to light. What has come to light is the social & mind control techniques that take place in scientology, and how people are duped into following this money & alien orientated cult.

This only formal study of dianetics done near the time it appeared showed dianetics did not achieve any of its stated aims or benefits.

Here is an archive of official studies critical of scientology

You cannot progress in scientology without a belief in re-incarnation, and then little alien souls that inhabit your body, so it is not compatible with other people’s faith, it just says it is.

They lie to members to gain and keep them.

They say it has been thoroughly researched using the scientific method when it hasn’t.

They use mind control techniques:

They hound and harass critics:

They limit outside information via censoring, condemning it the work of criminals, as well as via disconnection with family.

There are certainly not 8 million adherents worldwide, that is fact.

The true story goes like this.

Sci-Fi writer tries to make more money with a questionable self-help technique derived from existing works cobbled together in a hodge podge of techniques to disarm the crticial thinking of an individual, so they can be fully enveloped into the cult. People of this era were very interested in alternative therapy, and latched onto Dianetics. Sci-Fi writer sets up organisation for the purpose of making money called scientology. People are made to feel like it works, and if it doesn’t it’s their fault for not applying the ‘tech’ properly. A mixture of trance like suggestions, known physiological responses and peer pressure all tell you have had a success, when infact you haven’t. This is demonstated by the fact that no-one has ever shown themselves to be a ‘Clear’ or an ‘OT’ by displaying any other the near supernatural powers these states are meant to confer.

Sci-Fi writer goes slightly insane, and starts creating very strange orders like ‘fair game’, ‘disconnection’, ‘ethics’, ‘RPF’, and storing secret files on each of its members in case anything goes awry (so it can blackmail them).

Sci-Fi writer dies a very unhealthy and mentally wrecked individual.

His cult continues to this day.
2006-07-19 10:18:50 UTC
its a made up religion that some guy created for money. its like a sci-fi story gone bad.
2006-07-19 10:26:44 UTC
A VERY EXPENSIVE religion. The more money you have, the higher status.
2006-07-19 10:20:37 UTC
insane, just crazy. people are willing to believe anything if it makes them feel better about their purpose in life. they need to focus on not why we are here but what they want to do while they are here.
2006-07-19 10:17:10 UTC
Good question. That is something that I would like to know myself.
2006-07-19 10:17:53 UTC
a cult and the people following it i am sorry will go to hell and be judged by GOD
2006-07-19 10:22:08 UTC
do a search on Xenu if you want to learn their greatest 'secret'
2006-07-19 10:19:33 UTC
good question
2006-07-19 10:17:12 UTC
google it......more info there

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