2010-09-24 16:04:15 UTC
I mean, they bark over things something like, Shia are right, or Sunni are right, or whatever, my question is, how u know, who is right, or wrong, what are u, mastered with rocket science u know everything. I mean, God knows, what is right and what is wrong, how can a human being know all that.
I don't get it, when I see thing, all I see, Sunni and Shia fight, I mean, we are all Muslim, but we believe different way, and pray different way, it don't mean, we are not Muslim, I mean we are all Muslim, but we follow things different way, like praying wise.
I remember, one of the sister, she is Shia Muslim, I added her on facebook, and told her to add some user I know, she said, is it okay, because I am a Shia Muslim, I said, if anything happen let me know, she was wondering maybe, what if, others don't like me, since I am a Shia Muslim, and they all are Sunni Muslim.
Overall, I don't care who is Sunni, or Shia Muslim, all I care, we are all Muslim, and we are human, what is the point of fighting over some stupidity and make bunch of stupid drama, since ur a Muslim. So what, ur a Sunni and Shia, what is that suppose to mean, oh we are all perfect, we are not perfect, get that in ur mind.
Also I hear from others, I won't marry Shia Muslim, or whatever, I say, quit hating, because I really don't care, ur a Sunni or Shia Muslim, I will marry who ever God has for me, even if ur a Shia Muslim, so what, we are Muslim, that's all it matters to me.
Your thought.
Bonus Question
Which sports do you watch, or like to play.
I like to play basketball.
I watch.
NBA, NHL, NFL, MLB, and College football.
God bless.