LDS, Mormons, and you prophet speaking for the Lord to the people of the world?
2011-03-24 10:24:36 UTC
Ok so the LDS church claims that Thomas S. Monson is the current prophet of the "church" and of the world correct? He is referred to as "the Lord's Mouthpiece."

I am just wondering if "God" has any message for the people of the whole world (not just for LDS members) WHY is not the prophet talking about them? Where is the real important messages?

(lately LDS leaders have talking about one earring for each ear for women, none for men, no flip flops for change, Sunday do's and don't, be kind and charitable, attend church, have faith, MARRIAGE is for a man and woman ONLY, People are NOT born Gay, etc)

WHAT about the poor the hungry the wars going on, cancer, AIDS, stem cell research, science and Mormonism, genocide in a few countries, MAJOR political problems happening? etc etc

DOES a "prophet" has the authority and the responsibility to speak for God on every subject, both spiritual and temporal, earthy and etc?

!What warning did he give to the all the victims of the natural disaster's that have happened to the "Lord's people" around the world lately?

IS Monson a false prophet, or DOES the Lord not have anything to day about these MORE important matters?

Thank you
Six answers:
2011-03-24 11:01:46 UTC
Their prophet and mormon god don't have time for those critical subjects. He focuses on earrings, flipflops, marriage values (like they have room to define marriage?), Sunday do's and don'ts. It's all about them, never you, except to bang on your door at 8 am. So I guess the mormon god and his mouthpiece are just for mormons, after all. You don't see anyone else listening to them, do you? Especially Christians.

Christians are the ones helping the sick, visiting the poor and downtrodden. Like one person put it, you will NEVER see a group with mormon tee-shirts emblazoned with "AIDS marathon -- Walk for Life". However, they were swarming all over when it came to taking advantage of people's state of distress during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. THEN they were all over the place, handing out cheaply produced book of mormons and smiling up a storm! Then they disappeared. It's all in awareness of their practices. The more aware you are of what constitutes their idea of reality, the more you come to understand its fleeting, empty fantasy.

2011-03-24 17:59:24 UTC
Recent prophets have been warning us to be prepared for disasters. They don't normally tell us, "an earthquake and tsunami are going to hit." The poor and needy are being helped by us all the time. Recent worldwide leadership training meetings have been instructing our bishops, etc. to seek out the poor and needy and do a better job with it. The 3-fold purpose of the church recently change to a 4-fold purpose, adding in more concern and care for the poor and needy.

The primary purpose of a prophet is to call people to repentance, as Jonah was called to do in Nineveh, but a prophet has the authority to speak for God on any subject that God wants him to speak on. Rarely does God intervene with natural disasters by giving specific warnings to us about them. If we were protected from all of these things, we would not learn to endure through trials.

You have an interesting list of "major problems." I think that God would disagree with what you think is major. He would probably be more concerned with everlasting life than with these mortal concerns. Some of the things on your list are pretty minor, but matter. Too many earrings make a person look dis-respectable, and members of the church should try to look respectable. Flip-flops are fine unless the are worn to church on Sunday, as they are not dressy enough to be ones Sunday best. Keeping the Sabbath day holy, attending church regularly, having faith and marrying a member of the opposite gender are all God's laws, not man's, so of course a prophet should call those to repentance who aren't doing them and provide guidance as to how they are best done. As far as people not being born gay - nobody said exactly that. Some people are born with tendencies to steal or become addicted to alcohol or drugs or even the internet. Others are born with tendencies toward homosexuality. All of these things are temptations that we are being tested with, and if we turn away from them, repent and endure to the end we can be saved.
2011-03-25 04:33:58 UTC
when i joined the LDS church, while yet Spencer Kimbal was prophet, i was interviewed and asked whether He was the "only" prophet on earth.

i said yes, even though it was only a probability in my mind, and i yet questioned my own answer.

i have come to believe for the most part, that there is INDEED ONLY ONE PROPHET. however, i have also had vision/dreams of other prophets and likewise at least ONE Seer/prophetess. and i know that there are two non mormon prohetesses who have received greater visions than i have yet to see and experience. Betty Eadie is one and marilynn hughs is another, not to forget to mention Helen White. when i read some of the doctrines in the D&C, i find that there is a peculiar verse about Jesus choosing "witnesses" and how he chooses them whomever he will for his own purposes.

while the priesthood is "restored" through Joseph Smith the gifts of prohecy can be, (conclusively given to anyone), yet at the same time there is a waring of false visions and false spirits that also go forth into the world.

why did i share this with you? in order to answer your question!

the LORD i think gives the gifts of prophecy to those that "qualify", to those He LOVEs, and to those that love him. glory is added upon glory whether they be male or female.

I dont think Pres Monson is a "false" prophet, since joseph smith jr was alive, evil men and superstition and fear have always made men to speak either evil or good of any prophet, remember in history, Most TRUE prophets are murdered and the allegations of false witnesses and eevil kings or evil priestcrafts.

since the days of Able, mankind has followed Cain, in the secret societies of secret combinations, Our generation and the entire world is full of "Them" in every nation, whereever lucifer or satan is worshipped.

i believe there is only ONE church that was restored. however, i can appeal to the words of Genesis which say, YOU may eat of any tree except "one". jesus said a few things that are similar, in one event he rebuked his disciples to not rebuke people of other's faith.but He himself would later rebuke the pharisees and the saducees and lawyers alike for being hypocrites and for the false doctrines.

when Jesus appeared to joseph smith, Jesus said, however, NOT to join any of "them" they are all wrong. He even used the word "abomination".

President Monson, in my opinion, may not have had any direct Revelation or visitation of the Lord, that i know of, but he has been part of the general leadership of the church for decades. i dont think he would intentionally Lead anyone astray, if it were up to him. i wouldnt call him a false prophet, nor would i call joseph smith a con-man or a false prophet. i consider the testimonies of His pears to be greater than the testimonies of evil men that lived alongside him, MORE than the whisperings of satan and the slander of an adulterous generation filled with corrupt politicians and murdering Mobs.
2011-03-24 19:31:55 UTC
People who spew out advice are a dine a dozen. The Rotary club and Kiwanis club speaker circuits are full of them. To call someone who says that we should serve more, be nicer, follow God's commandments are at best teachers.

Real prophets are watchmen on the wall. They stand up to leaders. They go out on a limb often with measurable predictions that either show them to be full of hot air or the real thing. LDS leaders are not prophets by the Biblical standard. At best they are teachers.

During my 42 years as a faithful LDS man, I use to get asked about the great insights we got from the "prophet." I didn't have much to say, honestly. Uh, you know, do good and avoid evil? We have much to do? I was at a loss because 1) LDS leaders have learned to avoid being found out as frauds by not predicting anything and 2) they're so focused on PR that they stand up to no one.

The good news is the prophetic gift is available to all who are actually in Christ. From my own personal experience, it takes years to walk this gift out so that I can differentiate my voice from God's prompting. And learning to speak the truth in love rather than rolling over people with my "insights."

If the LDS leaders had this gift, they would acknowledge Jesus as fully God, uncreated and worthy of direct worship. They would denounce a system of righteousness that emphasizes works, obedience to laws, and bowing the knee to Masonic rituals. They would declare that Christ, His righteousness is fully sufficient. I rejoice in that its coming, the day when the LDS people come to know Jesus fully, who they are when they're actually "in Christ," how their salvation was bought for them, and how to walk out a sure salvation today.
2011-03-24 17:38:38 UTC
not every person in the world has EVER listened to one prophet - ever.

in fact - not every person in the world even listens to Christ.....

does that mean that God is not talking?

FYI - lately the LDS have been talking about service, and following God's laws, and strengthening the family, and......oh wait - what was that about not everybody listening? never mind.
2011-03-24 17:45:33 UTC
When Noah spoke of a great flood - did everyone listen - no. They made fun and ignored and pointed out the fallacy......they probably heard "flip-flops" when they should have heard "great flood".

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.