17 012 .the Holy Spirit brings out and just puts the whole Word together,
makes a picture there to show us just the hour that we’re living in.
Why, there wasn't, I guess, one-third of the whole Jewish race ever knowed that Jesus Christ was on earth. They might've heard of some fanatic down along there somewhere, but they didn't pay any attention to it, just going on. "He came to His own, and His own received Him not." (John 1:11).
Now, there's where I believe even... Now, it didn't say He'd secretly come, but the rapture will be a secret. So if that was so secret when He come, how much more will the rapture be unknown. See? They want to... Directly they'll say, "Well, I thought we were supposed to have a rapture and all this judgment upon the earth."
He said, "It's already taken place, and you didn't know it." It'll be so--just like a thief at the night (Luke 12:37-40; I Thess. 5:1-3). The Third Seal”, Seal’s Book pg. 238
The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelations 10, how the Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and vindicated It to be the truth by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three years. You think they'll listen to it? No, they're dead. They've put their hand into something that's killed the whole thing. No, it won't, never no more.
The evening time, He promised He'd reveal--open those Seven Seals and show what them churches had missed back there. Revelations 10, and Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, He said He would do it, so let's not mix it up. Let's keep it right like that.
Trying To Do God A Service” (65-0718M), par. 147/178
Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. There's no more higher order to reveal the Word than prophets (Amos 3:6-7). But the only way the prophet can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it?( Anointed Ones At The End Time” (65-0725M), par. 130/261-262)
What's happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word. That's what all this noise is about. Notice, it's God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelation 10:1 to 7, "And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished." The hidden mystery of Revelation 10:1 to 7, the last message to the last church age. Fulfills exactly, in this age, St. Luke 17:30, "The day when the Son of man shall be revealed."
"And there shall rise false prophets and false Christs, show great signs and wonders, insomuch it'd deceive the Elected if possible." (Matt. 24:24). The people still in doubt. And, as usual, the church is just as puzzled. (What Is The Attration on the Mountain?” (65-0725E), par. 146-149)
And then when that come, He opened the Seven Seals and revealed the evening Light, taking all the mysteries that's been hid down through these church ages and now revealed them as He promised to do in Revelations 10:1-7. Here we are today setting in the midst of the Word, and the Word being revealed to us by Jesus Christ. Then this is God's Word. (Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word” (65-0822M), par. 162)
The Book of the Revelation is the last Book of the Bible. It's sealed to unbelievers. In there the Bible says in the 22nd chapter, verse 18-19, "Whosoever shall take one word from It or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life." We realize that then It was altogether given for believers. And it opens the Book of Revelation and reveals Who the Author of this entire Book is (He's to look upon as Alpha and Omega, from Genesis to Revelations, Jesus Christ just the same right straight through), and reveals His complete mystery of Himself and His plans for His church ages that's to come, and was sealed in there by seven seals.
Now, the Book was written, but then remember, It was sealed with seven seals (Rev. 5:1-5). And these seven seals was not to be opened, Revelations 10, until the sounding of the last earthly angel on earth, Revelations 10:7. "And in the days of the sounding of the last angel's Message, seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished in that age." And that's the age that we're living in.
We all know we're living the Laodicea age. There will never be another age to it; it can't be. So we're living in the Laodicea age, and these seven seals that's held that Book is a mystery to people, should be open at that day. That's what He promised. Now, it won't be nothing outside the Word, because you can't add to the Word or take from the Word. It's got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what It is, to make It fit with the rest of the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the Truth. ( The Rapture” (65-1204), par. 74-76)
Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10:3-4 which are the revelations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely revealed 'mystery-truths' that literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers. Exactly so. (Laodicean Church Age”, CAB-pg. 327)
This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelations 10. If you're marking it down... Let's turn to Revelations 10 just a moment, so you'll get a understanding before we get into it. Now, this is at the end time, for listen.
“... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...”
If you notice that's Christ, 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant, and He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See? All right.
“... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:”
You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger, and He's a Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured. See? Now, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church.
Now, see, the mystery of this seven-sealed Book will be revealed at the sounding of the seventh church angel's message. See? The seventh angel begins to sound, and there's the messages wrote out there, and we got it in tape and book form.
Now, at the beginning of the sounding of the message, the mystery of God should be finished at that time. Now, we will notice, the Book of the mystery of God is not revealed until the seventh angel's message is sounded.
Now, these points will be important in the Seals; I'm sure, 'cause it must every bit tie together. Now, it's wrote mysterious, because no man nowhere knows it: God alone, Jesus Christ.
Now, but it is a Book, a mysterious Book. It's a Book of Redemption. And now, we know that this Book of Redemption will not be thoroughly understood: it's probed at through six church ages, but at the end, when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at, and the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God and reveals the entire revelation of God. Then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries: serpent's seed and whatevermore is to be revealed.(The Breach”, Seal’s-Book pg. 72-74)
And now, notice that there's something wrong somewhere in the churches. And I think it's the denominational systems that's twisted the people's minds and so forth until they don't know how to do it. That's right. But we're promised that it would be revealed.
And now, these Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and those Seven Seals... And then after these Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious thunders that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write those. And at the time of those thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and swore that time had run out at that time.
And then we find out that in the revealing of the Seals that the Lamb had left His mediatorial work as an Intercessor and had come forth now to claim His rights, all that He had redeemed by His death. (The Fourth Seal”, Seal’s Book pg. 283)
Now, He's going to show the church what He done. See? Then He just takes... But the Book is closed (Rev. 5:6-10). No one knowed at all. They know it was a Book of Redemption on it there, but it's to be revealed in the last days according to Revelations 10. The seventh angel is going to be given the message of that, because it said that in the time of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding. Then after it's revealed, the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ (Now remember, this angel and is on earth, a messenger). Down comes Christ (You see Him in the 10th chapter of Revelations.), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more.
And when He takes this oath, seven thunders utter their voices, and the writer... (Rev. 10:1-4). Which when John was taken up, was supposed to write what he saw. He started to write down. He said, "Don't write it, because... Don't write that. It is an un..." He said, "Seal it up." What in? "Seal up; don't say it." See? It's to be revealed, but it's not even written in the Word. And then when He begin to open the Seals, we find out they were all puzzling.( The Third Seal”, Seal’s-Book pg. 235)
We're not living in a Pentecostal age; we're living in another age. See? We're not living in a Methodist age; we're living in another age. We're living on up here to the Bride age, the calling out of the church and getting it together for the rapture. That's the age that we're now living. To my honest opinion that's exactly the truth.
And you can be ever so sincere, but until we know what we're doing, you're fighting at the air. Come back into the Word of God and get lined up, and then go; then you know. Like a soldier, don't know what to do until he gets orders to do it. We must be Christian soldiers and get orders from the Bible for this hour now; not the charge yesterday, the charge the day before, but the charge today which way we go. Find out the hour that we're living in (Acts 3:19-21; Luke 17:26-36; II Thess. 2:1-3; II Tim. 3:1-5).
And these modern events is slipping by us too swiftly, and one day we're going to find out we'll be left behind without nothing, and be caught, sealed into the mark of the beast before we know it (Rev. 13:16-18).
Now, and with patience we have to wait for this, for the prophecies that's promised, every one of them must be fulfilled in its age (Eph. 5:25-27; Rev. 10:8-11). For It foretells us, the Author has before done this, and we wait to see Him do it again. What a time it is that we're living in, something like a calendar; you look at the calendar to find out what day of the year you're living in, and you look at God's Bible to see what age we're living in (Rev. 3:14-21). We're not living in the Methodist age, the Baptist age. We're living in the Bride age, the calling, bringing back to God through a channel that He promised to bring it back in. He promised to do it (Rev. 10:7; Mal. 4:5-6 [3:23-24]; Matt. 17:11).(Modern Events Made Clear By Prophecy” (65-1206), par. 56,60-62)
Now, it's begin to pull away, the wheat's begin to be seen. This is not a Pentecostal age; this is the latter-day age, this is the Bride Age, this is the Evening Light (Zech. 14:6-7), this is when Malachi 4 must be fulfilled to follow God's pattern; this is Luke 17:30 to be fulfilled; this is the book of Jeremiah and all the rest of them, that Joel has spoke of these days (Joel 2:28-32). This is that day. "I have heard, Lord, that It was coming, but now I see It with my eye." (Job 42:1-6).(I Have Heard, But Now I See”, par. 187 )/
Notice, living in a glare of Luther, living in a glare of Wesley, living in them glares back there, that's the reason they can't see true Light. If they would stop for a few minutes and just pick up the Bible and read It, they would see that this is Light promised for the hour (John 12:35-36).
Now, we're going to take some of these things in a minute. He promised according to Malachi 4:5-6 these things would happen. He promised all through the Scriptures they would happen.
Notice Israel also, our type, in the journey (Look.), eating manna which was their life, that give them strength, life. Is that right? Israel could not eat manna that was yesterday had fallen (Exod. 16). It was contaminated; it was rotten. It was no good for them; they'd die over it. The manna that kept them alive yesterday would kill them today. The Bible said it got germs in it, contaminated. They had to get new manna every day. Amen. And what is it? The people that live on manna of Luther, Wesley, and them back in there, you're eating contaminated stuff that's killing you spiritually. See? It's killing you dead in your traditions.
Yesterday's, Luther's manna would not work for Methodists. Methodist manna would not work for Pentecost. Pentecostal manna will not work for today. See what I mean? Every day it come day by day, fresh, and so has it to the church ages. Luther's manna was the message of justification. Wesley's message was the manifestation of sanctification; Pentecostal was the restoration of the gifts. But this is introducing the Headstone, the last day, the Bride Tree. It's contrary to all of it. And yet It's the same Light for the matured, like the same sun shine today (in December) will be ripening the grain for the harvest in July. See what I mean? But the Light today (in December) won't do any good back there in July. It's stronger; the wheat's more advanced. It's ready to take it. Amen. Certainly it is. It couldn't take it now. It can then. The season wasn't right then; it is now.
(There Is A Man That Can Turn On The Light”, par. 159-162)
And now, we found out that a slain lamb is a bloody lamb, bleeding all over. It's been slain. After It'd been slain, It'd raised again and was setting on the throne, say back in behind the throne like this, interceding for all those souls that would come. Then when the last one was here and it was completed... God still held the Book of Redemption. See? Now, He's just doing the Kinsman work now; like Boaz went down, and Ruth was just setting there waiting until Boaz... I mean Boaz done the kinsman redeeming work (Lev. 25:25-55).
Now, so Ruth was just waiting, because she'd already labored. She'd done all of these other things, but she was waiting. And then when the Church is waiting, resting, many of them, most of them in the dust of the earth (Rev. 14:13), while He's doing His Kinsman Redeem work (Ruth 2-4).
Now, He's going to show the church what He done. See? Then He just takes... But the Book is closed. No one knowed at all. They know it was a Book of Redemption on it there, but it's to be revealed in the last days according to Revelations 10. The seventh angel is going to be given the message of that, because it said that in the time of the sounding of the seventh church age--the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding. Then after it's revealed, the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ (Now remember, this angel and is on earth, a messenger). Down comes Christ (You see Him in the 10th chapter of Revelations.), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more. (The Third Seal”, Seal’s-Book pg. 234-235)
Now remember, this seventh angel (Rev. 10:7) is on earth at the time of His coming.( The Breach”, Seal’s-Book pg. 74-2; 92-1)
And this sevenfold Book of seven redemption plans has been brought to us, and that's what this Book holds. Now, we're going to get over in the 10th chapter where this mighty Angel proclaims something, and He had a little Book that John had to eat. And when he did, he got it into his belly and it was bitter, but in his lips it was sweet (Rev. 10:8-11).
When you have digest It, then It gets bitter, everybody's against you, everybody telling "You're a holy-roller, you're this, that, or the other. See, you're off your head." So it's hard to digest It; but when you're testifying of His glory, It's sweet in your lips. That's all. See? And when you stand up in a meeting, you say, "Glory to God. Hallelujah..." Oh, when you're going through that great siege, it's hard; but then when you're out of that great siege you can testify of it, then It's sweet in the lips. See? That's right. That's this Book of redemption. (Revelation Chapter 5 Part 2”, par. 100-102)
18-2 .the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. 18-3 We’re living in the age that His coming will be in. She must be identifiedin Him. Any woman must be identified with her husband, for the two are one. And Christ’s Bride has to be identified with Him, for the two are One,and He is the Word.
50-3 160. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It’s always been that Third Pull. Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural amongst human beings as was predicted, "As it was in the days of Lot."
169 129 Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. We see back yonder not long ago when that church Ages was being drawed out, we were listening. We seen it was right with the Word, beating with the Word. After while, what happened? Here He come, Himself, and vindicated it.
33-1 110 Now, the coming of the Lord is in mystery. .After it’s already been completed then He reveals, He shows what He’s done.
536-4 {77} 030 And if I only had time (I’ll try a few places.) to show you all the way back from Genesis. this Seventh Seal is spoke of.