Is there any doubt that we are living in the days like Noah's as Jesus said it would be like when he comes again? Most of the comments to your question show people aren't interested in God.
Yes, the event commonly referred to as The Rapture of the church will happen. It says so in the Bible, very clearly. Those that are written in the Book of LIfe, will be raptured. God (Jesus who is The Creator, The Supreme being, YHWH) will come for his family just as surely as He rose from the dead and rose to heaven. He'll take His bride off the earth before wrath is poured out on the earth (The book of Revelation describes it)
I don't think the Bible tells us that God will point out the anti-christ beforehand. It says that if it were possible the anti-christ would deceive even the elect.
I'll recommend some podcasts to listen to, at lwf:org that discuss what the Bible says about it.
Signs that the Rapture is very near, and the 7 year tribulation is just around the corner follow:
Christians can't set a date when it will occur, but those that serve Satan are certainly setting dates among themselves to destroy various elements of the world to bring in Satan's Messiah. They've set some dates saying they have a plan to Mark everyone in the world by 2017. That was announced in 2008 at a Bilderberg meeting of world rulers and leaders. Consider this to likely be the 666 mark predicted in the Bible. The country of India is already numbering their citizens and can quickly change that to RFID embedded chips soon enough. In the USA, health care laws go into effect in December 2012 to Mark people with some sort of embedded chip I believe. VISA credit card executive in Europe announced the world will be cashless within 5 years.
1. The Nation Israel will be in existance again, and have control of Jerusalem.
The Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon and Jesus' bodily return to earth will be completed within 70 years of Israel taking over Jerusalem. ("that generation shall not pass away.... before all these things take place.." a generation is defined in Psalms as 70 years, the average length of the generation is 51.9 years as defined in Matthew)
2. Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling for the world.
3. The world will want Israel's land, will want to take their land and give to someone else.
4. People will be perplexed about what is happening in the weather.
5. The whole world will be able to see an event occur in Israel. (television)
6. A great rise in Earthquakes, intensive seismic activity, roaring seas, Tsunamis during the time leading up to Jesus coming.
7. In the last days, knowledge will increase (knowledge is doubling every year or two now)
8. People will go rapidly around the world.
9. It'll be like the days of Noah, people are too busy for God and many won't want God in the lives.
10. The great falling away from the faith, apostasy in the church will abound, Churches falling away from preaching the gospel, tickling ears of those that attend with other stories. False and heretical teachers and preachers taking over. (Wolves in sheep's clothing, so to speak) creeping into churches promoting heresies and false teachings.
11. The ability to track everyone in the world so they cannot buy or sell without a mark IN their RIGHT hand or FOREHEAD.
12. signs in the sky, moon, stars
14. The book of Daniel states that the world will be divided into 10 regions, economic regions headed by 10 kings or presidents. Very shortly after that, the kings will give their authority to the one world ruler, the Anti-Christ., Daniel said this prophecy could not be changed. Those that rule or control the world are talking about doing this in the near future.