Nothing bad comes from God true or false? *Believers only please*?
2012-01-06 08:58:53 UTC
I'm 14 and I heard somebody say that nothing bad comes from God at the time I agreed, however now I'm not too sure....
God sent the flood? He creates earthquakes and natural disasters? Is that Him or the Earth? Is there a difference?
I am getting myself confused :S
No God haters or any spiteful comments please, thankyou (:
34 answers:
2012-01-06 09:09:40 UTC
FALSE: God is the creator of ALL--good and evil. God needs to take ownership and stop hiding behind the concept of Satan, etc. Either God is the creator, or not....can't have it both ways....
2014-05-22 08:08:15 UTC
Isaiah 45:5-7

5  I am the Lord, and there is no other,

besides me there is no God;

I equip you, though you do not know me,

6  that people may know, from the rising of the sun

and from the west, that there is none besides me;

I am the Lord, and there is no other.

7  I form light and create darkness,

I make well-being and create calamity,

I am the Lord, who does all these things.

So if God creates or lets calamity or bad things happen does that mean God does evil? No here is a link to help understand the above verses.
2012-01-06 09:11:34 UTC
At times, we judge God by looking at one aspect of a process.

Do you know that giving birth is painful? You would be quick to point out that a new life emerging into the world is the final product. If that is so, why concentrate on the C Section or excruciating pain of delivering?

You say, what about the flood, war, disease? Some are explained as the result of freedom of choice. But, is natural disaster a choice? No, it is part of a much larger process. Are people killed, tortured, treated cruelly along the way? Yes. But, in the end a more powerful good emerges from that anguished pregnancy.

As a civilization we continue to grow and develop, and our growing pains are part of it.
Ernesto G
2012-01-06 09:29:55 UTC
It depends upon your definition of "god", first of all...there are many different interpretations of what a supreme being would be depending on what religion you're taling about.

In Judeo-Christianity, it would seem that "bad" things certainly do come from "god", because in that religion, things like earthquakes, death and suffering are seen as "bad" things.

Yet, if we were to choose Hinduism---we would find that all of the various gods, whether they are at first percieved as "bad", like one that would bring an earthquake, or "good", like one that would calm the earthquake afterward, are really all just different manifestations of one larger god, Vishnu, to which there is no "bad" or "good", there is just the way that things ARE, and we understand things as "bad" or "good" just because of the way that we feel they affect us---when we are only one small part of a greater design that we don't understand.

We could do this for every religion, and we would find that it eventually comes down to our perceptions of "bad" and "good". Why is an earthquake "bad". I'm not saying that it isn't, mind you---I'm just asking, why do we SEE it as "bad"? Is it because it brings death and suffering and uncertainty? Probably. Yet, haven't death and suffering and uncertainty always been with us? Aren't they a part and parcel of life? Can we seperate them in our lives from joy, and birth and safety? And I'm not asking if you'd LIKE to seperate them, I'm asking if you CAN.

So---it gets pretty complex. Different versions of "god" provide different answers for people about the above questions. Some people don't believe in a "god" at all, yet they still have to deal with the same questions as far as what "bad" and "good" mean. Can you really judge "bad" and "good" objectively? We want to call the earthquake bad because it kills people---but have you every seen a nice pretty picture of a mountain range, like the Colorado Rockies? Any earthquake you have ever heard tell of in your lifetime isn't half of the violence and chaos that ensued when those babies pushed up from the ground. Of course, what do we mean by "chaos"? We like the mountain when it's covered with pretty flowers and we can picnic on it, but we fear it when it spews magma and dust into the air and wipes out a bunch of people. Unfortunately, we can't seperate the two. The reality is that without the magma and the earthquakes and whatever else, we don't ever get a pretty mountain to picnic on. When we say "chaos", we just mean something that doesn't fit the "order" that we assume things have that is really just our interpretation of "order". When our "order" is shown to be mistaken, then we get afraid and start to call things "bad". They aren't, really. Can you blame a rock for being a rock?

The point is, if we're going to say that there is a force which guides the universe that we don't understand, and we call it a "god", it would seem that we would have a harder time judging "good" and "bad" of that being then we would judging the rock. Our universe is what it is. Nobody ever made any promises to any of us that it was supposed to be a certain way, and it's only when we insist that it should be that we get in trouble. Both people that believe in "god" and people that don't end up doing that sometimes. It's all what it is, and if we accept, it, I guess it's all good, whether it hurts sometimes or we lose things we love sometimes or not. If we don't accept it for what it is, then I guess we end up calling the parts we don't like or refuse to accept "bad".

I hope that this answers your question.
2012-01-06 09:02:25 UTC
That depends on what you see as "bad". God brings destruction upon evil. As far as the natural disasters of the world, they are a result of the natural progression of the world. It is funny, no body ever seems to get the point that, if we were in as close of a relationship as we should be with God, he might warn us of those things in advance and give us a chance to escape their destructive power. God does protect His children from such things, and much more.

There is a story that goes like this: There was a man who lived in a house on the bank of a river. One day a Deputy Sheriff knocked on his door and told the man that a flood was coming and he needed to evacuate. The man responded, "God will save me". As the flood waters approached, he climbed to the second floor of his home. A boat approached and the man said, "Climb in and I will take you to safety." The homeowner replied, "God will save me. I'm not worried." Still, the flood waters rose higher. The man eventually climbed out onto his roof. A helicopter flew over and dropped a rope ladder. The pilot yelled, "Climb up and I will fly you to safety." The man responded, "God will save me. I don't need you." Eventually the flood waters covered the house and the man was swept away and drowned. When he stood before God he asked, "God, why didn't you save me? I placed my trust in you and you let me down." God responded, "I sent you a Deputy Sheriff, a boat, and a helicopter. What else do you want from me?" Sometimes we look for unexplainable miracles when the help of God is staring us in the face. And remember, those who trusted in God were saved from the great flood.
2012-01-06 10:09:57 UTC
Everything good comes from God. But he also gave man free will (that is a good thing, that we have free will), but then man has to deal with the consequences of their bad decisions. Natural disasters are in place because Adam's sin brought destruction and decay to creation. Thank God there is redemption in Jesus, and even healing and many other things.
Eclectic Heretic
2012-01-06 09:15:56 UTC
Read your bible, kid. Isaiah 45:7 says it all. ". . . I create evil, I, the Lord, do these things."

Evil does come from "god", these are (supposedly) the words of "god" when "god" says that "god" creates evil. So, yes, bad things do come from "god" and "god" even states that they do when "god" creates evil.

Regardless of whether ANY "god" actually "created" the earth or not, the fact is that the earth does operate on purely natural systems that do lead to earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.. The planet is what it is, regardless of how it began.

Blessings on your Journey!
4HIM- Christians love
2012-01-06 09:06:29 UTC
God takes care of His children. That is those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Savior.

Romans 8:28:And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

God does not interfere in the lives of those who do not accept Jesus. The natural disasters were set into motion by God because of the sin of the people in Noah's time. The flood. During the flood, as you can read, God caused the deep to open up and torrential rain. I believe that this was the beginning of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and it was the first time it had rained.

ADRIAN: Jesus is not a religion. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not religion. No one is better off without Jesus.
2012-01-06 09:06:23 UTC
Gautama Buddha said it is not our business to worry about god. The concept implies infinity. Man is finite, thus cannot grasp infinity. So man is wasting his time in trying to do so.

Gautama Buddha said:

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

Go for a philosophy like Science, if you want one that attempts to make sense of the universe, or Taoism, Vedanta (the Upanishads) or Buddhism if you need a spiritual perspective.
2012-01-06 09:05:30 UTC
True - everything is for our learning and spiritual growth. In that sense, nothing is bad.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Earth is a school for souls. Souls need to come to earth in the physical state to learn. In spiritual form you cannot feel pain – there is only happiness and a sense of well being. But you can’t really appreciate light unless you have seen darkness – you need to see the contrast. So souls choose to come to earth in the physical state to experience death, pain, fear, loss, hatred, cruelty, etc and thus learn the value and wisdom of love, compassion, kindness, faith, justice, freedom, health, hope, patience, tolerance, etc.

We choose our study program on earth – what learning situations and events we will face in life. In every situation, we have FREE WILL to choose to do good or bad - but with this consciousness also comes RESPONSIBILITY (karma) - we have to pay for our misdeeds (reincarnation) - no one gets away with it. We also have to put up with free will of others – these things are not chosen beforehand.

Since earth is a school, god cannot interfere and give us the answers to our exams.

Source: Books by Dr Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon
2012-01-06 09:04:03 UTC
God's ways are not our ways. We expect things to be done a certain way by God. But God may have different plans for us and to get us to line up with His will somethings may take place that we see as "bad". But in the long run they work out for our good.

Judgments like the flood seem bad but were apparently necessary.
Squashed Orange
2012-01-06 09:09:13 UTC
It's true that nothing bad comes from God. God rains on both the yin and the yang, but He's also created them both.
2012-01-06 09:04:44 UTC
The Bible says nothing bad comes from God. It also says God judges. The flood was a judgment against people who only had evil thoughts in their head continually.
80s Face
2012-01-06 09:09:48 UTC
True, but nothing good ever comes from him, just to be fair. Everything is just left to the amazing, yet merciless hands of nature and humans.
2012-01-06 09:04:46 UTC
Don't think that anything bad comes from a God, the idea of it neither, that all if one exists. It's people using it to suit their own needs (that is called religion) which causes very much of the suffering and misery in this world.
2012-01-06 09:12:59 UTC
Well...that completely depends upon your definition of "bad." God does bring judgment upon humanity, which we would see as a bad thing - but which is ultimately a good thing, as it brings justice and righteousness to all of creation.
2012-01-06 09:06:03 UTC
1. God doesn't exist.

2. The bible has caused many wars & deaths.

3. According to the buy-bull, the Christian god is a hateful, mass murderer that kills on a whim.
Melissa P
2012-01-06 09:22:26 UTC
It depends entirely on what your definition of "bad" is. God gives only good gifts to His children, but we don't always see them as good gifts.

For example: recently I have had to deal with Panic attacks. One would normally categorize this as a bad gift, because it's painful, embarrassing, and terrifying. But because I've been through this, and learned how to deal with it, I am a stronger person. The panic was seemed like a bad gift, but it gave me a great gift, the ability to be in control of my emotions and move forward in spite of fear.

Also, There is a gift he gave us that is as important as life itself: the ability to choose. He gave us life, and the ability to direct that life for good or bad. He doesn't want followers who only follow because the have to. He wants us to want to follow him, so he gave us the choice. He will not take it away. But that means we can choose things that hurt us, and we can choose things that hurt others, and they can choose to hurt us. These things that are bad do not come from God, but from our own choices.

God is also a just God. and when we make choices against him, he will punish us at times. These are bad things that come from God, but their purpose is to teach us to come back to Him and repent, so in his perspective, they are good gifts because they make us better people.

Sometimes God will give us challenges and trials, and sometimes he allows life and circumstances, ond choices give us challenges and trials. But God said in the book of Romans that all things will be turned into good for those that love God, just as my panic was turned into good, and just as natural disasters can bring out the best Christian behavior in people.

So yes, God gives us many things that seem bad, but in truth are exactly what we need to be better and happier, They are good gifts in disguise.

The best thing you can do is continue to ponder, mull over this with an eye of faith and trust in God. and He will give you understanding if you ask Him and believe.
2012-01-06 09:07:03 UTC
False. If God created the heaven and earth, then he also created the angels. Lucifer was, at one time, one of God's angels. And he is purest evil.
2012-01-06 09:04:38 UTC
Believers only?

Isaiah 45:7 (King James Version):

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
2012-01-06 09:05:16 UTC
He flooded the world and then gave the rainbow as a covenant to humanity and said he would never do it again
2012-01-06 09:25:49 UTC
God created Satan, sin etc.

Meshuggah Yam-Gazlen
2012-01-06 09:07:15 UTC
if there is only one god, and nothing exists except that which was directly created by that god, or that god permitted to be made from that creation by that creation ... then your statement is false ... bad things do indeed come from god --- where else could they come from?
2012-01-06 09:04:46 UTC
False, even if you suspend disbelief to answer this question you have to recognize that a god that created everything, created evil.
2012-01-06 09:13:41 UTC
well, technically, god is responsible for all the bad in the world....he made the devil, disease, war, etc.....this is according to your book and top leaders.....makes you wonder, huh?
The Real Pavel Bure
2012-01-06 09:01:27 UTC
Why believers only? You know all the answers your going to get! That's not looking for truth! That's looking for reassurance
2012-01-06 09:02:10 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHA you must be a theist! You better have some doubt since no gods or devils exist anywhere outside of ones properly inculcated mind! A fact not a pretend belief in god!
2012-01-06 09:02:25 UTC
if he didn't create pain, where does pain come from ? you theists say that things can't exist without a creator. that includes functions of the body.
2012-01-06 09:06:58 UTC
I know you asked that only "believers" respond to your question, Charlotte, but at your young and impressionable age, you really do need to learn that there are alternatives just outside your doorstep that will replace your dependence on the superstitions that are religion with truth and honesty and logic. Such virtues are important to learn and apply (no matter what your age).

Atheism is the only thing that can rescue humankind from the lies, hate, bigotry and fear that all religions have in common. Atheism is the truth, the way and the light. FREE yourself to be your own person on your own terms. In short, become an adult with an adult mind.

Keep in mind that I don't "hate" your god, I only want what is best for everyone and religion ain't it. And I don't think you will find anything "spiteful" in my response.

Thanks for your kind and patient attentions to my alternate viewpoint. Such exchanges can only help.
2012-01-06 09:01:09 UTC
Aside from the genocide, racial discrimination, discrimination as a whole, eternal damnation for not kissing his feet, etc etc, he's a really loving god!!
2012-01-06 09:03:52 UTC
Almost everything wrong with the world is linked to the concept of God (people take that sh/t too seriously)

WTF Fireball? Baptism of the world? that why my pastor held me underwater for over a minute when I was 7? He was tring to kill me?
blasphemous Bible
2012-01-06 09:00:36 UTC
that is false....starting with adam and eve he made them and now we are suffering today because of them.....
2012-01-06 09:02:44 UTC
2012-01-06 09:00:40 UTC

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