2011-09-09 03:42:21 UTC
As you probably know, in the parable of the talents, one man was given a talent and told to take care of it until the time came when it was to be returned. He, being afraid, buried his talent in the ground. Another was given talents, and he made conservative investments with it. The third was given talents and he went forth into the world and grew his portion so much that his investment was much larger when the time came to return the talents. He was given the original talents PLUS the income from the second man.
I see this as meaning that you came into this world with (literally) talent (a thinking mind).
Some are so afraid of defiling the talent that they keep their abilities locked up in a tiny box that is dictated to them by the church or moral values of the day. They think what they are told and do what they are told is appropriate. They learn nothing in life so have nothing to offer back to god when life is over. They have been given one talent - they are the least intelligent.
Others are conservative in the willingness to explore the potential increase in knowledge that is there for them if they choose to use their talents to their fullest potential. They follow conventional wisdom and learn little. Again, these people are ruled by fear rather than appreciation. They have little to return to the unified field of consciousness (Holy Spirit) at their death. They have been given two talents so are of average intelligence.
Then there are others who relish the abilities of their minds. They use their talents to the fullest – sometimes making mistakes – othertimes not -- but always learning much, so that even the mistakes are transformed into value in that they become knowledge. These individuals have MUCH to return to the unified field (Holy Spirit). These do not allow others to tell them what to think, do, or be because they appreciate the talents that they have been given. They were given three talents, so they are intellectually above average.
At the end of the story, the master gives to the third his portion plus the portions of the other two who did not value the talents that they were given.
How does christianity explain the parable of the talents?