The Parable of the Talents?
2011-09-09 03:42:21 UTC
I’m not a christian, so I would like a christian’s take on this understanding:

As you probably know, in the parable of the talents, one man was given a talent and told to take care of it until the time came when it was to be returned. He, being afraid, buried his talent in the ground. Another was given talents, and he made conservative investments with it. The third was given talents and he went forth into the world and grew his portion so much that his investment was much larger when the time came to return the talents. He was given the original talents PLUS the income from the second man.

I see this as meaning that you came into this world with (literally) talent (a thinking mind).

Some are so afraid of defiling the talent that they keep their abilities locked up in a tiny box that is dictated to them by the church or moral values of the day. They think what they are told and do what they are told is appropriate. They learn nothing in life so have nothing to offer back to god when life is over. They have been given one talent - they are the least intelligent.

Others are conservative in the willingness to explore the potential increase in knowledge that is there for them if they choose to use their talents to their fullest potential. They follow conventional wisdom and learn little. Again, these people are ruled by fear rather than appreciation. They have little to return to the unified field of consciousness (Holy Spirit) at their death. They have been given two talents so are of average intelligence.

Then there are others who relish the abilities of their minds. They use their talents to the fullest – sometimes making mistakes – othertimes not -- but always learning much, so that even the mistakes are transformed into value in that they become knowledge. These individuals have MUCH to return to the unified field (Holy Spirit). These do not allow others to tell them what to think, do, or be because they appreciate the talents that they have been given. They were given three talents, so they are intellectually above average.

At the end of the story, the master gives to the third his portion plus the portions of the other two who did not value the talents that they were given.

How does christianity explain the parable of the talents?
Five answers:
2011-09-09 04:01:03 UTC
I see what you are saying here. And you are right that sometimes we are afraid of our mistakes and then don't explore or invest in what we do have inside. But no-one is intellectually above average, just more courageous.

I got scared of questioning my faith when I was a Catholic as a child. Then I did question the priest in front of a confirmation class and got kicked out. I then looked around at other places. After a lot of bad experiences with religious groups, I still believe in the Bible itself and sometimes feel scared that I am seeing things in the Westcott and Hort KoineText that may have been mistranslated by all these so-called scholars (e.g. 1 Cor 11:10 and 15). Then I think, even though I love languages, I don't know enough about that language yet. What do I do? Do I go and learn it, or leave it up to the men as I am a girl and don't know if I should do anything? What if they don't though and the master comes back to me and says "What did you do with that one talent I gave you?"
2011-09-09 06:53:46 UTC
In the two parables, the ones given money or goods were in the master's household,

slaves. When we think 'slave', it is good to think about Joseph who oversaw

the treasury in Egypt. He was a slave to enemies to his people, yet he served well.

How would the slaves increase their amount? Through trading. Trading with whom?

Not with each other because that would not increase anything.

No, the slaves had to intermingle with those citizens that hated the master.

It's no different today. The world hate God, hate Jesus Christ.

So we think, how would they do that?

We want to remember that in those days, a slave was totally taken care of.

All needs were met. The slave would live in the castle, or estate, and

have access to everything there.

So, while the master was gone, we think, what did they do?

They had to produce something, something so good that even those

citizens that hated their master would want to buy from them.

In doing that, they would show who their master was to those people

who hated their master.

To the extent that the slaves were able to and focused on bringing glory

to the master, they would have increase.

When Jesus spoke, it was in practical ways, of course, for spiritual purposes,

for Jesus kingdom did not consist of meat and drink, but 'of the spirit'.

So, these slaves would have to think about 'what do the citizens need and

want?' and then they would have to sell to them even though the citizens

hated the master.

Think the citizens would know they were slaves, and where they lived and

who they served? People always know those things, don't they. In towns,

cities, that's something people know, the 'grapevine', and so imagine what

the slaves had to endure to get this done.

In selling, think it would be easy to sell to those who hated your master?

Think the slaves would have to hear a lot of negativity? Think they'd have

to 'stand up' for their master? Imagine!! This person owned the whole place!!

What delusion the citizens were under. And aren't they under this today also?

Don't they mostly all want 'another' to rule them, ie. antichrist?

Today, we serve the Lord as we minister unto a world that hates Jesus.

It brings glory to Him. What does the world need today that we have to give?

Mostly the world hate Jesus, so not interested in the good message of peace.

But because we belong to Jesus, we have a lot they want and need.

Often they can't figure out their lives, get into trouble, despair, a mess,

and we may be led to assist in some way.

We do it. We do it because we belong to Jesus Christ who will return, just

like in that parable. We don't know when, but we know He will come back.

We work for Him, not for ourselves.

But that one that hid his talent, didn't he save his life? He wasn't going to

go out there, risk his life, endure all that pain, hear all that negativity,

have to come up with answers to questions they posed.

But that slave DID remain in the household, and take everything from

his master, enjoy all the privileges of being close, of having all his

needs met.

All these 'slaves' are believers. We see that 1/3 take the privileges,

benefits and yet are enemies to Jesus Christ. We think about

satan drawing 1/3 of the stars in Revelations.

Our 'job' as a Christian is to 'not hide our light under a bushel' and

how many times do I meet people who seem totally worldly until

I will say something about the Lord or prayer and....

all of a sudden, they are Christian, and wonder if I have

been saved, start talking the bible. Yet prior to that, said

nothing, were mute, shut up, concealed their light.

So, these are spiritual lessons for people who have been

'born again', 'born from above' and not to do with intellectual

thinking which anyone in the world can do.
Tatty Tails
2011-09-09 04:02:52 UTC
Parable of the talents (Mt 25:14-30). This illustration about a man who was about to travel abroad was spoken by Jesus to four of his disciples just three days before his death, not long after which he was to ascend to heaven. It, too, is part of Jesus’ reply to the question found at Matthew 24:3.—Mr 13:3, 4.

Unlike the illustration of the minas, in which each slave was given just one mina, here the talents are given “to each one according to his own ability.” (Lu 19:11-27) The silver talent, which is apparently referred to here, would be as much as a labouring man could earn in 14 years in those days. The slaves should all have been interested in the master’s estate and so should have traded diligently and wisely with the master’s goods committed to their care. The least they should have done was to deposit the money with the bankers, so that, if they did not themselves want to increase their master’s goods, the money would not lie completely idle but would earn interest. But the wicked and sluggish slave hid in the ground the talent committed to him, thereby, in effect, working against his master’s interests.
2011-09-09 07:33:39 UTC
i don't remember who told me this many years ago, but i was told that the 'talents' in this parable are our spiritual gifts and it is referring to what we did to build up the Kingdom. in other words, it's like one other poster referred to, "hiding our Light under a bushel." what did we do for Christ? for only what we do for Christ will last.
2011-09-09 04:03:54 UTC
The teaching of Jesus were rather different from those of Paul's.

Jesus's teaching is using works to prove your worth of repentance and for rewards. Only those who followed his teaching will get salvation. You do well, you get reward accordingly. You sloth, you get punished. For example, these folks get punished...and they called Jesus "LORD".

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Mat 25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, LORD, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

Mat_19:29 And every one that hath FORSAKEN houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Mat 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but THEIR HEART is far from me.

Mat 15:9 But IN VAIN they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.