Why did god make your mother have to poo on you when you were born?
2012-07-15 15:09:15 UTC
And she almost certainly did. (Unless you were a c-section baby.)
Babies are born 100% sterile, which in today's world full of germs just waiting to kill you, is a terrible thing. We need an immune system to stick around, but newborns have literally no germs on them at birth. When your mother was squeezing you out of the birth canal, she didn't particularly have control over her bowels, and thus, you were born in human fecal matter, possibly saving your life, or at least saving you from having digestive problems.
My question is, why wouldn't god just put a few germ in the embryonic fluid with you, so you could avoid mom's poop?
Seven answers:
It's your truth, you prove it.
2012-07-15 15:13:39 UTC
I'm in the "I F'n Love Science" FB community too. I actually just saw this article today, there. ;)
2012-07-15 15:21:38 UTC
Learn your anatomy. Where you poop from is UNDERNEATH where you're born from (unless Mom is giving birth on her knees, which is unlikely), so if it happenens, which it sometimes does, there's this thing called gravity and it falls down - not up. It usually happenes during hard labor - while Mom is trying to push the baby into the birth canal. The Doctors expect it and are ready to take care of it without embarrassing the mother or contaminating the birthing area. And, while newborns are also susceptible to gravity, there's a Dr sitting there ready to catch the baby so it doesn't fall to the floor.

He's/She's got to earn that paycheck...

If Mom does poop while giving birth, it's BEFORE the baby enters the birth canal fully. When the baby is in there, the baby's body is all that can fit through the pelvic opening and it compresses any organs going through there, including the bowels/large intestines. So at the moment the baby is born, nothing else is coming out but the baby.
2012-07-15 15:16:39 UTC
Most of what you said is nonsense.

We are born with an immune system which is a genetic inheritance and it is strengthened by catching colds and things over our childhood. The idea we would die if not exposed to fecal matter is absurd.

"Ha, Jay, it's 100% fact, "

So why are your links to facebook and cracked?
2012-07-15 15:13:15 UTC
You REALLY need to do ACTUAL research, on how babies get their immune systems built up. =/ :facepalm: Did biology teach you NOTHING! And, by the way,, is not really a good, resourceful site. Haha!
2012-07-15 15:13:55 UTC
He intended it as a quick introduction to what the rest of your life is going to be like.
2012-07-15 15:11:04 UTC
Ironic that a question about poo is so full of shyt.

EDIT I don't doubt your facts. I just dispute the requirement for the discussion of this loosely based R&S question.
2012-07-15 15:11:25 UTC
C-section! Whoop!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.