Your friend doesn't "have" to tell the Pastor anything. The fact that he feels "uneasy" about telling him speaks volumes. He needs to do some major research about this organization (from both sides of the argument) and it's origins before he commits himself to them and becomes indebted to them. If he is really a Christian, hopefully he will be praying that God will lead him into knowing the truth.
Someone has replied that you don't need to inform the Pastor if you join the football club, however the football club doesn't make you say blood curdling vows, when initiation ceremonies are performed. Neither would they insist the you have having to perform the "necessary" rituals and traditions of the Mason's. I also don't think your friend would think twice about admitting he was a member of the football team.
I would ask your friend what the motive is for wanting to join freemasonary. (In other words, what can the Mason's give that he believes God can't? Or, does he simply not trust God to deliver )? My husband also wanted to join at one time (his motive was to advance his career), as he was struggling at the time and didn't have enough trust in God's help. Thankfully he never went through with joining the Mason's, after learning more about their origins and history and put his trust back in the hand's of God.
They may want you to believe in God, but they are not fussed which one you serve when you join, as they believe that all paths lead to the same God anyway...... "The Great Architect of the Universe." They undoubtably do good deeds, look out for one another, give generously to charity and care for the widows. This is what makes it soooo tempting and appealing. Does this mean it must be ok then?? Why not join any religion then, as they all do some good things too? Ultimately, it is your friends decision, only his conscience can guide him to know whether the two clash.
Edit: If I was his Pastor, I would gently and kindly explain why I believed it was not a good idea and incompatible with Christianity.
I am aware though that there are lots of Mason's within the church, who profess to be Christian's. If it came to it though, who would they be most loyal to Jesus or the Mason's?
Edit 2: This is taken from a small section from a Freemasonary website about a Freemason's obligation's:
"The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as the Volume of the Sacred Law, is always open at every Masonic meeting.
The Obligation of Freemasonry
The Obligations taken by Freemasons are sworn on or involve the Volume of the Sacred Law, or the book held sacred by those concerned. They are undertakings to help keep secret a Freemason's means of recognition, and to follow the principles of Freemasonry.
The physical penalties, which are purely symbolic, do not form part of an Obligation. The commitment to follow the principles of Freemasonry is, however, deep."
It says that the Freemason's have the bible open at every meeting. Does this prove that by having the bible open,this fraternity "must" be ok? If so, how? If it not a religious organisation, then why emphasise the "sacred book."
The next paragraph states the obligations, purely symbolic physical penalties and the deep commitment expected from a Freemason. ALL of these are contrary to the Word of God (the Bible)!
Any bible believing, faithful, obedient Christian who fully understands what is required of a man to become a Freemason, would know that it is in complete opposition to God's Word, in almost every way. (Just because someone goes to church every Sunday, or has been brought up with Christian morals, this does not mean they are a Christian) The offer of love, forgiveness, redemption, freedom, grace and mercy that Jesus gives to every man, woman and child, whether they are "respectable" or not is beyond compare. The only requirement is that they willingly choose to follow Him and that you choose to love Him and know Him personally. In contrast, Freemasonary is an exclusive collection of hand-picked respectable men, who decide and vote on who should be allowed to join their fraternity. They are politically correct, by saying any god is acceptable to worship and it is actively encouraged and welcomed. Again this is in complete opposition to the bible.
IN RESPONSE TO CL-FREEMASON. It they were obedient to God, then they would leave the Mason's immediately, no question. It is very hard to leave something/someone that you feel indebted, commited and loyal to......very, very hard indeed. Especially when you see and know all the positive things Freemasonry has to offer. How difficult would it also be, to leave all the respectable, kind, caring and loyal friends that you had made? If I had been a member for sometime and had followed the teachings and tradition's of Freemasonry, I can honestly say that I would personally find it extremely difficult to leave.
If Freemason's are not a religious organization, then why is it so important to have a faith at all? I know many atheist's who are very kind, generous and loyal friends, so why not allow them to join? If the God of the bible says there is only one God and you should serve Him alone, then why are the Freemason's saying that it is ok to serve "any" god they choose?
A Freemason may have Christian morals and agree with some of the principles of Christianity, but this does not make him a Christian You can create God to be anything you want him to be, within your own mind, especially when you perceive that you are a good person, who does good, respectable deeds within the community. What does Jesus say? Does He say this will get you into heaven? Does He say that all paths lead to God?
I respect your opinion, however from a Christian viewpoint, every thing about the Mason's is in complete conflict with the Bible. It's words can easily be twisted to suit one's particular needs, beliefs or desires. Even Satan knows the Word of God inside out. Satan even twisted it and quoted it to Jesus in the wilderness in order to try to deceive Him, whislt he was being tested. Knowing some of the bible, does not make someone a Christian.