Why does racism still exist?
Mr Devil to you
2008-03-20 04:53:18 UTC
it is funny, that in the 21st century we must degrade our selves to an animal level.
just last week i answered a question, which had this in it "slavery still existed, those black coons wanted to be slaves to the US purists, we must get over it and forget the past". (obviously this question was deleted)

To which i answered "are you treating the slavery and mistreatment of blacks as something to be forgotten in history, you sicken me".

funnily enough my response to that question was deleted before the question was, and my appeal was denied... funny.

Any stories you have to share? does racism still exist in the community?
Seventeen answers:
Hannah J Paul
2008-03-20 05:34:08 UTC
Yes racism still exists. It exists everywhere. Particularly does it continue to exist in the United States of America. The reasons are many and varied. One reason is a lack of education. To illustrate: some people feel that racism still exists because "black people are still going on about slavery." The implication here is that if black people would shut up – to a man and to a mouth – about slavery, racism would disappear overnight. Does that make sense? No. What has any of this to do with education or a lack thereof?

Most people have no idea that slavery's effect did not end when slavery did. It's effect was far-reaching and cumulative. Most people have no idea that affirmative action – or racial preferences – had its start back in the 17th century. So, in the three-party documentary "Race – the Power of an Illusion" (California Newsreel), which ran on public television a few years ago, one segment dealt with the decidedly white history of racial preferences. This racial preference ran right into the 20th century, particularly with the New Deal of the 1930's. Keep in mind that government programs and practices channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others - particularly blacks. These advantages – handed to them – grew with every succeeding generation. Whites thus had the unique opportunity to build up wealth and pass it on to the next generation while those who were discriminated against as a matter of public policy and law passed on only what they had - misery and poverty. Consider this excerpt:

"Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago. "

"One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents."

"Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves." End of excerpt.

The beginning of education is the beginning of the end of racism.

Hannah J Paul
2014-04-15 19:33:33 UTC
I can add to this. I submitted a very innocent question similar to this, and there were so many incredibly racist responses that sickened me. I could not believe it, but instead of those racist comments being deleted, they deleted my question as if I were the villain. It will not always be this way, though. We have to have hope. Yes, racism still exists, but the more that it shows, the deeper they dig their hole because eventually, karma will come around. It's proven. Look at what's already happening. White women are going with black men. White men are going with Asians and Latinas. Don't you see? For every slave they killed, they also killed their seeds. They are wiping out their entire race. Why do you think so many white women are infertile? Why do you think that they will be the minority in just a few more years? There is nothing they can do to fight this. They did this to themselves. They are a hateful, greedy and terrible race driven by power and evil. And that's ok. Everyone pays for what they do, no matter what. The longer it takes for karma to take to hit, the harder the impact will be. I patiently wait. Because it will be worth it.
2008-03-20 05:21:16 UTC
I'll probably get a bunch of thumbs down and a VN for this, but here goes.

Racism exists very strongly in the United States. Every minority group is far more racist against Caucasians than we are against them. As a nation, we have grown out of the racist era. We have laws prohibiting racism. Yet African Americans and minorities continue to rail against the white man, as if we are personally responsible for the sins of our grandfathers.

I am not responsible for someone's great grandfather being a slave. You have never been a slave. I refuse to put my hard earned money into "reparations" for something that ended well before even my grandfather was born. People that want "reparations" for American slavery are just greedy. They have the same opportunities in this day and age that anyone else does, if they choose to use them.

Why don't you tell me who is racist? Am I allowed to start a United Whiteboy College Fund? Can I start White Entertainment Television? Absolutely not. There is different standards in this country for different races. Until these standards are eliminated, I'm afraid we'll never be equal. People need to stop making a big deal over the comments of a few rednecks and old men. Racism can die with our parents generation.

If we let it.

Sometimes if you ignore your problems they DO go away.
2008-03-20 05:06:35 UTC
It does still exist but it isn't just black racism. That racism ebbs and flows with those who were of that era and their offspring who have been taught that type of social behavior.

Perhaps when the generation that still had separate drinking fountains, segregated lunch counters and the need for civil rights marches, passes on, we can forget that discrimination as a part of our society.

However there is now a racism towards Hispanics. In both cases the racism has a very deep economical tie, labor, be it free labor as in slavery or cheap labor of Hispanics.
2008-03-20 05:02:38 UTC
I sometimes wonder if the people who put the racist garbage on here would dare to admit such feelings to people face to face. It really is sickening how much of it you see on Yahoo Answers.

To answer your question, I think racism still exists in people who are ignorant and choose not to educate themselves. Some people (though not all) also tend to be racist if their parents were.

Then there are people like this woman I know (she is white) who is an ardent supporter of Barack Obama and yet she can say some horrible racist things about hispanics. Go figure...
2008-03-20 05:10:56 UTC
Racism still exists because legal separation has only been abolished relatively recently. That means that old people still have the mind-set of "different = bad", and have passed that attitude down to their children. It could be many generations before people are educated enough to forget the ignorance of our ancestors and accept that everyone should be treated equally.
2008-03-20 05:19:24 UTC
Racism is a spirit, an evil one at best. While physical slavary was abolished by Presiden Lincoln in US and Wilberforce in UK, the mental slavary is more difficult and sometimes is outside the bounds of the law.

In ancients, it was realised people comes in different shades of skin complexion, but it was never been flagged up as a racial issue. It was until the last few hundred years a misconception was conceived to regard black as an inferior group of humans. It was such a misconception that people began to think there are different types (in contrast to class) of human and thus give rise to racism.

Such unfortunate misconception led to the mistreatment of certain groups of people. There is no such thing as a 'purist'. Different people with different skin intonation (even the whotes) at some stage of history may have arised due to mixing with other people of different tribes...

Going back to mental slavery. It is more difficult to break the mold becuase of the society subconcious suppresion on certain people, who in turn do not have a role model to look to and their parents were subjected to poignant memories of rejection and thus passing on such perception to siblings... Furthermore, these people become generally poor and under-previleged. It is a vicious cycle difficult to break.

The sad thing is that I do know quite a few of the blacks that are extremely intelligent but were unfortunately being 'kept' at school so that they can achieve only at a certain level. Subsequently, mental slavary and grudges arise and you have the vicious cycle again.

What we need is not just laws to safeguard one's right, but total annihilation of the misconception of race-superiority at the society wide and nation wide. Unfotunately, such is difficult to come by because there are now countries at war (don;t just finger point at US only) becuase one thinks theirs are better than the other.
2008-03-20 05:24:33 UTC
Tabitha - people like you are the reason things like racism exist. your Jesus died 2000 years ago, and you along with all your like minded people are gonna wait for him to return to put the world right?? How long you gonna wait? 10 years? 100 years 10,000 years?? What, do absolutely nothing to make a change till he returns? Wake up, he isn't coming back. Its time we all took responsibility for our actions and us as individuals made a change. Racism isn't acceptable.
Bill F
2008-03-20 07:13:01 UTC
Let's see. Black people complaining about racism? Who would ever do such a thing to them? Okay, get over it! In this life you have one of two options for every time something bad happens to you:

A: Get even, forget all your little, turn the other cheek BS and just get even and be happy.

B: Lie down and take it. Resign yourself to the fact that these people are better and stronger and live with it.

Bottom line, quit complaining and move on with your lives.

It bothers me that black people still have the stigma of slavery engraved in their mind. YOU WERE NOT SLAVES!!! your ancestors were, What are you doing to better yourself and redeem their pain and suffering? What about Hispanics? They are still being mistreated, but you know what? We keep your head down, take advantage of everything we can and run with it. So stop complaining and move on to something useful, like teaching your kids that Rappers are fake and that is not the life you want for them.
2008-03-20 05:05:06 UTC
We (as a society) have learned not to say things out loud, but the root of the racism are still there. It stays hidden until something like O.J., or Obama's pastor come up.

I'm amazed at people who say stuff, and don't think it's racist. We definitely need a national education.
2008-03-20 11:20:52 UTC
it is funny, that in the 21st century we must degrade ourselves to an animal level.... What the hell are you talking about?

I have never seen a dog or any other animal treat another animal different because of it's color. Then again I never saw an animal whine about how it's being treated by another animal either.
2008-03-20 04:58:23 UTC
Yes racism does exist. It exists in every community. Even if it is as simple as somebody asking you if you are an athlete because you happen to be a black man in college.
2008-03-20 05:04:56 UTC
If you just read the first sentence of this, then don't read the rest, and then just give me a thumbs down, then you are a DAMN fool.

Racism still exists because black people are still going on about slavery. Think about it.

For instance, when I was a little girl of about 7, one of my best friends mother was black. When I went to her house, and saw her mother, I didn't see a difference, I didn't even have any questions on why her skin colour was different. She was just my friends mother. I didn't think anything, or that she was different, or worried that she had a different culture to my family. Nothing. She was just Mrs. Potter. Friendly lady who gave me nice fruit juice, who had a pretty laugh.

When I got old enough, I began to realise racism existed. Not because I saw a difference, not because I saw people being racist, but because I saw news bulletins and programmes about how racism is wrong.

What I am getting at is, if people STOP GOING ON ABOUT IT, and they STOP BLOODY B****ING ABOUT IT, then maybe if we can't save this generation, we can save the next. I regret the day I knew about racism. Racism sickens me. It's so bloody pointless.

I am just as resentful to black people who go on about how they are badly treated in this day and age, and who still go on about slavery, as I am resentful towards white people who still seem to think there is a difference.

They are just as bad as each other in my eyes. Awful, animalistic, boring, greedy humans. No matter WHAT their colour.

No, black people arn't treated worse than white people. Infact, most places they are treated better. No, black people arn't different from us, and shouldn't be a target for some stupid red neck hick to b**** about.

Get over bloody racism already. Save the next generation, as this one is doomed. Get over slavery, just as white people have to learn to get over the fact that we don't have white pride days, special scholarships or white-only awards ceremonies for white musicians.

It works both ways my friend.

Bless you.
2008-03-20 05:05:49 UTC
Racism, along with every other sin you can think of, will continue as long as people aren't perfect. As soon as they become perfect (when Jesus returns) than racism will cease to exist. Until then, don't hold your breath.
2008-03-20 05:02:17 UTC
racism still exists because there are always going to be people outtheir who have their own insecurities and therefore feel as though they have to be prejudice towrds other people.
Dolphin-Bird Lover8-88
2008-03-20 05:00:46 UTC
Because not many parents and teachers are teaching youngsters respect towards other races and religions.
2008-03-20 04:59:15 UTC
Xenophobia is deep-rooted in human nature.

Racism is just one of the many symptoms.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.