Why arent we seeing new species? atheists and theists?
Hi Ari ~
Your summation:
Could it be this planet has reached its end? Because all we are really seeing is species after species decline and go extinct?
The 'time of trouble' that earth has never seen before,and will never see again is looking us directly in our eyes. . . you can feel it 'sniffing' the back of your neck . . . it is ready to put it's tongue in our ears.
All the 'religion' (organized non-profit assemblage) in the world can't and won't stop it . . . but 'that' judgement will begin there; hot on it's heels will be including 'all of the rest' of mankind.
Just like the day's of Noah.
May be that in these last moments before 'kick off'' some will actually perceive the solution that will 'exempt' them from the 'pain' (and there will be incredible pain with it)
The solution: Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.Receive the Spirit of God. (that's period)
I'm not talking about 'repentance' from drugs, rock n roll, sex, and being a money dreaming hog . . . etc.etc. blah. blah. blah.
I'm talking about seeking God Himself . . . from the 'realm' of the Spirit of the Law . . . and quickly learning how to separate yourself from seeking God by using the "Letter of the Law" . In a nutshell, that is what believing in the Son of God totally points to.
Is this a WARNING? ... Yep, it is.
I've got no bones to pick with anyone. No smack talk; and I'm not trying to prove this is the superior answer to anyone.
It is what it is . . . it's from my gut level holy instinct; the very bottom of my heart and soul. No arm twisting, No phony stuff. Take it for what it's worth.
A new species? No . . . An extinction of mortal mankind ? In it's correct perspective ~ Yes
In Truth,