As Jesus continued to live, he didn't "really" die for our sins. So why do Christians lie?
2014-01-03 21:08:16 UTC
They lie and say Jesus "died" for our sins.

They also say "Jesus is God". God (thus Jesus) "KNEW" Jesus wasn't "really" dead and would be up and running around in a matter of hours.

Just more Christian LIES, LIES and LIES.
Twelve answers:
2014-01-03 21:15:32 UTC
A lie is a willful deception - Prove those claiming these things don't actually believe them but are deliberately intending to deceive..

Larry ...... learn the meaning of "sarcasm". Look it up in a dictionary. I realize that as a fundie Christian you don't like reading ..... but try. Just buy a dictionary. Believe it or not, education is actually good for you.

2 minutes ago

I guess a group that has been around 2500 years and has never garnered acceptance by more than 1 in 10 people in all that time does not have much to offer besides sarcasm... If they did the would probably be more widely accepted rather than being just a fringe group of sarcastic idiots! [what do you think, am I getting the hang of sarcasm?]
Lion Jester
2014-01-03 21:42:37 UTC
they are all self professed sinners, so what can one really expect. If a sinner is willing to LIE and DEFY their OWN god, what makes ya think they will be more virtuous with humans?!? Proverbs 1:10 if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.

380CE Theodosius reinforces Damasus I's decree and makes it illegal for believers to question church doctrine.

380 CE Theodosius condemns unbelievers as "demented and insane" and orders they "be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by retribution of our own initiative".

Pretty much all the core principles of Christianity are listed in the Laws of God (Deuteronomy and Leviticus) as ABOMINATIONS to their OWN god.

According to the idolatry law any form of god other than the 'burning bush which is not consumed' is an idol-so no father, no son, ONLY SPIRIT. Deut 4:15-16 You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman,

Human Sacrifice as a sin offering is also an ABOMINATION. The second step of the sin offering ritual the sinner needs to actually eat a piece of their sinless offering to bring that quality within themselves. Deut 24:16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.

Offering up a sacrifice any where other than the Temple Mount or a Tent of Meeting is also an ABOMINATION. Lev 17: 8-9 "Say to them: 'Any Israelite or any alien living among them who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice and does not bring it to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting to sacrifice it to the LORD -that man must be cut off from his people.

Christians attempt to satisfy the consumption aspect with their ceremony of ritualized cannibalism (communion), though the consumption of blood is an ABOMINATION to god. Leviticus 7:22/ Hos 7:14/8:13, Communion---ABOMINATION

Deuteronomy 13/ Matthew 23:15, Converting People—Abomination

The only 'evidence' we have of the 'jesus' are the biblical gospels, and even those don't always agree on his life or death. Christians don't even use the real name of their 'savior' but rather an English translational representation. If the 'jesus' was real, why not use his real name or celebrate his actual birthday?

If one takes in account Roman Law in occupied Jerusalem in the first century CE, anyone that creates any form of civil unrest is to be arrested and killed--no trial, no meeting with the synod, no meeting with the governor---just death.

Under the Laws of Sacrifice is Leviticus, the accounts of the 'jesus' crucifixion would have been tainted and not allowed. A perpetual sin offering for future offenses would have needed no less than 12 Priests of Aaron present for all the necessary rituals.

Egads, that's alot and only the tip of the 'iceberg'. Sorry, I was on a roll. if ya need more, just email me.
2014-01-03 21:22:21 UTC
Jesus really was dead. When the man put the spear in Jesus' side blood and water came out. Scientists now know that this happens only when someone is dead. There is a scientific term for it. So, Jesus was dead, and science proves it.
2014-01-03 21:27:05 UTC
I used to question that "died" thing. I believe that Xians mean that he died in human form.

He did go into the 'deal' knowing he really wouldn't die, just suffer a tad and that would save humankind....too bad all living things still continue to suffer and die...thanks for nothing dude.
2014-01-03 22:27:25 UTC
Jesus was brutally executed - he died. That his blood had separated (which happens about 3 hours after death) is proof of this.

He was brought back to life later - proof of life after death. A very real, and in his case, an entirely unpleasant death.
2014-01-03 21:15:21 UTC
You're thinking Penal Substitution. And you're right; it's illogical. But that isn't among the theories of atonement found in the scriptures. Ultimately, any of the explanations of how the atonement works are limited by our infant-level intellects, so none of them are perfect -- but Penal Sub is the worst.
Steve B
2014-01-03 21:20:00 UTC
It wasn't hours later, it was DAYS later. The Roman centurion stabbed him in the side with a spear and proved his death.
sylvia c
2014-01-03 21:25:37 UTC
we arent lying it is just you are walking in unbelief. Adam and eve sinned and fell from grace and sin and death entered the world, they lost touch with the Lord God, as now sin seperated them from God. God looked for someone to counter effect this and there was no man, so Christ who was with the Lord God at the beginning of creation said "Lo I come to do Thy will" It is written of me in the book of Psalms" So christ chose the lowly womb to make His entry into the world, made the Lord G-d of Isreal known to us by His Word, and actions. satan knowing whom He was tried to make Christ bow down to him, but Christ did not give into temptations so the leaders of the church being jealous of His popularity sought to kill Him, It was their jealousy, their hearts were not right witht the Lord,as they taught the people the commandments, but did not keep them themselves. So they trumped a charge against Christ to have him crucified as scripture and the prophets had to be fullfilled. so Christ stood in the breach for us, taking on the wrath of God for our sinfull ways, and we receive forgiveness when we come with a contrite heart and broken spirit, when we confess our sinfull ways, and ask forgiveness in the name of Christ as God looks on us once again with favour when we make Him an offering for our sins. He also conquered death for us the last enemy to be destroyed and regained the keys to heaven, So by looking to Him, putting all your trust and faith in Christ He will lead us also through the valley of death, when it is our time to pass over. Glory and thanks be to God for offering us His Son christ whom God has exalted and now sits at His right hand.
2014-01-03 21:09:20 UTC
Jesus was an avatar – a highly advanced soul who incarnated on earth to teach us about love and what god really is.

“Yeshua ben Joseph, whom you call Jesus of Nazareth, is a great God, just as you are a great God. But he is not the only son of God; he is a son of God. He was a man who became God, just as you will become God.

What did Yeshua teach? That he is the son of God, and indeed he is. But he also openly proclaimed that everyone is also a son of God. He taught nothing other than that. Everyone is God expressing his perfection as man. And what good would it be for the father to have so many children who are imbeciles and only one who is perfect? It would not be a very good reflection on the Father. Yeshua is your brother, not your savior. He was a man who had God within him, just as you have God within you.

Yeshua lived on this plane at a time when man did not love man, when man was in bondage to man, and love was not held in high regard. But Yeshua exemplified love for everyone. It was that same love that would foster his being hailed savior of the world, for he brought love to this plane where very few expressed it and he gave it openly to everyone.

He also brought the teaching that the Father is not a God of judgment and retribution but an all-loving God of mercy, grace, and compassion. Unfortunately, that understanding has been greatly altered throughout history and through the writings of those who very much failed to understand the simple teaching of this immaculate soul.

Yeshua loved. That was his great and magnificent gift to mankind. And he openly proclaimed that the source of that love was the Father that lived within him, the same Father that lived within all people. What gave Yeshua the freedom and power to embrace all humanity was that he knew that the Father and he were one and the same. He peeled away all the illusions that caused him to live an hypocrisy, and by doing so he expressed completely the Father that lived within him. In that, Yeshua became a Christ: man expressing wholly as God; God expressing completely in man. That is what the term Christ means: God/man, man/God. A Christ is anyone who realizes that he is God and then lives that truth.

The only difference between Yeshua and you is that Yeshua understood the principle of God within man and then he lived that principle completely. For that, he is indeed a grand entity. But you are also a grand entity who possesses the same nobleness and the same love to become what he became. YESHUA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SAVING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE.

Through the realization that he was God living on Earth, he became the savior of himself, who then taught others how to be their own salvation through the God within themselves. He taught everyone, "What I have done, all may do, for the Father and you are one. Your kingdom is not of this place. The kingdom of heaven is within you." And he spoke not of hell; he spoke of life and its beauty.”

Ramtha – J Z Knight
2014-01-03 21:13:34 UTC
jesus did die though..& he was put into a tomb owned by joseph abarimathea...or however the heck its spelled...

google for such bible verses about it.
2014-01-03 21:14:56 UTC
He was dead, then he came back to life.
2014-01-03 21:12:33 UTC
Are you okay?

You're welcome.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.