The Baha’i Faith, is it all just about money?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
The Baha’i Faith, is it all just about money?
Fifteen answers:
Speaker of the house
2012-10-18 19:54:55 UTC
It's still a faith of Satan. Just because you keep your money within yourself doesn't mean a thing so does Islam for the most part. The immorality that goes on with many of the members is just like what went on in the 60s with the hippys. And the put the name of caring on it. They are a dangerous false religion because they claim to be "Christian," but they are not. And they want to bring a one world false religion to this world.

It is an offshoot cult of the cult of Islam.

While we can appreciate some of the teachings, the hippys had their philosophers too. They are still adding to the immorality of the world with their claims of being neutral on much badness just like the 60s brought in more corruption.

The infallible Shogi Effendi declared that Christ did not rise from the dead -- thereby invalidating 2000 years of Christianity. This is false, and directly contradicts the Gospels. And Christians should be no part of people teaching this because they like them

To accept the premise of Bahu'llah, I would have to accept the equality of islam to Christianity, and this is impossible. Allah is a false god, a monotheistic artifice of the head of the pagan Arab pantheon. Islam is a cult and a scam, designed solely to place Mhammad the pirate in a position to have more sex, power and money. The teachings of Islam are diametrically opposed to Christianity, and the differences are irreconcilable. To accept B'Hai as legitimate, I would have to accept Allah as the God of Jesus. If Allah is a being, he is more akin to Satan than YHWH. I refuse to be in the presence of Allah, therefore I have to reject Bahu'llah.

Jehovah God or Allah, you cannot follow both. Shame that some think you can
Baseball Player
2012-10-18 23:17:25 UTC
They are as much about money as most other churches are. They use theirs to benefit their teachings

And as Satan filled as most are who do the same

The very same way the others are, the differences you say make little difference in how they are. They encourage tithing.

every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Matthew 7:17 -18

They have elected assemblies which is like clergy

They hold that God Himself is impersonal and unknowable. He can only be perceived indirectly through the reflection of his Manifestations - Jesus being ONLY ONE of these NINE, in no manner superior to the other eight.

Baha'is deny that man fell through Adam from his original spiritual and moral state. They affirm that no one is "essentially" bad or evil, but merely imperfect. God's word the bible tells us different. That there is bad and evil. Sins are characteristics of the lower, baser plane of nature, and education brings deliverance from them. Baha'u'llah taught that men ought not to confess their sins to one another, for this would lead to humiliation and abasement, which he taught, are contrary to God's will.

In contrast, the Bible says...

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. [James 5:16]

Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which Christianity rests - not one of several manifestations as Baha'is insist.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [John 14:6]

Concerning salvation, Baha'u'llah said, "Whoso keepeth the commandments of God shall attain everlasting felicity." And Abdul Baha stated that there is no sin-atoning value in Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. The basic of Christianity.

The Central conflict between Baha'u'llah's concept of salvation and the biblical revelation on the subject is best shown in where Baha'u'llah stated: "Every age has its own problem, and every soul its particular aspiration. The remedy the world needeth in its present day afflictions can never be the same as that which a subsequent age may require." In contrast to this, the Bible teaches that the one universal problem of man throughout the ages is sin, his state of moral guilt and consequent alienation from God. Thus the one remedy - the only possible remedy for mankind's dilemma - is the death of Jesus Christ for our sins, a sacrifice sufficient to save all who turn to Him for all time as God tells us in Hebrews

I can't think of a more direct contrast to God's teachings than the Baha'i faith.

Sure they appeal to the people. People become less accountable to God than. They teach man can govern themselves

The doctrine of Divine Manifestations is the central plank of Baha'i theology. Through this doctrine Baha'is are able to take seemingly amiable positions toward members of the major world religions, for each of their founders were manifestations of God and thus each religion has a measure of truth. On the same premise Baha'is draw converts from other religions, for, they insist, the other religions were for other ages while the religion of Baha'u'llah is for today. To follow it in no way will conflict with one's native faith, for there is truly only one faith in mankind's history, best represented now by the Baha'is.

God has revealed His Word in each period of history through a chosen Individual whom Baha'is call the Manifestation of God, or Messenger of God. That is not what the bible teaches.

I don't find them any better than most of the world in fact in many ways worst. They use their money to promote these false teachings. They deny the one true God and his purpose for mankind. Making God and Jesus a liar.

To support this faith is to support Satan's ideas
2012-10-18 16:30:05 UTC
I don't throw out accusations until I have cold, hard facts. Therefore, I would not say that about your religion.

If you want to know if there is any financial scandal connected with the Bahai, google the words "Bahai" and "financial scandals" and see if anything comes up.
2014-08-24 06:41:56 UTC
Being a Baha'i means to love all humanity. Contributions to the Baha'i Fund are made in a spirit of sacrifice. If a woman who has only ten pounds gives a goodly portion of that amount, she does so in a spirit of sacrifice. Is someone who has a million pounds gives one one hundred pounds, there really isn't much sacrifice here. In the eyes of God, it is the woman who receives His blessing. All things need money. The human body needs food. Food is purchased with money. For me to contribute funds to the Baha'i Faith is a great joy. It always makes me feel good when I do so. Only the elected treasurer knows the amount. Those who are wholesome in spirit, who are trustworthy and honest, who love humanity, who love God, who live in harmony with all religions, who pray and meditate daily, who obey the laws of God, who strive everyday to grow spiritually, these are real people. They are heroic.
2012-10-18 19:44:09 UTC
I have been a member of the Baha'i Faith for about 28 years. If it's about money, I would have been kicked out a long time ago; I barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. All contributions are completely voluntary and we don't accept contributions from non-members. All contributions are confidential; no one knows who contributed what except whoever has the role of treasurer at the time and they keep that information to themselves. We have members who are very wealthy and others who have hardly any money at all. I never felt like wealthier Baha'is were looking down on me. I don't see how that could be described as "money based."

Sure, all organizations, religious and otherwise, need money to run. Even non-profit organizations require money.
2012-10-18 16:49:37 UTC

I did born in a Baha'i family and grown as a Baha'i, and left the Baha'i faith after seen a great deal

of corruption and lies. Yes it is a "cult", it is about the "money" and it is very corrupt.

On you comment that says, there is no clergy in Baha'i faith, I should answer that instead there are

ARMY of minders of worse than clergy in this "cult" [i.e, LSA, NSA, auxleiry broad memebers, this committee and that committee, ICT etc etc ...]

I will debate you anywhere you like!

@STAR T - regarding the hughog ulla - it is Baha'i tax. Please mention about "grave snatching" baha'i frauds too. The land in Hiafa still is on dispute between baha's children and family.

Abdu-baha & shoghi fight all thier life with his brothers and family over the money, what you talking about man ?
2016-03-17 05:37:14 UTC
My answer goes to Synthia - I have been reading all ur replies on questions on bahai faith. it is always same. please do not have so much of hostility. one person does not make the whole faith. and yes Baha'u'llah says he is the prophet after Muhammad when Muhammad has said he is the last one. but Muhammad also said that he will come back. As did Jesus, Krishna and other manifestations of the past. and we believe that Baha'u'llah is the return of all these prophets. maybe this is b.s. for you, but for others, it is their belief. plse drop all that hatred u have - it will hurt u only - it will not stop others to follow the religion. know why? because religion is only and only a matter of heart, not a college assignment.
2015-05-03 19:27:44 UTC
Bahai s can t give money to the poor. End of story.
Badi Joojai
2012-10-19 07:59:19 UTC
1. Baha'i faith does not accept money from Non-Baha'is - Totally False, It does asks monetary concessions from various governments. It has taken Military land from Israel for FREE (which was nothing but the usurped land of poor Palestinians). It has taken concessions from Indian government for building Lotus Temple and also taken concessions from Zionist tyrant state of Israel. It has taken Various Tax Exemption Certificates from various countries where this cult is registered under the COMPANIES ACT. Its symbols are registered as COMPANY TRADEMARKS. It forces certain individuals to pay money while begs from certain individuals to pay the religious dues.

If you know persian please see this :

And this also

2.Baha'i faith is a cult

See this

3. About various Baha'i sects and guardians

see this

4. About Baha'i scams and scandals see this

5. About Various Court Cases with Haifan Baha'i denomination see this

6. About Baha'i Culture see this

7. More info that deceptive Baha'is hide from normal people, see this
Star T
2012-10-18 17:31:33 UTC
Maybe some individuals read the following which is a bit controversial:

"Huqúqu'lláh, the "Right of God", is a law which requires Bahá'ís to pay 19% of their surplus net-worth (i.e. those things that they do not need to live comfortably), after the discharge of all debts. The sum is calculated annually however it is paid only if the annual net worth amount increases - if their net worth stays the same or decreases the amount of Huqúqu'lláh is zero.

Payment is an individual spiritual obligation, and is seen as a spiritual bounty to bring the individual closer to God. No Bahá'í can be solicited for it, and the contribution is confidential and a personal matter. The money collected is used by the Universal House of Justice for such things as the promotion of the religion, the upkeep of properties, and general charity.

Bahá'ís are also expected to make financial contributions to Bahá'í funds. However, contributions are strictly confidential, including whether or not a believer makes one, and is up to individual discretion. Donations are never solicited, and contributions are not accepted from non-Bahá'í sources."

I myself was wondering if the people of the Bahai faith volunteers to help out in disaster areas or they just help monetarily?

Personally, I found that the Bahai teachings have a lot of similarities with most churches of the world. Therefore Bahai faith well is just another faith.

But what saddened me about people on R& S is the fact that they spend a considerate amount of time preaching or promoting their religions and pointing fingers. How about God's message? On the back burner? Let's give God glory (Rev 4:11)

I hope your health has improved following dr orders.
2015-08-13 11:00:42 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


The Baha’i Faith, is it all just about money?

In response to a question I asked a few hours ago, someone stated that “Baha’i really is just a money-based cult….” Rather than respond there, I decided to make it the subject of a completely new question. The following are facts. Baha’is never pass a collection plate. If someone who is not an...
2012-10-20 00:12:21 UTC
Glutten is certainly full of anger and makes me wonder why but many are on this section, sadly. If it starts getting to me, I stop answering those sorts of questions. I enjoy going over into the other categories too. People do appreciate truth even through all the ugly stuff.

I didn't know that donations could not be made by non-members. It seems a little odd to me because I know charities of all sorts will take everyone's money. I think most religions do but some emphasize it more than others, naturally. We as Jehovah's Witnesses do accept them to further the Worldwide Education work that is being done. Though I will say many times we are a little shy to ask for them when we leave literature. Then there are those that often give us a few dollars to be put in the contribution box. There is no plate passed around. I can honestly say there isn't even a mention of a percentage that should be donated by us. We do periodically have a brother on the platform give us an accounting of what our beginning balance was then what expenses were paid out. In a discreet area in the back of the congregation there is a box. I guess you could say two boxes because one is for our local congregation and one is for the Worldwide Ministry. I know that some will write a check each month just like they are paying their utility bill. It is easy to forget to give a contribution.

I do not know that much about your religion but you do have a few very thought provoking answers. I would like to come up with a couple questions on your religion and Islam as well. There are some things that are not in harmony with the Scriptures. :)
2015-10-02 01:06:59 UTC
Let s do a little math and see:

The Baha i World Centre project cost in excess of US$300 million.

Worldwide, there are about 6-7 million adherents according to the Baha i sources. Less than 1.4% are active (meaning they attend meetings, vote or contribute to the Baha i funds). This means the Baha is have relied on donations from a total of 98,000 people at a maximum to build these buildings. That makes it an average donation of $3,061 per person. The trouble is that most Baha is are poor and live in the poorest countries of the world. In addition to those buildings, the Baha is have built mega-temples in several countries and they spend annually hundreds of millions of dollars on 19 day gatherings, weekly meetings, firesides, summer schools, annual conventions, national conventions and international conventions and assembly meetings and seminars and the list goes on. Then there is a huge army of paid evangelists and costly to maintain Councilors and Auxiliary Board Members and Assistants.

I d have to conclude that yeah.... this about money..
2016-11-15 08:18:44 UTC
Bahai Religion Facts
2017-01-01 17:13:07 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.