It is not a "death" card, "Le Pendu", is the "hanged man", it does not always mean death, in the literal sense, it depends on the layout in use, it can also mean a journey, or a great change, (i.e. the end of a way of life, presaging a new era for some), do not read into this, more than it is, it all is a matter of interpretation, dependent on the layout, and the current events in a life, it simply is not true that it means death, at all, this is a science fiction interpretation of the card for the movie people, who so love drama, Tarot cards need to have a question asked at a "reading", the result is that the question is asked silently, (in your head) as you shuffle the cards, and then pass them, to the reader, who should not be told what was being asked of the cards, the interpretation is supposed to be unbiased, in these circumstances, and the choice of the matter of layout, is dependent on the reader, different layouts, need to be read, in a different way for each,
But the matter of appearance of the particular card is down to chance, and it appearing twice is actually a lot more likely than a normal deck of cards, depending on the Tarot used, a "Swiss Tarot",( the "original" is actually a far smaller number of cards than most, containing only the "picture" cards), and is commonly used for divination, but a "Full Tarot" has 72 cards, and a Tarot never foretells of a death, just a "life change", in the hands of a master reader, they are really quite interesting results, but few fully understand how to do such a reading, and my suggestion is, that you treat this as a game, nothing more, than a toy, for amusement, I was taught how to read some years ago, and have frequently given many "accurate" readings, but I always say that this is done for no other reason, than entertaining people, but I have even astonished myself, sometimes, with these readings....
But I have never seen an interpretation, that leads me to believe they are any more than coincidence, or the ability to read peoples worries, ( I have spent a lifetime of work at a Poker table, (33 years in fact), and have got used to much of peoples behavior, in that time), however much I do it, I do not believe they are anything but a toy......and you should too...........