SORRY for the length but is does answer your question in detail.
This is a depiction of the Mohammadan invasion of Europe, the 4th world empire of Daniyl 2.
Here is a trac I wrote on the subject a while back, there is another on the Seals if you search the questions:
In this article it is intended we share some thoughts on the 7 Trumpets of Revelation chapters 8 through 11. As with the article dealing with the Seals, it will be a very brief examination, only highlighting, at best, the subject matter. If you do not have the article, "The Seals of the Book of Revelation" it is strongly suggested you get a copy and that it be read prior to this article. The science of prophetic studies, or eschatology, in use in this article is racial, national, Historicism, as opposed to Dispensational Futurism, and Preterism, these being "private interpretations" of Jesuit priests, the differences and origins of which are highlighted in the article on the Seals.
The Trumpets of Revelation were fulfilled, for the most part, many years ago, though not through the Preterist's perspective. Since the final Trumpet has 7 Vials included in it, only most of which have been fulfilled, it cannot be asserted that the final trumpet is actually completed. Much like the last Seal contains the 7 Trumpets, and as such, are not 100% fulfilled, due to the continued connection. This continuation of events depicted in the very way Revelation is put together suggests a consecutive series of events depicted in the symbolic writing. The Book of Revelation given to the true believers was to, over the period of the "last days" of prophetic timing, educate the believer as to the progressive events leading up to the destruction of the last opposition kingdom to Yahweh's Dominion Mandate given to Adam and his birthright lineage. It is a calendar of events leading to the return of Yahshua and the manifestation of the fullness of the Kingdom on earth, the Age of Jacob. As this article is written, we are in the end of the time of the sixth vial of Revelation 16 and the Spirits like "frogs" are, and have been for a time, "croaking", gathering the nations for a battle. Soon Babylon will fall with the seventh vial, possibly within our lifetime.
Remember, Revelation is a symbolic writing. The symbols will usually have secondary witnesses in Scripture defining their meaning. True Believers possessed with the true Testimony of Yahshua, which is the true Spirit of Prophecy, are the ones the war, spoken of in Scripture, is waged against, for we keep the commandments of Yahweh and have this Testimony of Yahshua, the Spirit of Prophecy. Because of this Spirit of Prophecy, which is strictly a gift and cannot be boasted of, we can identify the Adversary forces, and they tend to not like being identified. Most "churches" teach against the commandments of Yahweh and do not have the Spirit of Prophecy, no Testimony of Yahshua. The Adversary forces are not at war with those, for they already are in the grip of the Adversary, and are actually part of the Adversary's forces. If you are involved with such an assembly you may want to consider leaving, as commanded in numerous passages. John was being shown things in symbol that would shortly begin to come to pass. To take all the text he has provided us and assign it to a time frame some 2000 years in the future, as the Futurists do, is erroneous. The Preterist will tell you it all came to pass in a matter of a couple of years leading up to and including 70 AD, which would leave us with no prophetic picture since that time. So far, over a period of two prophetic "days", or 2000 years, much of Revelation has "shortly" came to pass. The historical consecutive fulfillment of events symbolized in Revelation is a fact not to be overlooked if one is to understand where we are in Yahweh's calendar of events, or His plan. When the Reformers began proclaiming who this book of Revelation was pointing at, old false teachings were revived and expanded by the Jesuits. The Jesuits are the ones that promoted Futurism in the messages of J. N. Darby and his "Brethren" and even the Schofield Reference Bible, with its "rapture" damnable heresy. If one check the original source from which these writers received their doctrine, they will find Jesuit Emmanuel Lacunza writing under a pen name "Rabbi Ben-Ezra" and before him a Jesuit Riberia .
As we progress through the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials it is undeniable what system and area is being targeted by the wrath of Yahweh. The Seals were events that transpired in the territory of the Roman Empire primarily, yet also included events as they effected the remnant of believers, true and Scriptural genetic stock Israyl. The Trumpets start within the last Seal of Revelation 8. The first four Trumpets basically describe four major historical events which brought down even further the Western Roman Empire via the Visi-Goths, Vandals, Attila the Hun, and Heruli. The final three Trumpets are described as woes and of those three, the final Trumpet has the 7 vials, most of which has came to pass already as well and are dealt with in a different article.
Rev 8:6-7 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Years after Constantine another emperor came to power, Theodosius. He was emperor from 379 to 395 AD. He was the last Emperor to rule over a united Roman Empire. After his death in 395 the empire permanently split into the eastern and western portions. Before the year of his death was complete the armies of the Visi-Goths, predominently Scythians, an adopted name of Israylites, under King Alaric attacked the Roman Empire. This is the portion of the Roman Empire with which the first four trumpets mainly deal. These particular invaders, under Alaric at first and then others, continued this regular devastation up to around 410 AD. During this time they invaded Italy three seperate times and besieged Rome itself. Along with the Visi-Goths came, under the leadership of Rhadagasius, the Burgundians, Suevi and the Vandals. Edward Gibbon, historian and author of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" tells us "The consuming flames of war spread from the banks of the Rhine over the greatest part of the seventeen provinces of Gaul [much of modern France]; the scene of plenty was suddenly changed into a desert". This was after further devastation from Alaric to the East. The blood, hail and fire sound similar to the judgments Yahweh put upon Egypt where He was demanding that His people Israyl be set free. Here they are symbols of the wars or battles and devastation resulting. Theodosius had made this paganized trinitarian Roman Catholic Church the state religion. The judgments of Yahweh were being blown, and as a tool of that destruction, at least in this case, many of those holding to the commonly labeled "Arian" faith, that Yahshua was Messiah, yet brother as well, were Yahweh's Battleaxe. The missionary's, before Constantine, had taught the message found in the Law and Prophets regarding Messiah, or the Son of Yahweh, as well as Passover, to the Visi-Goths and friends. What were missionaries looking for among this people? Israylites. The great commission in action comes into view. What were they teaching to these Israylites? The true Sonship message of Yahshua the Messiah. Alaric had "devoutly embraced" the faith of Scripture, says Gibbon P.195 Vol. 3 of 6, "which had taught him to despise the imaginary deities of Rome and Athens." The false messiah of Rome and christianity was one reason he was sent. Therefore he is labeled a "barbarian" by the adversarial spirit against the true Messiah, Yahshua. Alaric was even attacked at one point while he and his companions celebrated the resurrection of Messiah according to Gibbon, P. 205. This would have been Passover/Unleavened Bread as was still practiced in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, as opposed to Easter. Arius was a teacher of the understanding he had of the Scripture, which happened to include a proper Sonship message, probably holding this truth amongst erroneous teachings. However, the pagan historians and "THEOS"-logians of Rome and her daughters attempt to focus attention on an individual to confine a doctrine for attack. Much like pining an adversary in a confined space. They do it in this case with labeling the Scriptural teaching regarding the Messiah as "Arianism", naming the teaching after the man "Arius". This makes it sound more "cultish", and seemingly not supported by Scripture, but a man only. These people were being put to death by the "trinitarians", which while denide by many, have the same basic teaching as what is commonly called "oneness" today, found in many so-called "pentecostal" "synogouges of Satan", there main difference being disagreement regarding terms used to describe their pagan Babylonian doctrines. Those accepting the faith found in the Scripture amongst the Israylites, Yahweh's battleaxe, proclaimed Yahshua the Messiah the Son of Yahweh as a separate and distinct created individual from Yahweh the Father. Yahshua was the one raised up from amongst the brethren, as the prophets foretold. He was the one who emptied himself of his divinity as Paul taught in Phillipians 2 and manifest as a male Israylite. To deny He is come in the flesh, blood, and nature of Abraham's seed is to be of Anti-Messiah. This did not set well with the pagan, anti-messiah, trinitarian Roman Catholics, which claimed to be the true faith, yet was a farce, nor does it today with her whorish daughters. To these pagans, this so-called "Arian" doctrine does away with the divinity of their Babylonian virgin born Tammuz, now called "Jesus". The doctrines could not coexist. This issue was THE ISSUE before the Council of Nicaea and was partly the cause of the wars in the first place, thus the false doctrine of trinitarianism/oneness was partly the cause of the first trumpet as well. Now it was the state religion and all would submit to this religion or else. The Visi-Goths had a different response regarding their so-called "Arianism" succombing to the paganism of Rome than today's "believers".
The trees and green grass have a literal and symbolic meaning. This will interestingly come up again in the 5th Trumpet. The Visi-Goths pillaged the lands of Gaul and Italy leaving behind scorched ground. However, the symbolic meaning of "trees" can also be people. This is the case in several sections of scripture. The generals, or "trees", as well as the legions, perhaps "grass", of Rome fell before the invaders. The Battleaxe of Yahweh left the places of worship standing while destroying the palaces and villas of the wealthy leadership. Where? In the "region", or "earth", of the fourth empire. The tremendous benefit of the first Trumpet was not just this attack on the pagans of Rome and her empire, but the legions stationed in Wales and England were withdrawn. This part of the "appointed place", "isles of the sea" was free from the Political Roman Empire or Iron Kingdom of Daniyl's vision.
Rev 8:8-9 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
From around 425 to 470 AD the Roman Empire was in the grips of the second Trumpet. This is mainly pointing at the devastation being caused by the Vandals under the leadership of Genseric. Mountains are symbolic of nations, kingdoms, and governments. This Vandal kingdom came with destruction, and purification ideas, thus the "burning with fire" is both literal and spiritual. Doctrinal position was once again part of the issue here, and it was the same one as the first Trumpet: the belief regarding the Sonship of the Messiah. Vandals were avid so-called "Arianists". Yahweh had these Vandals sweep across the Iberian Peninsula, today's Spain and Portugal, cross the present Straits of Gibraltar, an area with this Arabic name today because of what happens in later trumpets, and render justice to the North African area of the Roman Empire. Hippo, the home town of Augustine, author of "City of God", was burned by them in about 430 AD. Not only is Augustine sited for the false doctrine of amillennialism, but the blasphemous doctrine of the so-called "spiritual Israyl". We see the need for purification of the area. A short time later they took Carthage and then controlled the Mediterranean. They attacked coastal towns and shipping for many years. They eventually sailed up the River Tiber and attacked Rome itself. Sicily, Minorca, Corsica, and Sardinia fell to these Trumpeters. Their fleets destroyed the Romans vessels and brought destruction on Mediterranean shipping. Most people realize that those that are part of the true faith do not always have their doctrine exactly correct in every detail, if for no other reason they may still be growing in the faith. Their misunderstanding does not necessarily effect the fact they have been given life eternal. But it also does not mean they are free from being punished for that erroneous teaching. Their very proclamation of their error is dangerous to those that come after. This could be those of Yahweh's creation which had "life" which died as a result of this invasion, or rather, this "mountain". Our present term "vandalism" is derived from the actions of these Vandals. The destruction to property, and death, specifically in and around the Mediteranean, are the fulfillment of these symbolic features of the second Trumpet.
Rev 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
Stars can be symbolic of fallen angels, or religious or political ruling powers. A great star therefore would be an obvious figure. Here comes the Satanically inspired Attila the Hun. Attila was representative for the great star wormwood. He assaulted the river valleys and head waters of the Alpine regions bringing bitterness, death, misery, and destruction to the people in those areas. However, waters can also represent people. Thus, the third part of the people in these areas were either killed, or died as a result of the famines, and starvation that occurred as a result of the invasion. The fountains of waters, or fountains of people, may represent women being taken captive or killed, or perhaps the young suffering as well. He was the scourge of Yahweh. Throughout the Alps and Northern Italy he left in his wake a field of blood all the way to Rome itself, being turned back by a plea from pope Leo. Attila died soon afterward in bed. Perhaps as a result of not going far enough some would claim. The fragile league he had formed amongst the various tribes fell apart and by approximately 453 AD there was nothing left of the once famous force. Attila was however seen as a Savior to many, as times were desperate. Many people, "waters became wormwood", turned to him and his strength for survival as well. His reason for coming in the first place may allow for an understanding of the "burning as it were a lamp". It includes the possibility of the devastation Attila's own region had suffered from the lack of vegetation for his own people and animals. Just prior to his coming west there had been a major volcanic eruption which blasted so much ash into the atmosphere there had been no food production to amount to anything for a few years in the northern hemisphere. Basically a summerless series of years. In other words, this "great star" fell from his once lofty position and power, or "heaven", symbolized as Satan's own fall, in his own region, land of the rising sun, when the food sources ran low. He gathered the people of the areas he traveled through and went yet further west. The word "wormwood" simply means "calamity". There is a possibility Attila was symbolized by the great star, or Satan, and yet the volcanic "calamity" are directly connected as it effected he and his people. Even to this day the phrase "the Huns", as "vandals", is synonamous with destruction and calamity.
Rev 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
This trumpet is actually connected to the previous some would say. Edecon had been an ambassador and secretary to Attila the Hun in the fragile confederacy Atilla had put together. Edecon had a son named Odoacer. He was a chieftan of the Heruli. A prophet had came forth and told him: "Go to Italy and you shall rise to honor and cast away your coarse garment of skin for nobler vesture and your wealth will be equal to the liberality of your mind."
Odoacer, and many of the Northern Europeans were adamant, in the religious beliefs Yahweh's missionaries had shared with them years before. They followed the teachings of the Scripture regarding the Sonship of the Messiah Yahshua, which is termed by way of Rome's lies, for false accusation purposes, "Arianism". However, Yahweh would use His battleaxe once again on this Empire and through Odoacer bring down the last Emperor Romulus Augustulus. Odoacer, with his forces simply became a mercenary army for Rome after Attila, and he was given the command of General. He marched into Italy and with basically little or no resistance compelled Augustulus to abdicate the throne. This is how the "sun was smitten" and so forth, and a huge part of the original empire was darkened, as far as imperial rulership is concerned, but the religious institution of Rome lived on, in darkness, and throughout the "dark ages". Actually, one-third of the Imperial Roman Empire was no more, including Rome itself. That is not to say the religious branch created by Rome was no longer around, for it was, and will be even to the day Yahshua returns. However, remember, the Byzantium Empire was another third, consisting of primarily southeastern Europe and Turkey, while the other third was primarily the Middle Eastern and North African portions of the Roman Empire. These still existed. Now it was turn for the Eastern portion of the once mighty empire to be dealt a trumpet blast. This is the Byzantium Empire, and she is going down with the woes!
Rev 8:13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
Again, the "earth" is the "region" which is being spoken of in these trumpets. It is the Roman Empire, the forth world empire of Daniyl.
Rev 9:1-12 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of Yahweh in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment [was] as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts [were] like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads [were] as it were crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as [the teeth] of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings [was] as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power [was] to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon. One woe is past; [and], behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
The Devil knows he has but a short time and just as Yahshua told us he beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven Luke 10:18, and as he warned us of false prophets coming forth from "the desert" Matt.24:24 & 26, and as Paul warned us of what we wrestle with in Eph.6:12, it may be understood that this star which fell from heaven had previous to John's writing this passage already fallen. This is how many other translations translate the 9:1 passage, a past tense event, the star had already fallen before John sees what this fallen "star" causes. To this star was given the key to the "bottomless pit" or "abyss", which is home to evil spirits. The key symbolizes the power, or control over something. The Adversary gives the key to control evil forces to his agents for the purpose of Yahweh's plans being fulfilled in the earth. The Adversary forces do the bidding of Yahweh as well, much like Babylon did on House of Judah, and before that, the Assyrians on House of Israyl and parts of Judah. In this case the false prophet will punish Rome yet further. The agent given the keys in this case was Mohammed. He also claims the same in the Koran: "Did not Allah give to his Legate the power of heaven which is above, and the fire which is beneath? With the key did he not give him the title and power of a porter that he may open to those whom he shall have chosen?" Interesting enough is the fact that "Alah" in Strong's #423 is defined as "curse, cursing". This cursed fallen angel, alah or Satan, gave Mohammed, the false prophet, the key of the bottomless pit to blind, deceive and punish many. Mohammed became the spokesman of the "Destroyer" and "Adversary", or rather, "Apollyon" and "Abaddon". This key was placed on flags used by the "locust" army. They also carved it into structures which exist to this day. Satan appeared to Mohammed as an angel of light, as Paul warned us could happen. The smoke from the pit is the visions, words, and doctrines given to Mohammed in a cave at Mt. Hira in the desert starting around 606 AD. Again, the warning of visitations from angels bringing false messages should be considered, as he claims to have received this false message from an angel calling himself "Gabriel". Sounds similar to the visitation Constantine received. The idolatrous sun worshipers of the Byzantine Empire would be punished by this force of Mohammedens. Locusts and scorpions indicate the origin and attitude of the people bringing this militant Islamic faith to bare on the empire, i.e. "out of the desert". These people are compared to "grasshoppers" in Judges 7:12, and when you look it up in Strong's, it means "locust". Scorpions are also symbolic of these people coming out of the desert, Duet. 8:15. The military of Mohammed was primarily cavalry and indicate speed of conquest. Therefore, "horses prepared unto battle". The "crowns of gold" are the turbans of yellow and gold, or gold fringe work worn by these "locusts" out of the desert, possessed of this false doctrine from the false prophet. The "faces of men" is simply a fact of the facial hair, or long full beards worn by these men. The "hair of women" is pointing at the fact that these heathen men wore their hair long, like women are supposed to. They would tie it up under the turbans in battle. The "teeth of lions" is a reference to their courage and fierceness in battle. The "breastplates of iron" is the coats of mail they would wear in battle, a flexible, woven metal material made into vestments. Mohammed makes mention of this armarment clothing as well. He also forbad his troops to destroy "trees", "fields of corn", nor "fruit trees". No "cattle" were to be harmed either. In verse 4 it is said the locusts were "commanded", in essence, to not hurt the environment. As this plague of "locusts" spread the cretin/chrisitian was given three choices, become Islamic, pay a tribute, or die, as the area churches were converted into mosques. This is the sting, or torment to this religious arm of the fourth kingdom of Daniyl's vision, which had painted itself over to pretend to be a manifestation of the kingdom of Yahweh on earth. Few followers to this pagan religion called christianity had the faith to actually resist to the point of martyrdom, though they may have desired to. They would "seek death", but when it came time, they would give in, converting to Islam or paying tribute. A very interesting prophetic time measurement is given in the passage, that of "five months". Prophetic timing of five months is actually 150 years. Each prophetic month being 30 days, 5 x 30 = 150 days, and then applied is the prophetic day for a year found in Scripture, the "locusts" would continue their flight for 150 years. In 612 AD Mohammed proclaims the goals of his Islamic demonic religion. In 762 AD the Eastern Caliphate is established in Baghdad. A gap of 150 years. Yet again, in 632 AD Mohammed dies and the locusts move out of Arabia to expand their territory. In 782 AD the Treaty of Constantinople is signed where the Byzantine Empire pays tribute to Caliph of Baghdad for a period of peace where it is said, "one woe is past". Again, 150 years. These "locusts" never got into the area of regathered Israyl, the people which had the seal of Yahweh in their forehead. They never got the people who taught the true message of the Sonship of Messiah. Only the trinitarian/oneness pagans of Rome's with revised Babylonian and Egyptian doctrines suffered. In 732 AD at the battle of Tours the King of the Francs, Charles Martell, stopped the "locusts" northern advance. In 750 AD the "locusts" split up into an eastern caliphate, based eventually in Baghdad, and a western caliphate, based in Granada Northern Africa, up til this time there had been a united effort. One woe was indeed past.
Rev 9:13-21 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before Yahweh, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen [were] two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses [were] as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails [were] like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
This fourth world empire of Daniyl, though destroyed on an outward political and imperial front for the most part, was very much still alive in the religious farce called christianity. Another woe would be sent on this fourth world empire in the form of Islam once again. The city of Baghdad was on the Euphrates River, the center of the Caliphate. The four angels refer not to angels of Yahweh, but evil spirits which carry the Koran and four Caliphs or disciples of Mohammed, as is taught by Islam as well, though they do not identify them as evil spirits. Togrul Beg was leader of the Turks and was made "Protector and Governor of the Moslem Empire". He attacked the Eastern Byzantine Empire headquartered at Constantinople and thus began the second woe. His mission was different. He was to "slay the third part of men", i.e. in the region under consideration. He carry's out his mission. The size of his force is said to be "twice ten thousand times ten thousand" in some translations of the passage. The Turks numbered their forces by "myrads" and "tomans", groupings of ten thousand soldiers. Their uniforms are described as having colors of "fire", "jacinth" and "brimstone", or red, blue and yellow. Right up to the nineteenth century the Ottoman Empire, the Turks, used these colors in their uniforms. The lion-like head again likely points at the cruel and fierce fighting techniques these people practiced. Alp Arslan, who succeded Togrul, was also known for his vicious fighting and his name also means "valiant lion". The character of a serpent and yet venomous side effects would be evident in how the Turks formed the forces known as "Janissaries". After killing the parents of children in lands they invaded, the children were taken to Islamic lands and trained in the faith, and for use in the military. The horse tails, or Tughs, was an early sign within their empire of status or rather power. It was these leaders which would instigate the rule by which new territory submitted. They administered so-called justice, cruelty, and taxation to which conquered peoples would submit, thus having the "power to hurt". These Turks were the first to use the cannon in warfare. The very shape of these cannons fit the descriptions given in Revelation hundreds of years before. This cannon is the means by which Constantinople fell. The first city to ever be taken with the use of cannon. The tail of the cannon was where the fuse was lit. The mouth of
the cannon, in the shape of a lion, is where the projectiles
"issued fire and smoke and brimstone". It is said the angels
would be loosed for a set time, "an hour, and a day, and a
month and a year". Some have dated this to mean 391 years,
from 1062 AD when the armies crossed the Euphrates, til
1453 AD when Constantinople fell. Others date it to mean
396 years, from 1057 AD when Togrul Bay and his first calvary crossed the Eupharates. It must be remembered the Western Roman Empire was still very much alive in the form of the christian religion, Roman Catholicism, though the imperial power of Rome had long been gone. Seeing this devastation on the Eastern empire did not cause repentance to come forth. You can see what they are guilty of according the Yahweh himself in verses 20 and 21. Before Constantinople fell many scholarly types fled. One place they went was Europe bringing with them scrolls, texts and knowledge of the Scriptures. It is from this source we end up with, for the most part, what we call today the Scriptures.
Rev 10:1-11 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow [was] upon his head, and his face [was] as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and [his] left [foot] on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as [when] a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of Yahweh should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go [and] take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take [it], and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
As the sixth trumpet continued, the texts and scrolls continued to pour into Europe and the British Isles. The result was a growing knowledge of the Scriptures. After the printing press was invented the huge volumes of these hand written scrolls became a literal "little book". Easily transported, much less expensive, and more widely available. The rainbow symbolized here the everlasting covenant with the remnant of Israyl through which Yahshua would assert himself as the Son of Righteousness; would show forth his right of Inheritance; and with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah's roar, bring fear to the enemies of his covenant people, the Roman Catholic Church as well as the rest of the world. The enlightenment from the "little book" is the chief means this was to be accomplished. This was a time of darkness in this part of the world for the most part, with idolatrous worship in pagan christianity. The feet as "pillars of fire" placed on land and sea meant the purification of his remnant would be put through divisions, contentions and great wars of doctrinal opinion, not to mention the growth of the physical kingdom promises made to Israyl in Genesis 48 and 49, in the territories of his Israylite brethren which was about to grow dramatically with the discovery, or rediscovery, and colonization of North America, Austraila, New Zealand and so-forth. John takes the book, for he is symbolic of the people of the true faith Israylites. He eats it and it is sweet in his mouth, like in Ezekiyl 3, yet it is bitter in his stomach due to the persecutions and so-forth that would accompany anyone that truly ate of the book, or its teachings. These persecutions resulted in millions being murdered at the behest of the Roman Church. As the Scriptures were being now published for all to read and study a gradual awakening of the truth was coming forth from what was now an OPEN book. For centuries the Roman Church had kept the Book closed, and it was part of their policy to keep it that way. An Open Book was a direct assault on her and her authority over the minds of people. However, Yahshua asserts his authority and brings judgment on the apostates with the Open Book which his remnant devour and live thereby to the best of their understanding. Another possibility of this "bitterness" this Open book brings is the sickening feeling one gets when they have studied the book and found just how far Yahweh's people are from the truth it reveals. When they understand just how much rebellion and alteration with which that calling itself the faith has attempted to corrupt the true faith. One of the first Scripture translators in English, Wickliffe, was captured and burned at the stake with many of the copies of his translation. This shows the attitude of the Roman Catholic and subject kingdoms. The Re-formation was begun. Here it must be understood, one is not trying to reform the Roman Church. One is trying to reform the basis of faith, the doctrines of the actual body of believers which had been lost for the most part, at least on any large scale, only being continued in a very tiny remnant scattered so thin no mention in history is made of them of which I am aware other than writings such as Foxes Book of Martyrs and the like. There is the promise in Scripture of always preserving a remnant. Now with that in mind, it must be understood that the original reformers of this Open Book did not return us to the true faith all the way, only elements of its truths. Certainly they are to be commended for their stand they made, but greater truth has came to light which is to be manifest in believers today. The seven thunders are earthly thunders, not from the throne of Yahweh. There voices were distinctively there own, not from the angel, and actually opposed to the Covenant Angel. The voices were so tricky John almost wrote them down, but the voice from heaven told him not to! The seven thunders are perhaps describing Papal orders from Rome, which they themselves describe as "thunders" amazingly enough, issued to attempt counteraction to the early stages of the Reformation. It should be understood "anti-messiah" is being spoken of as manifesting long before there was a Pope. This is one of the main problems Luther and practically all the other reformers leave out. The phrase is not used in Revelation. Their precise focus on the Pope caused them to be unable to see the bigger picture. This problem persists in most historist echatologists. It must be remembered the Pope claims to be the "Vicar of Christ". This is a substitute for their "Christ". However, the Pope was not around when John wrote 2 John where he describes an anti-messiah as being anyone which denies Yahshua came in the flesh. We are told of there being many anti-messiahs at the time of 1 John. From such statements the "Christ" the Pope is substituting for is actually the object of worship and a false Messiah, not the Pope himself! Historists generally apply the phrase "anti-christ" to be the series of people called Pope. These "anti-messiahs" John is speaking of are following a messiah that is not the true messiah. The Pope is simply head of a huge faction of this group. This false messiah is what pollutes the temple, (naos) of Yahweh. This false messiah, Jesus Christ, is the one that exalts himself above Yahweh himself in the mind, or temple, of Israylites. He is the strong delusion placed in the minds of the rebelious Israylite today as 2 Thess. 2 declares. Jesus is nothing more than a rehashed version of Tammuz and the deity of Babylon. Christianity as a whole thus manifest to be a daughter, or chip off the old block, of the same false system John was targeting. Satan deceives practically the whole world of Israylites. Why? Because they love a way of unrighteousness. They deny Yahshua came in the flesh, blood, and nature of Abraham's seed, as the Law and prophets foretold, and as Hebrews 2 brings to light. How? One way is with the doctrine of the virgin birth they get from Babylon. The Little Book is indeed still being studied, and the refinements continue. This is still part of the sixth trumpet and 2nd woe.
Rev 11:1-14 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of Yahweh, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the kodesh city shall they tread under foot forty [and] two months. And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the Mighty One of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their witness, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies [shall lie] in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from Yahweh entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the Mighty One of heaven. The second woe is past; [and], behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
The "rod" the measuring is to be done with is none other than the Scriptures, or the "little book". Our English word "cannon", as in the cannon of Scripture, comes from the Greek word used in this passage translated "reed". So the measuring of the "temple" and "alter" are to be done with the Scriptures. It must be pointed out, "cannon" does not restrict itself to something approved by Rome as part of the Scriptures. The final authority we have as to what is "cannon", or actually Scripture, is from the Kodesh Spirit of Yahweh, not "headquarters", a "pastor", someone's "granny", nor the "pope". That is why it is described as "iron", for the true Scripture cannot be broken. The "temple" is the "naos", as used here, as in body of believers or spiritual temple, not the "heiron", literal physical building. 2 Cor. 6:16 and Eph.2:21 both teach of the "temple" being measured here in Revelation. It is not some future temple to be built in the Middle East. The Reformers, in progressive generations right up to our time, are being told to measure the body of believers, or the temple of Yahweh, by the actual word of Yahweh. Ezek. 43:10 told truth seekers to do the same thing because of corruption in the worship of Yahweh! In so doing the Reformers identified the Pope as the head of a false system of worship, that there was nothing in Scripture about purgatory, no confession boxes with priests, no rosary, no statues or bones being worshiped or prayed to. When measuring the "alter" no "mass" was found, but a simple breaking of a loaf of bread and drinking of "blood of the grape" once a year just before Passover, as Yahshua's example teaches. Further measuring has found the feast days, the food laws, the names the Father and Son are to be called, the lies of the Babylonian virgin birth as opposed to being born of the virgin Spirit of Yahweh as happened to Yahshua at his baptism for an example to true believers, a discovery of who the Scripture are actually written to, physical genetic stock Israyl, the very calendar would need to be corrected as well, returning us to a lunar based Sabbath observance and forsaking of pagan holidays of Easter, Christmas and so-forth. Further measuring will yet reveal the need for Israyl to clean the territory of regathered Israyl of all non-Israylites. These thorns will be dealt with in due time. The area of the heathen could not be measured for there can be no common ground. To this day, the vast majority of those willing to measure are those in the region where Israyl's appointed place is at. The British Isles, Scandinavia, Northern Europe, this was where the vast majority were measured at first, and now all of regathered Israyl territory, including the United States, Canada, Australia and so forth. To this day those in the territory of the Roman Empire when this sixth angel sounded, which did not include Britain any longer (Rome fell in 476 AD, the last Roman soldiers left the British Isles in 410 AD), will not measure, rejecting the Scripture for Rome's lies. Rome, the Beast, had a period of 42 months, or 1260 prophetic days to "tread down". In 606 AD the pope was declared to be "Universal Bishop" and "Head" of the "church". 1260 years later, in 1866, the last two Protestants burned alive at the stake by the pope's decree. In 610 AD the Emperor that gave such lofty title to the pope died. 1260 years later, in 1870, the pope became a prisoner at the Vatican when the Italian army marched in and took away the popes supposed temporal power.
The two witnesses are the "Old" and "New" Covenants. This would be in agreement with the law and the prophets. Nothing in the New Covenant going contrary to Yahweh's law and what His prophets proclaimed is original writing. The 1260 years again applies. It is not referring to something in the future. Isa. 43:12, addressed to Israyl, and Acts 1:8 prove who the witnesses are, the faithful believers of literal physical Israylitish descent holding to the covenants. Zech.4 tells us the manifestation of these two olive trees, or witnesses, thus Paul saying we are, present tense, seated together in heavenly places. Where does this oil of illumination come from? The two covenants. Only 5 of the virgins are wise remember, they have enough oil, and will not give it away to others.
In Dec. 1513 the pope sent out a command all over Europe that anyone objecting to the Roman Church should come to a meeting. Of course the motive was to kill anyone that showed up. The meeting would take place in May 1514. No one came! It was as if the witnesses had died in the "street", which actually means "meeting place". The pope claimed it was an end to the challenge of papal rule and authority. Exactly 3 and a half years later Luther nailed his thesis to the door of the church in Wittenburg, Germany, October, 1517. Even the pope claimed the witnesses of Jerome and Huss had came alive again in the person of Luther. Some would object because of the place where they where to be killed. Revelation is a symbolic writing. Yahshua was killed by an equally immoral and idolatrous system in Jerusalem. Sodom and Egypt is a symbolic name of the streets of Jerusalem and Rome, and in this case, the streets of Rome, where the meeting was to take place, is where it appeared the witnesses had died. How? They did not show up to defend the faith. That is how they died in the "streets". They arose again in Luther and the faith, as it grew, and these reformation teachings were exalted to the heaven of authority. For a time the leadership positions in England, Germany and Holland followed the reformation teachings. The great earthquake in these nations, i.e. the spiritual revolution, shocked the Vatican. The tenth part of the city fell is nothing more than one of the ten nations of the ten "toes" which had resulted from the fall of the Roman Empire falling to the reformation and departing from Popery. The thousands dead are simply people who had lost their lives of involvement with Rome as a result of the earthquake in the country. They did not literally die from a collapse of buildings in a literal earthquake. They were converts to the true faith.
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our Master, and of his Anointed; and they shall reign for ever and ever.
The Overcomers will rule and reign with Yahshua in a literal physical kingdom on earth. This seventh angel opens the way for the Vials to be poured out to bring about this Worldwide Dominion Mandate promised all the way back to Adam. The final wrathful events on the fourth world empire, its false political, false economic, false religious, and false education systems are manifest in these Vials and bring us right up to our present day. Get our article on "The Vials of the Book of Revelation". Yahshua is coming soon, PREpare now.